HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 93


As for the reason, he didn't have the intention to delve into it.

Moreover, the multiple uses of armed colors indirectly consumed a lot of his physical strength.

If he hadn't collected Scott's head at the pig factory in the early morning, he would probably be weak at this time, let alone run away with Sunny on his back.

at this time.

The Mad Hatter turns the town into chaos.

It's all because the intimidation power of Garp and Aokiji is so amazing that the pirates in Mad Hatter Town have no intention of resisting.

All they want to do is escape from Mad Hatter Island.

All the ships in the inner bay port on the first half of Mad Hat Island were destroyed by the navy, and the two sharp knives, Gion and Robbie, broke into the town and massacred the pirates.

Therefore, the pirates and the people in the underground world can only escape to the second half of Mad Hatter Island, which is the pig factory on the other side of the wall mountain.

No matter whether you can escape in the end or not, it is wise to escape from Mad Hatter Town first.

When Mod carried Sunny to the area in front of the wall mountain, he saw panicked pirates fleeing towards the three cave entrances under the wall mountain with clear goals.

Passing through the hole is the pig factory behind the wall.

The fire that was set down by the revolutionary army in the early morning is still burning, and it is burning more and more intensely.

This means that the pirates who escaped to the pig factory would have difficulty finding wood and other materials that could help them cross the sea.

Mod looked at the many pirates in front of the wall mountain and his eyes moved slightly.

"That's fine. If there are more people, it can distract the navy."

Mode helped Sunny and ran towards the cave entrance under the wall mountain.

At this moment, there was a roaring sound behind him.

Maud looked back and saw a group of frightened pirates fleeing in this direction.

To be precise, it was coming towards Wall Mountain.

In the air behind the group of pirates, a figure walked through the air. With a wave of its legs, a blue slashing wave flew towards the group of pirates.

In an instant, seven or eight pirates were knocked to the ground by the slashing wave.

"Navy Type 6..."

After Mod saw Lan Jie knocking down several pirates in that instant, he averted his eyes and ran away.

Chapter 107 Impossible!

When he saw that Lanjiao attack.

Maude didn't even think about it and just ran.

There are pirates who have no intention of fighting all around. As long as you blend in, you can get a lot of shields invisibly.

Standing together with such a group of tall and strong pirates, with his and Sunny's stature, they couldn't be unlucky enough to be targeted directly, right

With all these thoughts in mind, Maude rushed towards the crowd.

Apart from anything else, the most important thing is to go through the hole in the wall and get to the pig factory.

Only after Mod ran some distance away did the group of pirates behind him have been killed by the navy using the Sixth Form.

The navy who came here chasing this group of pirates was Captain Robbie.

Considering the intimidating power of the trick gun, only he and Gion entered Mad Hatter Town to chase the fleeing pirates.

Even if they met a wolf rat on the way, there were only three people including him.

With limited manpower, they divided their forces and tried their best to kill the pirates in the town who just wanted to escape.

With the help of the Six Styles, Robbie fought his way through and lost count of how many pirates he had killed.

Moreover, harvesting miscellaneous fish does not bring him any pleasure in combat.

After killing the pirates, Robbie turned to look at the wall mountain in the distance.

Dozens of pirates running out of the town flowed into the cave under the wall mountain like streams.

"What's the use of running there?"

Robbie smiled coldly, but had no intention of provoking the many pirates who gathered under the wall.

He was very confident in his own strength, but he was not blind enough to think that he could deal with so many pirates.

It's a pity that General Aokiji didn't take action, otherwise, it would only take one move to deal with the group of pirates under the wall mountain.

Robbie can ignore the pirates who have fled to the bottom of the wall mountain, but he can continue to hunt down the pirates who are still some distance away from the wall mountain.

He moved his eyes and looked at the fleeing pirates directly in front of him.


Robbie jumped into the sky and chased the pirate ahead with murderous intent.

Hearing the sound of gas explosions coming from behind, the pirates realized that the situation was not good and ran faster.

Maud was among them. She looked back at Robbie who was chasing after him on moon steps, and couldn't help but curse inwardly.

We can only hope that the shields around us are strong enough.

Relying on the speed of Yuebu, Robbie quickly came over and just hit Lan twice with his feet.

The blue slashing wave knocked over a dozen pirates to the ground in an instant.

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen people from the escape team fell, making Mod's presence much more prominent.

However, just as Mod had thought before, Robbie would give priority to the tall and powerful pirates.

But as Robbie hit Lan's feet several times, these pirates who had no muscles could not bear the beating at all, and fell to the ground after being hit by Lan's feet.

Soon, there were only a dozen or so people left in the escape team, including Maud.

After the number of targets dropped sharply, Robbie naturally saw Maud running with Sunny on his back.

Robbie didn't pay much attention. In his opinion, the dozen or so people in front of him were undoubtedly dead.

He took several moon steps in succession and landed in front of Maude and others.

Without pausing after landing, Robbie rushed straight to a nearby pirate.

[Point gun]

Robbie stabbed the pirate's heart with one finger.

Kill with one blow.

Pulling out his bloody finger, Robbie turned to look at the remaining pirates.

He would not mess with the many pirates under the wall mountain.

Therefore, after killing all the pirates in front of him, he will retreat to Mad Hatter Town and continue to hunt down those pirates who have not escaped to Wall Mountain.

Robbie glanced at the remaining pirates with cold eyes.

When passing over Maud's face, his eyes suddenly stopped and stopped on Maud.


Robbie was surprised.

Seeing Robbie's reaction, Maud instantly realized that the marine in front of him knew her.

Immediately, Maude kicked her foot and suddenly rushed to the left, trying to bypass Robbie.

Robbie has recognized Maud's identity at this time, so how can he let Maud get his wish


Robbie dodged and came to Maude, then stabbed Maude in the forehead with his finger.

Maude suddenly pulled out the Chidori and slashed at the finger spear that was stabbing him like water.

A faint blue arc moon-shaped sword flashed away in front of him.

“What a quick response…”

Robbie's eyes changed, and he retracted his finger gun in time, narrowly avoiding Maude's knife.

If it had been a little later, most of the fingers would have been cut off.

After the finger gun was guarded, Robbie retreated backwards, pulled out of Morde's attack range, raised his foot and kicked out two crisscrossing waves of attacks with the Arashi Kick towards Morde.

Maude's eyes became cold, and he used his domineering energy to dye Chidori's blade into a pitch black color, and immediately struck the two waves of Arashi's Kicks that were coming together with his sword.

Immediately, the two waves of Lan Jiao slashing waves were chopped into pieces by the knife, spilled out like glass fragments, and then turned into strong winds and poured out in all directions.

Mod, on the other hand, quickly withdrew his domineering energy to prevent wasting excess energy.

It had only been a few days since he had awakened his Armed Haki, and his potential stock was really thin.

Fortunately, with rich control skills, only the weapon color can be attached to the blade, thereby reducing the consumption of domineering.

But it was enough to break Robbie's two kicks.

Watching Maud chop off Lan's foot with a knife, Robbie's eyes showed surprise.

"In just a few months, you have grown from a pampered rich young man to... Huh, no wonder Gion regards you as a dangerous person."

“A good dog stays out of the way.”

Maude stood with her sword on her side and looked at Robbie coldly.

Robbie's face turned cold upon hearing this, he stretched out his right foot and drew a short line of sand in front of him.

"That's really embarrassing. This way is blocked."

During the brief moment when Maude and Robbie were fighting, several other pirates who had narrowly escaped death took the opportunity to flee towards the wall.

At this moment, the pirates who had blocked the entrance to Qiangshan Cave also noticed the confrontation between Mod and Robbie in the distance.

However, they didn't pay too much attention. They just wanted to squeeze into the pig factory quickly so that they could find the next way to escape.

Inside the venue.

Robbie glanced at Sunny, who was carrying Maud on her back, and glanced at the legs that were swollen and purple from the cold, and couldn't help but be slightly startled.


This frostbite

Was it the action of General Qing Pheasant

However, if General Qing Pheasant takes action, there is no reason for these two people to come here, right

Robbie stared at Maud closely and asked coldly: "Have you... met General Qing Pheasant?"

"Qing Pheasant? Who is that?"

Maud was thinking about an escape route and making random decisions.

Robbie frowned and said, "Then why does this woman have frostbite?"

"Frostbite? Oh, the Qingzhi you are talking about is not a tall and ugly man, right?"

"Huh? You have indeed met General Qing Pheasant, but how is it possible..."

Robbie had a look of confusion on his face.

In his understanding, once General Aoki Pheasant takes action, how can he let Maude and Sunny escape

But the fact was before his eyes, so he couldn't understand it and couldn't believe it.

What happened

Maud narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: "It turns out that man's name is Qing Zhi. He is very powerful. It took me a lot of effort to deal with him."

Sunny: “…”


Robbie lost consciousness slightly when he heard this, and his eyes bulged outward.


Maud pulled out his flintlock pistol and pulled the trigger.

... ... ... ...