HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 97


If you try to squeeze through the crowd with brute force, you will probably arouse public outrage.

But the arrival of the female navy left Moder with a thorn in his back.

At the moment, she couldn't care about that much anymore. Maud directly stretched out her hands and inserted them into the slit, and then pulled out hard.

The fierce-looking men standing in front of Maud were immediately pushed aside.

Their fall directly implicated many people.

"Who doesn't have eyesight..."

The person who was suddenly pushed down looked at Maude angrily, and swallowed back the curse as soon as it came out.

Can't afford to offend...

They naturally looked away as if nothing had happened.

Maud saw their reactions and knew what they were doing.

Fame or strength has always been a passport that can bring practical results.

In order to get out of here as soon as possible, Maude began to make extravagant efforts.

With considerable strength, he pushed aside the crowd and headed towards the hole in the wall.

With his actions, the crowd became more chaotic.

A few pirates couldn't stand firm and were stepped on by pairs of feet as soon as they fell to the ground.

Fortunately, they were not ordinary people. If they were stepped on like this, they would not be seriously injured to death, but they would not be able to get up in a short time.

Outside Wangjiao Street.

Gion held a long sword in his hand and glanced indifferently at the corpses of dozens of pirates killed by sword energy.

After confirming that no one was alive, he turned to look at the noisy crowd in front of the wall mountain.

There is no need to bother trying to find out exactly how many people there are. Just a rough estimate, there should be more than a thousand.

As for the people who fled to the other side of the wall mountain, they are not the focus of Gion for the time being.

After stepping over the corpses on the ground, Gion walked towards Wall Mountain.

In this case of a crusade against the lance that was more of a personal matter, Gion was not here just for the lance.

Her goal is Mad Hatter Town.

As for the reason, it's not that he did it deliberately.

It's just because the place where the trick gun is located happens to be a lawless place like Mad Hatter Town where many pirates gather.

So, now that it is here, there is no reason to turn a blind eye.

She wants to uproot lawless areas like Mad Hatter Town while Garp is crusading against the Trickster.

When dealing with pirates, if it was a matter of life or death, then she would choose to let the pirates [die] without hesitation.

This is also the fundamental reason why she went on a killing spree in Mad Hatter Town.

Stepping over the blood and corpses, Gion was as cold as ice, exuding a solid murderous intent.

This hatred of evil is the source of the danger that Maud and Sunny perceive.

Although the two of them have no interest in going out to sea to become pirates, they are in the pirate circle and will inevitably be affected by the aura of Gion.

Gion headed towards Wall Mountain.

Located behind the crowd, many pirates noticed Gion's actions immediately.

"That bitch..."

The pirates all showed expressions of surprise.

This bitch is indeed too strong.

But there were at least a thousand colleagues present at the scene, and I don’t know where this girl got the courage.

There are many people, which is the source of confidence for most pirates.

Limited by their cognition, their confidence is actually frighteningly thin.

While walking in Gion, he suddenly saw Robbie lying on the ground with a large amount of blood oozing out.

The aura surrounding him suddenly stagnated, and his wine-red eyes shrank slightly.


She dodged and came to Robbie's body.

Looking down, the first thing I saw was Robbie's unblinking expression.

A chill immediately appeared in Gion's eyes.

After a moment of silence, she squatted down and reached out her hand to help Robbie close his eyes.

When he was in branch 158, Robbie was always attentive to her and made her tireless.

However, she still recognized Robbie's strength.

But I didn’t expect…

Gion stood up and glanced at Qian Shan with his cold eyes.

If you can skillfully use the six moves, even if you are defeated in a battle, you will have many ways to protect yourself and get out of the battle.

But Robbie still died.

Moreover, judging from the traces of battle left on the ground, the possibility of siege can basically be ruled out.

This means that the person who killed Robbie was quite powerful.

Gion kept a cautious eye and immediately pressed against the wall.

In just a moment, Gion stepped into the attack range.

Then, when her eyes suddenly turned cold, she swung her sword and slashed a crescent-shaped sword energy towards the crowd in front.

The sword energy arrived in the blink of an eye, cutting into the crowd with a fierce murderous intent.

Suddenly, blood burst out.

A large number of pirates fell instantly behind the crowd.

Then, wailing began.

This sword energy announced Gion's intention.

She really planned to deal with all the pirates present with her own strength.

In just a short moment, almost all the pirates' eyes were focused on Gion.

Then, they saw Gion slash out a sword energy again, like cutting wheat, and in the blink of an eye, he cut down another group of his peers.

The feeling of being underestimated immediately made them angry.

Among the crowd, Mod looked at Gion who was using his sword energy to harvest the lives of pirates.

"Sword Qi..."

With his attainment of only one star frame, he couldn't even dream of being able to cut out sword energy.

To achieve that kind of state, you must at least cross the three stars of the first stage.

"Who is this woman?"

Maude looked at Gion's appearance, trying to find information about this woman from her memory.

Chapter 112 Monster Theory

The aura is so strong and the appearance is so distinct.

But in the memory, there is no information that can correspond to this woman.

Maude had no time to think deeply about this issue at the moment, so she immediately withdrew her gaze and continued to squeeze towards the hole in the wall.

No matter who you are, it's important to escape.

Faced with the real threat posed by Gion, Maud's actions became more and more brutal.

I just hope the shields behind me can be more powerful.

He doesn't want to be able to contain Gion, he just wants to hold on for a little longer.

Outside the crowd.

Gion made dozens of pirates fall to the ground with a wave of his hand.

It was a powerful gesture that treated the pirates present as if they were chickens and dogs.

And with practical actions, this gesture was deeply impressed in the eyes of many pirates.

The pirates were shocked and quickly responded.

The originally crowded crowd tended to disperse in a short period of time.

They didn't want to use their bodies to counteract Gion's killing move, and they didn't intend to sit still and wait for death.

Gion looked at the pirates' actions with an expressionless face, and suddenly stepped into the air and flew towards the wall mountain.

This sudden move undoubtedly made him a living target.

Watching Gion take off into the sky, the nearby pirates' eyes flashed with murderous intent, and they quickly drew out the flintlock guns they carried.

Bang bang...!

Smoke was everywhere, and countless lead bullets created a barrage, heading towards Gion in the sky.

However, Gion easily dodged this barrage with not bad accuracy by simply increasing his speed in one step.

"What a speed!"

The pirates watched in astonishment as Gion flew past from above.

But at the same time, Gion's back was also openly exposed to them.

good chance!

The pirates turned their guns towards Gion again.

In their view, Gion's actions were no different than committing suicide.

After taking aim, they pulled the trigger again.

Along with the continuous gunshots, another barrage headed towards the back of Gion.

But Gion seemed to have eyes behind him, stepping on the air and pulling out twists and turns in the sky, avoiding the lead bullets fired from behind one by one.

In the face of the stable and efficient sight color, lead bullets without the blessing of the armed color are simply decorations.

Seeing Gion using incredible methods to dodge every lead bullet, the faces of many pirates showed incredulous expressions.

Forget it if you dodge from the front, and don't even take the attacks from the front and back as a big deal

Most of the pirates present had never even been to the Grand Channel, and they had never been exposed to knowledge related to Haki.

Therefore, the strength shown by Gion one by one has deepened their fear.

Easily avoiding the dense rain of bullets that came one after another, Gion quickly arrived at the foot of the wall mountain.

Although she is a swordsman, with the help of fruit abilities, her knowledge color is stronger than the weapon color.

Therefore, no matter how strong the concentrated firepower was, it would not pose the slightest threat to her.

Maud was among the crowd.

He had almost reached the hole in the wall.

However, Gion arrived first and cut him off, making him curse inwardly.

I don’t know whether I should say that Gion is brave as a skilled artist, or fearless.

But no matter what, it is clear that there is no way out.

"what to do?"

Sunny asked quietly as she reloaded.

Just now, she also shot Gion twice.