Hypocritical Adonis

Chapter 23


After coming out of the swimming pool, Qi Chengcheng sent Jiang Heng home, and he also stayed for dinner.

It was only at the dinner table that Jiang Heng remembered the task Jiang Feng had given him, "Brother, do you have a university you fancy?"

Jiang Feng laughed loudly, "Son, why are you more confident than your brother?"

Qi Cheng also smiled, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Jiang Feng picked up a chopstick dish for him, with a relaxed expression, "My big baby, promise mom, you've decided to be the first one to tell mom, okay?"

"Yes," Qi Cheng, "I will tell you first."

He backhanded Jiang Feng and Jiang Heng with chopsticks.

The mother and son both had smiles on their faces.

After eating, Qi Cheng returned home and had the most comfortable sleep in a month. He saved all the test papers given by the teachers of various subjects until the last afternoon.

Chi Yan and him agreed to check the answers after finishing the questions, Qi Cheng did what he wanted to do, and the rest of the test paper was blank. He didn't feel uneasy either, he was humming a song, and the pen in his hand turned into an afterimage.

The curtains are drawn and the light is bright at 3pm.

After Chi Yan finished the questions, he sent him a message.

[I'm ready. ]

[Science start? ]

Chi Yan looked at Qi Chenghui's news, pursed his lips and smiled.

The smile is small, restrained and bright.

He replied: "Okay."

Everyone in the whole grade knew that Qi Cheng was an excellent lame man with three legs, only one was as strong as an elephant.

Seeing him say that he started with science, Chi Yan inexplicably felt very cute.

After finishing the three subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry one by one, the other party was playing tricks, and the QQ message seemed helpless, [I can't do it. ]

Chi Yan could imagine what kind of expression Qi Cheng would have from these four words.

Relying on the fact that I don't want to do it, I just confidently say that I don't know how to do it.

Just as Chi Yan was about to go back to him, there was a knock on his door. Chi's mother came in with a glass of milk. She was taken aback when she saw Chi Yan sitting at the table laughing, and then she recovered and put the milk on the table , "Still doing homework?"

Chi Yan nodded, "It's still close."

Mother Chi stood aside, carefully observing the expression on Chi Yan's face. After hesitating for a long time, she still asked, "Chi Yan, are you in love?"

Chi Yan paused, then looked back at her mother, "Why do you say that?"

"You're still smiling now," Chi's mother sat down, trying to relax herself so as not to put pressure on Chi Yan, "Is there someone you like?"

Chi Yan turned off the phone, picked up the milk cup, took a sip to calm down, "..."

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Mother Chi smiled, "Are you in the process of dating?"

She was still a little nervous, clasping her hands together. Her son was too smart, and the parents didn't know how to educate him.

Chi Yan sensed her mood, his eyes softened, he pushed his eyes, "Don't worry."

"Now is not the time to confess." Chi Yan put down the cup, picked up the red pen again, with a calm expression, "After graduation, it's not too late."

His pen drew a straight line on the draft paper, and wrote today and the date of the college entrance examination at the beginning and end of the line.

Ten months, no rush.

Everything can come slowly.

Under Xueba's disapproving voice, Qi Cheng still did Chinese and English, including the composition later, he also tried his best to write a few words.

In the class group, everyone was still discussing how much homework they had finished, so Qi Cheng could have lost his mind, took a picture of the pile of test papers in front of him, and sent them to the group.

[Qi Cheng: Playing handsome in a low-key pocket.JPG]

[Wow! Qi Cheng actually finished it, so fast? ]

[Every subject is finished, 666]

[I can’t see the answer to the question even after zooming in, it’s so difficult T_T]

There were a lot of people in the group, and a lot of them exploded at once. After complaining about the hard homework, they began to talk about the upcoming school celebration.

In the past, students began to organize rehearsal performances early on. Even if the third year of high school students could not participate in these performances, at least the rehearsals of other grades would be lively. But this year the whole school didn't hear anything about it, which is a bit strange.

[The No. 2 Middle School has been compared with the No. 4 Middle School for several years, and has been beaten by the No. 4 Middle School every year. This year, the No. 4 Middle School has invited celebrities to help out. How can we not be too far behind? ]

[Please, let our school win once, I'm not greedy, I just want Lang Bai]

In the past few days, Qi Cheng had not only heard Lang Bai's name for the first time.

Thinking about this person, a pair of peach blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling appeared in my mind.

He stopped spinning the pen in his hand, put the test papers aside, put out the computer, and searched for the word Lang Bai.

The encyclopedia popped up with a picture. In the picture, Lang Bai was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, pulling the collar with both hands, with loose hair covering one eye.

The other exposed peach eye had a provocative and perfunctory smile, and the corners of his lips curled up, jumping into other people's eyes first.

Qi Cheng let go of his hands and lay down on the back of the chair. He dragged his chin and squinted to see the person on the computer.

I have the habit of squinting to look at things when I study art, which can create a sense of distance and make it easier to see whether the overall painting is harmonious. The feeling of déjà vu that Lang Bai gave Qi Cheng became clearer during this squint.

The tip of the nose seemed to smell a men's perfume.

The phone vibrated, Qi Cheng came back to his senses, picked up the phone and looked at it, the associated QQ account reminded him that a message popped up on his trumpet. He switched and saw Qi Zhong's message.

[Qi Zhong: buddy, help me]

[Qi Zhong: Is there any contact information for Qi Cheng? Thanks]

Qi Cheng was taken aback by these two sentences.

Being so polite is not like Qi Zhong.

dramatic change.

Before Qi Cheng returned, the other party said again.

[Have it? If so, can you push it to me?]

Qi Cheng didn't know what he wanted to do, [What do you want his account for? ]

Qi Zhong didn't reply.

Qi Zhong likes sports and is tall. He is also in Anyuan High School.

Qi Cheng remembered the scene in the corridor in the dark, his eyes darkened, and he tapped his fingers.

[Handsome as your husband: I met you when I was in Anyuan High School]

[Qi Zhong: What? ]

[Handsome as your husband: In the dormitory building, on the first night, after the lights were turned off, I saw you in the corridor]

Qi Zhong replied almost in the next second.

[That's impossible. ]

That's impossible.

Have you never gone out, or have you guaranteed that you have not been seen by others

Logically speaking, the person who is least likely to kiss him forcefully is Qi Zhong.

A straight guy with a girl he likes, who the hell would press his rival to kiss the wall in the middle of the night

Qi Cheng frowned, and switched back to his tuba because Han An poked him privately.

[Han An: Just now, Wu You from class 12 came to ask me for your contact information, and I gave it to him. When did you meet? ]

[Qi Cheng: Who is Wu You? ]

[Han An:...]

Han An felt pain in his temple, so he called Qi Cheng directly, "The course exchange of your class is going to Anyuan High School, right?"

Qi Cheng hummed.

"Still with Class 12?"


"I thought he was your new friend," Han An said, "I don't know Wu You well either, so you should just see what he's looking for you for."

Han An suddenly remembered something, and added, "By the way, Wu Yuan."

He lowered his voice, "Someone saw him leading people to smash up some business shops over there in Anyuan."

Han An is very popular and is the leader in collecting gossip. Nine out of ten of what he said was true.

Qi Cheng didn't have a pen to turn in his hand, so he could only rub the palm of his hand and said after a while: "Who are you bringing?"

"Society people," Han An said with mixed feelings, "I heard that group of people listen to him."

"Well," Qi Cheng replied nasally, "Is there anything else?"

"Do you still remember what I told you before?" Han An asked.

It seems that both Han An and Teacher Yang are telling Qi Cheng not to provoke Wu Yuan.

Good intentions are indeed good intentions, but Qi Cheng is indeed Qi Cheng.

He rubbed his browbones, "I remember."

While talking, Qi Cheng opened a picture.

It was taken by a classmate in the class, and the location was in Anyuan High School. In the distance, Qi Cheng was holding a horse and supporting Xueba. The sky was green and clear.

It was full of charm and feeling. The classmate couldn't help but took a picture, and then sent this photo to Qi Cheng.

Qi Cheng clicked on the lower left corner of the photo, and kept zooming in and out. In the corner, the figure of Wu Yuan lighting a cigarette appeared indistinctly.

The smoke rose faintly, and was blown away by the wind. He stood casually with his pockets in his pockets, and the direction of his eyes seemed to be randomly set in the distance.

Qi Cheng and Chi Yan were also in the distance.

Qi Cheng looked at the photo, turned on the speakerphone, and threw the phone on the table.

He took out the cigarette in the drawer, lit one and put it in his mouth, the smell of smoke wafted away.

Han An, "Forget it, you know everything, let's not talk about this. Guess, what news do I have to tell you?"


"I got the list of guests for the school celebration."

After chatting with Han An, not long after, someone added Qi Cheng.

Qi Cheng agreed, but the other party was obviously a little cautious, and after a long while, he sent a cold, "Hello."

"Hello," Qi Cheng replied politely, "Wu You?"

It took more than a minute for the other party to reply: "Yes."

It doesn't look like a warm personality.

When Qi Cheng is face-to-face with someone, he only needs to smile to ease the atmosphere, but on the Internet, the biggest killer is useless instead, so he simply asked politely, "What's the matter with adding me?"

The other party answered quickly this time, "I want to know you."

Qi Cheng smiled, "Oh."

He noted the other party's name, Wu You.

Wu You said, "Oh, what do you mean? Do you not like others adding you?"

"I didn't mean that," Qi Cheng said with a smile, "I'm glad you can add me, it's my honor."

"Although it's in Mandarin, I'm very happy," Wu You said, "God, I'm about to faint, help me up, I can still talk to you again."

Now he is no longer indifferent, Qi Cheng said to Han An, "The tone sounds like my little fan."

"Then just treat yourself like a little fan." Han An really didn't remember who this Wu You was. After all, he was not familiar with him, so he only knew one name, so he didn't know the name. "He should be a very honest person."

Otherwise, how could Han An not remember.

After finishing the test papers, Qi Cheng was overwhelmed. When it was time to play until the evening, Mr. Yang finally @ all the members about the school celebration that had been heatedly discussed for the past few days.

Sent a list, and seat division.

The third year is at the front, the first year is at the back, and Class 3 is right in the middle of the front row, with the stage as soon as you look up.

On the list of performances, big and small, the guests invited by the school and the names of the performances are all on it.

The last one in the row was regarded as the top of the stage, and it was written Lang Bai impressively.

The author has something to say:

(Wrote a lot of heartfelt words, thank you for wasting time to read my nonsense hhh)

Many people told me in this chapter to abandon the article and see you next time, thank you for reading this chapter

In the early stage, this article did not specify who the cp was, because the comment area in the back was torn into a miasma, which affected the reading experience of readers, and some readers wrote to me privately, saying that they were entangled all night, uncomfortable, and unable to sleep, so I realized that buying stock articles hurts Some readers, I didn't stick to it, so I announced in advance who cp is

Then, some people who bought the wrong stock said that they abandoned the article, and some people who came in to read the article later said that there were too few positive cp scenes and abandoned the article, and those who attacked the heartthrob central air conditioner abandoned the article, etc.

In the later period, I actually saved a lot of manuscripts. The most popular stock buying articles were during the stock speculation stage. I announced it, whether it was to restore peace in the comment area or to readers who wanted to know who the cp was. No matter what the reason was, I took it upon myself and deleted many of my articles. then rewrite and redesign the scene

I just hope that those who abandon the article can leave me with a hope, please don’t say it, the entire copywriting has been written Gong is a heartthrob, Su, please don’t like it if you think Gong scum thinks his central air conditioner is disgusting, don’t enter the copywriting up

I just started to buy stock articles, and the setting of the scenes can’t reveal the main palace. If you don’t like the real story and don’t have many scenes, please don’t read any more. It’s hard work for you to read chapter 23, because I have written chapter 34 before announcing who the CP is.

I beg those who abandon the text to go silently, and you don’t need to say goodbye to me.

Thank you so many readers for placing so much hope in my next book, thank you for loving me and supporting me, thank you very much, but there is no next book, and the next book may not necessarily see you

Because of some things in the third dimension, I will withdraw from the circle after writing this book, and the return date is uncertain. Now I hope that everyone who abandons the article can leave me with the last piece of pure land

The pure land without all kinds of negative news, let me get the pure land of hope in the three-dimensional life

I don’t know if you understand the pain of deleting and rewriting the manuscript, and I don’t know if you understand the pain of pretending not to see it in the face of various doubts.

I also know that these words are suspected of being miserable, but I really, really think about the readers, including every decision I make, I can swear that I put my own interests in the end. So even if the popularity drops, even if I face a lot of abandoned articles and messages, even if the daily income is a new low, I still want to finish writing this book and write a good story

I don't have so many requirements, I just hope that those who don't like it can leave silently, leaving a positive comment area, so that I, and the readers who still like this book and support this book, have a happy memory

I don't want to see many readers who still support me, explaining to others what is going on with this article over and over again, saying that this article is beautiful and persistent, and explaining to me over and over again, for this article It's really embarrassing for them.

please, thank you

Thank you for reading these nonsense, this is the last thank you for today, thank you!