Hypocritical Adonis

Chapter 29


If a question is extremely simple for a person, writing down the steps over and over again is just a waste of time, and even feels boring.

Qi Cheng's voice was neither high nor low, which happened to be heard by the whole class.

The trivia written in the big inscription took a lot of time on the board, and the three possible ways were arranged one by one, and the blackboard just wiped was full again.

Qi Cheng writes a step, and Qi Zhong also bows his head and writes a step.

He didn't understand a word, so Qi Zhong asked the female classmate next to him, "Did he save steps again?"

"No," the female classmate said, "it's very detailed!"

Okay, this time he didn't understand.

Qi Zhong's expression changed a lot, but he still kept his head down and copied everything Qi Cheng wrote down.

After the basic questions are finished, the remaining two questions are variant questions. Qi Cheng used Chi Yan's speed back then, and he only covered these three questions in a 45-minute class.

Looking down from the podium, at least more than half of them listened at random, on the verge of vaguely understanding and not doing it alone after understanding.

After class, Qi Zhong moved the stool and took the paper back to his seat. Wu You looked over and saw that the paper that Qi Zhong took had already been filled with things on both sides. This was not enough, so he borrowed another paper from others sheet of paper.

Everyone in the classroom had already packed up their things and left, and in a blink of an eye, only Qi Cheng was left in front of him wiping the blackboard.

Qi Zhong put down his things, walked behind him, picked up another blackboard eraser and wiped it with him.

The wound on his face was covered with a Band-Aid. The young man has a strong recovery ability, and he is still glamorous just by looking at it.

Qi Cheng, "I thought you would hate me."

Sometimes before going to bed, Qi Cheng would unconsciously think of the look in his eyes in front of the infirmary door, and the obscure expression in the corridor when the dark clouds were overwhelming the city.

Hearing what he said, the corners of Qi Zhong's mouth twitched, "You are so fucking heartless."

But the voice was too low, Qi Cheng couldn't hear clearly, he turned his head to look at Qi Zhong's profile, "What?"

Qi Zhong didn't speak, and continued to wipe the blackboard with him.

The two wiped together from left to right to the middle, and the distance gradually approached. When their hands were about to touch each other, Qi Zhong suddenly threw away the blackboard eraser and grabbed Qi Cheng's hand.

Qi Cheng's fingers are slender, because he has been a hand model, and his skin tone is just right.

Qi Zhong's hands were rougher than his, darker in color, hot with calluses.

The blackboard eraser fell to the ground with a loud noise, and white chalk dust was scattered around.

Wu You abruptly raised his head to look at the source of the sound, his mouth opened wide in shock.

"Qi Cheng," Qi Zhong said, "do you have someone you like?"

Qi Cheng was stronger than him, he was about to pull out his hand, but Qi Zhong increased his strength vigilantly, he turned his face sideways, staring at Qi Cheng with his shiny black eyes.

"No." Qi Cheng looked into his eyes, but still stopped his movements, "I don't have anyone I like."

"En." Qi Zhong responded, but still looked at him.

This guy doesn't know when he started to change, the arrogance he exudes is still extroverted, but he has become more sensitive and powerful in certain things.

There is a feeling of being mature overnight, and it seems that nothing has changed.

Wu You couldn't hold back and said, "Why are you holding hands?"

Qi Cheng took out his hand, bent down to pick up the blackboard eraser, and put it down after turning it around a few times, "Do you know that you are taking advantage of me?"

Qi Zhong slowly put down his hands, and he just looked at Qi Cheng like this.

There it was again, that feeling.

Chi Yan came in from the back door, raised his head after sorting out his information, "Qi Cheng, are you leaving?"

Qi Cheng clapped his hands, missed Qi Zhong and got off the podium, and walked towards Chi Yan, "Go."

Qi Zhong maintained the posture just now, until Qi Cheng went out, and said goodbye to them with a smile.

Wu You pulled away the chair and ran towards Qi Zhong, "You are ill."

"What were you doing just now!"

Qi Zhong finally moved, he touched the wound on his face.

"Wu You," he said like a hooligan, "Why are Qi Cheng's hands so beautiful?"

Chi Yan and Qi Cheng's things were still in the office. After the two of them finished taking their things, there were only three or two of them in the brightly lit classrooms of the teaching building.

When Qi Cheng left the office, he took a look upstairs, and the classrooms on the 4th floor were completely dark. Chi Yan walked to his side, "Let's go?"

Chi Yan's figure was as thin as a young man's, but he was tall and straight. The moonlight shone on him, making his clean temperament even more brilliant.

The two walked towards the dormitory under the moonlight, and Qi Cheng asked, "Do you need to give a speech on the morning of the school celebration?"

Chi Yan nodded, then frowned again, "The teacher asked me to try wearing contact lenses."

Qi Cheng raised his eyebrows.

Chi Yan paid attention to the expression on his face from the corner of his eye, "Chang Yao from your class, he..."

However, Xueba, who never speaks ill of others behind his back, paused and changed his words: "How about his camera?"

"It should be fine," Qi Cheng, "We'll have to wait until he turns it on."

Chi Yan hummed and sighed softly.

He took off his glasses, rubbed between his brows, and suddenly looked up at Qi Cheng, "Do you think it's better for me to wear glasses or contact lenses?"

It is said that the eyes of people who wear glasses all the year round will be deformed, but Chi Yan's eyes are still beautiful in shape, the tails of the eyes are light, with a light and scattered blush, and the moles of tears at the tails of the eyes forcefully bring him a little lingering affection.

Qi Cheng looked at his facial features, "Both are fine."

He smiled, "They're all pretty."

Chi Yan's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and the side of his ear felt hot: "Yes."

A few days before the school celebration, the whole school was busy.

The class meetings in the class were held one after another, and the cleaning was repeated again and again. Qi Cheng had seen Wu Yuan leading people to smoke a cigarette by the flower bed in the small square several times, his eyebrows sunken, and his sullen face made him Many people dare not approach the flower beds.

Why is his face so ugly, because Wu Yuan can't get out.

The closer the school anniversary is, the stricter the school management will be.

Lao Bao stared at Wu Yuan even more.

Qi Cheng nodded at Wu Yuan from a distance, holding in his arms the Chinese homework that had just been handed in by the class, Xu Ning had a stomachache, and asked him to help deliver the homework to Teacher Yang.

Wu Yuan also saw him, put out the cigarette, got up and walked towards him.

Qi Cheng saw that he was coming, so he stood there and waited for him.

Wu Yuan's first sentence after coming over was, "That big star, has he come to look for you again?"

"No," Qi Cheng smiled, "How can a busy person like Lang Bai appear often?"

"You have also been a model." Wu Yuan couldn't see any emotion, the corners of his eyes were flat, "Are you planning to go this way in the future?"

"Of course not." Qi Cheng looked very happy, "Wu Yuan, there is still a big difference between a hand model and a model."

Wu Yuan was taken aback, it turned out to be a hand model.

"Then what do you want to do in the future?" Wu Yuan continued to ask the previous question, "What university do you want to apply for?"

His questions came one after another, Qi Cheng looked at him thoughtfully, under his eyes, Wu Yuan smiled instead, "Can't answer?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Qi Cheng coughed, feeling uncomfortable in his throat, "Are you going to start planning for the future?"

Wu Yuan hummed casually.

He stopped and waited at the door of the office, and Qi Cheng went in to hand in his homework.

When Qi Cheng finished his homework and returned to the class, Xu Ning thanked him with a pale face, and Xia Li secretly sighed, "Girls have worked so hard."

Qi Cheng squeezed his throat, frowned and nodded.

Because his throat was uncomfortable, he slept on the table all afternoon, and when he was woken up by Xia Li at night, he found that something was wrong with Qi Cheng.

I have a fever.

Xia Li tested the temperature and withdrew his hand so hot that he patted Qi Cheng's face and pulled him up from his position before Qi Cheng came back to his senses.

"What's wrong with me?" he asked hoarsely.

"You have a fever," Xia Li said to Zhu Fan, "You take him to the infirmary first, and I'll ask for leave."

The two split into two, and Zhu Fan took Qi Cheng to the infirmary, talking non-stop all the way, "Did you sleep without a quilt last night? The temperature has started to cool down recently. You must cover the quilt at night, or you will wake up in the morning." It's easy to catch a cold."

"You were fine at noon, and you probably had a fever when you slept in the afternoon."

Qi Cheng listened to him expressionlessly.

But if you look closely at his eyes, you can see that he is not listening to anything now, and he is confused and absent-minded.

In the infirmary, Gu Huai was about to change shifts with the next doctor.

He is very busy these days. The number of patients in the No. 1 Hospital of City A has surged recently, so he has no time to come to No. 2 Middle School for consultation.

Now that I finally have time, it's time to change shifts. Just as Gu Huai was about to leave, the door of the infirmary was pulled open, and Zhu Fan yelled, "Doctor, my friend has a fever!"

Qi Cheng was pulled in by him.

Just as the doctor on shift wanted to approach, Dr. Gu Huai strode over with a cold face, picked up the patient with fever, and placed him on a chair.

Gu Huai frowned, and before he even had time to put on his white coat, he took out the thermometer and handed it to Qi Cheng. When Qi Cheng started to test his temperature, he asked coldly, "What's going on."

Zhu Fan wasn't sure either, "You probably caught a cold when you slept in the afternoon, or maybe you didn't cover yourself with the quilt last night."

Qi Cheng looked at Gu Huai, "Doctor, my throat hurts."

He opened his mouth suddenly, and the low and hoarse voice made Gu Huai's expression even colder.

The doctor pursed his lips, but turned around and took out a brand new paper cup, and poured Qi Cheng a cup of warm water.

The shift doctor quickly said: "Doctor Gu Huai, leave it to me, you get off work first."

"No more," Gu Huai frowned tightly, "I'll do it for you."

The doctor on shift had a strange look on his face, looked at the blue color in Gu Huai's eyes, and agreed.

The young man worked so hard, the city hospital was finally able to relax these few days, Gu Huai didn't come to No. 2 Middle School for consultation, but he still came, and now he has to take over for him.

Although he is a bit cold, he is more dedicated than anyone else.