Hypocritical Adonis

Chapter 9


The layout of the examination room in No. 2 Middle School is simple. In order to prevent students from cheating, they are distributed according to their grades. This time Qi Cheng and Chi Yan were the same examination room.

When Qi Cheng stepped into the examination room this morning, he still felt very strange.

Since he was a child, he seldom did certain things seriously. Such a rare situation where he wants to take the exam seriously is the only time in his three years of high school.

After the test papers were handed out, Qi Cheng was still a little lost in thought. He glanced out of the window, and the sun at eight o'clock in the morning was just right. The green trees outside were slightly shaken by the wind, as vibrant as a painting. He sat up slightly, and finally focused on the test paper.

Chi Yan was behind Qi Cheng. He stared at Qi Cheng. After Qi Cheng started to answer the questions, he pushed his glasses and followed suit with his head down.

The first day of the test is language and mathematics, and the second morning is materialization. The time during the exam passed quickly, and after the exam was over, it was time for weekend afternoon rest.

The local students in City A can go home, but for the students whose families are not here, like Xia Li and Zhu Fan, most of them go out for a walk and have a good meal, and spend the rest of their time in the dormitory.

Qi Cheng bid farewell to his classmates, and waved for a taxi to go home. The taxi had already stopped by the side of the road, and someone called him from behind: "Qi Cheng, wait a minute!"

Chi Yan walked over quickly, and because of his anxiety, his face was covered with a beautiful blush. Like a student who was uneasy about the answer after the exam, he forced himself to be extremely calm, "Are you serious? ?”

The second place in the grade group was 23 points behind him last time. He didn't care how the second place did in the exam, so he came here to ask Qi Cheng if he was serious.

Qi Cheng tilted his head to look at him, and smiled, "I mean what I say."

Chi Yan pushed his glasses, nodded lightly, "That's good."

The driver master pulled down the window, "Are you still leaving?"

"Goodbye." Chi Yan took a step back, nodded to Qi Cheng, then turned and left.

His back is slender and good-looking, and the temperament of a scholar emerges faintly in every move, without arrogance or impetuosity, and with a calm heart. It was just the first few steps, and a pair of hands and feet walked out.

Qi Cheng got into the car with a smile, and didn't stop laughing after telling the driver the address.

Xueba looks cool and cold, but his heart is still full of enthusiasm. This kind of contrast makes people feel a little cute.

At the time of traffic lights, there are young skateboarders on the street passing through the crowd on skateboards, their coats and hats flying. Qi Cheng felt a little itchy after seeing it, and said to the driver: "Master, just stop at the shopping mall in front."


The driver parked the car at a certain place, Qi Cheng paid the money, stood on the side of the road for a while, and walked into the shopping mall after identifying the direction.

Qi Cheng stopped when he found the sporting goods store.

The owner of the store recommended several types of skateboards to him. When he finally paid for the purchase, the owner asked enthusiastically, "Do you want to use it now or we will deliver it to your door?"

Qi Cheng has played skateboarding for a while, and there is no need to practice it again. He was about to say that he will use it now, when he saw someone passing by the store from the corner of his eye. The figure was very familiar.

He changed his words: "Leave it here with you first, I'll come and get it later."

Qi Cheng walked to the front of the store, looked to the left, raised his eyebrows, and called out slowly: "Qi Zhong?"

Just after school, Qi Zhong was grabbed by his mother and aunt to go shopping.

The two ladies suppressed all his rebuttals, so that he could only follow along as a little bookboy carrying a bag.

The two went crazy when they entered the mall, especially his aunt, who stuffed her one-year-old son into Qi Zhong's arms, "My dear nephew, please watch over my younger brother for my aunt, my aunt and your mother went to see the underwear store. "

Qi Zhong was so annoyed that he wanted to let go.

But he was holding a baby who didn't understand anything in his arms, and he was carrying his aunt's bag on his back. You can't really let go, you can only walk around with the stinky child in your arms, because as soon as you stop, the stinky boy will cry loudly.

Who would have thought that such a coincidence, when seeing Qi Cheng's figure from the corner of the eye, Qi Zhong's expression was distorted.

The reaction was quick, and he ran over with the child in his arms.

Don't fucking see him.

This kind of image, the image of carrying a women's bag and holding a baby, is simply embarrassing.

It is ten times more embarrassing than washing smelly socks last time.

Qi Zhong wished that there would be a crack in the ground, allowing him to crawl in and hide on the spot.

Once or twice, why are you embarrassing in front of Qi Cheng

The baby in his arms suddenly started to cry loudly, Qi Zhong stopped subconsciously, and Qi Cheng's voice came from behind him.

His whole body froze for an instant, the arms on the baby's back tensed up, his expression changed colorfully, like an overturned paint tray.

Qi Cheng stepped forward quickly, with a laughing voice, "Why are you running?"

When he walked up to Qi Zhong, he saw that there was a baby in Qi Zhong's arms.

The little baby was crying very pitifully, with tears all over his face, he couldn't speak yet, so he just kept pushing into Qi Zhong's arms. It was small and soft, and it only occupied a small place in Qi Zhong's arms. Qi Cheng asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

Qi Zhong glanced at him several times, he didn't have time to worry about the embarrassing things in front of him, so he looked down at the baby, "Why are you crying?"

He asked several times, but the baby was still crying and twisting, not knowing what to do.

Qi Zhong frowned, not daring to say anything: "You don't know how to urinate, do you? Or..."

The expression was weird, full of rejection and torment from the heart.

The little baby was held a little farther away by him, and cried even harder, the tears flowed freely, the little face was flushed, he grabbed the short sleeves of Qi Zhong's school uniform in his hands, and waved his hands and feet to stick to him.

Qi Zhong glanced at Qi Cheng again from the corner of his eye, and hugged him in his arms again as the child wanted, "It's alright, alright, can't I hug you? Can you please stop crying."

Qi Cheng watched with relish, pretending not to see Qi Zhong's chasing eyes.

The little baby got close to Qi Zhong again, clutching the clothes in his small hands, while crying, he gnawed on Qi Zhong's chest, finding the position where he usually breastfeeds, his saliva was wet and mushy.

The short sleeves of the school uniform of No. 2 Middle School are white, and Qi Zhong is not wearing a jacket, and his saliva and marks are particularly conspicuous.

"Cry as long as you cry," Qi Zhong said with a distorted expression in pain, "Why bite me?"

The baby was so small and tender, and he was pulling Qi Zhong's clothes so tightly that he didn't dare to forcefully pull him away.

He wanted to ask Qi Cheng who was standing next to him for help, but he couldn't help himself.

Qi Cheng took the initiative to come over, bent down to see what the little baby wanted to do, he gently parted the child's plump cheeks, the fat cheeks were still moving.

Qi Cheng whispered to Qi Zhong, "I should be hungry and looking for milk."

"..." Qi Zhong was extremely embarrassed, endured the pain, and warned the little baby viciously, "I have no milk!"

But how could the child know what he meant, laying on his chest wholeheartedly, eating with a small mouth.

The women's bag on Qi Zhong's back was full of baby products, he couldn't reach it himself, so he could only ask Qi Cheng with a dark face: "There is a pacifier in the bag I am carrying, can you take it out for me?"

Talking is also awkward, Qi Zhong never knew that there would be a day when he would ask for success.

Qi Cheng walked behind him and began to search.

The baby hadn't tasted the milk, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger. Qi Zhong couldn't push it all together, and the top of his head began to sweat.

He has a body that is prone to sweating, and the sweat drips down his neck. When Qi Cheng raised his head, a drop of sweat just happened to slip from the back of Qi Zhong's neck along his wheat-colored skin and into his clothes.

"Qi Cheng," Qi Zhong spat out two words through his teeth, "Hurry up."

Fortunately, Qi Cheng had already found it. He pushed the baby's mouth away, and took the opportunity to stuff the pacifier in. The two of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Zhong's white school uniform was already wet with saliva, and its position was conspicuous. Qi Cheng glanced at him, took off his coat, and threw it into his arms.

In order to ease the embarrassment, he added, "Remember to wash it when you return it to me."

Qi Zhong clicked his tongue on purpose to show his impatience, and tried hard to pretend to be normal, "Okay, got it."

After a while, he reluctantly said, "Thank you."

The little baby was lying on his shoulders, with big round eyes rolling around, with a pacifier wrapped in his mouth, cute and pink, not knowing what a big deal he had just done.

Qi Cheng put his hands in his trouser pockets, and smiled at the little baby, "His parents aren't here?"

"... shopping," Qi Zhong frowned, "haven't come out yet."

"I bought a skateboard just now." Qi Cheng was speechless, "I want to play."

Qi Zhong, "What a coincidence, I also like to skateboard..."


The atmosphere became more relaxed, Qi Cheng raised his chin to gesture towards his coat, jokingly said: "Remember to wash it more fragrantly."

"Understood," Qi Zhong responded, looked at him several times from the corner of his eye, and then whispered, "Don't tell anyone."

Qi Cheng, "Say what?"

Qi Zhong was speechless.

"I won't tell others," Qi Cheng said with a deeper smile, "Never tell about the fact that you are treated as a mother by a child."

Qi Zhong, "You—"

He still shut up.

It's just that the browbones are pressed hard, and it can be seen that he is in a particularly unhappy mood.

Qi Cheng controlled his laughter so as not to completely end his hatred. He considerately gave Qi Zhong some room to relax, "I'm going to leave if I have nothing to do?"

The other party responded muffledly.

Less than five minutes after Qi Cheng left, Qi Zhong and his aunt came out of the underwear shop.

Seeing the pacifier in her son's mouth, she was surprised, "Are you hungry?"

With his back to the two ladies, Qi Zhong put on Qi Cheng's coat in a secretive way, and then pulled the zipper around his neck, "Why does he just bite people casually when he's hungry?"

It's stupid to bite regardless of gender.

His mother and his aunt laughed together.

Qi Zhong walked in the front with a straight face.

Mom asked, "Where are you going?"

He stopped, turned sideways, and kept his face looking forward. After a while, he asked, "Go buy softener."

Not at home.

His mother was surprised, "Why buy this?"

Qi Zhong hummed and groaned, and after a long while, he came out with a word: "Fragrant."