I Abducted the Hero

Chapter 32


Qiao Yuan didn't pay attention at first, and asked in a slow tone, "What's wrong?"

The assistant was on the verge of getting angry, "Someone took a video of you chatting with Rong Xuan. So... now everyone knows."

Qiao Yuan was startled. She was sitting on the bed drying her hair, but when she heard this, she stood up straight away, "What did you say?"

The assistant bit the bullet and said, "They all know what you said at that time."

Qiao Yuan asked subconsciously, "How is it possible?"

The assistant said nah na, "You... Go and read it online."

Qiao Yuan immediately hung up the phone and opened Weibo.

Her Weibo is full of smoke and smoke. How much time has passed before her comment below changed direction

Before, they were all fans who supported her, but now, the first few likes have turned into scolding her.

Some may be from real passers-by, some should be from her opponents. At this time, it is impossible for her opponent not to intervene and help her hire a wave of sailors for free.

how so! Who made this video? Qiao Yuan had countless questions in her mind, but no one gave her the answer. The most important thing now is not to find out who made the video.

The most terrible thing is that after a while, she received a call from her agent.

"Qiao Yuan, the higher-ups say they want to ban you, you... just do it yourself."

At this time, Qiao Yuan had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought of what the director had said to her before, "seek more blessings for yourself". I know that I should be someone who can't be messed with.

"Sister, I'll call your sister, and I'll apologize to them, okay?" Qiao Yuan completely forgot that she swore "Apologize? Impossible" to the director not long ago.

She immediately said, "I can apologize, whether it's in person or on Weibo, I can apologize! I can, I really can! Sorry, it's nothing. Sister, don't give up on me, okay?"

After working together for many years, the manager couldn't bear to see Qiao Yuan like this. Qiao Yuan is so proud, except when she first debuted, she hasn't been so urgent for a long time. But who made the higher-ups so determined that Qiao Yuan wouldn't be able to get along in this circle

The manager sighed, "There's nothing you can do, Qiao Yuan. This time, there's really nothing you can do. You... Forget it, let it be." After speaking, the manager decisively hung up the phone.

Qiao Yuan stared blankly at the phone in his hand.

A beeping sound came from the phone, which meant that the other party had hung up the call first.

She called back immediately, but she found that she had been blocked.

Qiao Yuan was holding the phone, her hair was disheveled, and her face was full of bewilderment. She was just abandoned like that

She... can't be a star anymore

She... can't act anymore

I'm used to the prosperity of this circle, I'm used to being sought after by thousands of people, I'm used to being heard by everyone, I'm used to the attention of everyone, I'm used to appearing brightly under the spotlight every day, how can I let her quit the circle and become an ordinary person

How could she be willing to be an ordinary person again! She doesn't want it!

She is a traffic actress with 50 million fans! She is the company's cash cow, how could they block her just by saying they blocked her

Qiao Yuan refused to give up and called her manager and her boss who was usually talkative. But without exception, none of the calls worked. At this moment, she realized very clearly that she was blocked by them all.

She was really abandoned.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly. Qiao Yuan's eyes lit up like a drowning man catching driftwood.

But the caller was not who she expected, it was her assistant.

After answering the call, the assistant asked cautiously on the other end of the phone, "Sister, I saw you apologized on Weibo and said that you would quit the circle temporarily. What's wrong? Why so suddenly?"

Qiao Yuan's face was blank, and it took a few seconds for her to realize what the assistant said.

She immediately hung up the phone and wanted to log into her Weibo.

But no matter how many times she tried, there was only one hint on Weibo. That is to prompt her that the password is wrong. Her Weibo has always been managed by herself, and her manager never intervenes. But now, she can't log in to Weibo!

Qiao Yuan searched her Weibo with trembling hands.

Qiao Yuan V:

To love me and my beloved taro balls:

Sorry to disappoint you this time. I blamed myself and was disappointed in myself. I want to sincerely say to Rong Xuan, I'm sorry.

Sorry to have caused you so much harm. Maybe saying I'm sorry is not enough to express my apology, so here, I want to announce one thing, I will temporarily withdraw from the circle. I may not be very suitable for the entertainment industry, I want to settle myself down again.

Thank you for loving me all these years. We, Jianghu goodbye.

Qiao Yuan's eyes almost popped out when she read these few lines.

This Weibo was not posted by her! It's not her who wants to quit the circle! She doesn't want to quit! But now, someone logged into her Weibo, and without even giving her time to react, she directly "officially announced" that she was going to quit the circle. Although it is said to be temporarily withdrawing from the circle, but how long this will be temporarily, who knows!

Qiao Yuan logged into her account and wanted to leave a message. She had to let others know that this was not her own Weibo post. She didn't want to quit, because someone forced her. But she found that her tuba turned off the message function. She can't leave a message at all! As for the trumpet, even if she posted this on her trumpet, would anyone believe it

No one will believe it.

It's over... It's all over...

After Rong Xuan posted the video, it didn't take long before she saw Qiao Yuan's apology and the Weibo post announcing her resignation.

When I saw the news that she was going to quit the circle, I was not surprised, that was impossible.

Rong Xuan didn't expect Qiao Yuan to quit the circle so easily.

Qiao Yuan's career is currently on the rise. She has just received a few big endorsements recently, and her career is booming. But in this rising period, she actually said that she would quit the circle? And her company agrees? Just let her cash cow go

Could it be that the contract she signed has expired? Accustomed to the flashy entertainment industry, Qiao Yuan is willing to give up everything now and return to ordinary life

Although she was puzzled and felt that things were not as simple as they appeared on the surface, Rong Xuan was not very curious about Qiao Yuan, nor did she know much about the entertainment industry. Since Qiao Yuan is about to quit the circle and apologized to her on Weibo, let's let this matter pass.

Naturally, Gu Ye also saw Qiao Yuan's Weibo post. He knew very well why Qiao Yuan wanted to withdraw from the circle. In fact, it was not Qiao Yuan who wanted to withdraw from the circle, but she had to. However, there is no need to tell Rong Xuan.

He sneered, and took Rong Xuan's cell phone directly, "Little daughter-in-law, don't look at her."

Rong Xuan blinked.

"Look at me." Gu Ye leaned closer, allowing his handsome face to be clearly and unmistakably imprinted in Rong Xuan's eyes, "You always don't look at me, don't I look good?" ? ?

Looking at the handsome and young face in front of her, Rong Xuan didn't know what to say. Fortunately, at this critical moment, Gu Ye's cell phone rang.

The phone rang cheerfully, as if the owner would keep ringing if he didn't answer.

Gu Ye anxiously took out his phone and glanced at it. Who the hell is calling at this time

For the first time, he hung up the call without even looking at it. But within a few seconds, the phone rang again persistently.

Gu Ye almost wanted to turn off the phone.

But the other party directly called twice, it should be something serious. If there is no business, he will hang up directly!

As soon as the call was connected, Zuo Zuo's bluffing voice came over, "Wild, where are you?"

Gu Ye lazily said, "I'm in my wife's room." So, what good thing did you ruin with this phone call, and you should be a little bit confused

"In the room!" As soon as Zuo Zuo said these two words, the fat and recognizable thick voice next to him also sounded.

"Wild went directly to her wife's room? This... this... Zuo Zuo, will we spoil his good deed?"

Gu Ye obviously heard Fatty's voice, he sneered, "What do you think?"

Zuo Zuo lowered his voice, "Wild, take it easy. The captain is still waiting to send us back for training."

Thinking of the captain who is extremely strict with his teammates, Gu Ye couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

"Wild, how is the matter resolved?"

Gu Ye lied without changing his face, "It hasn't been resolved yet, I want to stay here with her, you guys go back first."

After Gu Ye finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone, but he didn't expect a different person to talk to him directly.

Maybe Zuo Zuo turned on the speakerphone later, so the other two heard what he said.

The one who spoke changed from Zuo Zuo to the captain.

"Wild, it's not long since you joined the team. It's an exception to let you out today. Have you forgotten what you said when you joined the team?"

Gu Ye naturally did not forget what he said when he joined the team. He entered the team with a dream.

In fact, he didn't have much time to waste.

The captain knew that Gu Ye still remembered clearly.

He directly ordered, "Zuo Zuo and I are waiting for you at the entrance of the hotel, come here as soon as possible." After speaking, the captain decisively hung up the phone.

Gu Ye was silent for two seconds before he said helplessly, "Little daughter-in-law, I have to go back to training."

Hearing Gu Ye's words, Rong Xuan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, she almost thought that Gu Ye was really going to stay.

Although the room is big and the bed is big enough to sleep two people, how could she share the same bed with Gu Ye

You know, they're just a plastic fiancé affair! The kind of engagement that may be terminated at any time!

Good thing he's leaving soon.

Seeing Rong Xuan relieved, Gu Ye smiled, "Are you so eager for me to leave?"

Rong Xuan didn't speak, she lowered her eyes, her profile was quiet, although the picture was quite beautiful, but she didn't speak, it was a tacit acquiescence.

Gu Ye clicked his tongue. He stood up, and Rong Xuan also stood up, ready to see him off.

Only when she saw him leave and close the door, could she feel relieved. Otherwise, she was really afraid that Gu Ye would go back on his word and said that he would stay. If this is the case, she can only leave here and open a new room.

After opening the door, when Gu Ye was about to step out of the room, he suddenly turned around, unexpectedly lowered his body and gave Rong Xuan a pat on the face.

This bang is very loud.

After successfully kissing his little daughter-in-law, Gu Ye smiled triumphantly, "Farewell kiss. Little daughter-in-law, I'm really leaving."

Rong Xuan took two steps back, and after Gu Ye stepped out of the door, she directly closed the door.

After she was left alone in the room, Rong Xuan couldn't help touching the part of her face that was kissed just now.

That place seems to still have the warmth left by Gu Ye.

A little warm.

She sighed helplessly, actually playing stealing kisses, the male lead is such a childish ghost. Now that the heroine has already appeared, the matter of breaking the engagement should also be put on the agenda.

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