I! Accept Disciples and Become Stronger!

Chapter 34: Assassination


This sudden change completely disrupted the entire admissions examination. Without an examiner, this day that everyone was looking forward to would naturally come to nothing.

However, despite this, no one dared to blame Ye Xingchen. Just kidding, only a fool would dare to offend this perverted strength and strong backing.

You know, Ye Xingchen dares to kill even the tutor of Tiandou Academy, there is nothing he can't do.

However, everyone knows very well that the enrollment will not be interrupted, and the tutors sent next will be stronger.

As for whether Ye Xingchen will be questioned, this is not something they should worry about.

"Let's go." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Xueer and said softly.

"Xingchen, how can you be so reckless?" Before Lin Xueer could finish her words, Ye Xingchen left her behind and walked away alone.

Ye Xingchen gave Lin Xueer face, but she didn't want it herself. Ye Xingchen would not tolerate it.

Ye Xingchen was followed by Xiang Tian, and Yan Yuntian couldn't take down Ye Xingchen even if he wanted to.

But what makes Yan Yuntian wonder is that Xiangtian is a master who can't afford to be early for no profit. Why would he protect Ye Xingchen so desperately? There must be something that moved Xiangtian.

"Oh, just wait for the trouble to come." Yan Yuntian let out a long, helpless sigh and said immediately.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed, and the bloodstains in the Dianbing Square were quickly cleaned up. As for the two dead people, they were naturally buried in a wilderness. After a while, they might not even be able to find their bones.

This is the cruelty of the mainland. The winner and the loser are the rules from ancient times.

Ye Xingchen's farce spread throughout Yancheng in the shortest possible time.

In the evening, the head of the Xiao family and the head of the Lei family, Lei Jun, met to discuss important matters.

"Ye Xingchen's growth rate is too fast and terrifying. We can no longer sit still and wait for death." The head of the Xiao family said worriedly.

"This child must be strangled in the cradle before he can fully grow up." Lei Jun said bitterly.

After the two major families saw the Zhang family tree fell and the hozen animals dispersed, they naturally felt a sense of desolation, so they did not want to see Ye Xingchen fully grow up.

"In Brother Lei's opinion, what should we do?" said the head of the Xiao family.

Immediately, Lei Jun made a killing movement.

The eyes of the two men exuded strong murderous intent. The two families had stood in Yancheng for nearly a hundred years and could not be ruined in their hands.

At night, Ye Xingchen was sitting cross-legged on the bed alone, practicing the Heavenly Fire Swallowing God Art.

Although he has not yet successfully mastered the first level of the Heavenly Fire Swallowing God Technique, Ye Xingchen has already touched the threshold. He believes that as long as he persists, he will surely reach the first level.

As long as the Heavenly Fire Swallowing God Technique reaches the first level, Ye Xingchen has enough resources, and he will be able to reach the peak of the Heavenly Realm in less than half a year.

It's a dark, windy night, a good time to kill.

The Lei family and the Zhang family took advantage of the darkness and dispatched all the masters of the entire family, planning to directly besiege the Lin family.

The two major families combined must have more powerful people than the Lin family. In addition, both families have an ancestor from the Heavenly Realm who is in charge. Even if they lose, the family will not be exterminated immediately.

Of course, the ancestors of the two major families would naturally disdain to participate in such a low-level assassination.

While the two guards of the Lin family were dozing off guarding the door, two sharp swords flew over and stabbed directly into their chests, killing them on the spot.

Immediately, a team of nearly thirty men in black rushed into Lin's house and began to search Ye Xingchen's residence while killing people.

"Are you here to kill me?"

Ye Xingchen stopped practicing and licked the corners of his mouth with a cold expression.

Ye Xingchen was so shrewd that he could naturally guess that the ones who came to assassinate him should be the Lei family and the Xiao family.

Naturally, these two families were unwilling to allow themselves to grow up like monsters, so they simply came to the Lin Mansion to assassinate Ye Xingchen.

As long as Ye Xingchen is assassinated and creates some chaos, the two major families will not be completely suspected.

In this way, even if the powerful men of Yu Lei Sect and Zhenbao Pavilion were to blame, they would not be able to find a target for punishment, and there would be no evidence to prove it anyway.

However, they underestimated Ye Xingchen, his strength and ruthlessness.

"Where is Ye Xingchen? Tell me quickly." A man in black grabbed a member of the Lin family and began to question him.

"Yes, over there." The Lin family pointed to the north in fear.

"Rush over and surround Ye Xingchen with a wheel battle." The leader of the men in black said.

Immediately, thirty men in black rushed towards Ye Xingchen's residence, obviously not intending to let him go so easily.

After Ye Xingchen made such a big noise during the day, he knew that the Lei family and the Xiao family would definitely not be able to sit still, so he contacted Xiang Tian early and asked him to hide in the Lin family secretly.

Unexpectedly, Jiang was still very old. Ye Xingchen took every step and calculated without missing a beat.

When thirty men in black surrounded Ye Xingchen's room, they suddenly felt a strong pressure, which made their blood boil.

On the roof, at some point, Xiang Tian's figure had appeared. He was holding a high-grade spiritual weapon, as majestic as an undefeated general.

"Miscalculation, kill them quickly and retreat." The leader of the men in black said immediately.

When all the men in black wanted to rush in and hack Ye Xingchen to death, Xiang Tian's strength at the half-step heavenly realm was undoubtedly revealed.

Three or four swordsmen were harvesting the lives of these men in black. In a few breaths, more than a dozen men in black died.

These men in black all have Xuanwu realm cultivation, but in front of a strong man who is half-step into the Heavenly Realm, they are like cutting a watermelon, and they don't even have a chance to resist.

"If you dare to invade my Lin family, the Lin family will be killed by me!" A deep voice sounded.

Lin Xiaotian originally took several elders of the Lin family to inspect the blacksmith shop. Unexpectedly, the guards who escaped from serious injuries reported that the Lin Mansion was attacked. Naturally, Lin Xiaotian and the Lin family rushed back with all their lives.

"Fight quickly, kill Ye Xingchen quickly and evacuate." The leader said quickly.

"Lei Jun? You dare to attack my Lin family and seek death!" Lin Xiaotian fought with the leader and immediately saw through the identity of the intruder and shouted angrily.

The remaining men in black tried their best to rush into the room, but Xiang Tian's eyes were already red with blood, and there was no way they would be given a chance.

In five minutes, thirty men in black were dead, leaving only the head of the Xiao family and Lei Jun. This shows that Xiangtian's strength is terrifying.

"You two, where do you want to run?" Ye Xingchen's voice came from the room.

Immediately, the door opened, and a handsome and elegant young man walked out of the room. His wise eyes made people dare not look directly at him.

"You have arrived a long time ago, and we will come to assassinate you?" Lei Jun looked at Ye Xingchen angrily and questioned.