I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 11


Regarding the memory of this night, Ning Wan was actually a little confused because of her drunkenness. She always felt like she had a dream. In the dream, her mother had a blue nose and a swollen face, and her father snarled at the beginning. It was not a good dream, but before long, these negative things were replaced by the sweet taste of ice cream, or her favorite matcha taste, sweet but not greasy, and then Fu Zheng appeared in this dream? She even received an email from Dapar! Although it was a rejection...

Ning Wan, who woke up from a hangover, had a headache, but she soon discovered that some things were not all false. For example, she did receive a reply from Dapar, and it was indeed a rejection...

When she sat in the community lawyer's office, she looked at Fu Zheng and cleared her throat: "Yesterday Xiaoli said that you took me home. Thank you." Ning Wan coughed and tentatively said, "I drank yesterday. Drunk, did you say anything strange?"

Fu Zheng's voice was calm and natural. He raised his head slightly and glanced at Ning Wan, and said concisely, "No, I will leave after sending you."

"That's good, that's good."

Ning Wan finally breathed a sigh of relief. In her dream, she was so embarrassed that she had made real-name insults at Dapar’s refusal. Fortunately, Fu Zheng was not present, otherwise this spread... She still has the desire to join the Dapar team. .

Now that I was sober, Ning Wan's attitude was much more correct. After receiving a legal consultation call all morning, she received two community residents who were consulting on the spot. After the lunch break, Fu Zheng seemed to have an appointment and happened to be out for dinner. Ning Wan I took advantage of the fact that there was only one person in the office, and started to sit down and continue to write emails. Of course, the magnetization was not enough once. Anyway, since this big par has replied to himself, even though it is a refusal, it is also a case. A good beginning, there are back and forth, and in the future, I will send more emails and be more familiar to make the other party willing to understand themselves and understand their professional abilities. Then join the other party’s team, maybe there is a turning point and hope...

Thinking of this, Ning Wan became motivated, and she began to carefully consider her words...

And on the other side...

A few days after Fu Zheng was "delegated" to the community, Gao Yuan finally remembered "Linxing" him. At noon, he asked Fu Zheng for dinner.

"How about? Is the community well trained? Many cases are actually very meaningful. They can quickly integrate and adapt to the domestic legal environment. Most clients do not have the mature legal awareness of the United States." Gao Yuan grinned. The community is actually quite challenging. Your style may not be able to sustain it for three months."

Fu Zheng did have the heart to return to the head office earlier, but Gao Yuan's words made him not want to leave: "Of course I can hold it. It's just the grassroots of the community. How difficult can it be?"

"Okay, if you come back in those three months, you will have a great harvest, and it is also a very valuable experience. If you don't know me in all places, I would also like to experience life at the grassroots level!"

The two chatted casually, and Gao Yuan suddenly thought of something like: "By the way, do you have any ideas on the formation of your team? Do you want to choose a few from the office? Several new recruits have been recruited this year, with all academic qualifications. Not bad."

Gao Yuan thought for a while: "But the newcomer is troublesome for training. In the first half year, don't expect to be able to do anything. Hey, Ning Wan is actually good. Would you like to choose her? She actually..."

It is a pity that before Gao Yuan finished speaking, Fu Zheng interrupted him: "No."


"Don't Ning Wan."

"Why? She doesn't have a bad reputation in the community, and she should have a strong case-handling ability, although the college she graduated from is not a prestigious school..."

"Undergraduate is not a prestigious school. This is enough to explain the problem. If the college entrance examination is a major event in life, if you try your best to get to this kind of school, it is a problem with your ability. If you don't try your best to get to that kind of school, you have a problem with your attitude. ."

"There is still such a thing as a failure in the college entrance examination, and you are a prestigious school all the way, but many people are ordinary people, so let's give ordinary people a chance."

"Stable performance is also an ability. If it is a failure in the college entrance examination, I will not sympathize."

Fu Zheng glanced at Gao Yuan and said lightly: "Besides she is so good, why didn't you want her?"

Gao Yuan scratched his head: "First, my team is very stable and has never left and no new positions have been vacated. Second, my wife asked me to not let me recruit such a team after seeing her resume photos. It’s too beautiful to be on a business trip or something in the team. Is that guy in my family uneasy? You can’t understand the suffering of a married man like me.”

Fu Zheng pursed his lips: "It's not that pretty either."

"It's pretty, your eyesight is too high..." Gao Yuan was about to say something, he caught a glimpse of Fu Zheng's mobile phone screen on the table lit up, it was an email, and he glanced at the beginning of the email. content…

Fu Zheng also saw the email. He frowned and opened it, only to realize that it was Ning Wan. After his refusal letter last night, she replied with an ebullient email, and the wording was grateful—

"Special thanks to you for taking the time to write back to me during your busy schedule. Thank you very much! Also thank you for pointing out my shortcomings and deficiencies in my resume experience. Although I do have these problems now, if you can give me a chance I have participated in some related commercial dispute cases. I believe you will have a more comprehensive understanding of my ability... I can meet someone who is so enthusiastic and willing to help newcomers, and so capable, who can be called a double heart of virtue and art. , It's my luck..."

Oh, how about Deyi and Shuangxin? How about the quality triple last night

Fu Zheng sneered inwardly, then calmly turned off the screen.

Gao Yuan looked gossip: "I see it! My 2.0 vision sees it! You received an e-mail that praised you with so many beautiful words, who sent it? What's the matter? What are you going to give back? "

"No return."

"Why?" Gao Yuan complained for the owner of the email, "I praise you so much, so I didn't want to reply? Why didn't he reply?"

"Because I'm just a poisonous and neurotic man." Fu Zheng took a sip of tea and added calmly, "It's just a man who has no personal charm and can't find a target."


Ning Wan was full of enthusiasm and enough doglegs to write a magnetic letter to this mysterious big par who is about to join the Zhengyuan Institute. After dinner, I haven't waited for Dapar's reply.

But it doesn't matter, Ning Wan thought to herself comfortingly, Dapar is always very busy, didn't people reply to the last e-mail after several days? Calm!

Fortunately, she ran out of time soon. Someone from the office came to consult on the spot. Ning Wan looked up and sighed, the old face—

"Aunt Wu, why are you here?"

Ning Wan's voice finally made Fu Zheng, who was reading quietly, also raised his head. He looked at the door and found a thin middle-aged woman walking into the house wiping her tears.

Before she reached Ning Wan's table, she cried: "Xiao Ning, I want to divorce!"

While crying, the middle-aged woman sat down at the table familiarly: "I can't live this day!" She cried, "Xiao Ning, I can't bear it anymore!"

"Aunt Wu, drink a glass of water and speak slowly, what's the matter?"

"It's not the dead ghost of my husband! It has been a month and night that I have basically not returned home. I must have been hooking up outside. I don't know which vixen I'm going with. Asking him a few words is still fierce to me..."

This kind of community divorce case was the first time that Fu Zheng had met after coming to Yuelan. He looked at Ning Wan with interest and wanted to see how she would handle it.

Ning Wan was rather calm: "Aunt Wu, what can I say to Uncle Zhang? You may have misunderstood it. Besides, you can't tell the evidence in everything. You can't conclude that Uncle Zhang has cheated in a few words. If this person really didn't have one, he should have been wronged. Well, you are also a couple for more than ten years, don't you know who Uncle Zhang is?"

It’s a pity that Aunt Wu was not persuaded by Ning Wan’s words. Instead, she became even more emotional: "Xiao Ning, he must have cheated. Recently, he doesn’t care about me at all, and not only is he fierce, he also beats me. It's me!"

After this Aunt Wu said, crying and crying, she stretched out her hand and showed the back of her hand to Ning Wan to see: "Look, this is what he hit!" After she finished speaking, she opened her sleeves and exposed her arms. This is also what he fought."

Fu Zheng followed his sight, and saw a black green on the back of the opponent's hand and arm. His expression suddenly became serious. It's just a divorce case caused by family trivial matters or emotional disputes. This can be resolved by mediation. Negotiation to resolve, but if it involves domestic violence, this is not feasible through mediation and negotiation, because there are only zero and countless domestic violence. If the female victim of domestic violence cannot be separated from the marriage, then it is very likely that the other party Will encounter prolonged and escalated violence...

As a woman, Ning Wan must be more empathetic. Fu Zheng thought that she would no longer choose mediation this time, and would definitely help the other party to file for divorce after retaining the evidence.

However, what he didn't expect was that Ning Wan was not at all hated or even unsympathetic about the female encountering domestic violence in front of her. Her eyes were calm and indifferent, and she skipped the injury on the other's hand without mentioning—

"Aunt Wu, you really want to give Uncle Zhang a little confidence. Think about it, how good is he to you?"

"There is no sweetness in sugarcane. Marriage is when two people run into each other. They have to tolerate each other..."

Later, Ning Wan said nothing more, going back and forth is nothing more than a central idea-there are bad parts in marriage and good parts. Think about the good parts and think about what you loved when you married this person. In short, it was the one between persuading and not persuading. In the end, this Aunt Wu calmly dispelled the divorce thoughts and went home with Ning Wan's exhortation...

Fu Zheng couldn't believe the result: "You just mediate it like this?"

Ning Wan didn't think it was wrong, her tone was even a little complacent: "Is it soon?" She glanced at her watch, "Look, I will deal with it in ten minutes, ten minutes, and make history again. Xin Gao, in the past, Aunt Wu had to come here for at least 15 minutes to persuade her to leave..."

Community legal services are indeed not simple. In many cases, mediation may be more necessary. However, domestic violence is not a situation that can be mediated. Ning Wan may indeed be commendable in practice, but her approach to handling is not just to get rid of the mud.

Regardless of the three or seventy-one, the big things are turned into small things, and finally I succeeded in reducing my workload, spending two or three sentences casually coaxing, as long as I am relaxed, no matter what the subsequent life of the person is, whether the problem is solved.

Regardless of Ning Wan's professional abilities, such an approach has no professional ethics at all.

Fu Zheng didn't want to listen anymore, he interrupted Ning Wan coldly, "Stop talking, I don't want to know."

Ning Wan was stunned, but she didn't say anything.

Fortunately, the sudden silence and embarrassment between the two people was interrupted, and another resident came to consult on the spot, and this time the middle-aged man chose Fu Zheng.

He looked haggard and his voice wailed: "I... I want to hire a lawyer... The Social Work Committee said there are community lawyers here to consult... I..."

Ning Wan saw the visitor and immediately stood up: "Uncle, don't worry, what's the..."

It's a pity that she didn't even utter the words "speak slowly", and Fu Zheng interrupted her: "This is my case. I hope you don't interfere."

Ning Wan was stunned. She realized that the relationship with Fu Zheng had eased recently. She didn’t understand how the other party suddenly became violent at herself, and she didn’t intend to snatch the case. Such community consultation, even if the client hires herself in the end. When a lawyer, the amount of the target is often small, but the matter is often very complicated. It is not a cost-effective case, and it is not a source of cases worth grabbing at all. Ning Wan spoke, simply because she was afraid that Fu Zheng could not handle it alone like the previous case. She wanted to help guide her, but she did not expect that Fu Zheng would be strongly hostile.

"Then this lawyer, I'll look for you." The middle-aged man didn't pay attention to the undercurrent between Ning Wan and Fu Zheng, looked at Fu Zheng, and narrated with an annoyed expression on his face, "My name is Lu Yu. I live in the high-rise building 5 of Yuelan. I usually drive a battery car to work. The battery car is parked in the ground garage connected to the corridor on the first floor. As a result, I parked well last night and found a fire there early this morning! My battery car was caught. Burned!"

Fu Zheng pursed his lips: "Do you know what exactly caused the fire?"

"I know, there are only two households on this floor with electric cars, one is me, and the other is our 15th floor Maori. My battery car is parked properly. It’s absolutely no problem. This is Maori’s car. of."

When Lu Yu talked about this, he was very annoyed: “In fact, there is a battery charging station in the ground garage on the first floor of our community. I charge it there every time, but Mao Li is not. The old man in Mao Li can’t accept this. For new things, I still use the set that was used eight hundred years ago. I pulled the cord from my own home to charge. Before, we had opinions about this in the building. What age is this, and it is charged with a flying line, especially his line is from the 15th floor. Pulled out, this thread was later picked up by someone. There are many places with tape, which is very dangerous to watch at ordinary times. If any old man or lady goes out without paying attention, they may be overwhelmed by the flying line and overwhelmed. It’s still a trivial matter. When you say that such wires are aging, they are aging. When the temperature rises in summer, it may be short-circuited and burned. If you do not pay attention, it will cause a fire. It is a danger to the people of our entire building. ."

"As a result, I didn't expect it to be summer before it started to burn. Before I left yesterday, I saw Old Man Mao charging on the fly line. Later, it burned and the fire came to extinguish the fire. It was indeed the short circuit of the charging line. The pot!"

Lu Yu looked sad: "You said why I am so unlucky. I bought a new battery car. I usually point to it every day at work. As a result, the short circuit of his broken wire not only burned his own battery car, but also took it with him. Mine was on fire, too, this kind of thing, old man Mao is illegal, right?"

"Yes, it's against the regulations." Fu Zheng nodded. "The Ministry of Public Security issued a notice about regulating the parking and charging of electric vehicles to strengthen fire prevention. It clearly stipulates that such flying wire charging is prohibited. The risk of fire is indeed too great. Yes. Your battery car caused losses due to a fire caused by someone else, and you can claim the full amount from the other party."

"That's great!" Lu Yu's face lit up, "The lawyer, can you help me defend my rights? Can you help me get compensation?"

Fu Zheng nodded: "Yes."

"Then how long will I get the money?" Lu Yu was very concerned, "My baby has just signed up for the remedial class, and the elderly in the family just happened to be hospitalized, and they bought a new school district room, so I don't have enough money..."

"There is no need to go to court. If the fly-line charging causes fire and property damage, it is natural for the owner of the car to bear the tort liability. I will help you communicate with that Mr. Mao, negotiate and deal with it, and give you the compensation as soon as possible."

In the end, Lu Yu filled out the community legal consultation commission materials, left his contact information, and then turned around and left after thanking him again and again.

As soon as Lu Yu left, Ning Wan couldn’t help but opened her mouth: “This case is not so easy to communicate. I have heard of the old man Mao in his mouth. He died in a car accident. The two old Maos didn’t want to have children anymore, so they depended on each other. As a result, his wife passed away a year ago. Now he is the only one and there are no brothers or sisters. The parents have gone long ago. They are a widow. elder."

In Ning Wan's mind came the appearance of Lao Mao crouching and walking alone, and she couldn't bear it: "Lao Mao has a very hard life, and doesn't have much money in her hands. Although you might think that the money for a battery car is only the same. Two thousand, but it is a huge sum of money for him..."

In community cases, even if mediation, they often pay attention to methods and methods. Ning Wan was afraid that Fu Zheng would operate dogmatically. She only thought of Lu Yu as her client, and completely ignored the actual situation of Lao Mao, so she kindly tried to popularize him with science. Background knowledge: "So you are the best..."

In the end, he was interrupted coldly by Fu Zheng: "I have learned a lesson from the previous case. I know that community cases need to understand and approach both parties. You don’t have to be a good teacher. I said, I will investigate it myself. As for his inability to compensate, this is also very easy to solve. The Ministry of Public Security has made it clear that the residential property should stop flying wire charging, and special inspections should be carried out to eliminate hidden dangers in a timely manner. In recent months, there has been no rectification of illegal charging at all, and even no announcement has been made. That means that the property has not fulfilled its own management obligations, and they can be regarded as joint and several parties, even if they do not need to bear the main responsibility. It is possible to negotiate some compensation for the victimized residents, so that the compensation pressure of Lao Mao can be shared."

Ning Wan heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Fu Zheng's processing thoughts. She just wanted to praise Fu Zhengruozi for being teachable, but she heard the other party bluntly: "I don't need your guidance."

In exchange for ridicule, Ning Wan also had a bit of air, and her tone became stiff: "As far as seniority is concerned, I am your senior. If you don't have any work experience, I can point you."

"The profession of lawyers really pays attention to qualifications, but it is not that you have been in it for a long time, and you will be in the mud. You are qualified to give advice to others. Work experience can be accumulated, but how to accumulate, a person's starting line and ability level have already determined her The ceiling of the future." Fu Zheng looked at Ning Wan and said indifferently, "As far as your graduate school is concerned, I don't think I have the ability to guide me."

After Fu Zheng finished speaking, he turned around and went out to deal with the infringement case of flying wire charging, leaving Ning Wan alone in the office.

As soon as he left, Ning Wan's face collapsed.

What kind of person! You can see that you are a hero! Still muddy? How did you get into the mud? Although the case in the community was small, Ning Wan asked herself that she had dealt with it diligently in the past two years, and she had never been perfunctory. Yes, Fu Zheng is a famous school, but is the famous school great? As for such a sense of superiority? This shit master is really not pleasing to the eye the more you look at it!

The author has something to say:

Aunt Wu’s case, please listen to me slowly breaking it down~ Don’t rush to draw conclusions~

Reader Ye Haoyi's [Small Theater]


Fu Zheng (heart as gray): I like rough

After a while:

Fu Zheng (joyed): I like rough