I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 25


Ning Wan didn't know that Fu Zheng had heard her and Xiao Mei's words. After she and Xiao Mei reached an agreement, they returned to Fu Zheng's side.

"Fu Zheng, Aunt Xiao Xiao is very excited, she just pulled me in the toilet and refused to let go, but she is a shy person, so she is a little reserved, don't care, just accompany her to their old sisters party later Just drink a coffee in the place, you can just behave well! I have discussed with her, and I will drink coffee once, and then I don’t need you to accompany her again, let her take the long face of her old sister, and she will help us go. Ask Wang Liying."

Ning Wan asked herself that the dripping water was not leaking, but she didn't know what was wrong. Fu Zheng's face was darkened like trying to restrain herself. He glanced at Ning Wan, and then smiled strangely: "Oh, good. "

Ning Wan didn't care, and took care of him a few more words before watching Fu Zheng and Aunt Xiao leave.

Xiao Mei’s old sister party did not last long. Fu Zheng returned after a few hours. Compared with his ugly face when he first left, his expression now looks... ugly is not so obvious...

"nailed it?"

Fu Zheng coldly snorted: "It's done." He looked at Ning Wan, and suffocated. In the end, it seemed that he couldn't hold it back, and his voice was strange. It's not too old, so I can barely see it with a face. It's a male vase, but he didn't humiliate his mission anyway, and completed the mission with super quality and high efficiency."


Ning Wan was a little embarrassed: "Did you hear that? Aunt Xiao is a bit paranoid, she must have been twenty-five years old before..."

"Didn't you say that she is my true love only fan? You appointed me to go?"

"... Just..." Ning Wan apologized sincerely, "I'm sorry, it's really necessary to handle the case, so I wronged you. I actually don't think thirty is old at all. You have something to do when you grow up, and you really don't look like thirty. , If you really mind, I will help you and Aunt Xiao make a good argument! Tell her thirty-one flowers for a man! In addition, I will wrap your dinner for a year! If you don’t forgive me, I will keep making it. ?"

Ning Wan thought that Fu Zheng might still play tricks. He didn't expect that when he heard what he said, he almost immediately said: "I forgive you, cooking is not necessary. I really don't need it. Others treat men's age and charm. You don’t need to clarify the misunderstanding. I will prove it with my ability.”

Don’t cook for yourself after suffering such a great grievance. Ning Wan’s heart is full of guilt. At this moment, looking at Fu Zheng’s figure, she feels stubbornness is full of stubbornness...

"Actually... Although Aunt Xiao can't appreciate your charm, what I said is not all false. I do think so. You are really handsome..."

Ning Wan held back for a long time, but still couldn't help it: "You have a really good temperament. I didn't lie to you... and you are very kind, willing to help others, and you are quick to learn. You can do everything like that. It’s a matter, although he is still only a grass-roots lawyer, as long as he persists like this, he will definitely get better and better!"

Although he was a little ashamed to Fu Zheng at the beginning, once the words were opened, Ning Wan was sincere and sincere: "Many people are late bloomers, and 30-year-olds without qualifications are a disadvantage compared to their peers, but they just keep making progress. Well, life is a long race, as long as you are more stable than others, I am very optimistic about your Fu Zheng!"

Fu Zheng lived to 30 years old. It’s not that she had never heard the flattery. However, facing Ning Wan’s current frank and straightforward encouragement and praise, she was a little uncomfortable. Ning Wan is indeed very beautiful. When she stares at others, her eyes will Open unconsciously, round.

It is said that girls with long apricot eyes are prone to make people feel protective, and they will feel cute and innocent. Although Ning Wan's daily operations are not compatible with these words, Fu Zheng discovered at this moment that it is true.

Although in terms of work, Ning Wan is undoubtedly agile and capable, such a person should have been sensible and mature, but Ning Wan is really good at deceiving. Fu Zheng has no doubt that if she wants to, Ning Wan can be deceived by herself. Help yourself count the money.

She was too gullible about herself, she was too careless.

For the first time in his life, Fu Zheng felt a slight sense of guilt.

Fortunately, Fu Zheng's guilt disappeared not long after meeting Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan encountered a cross-border M&A dispute and was really troubled by a few details and operations, so he consulted Fu Zheng: "You deal with many cases of this kind, what should you do at this time? The other party is a hostile takeover again..."

As soon as he talked about the case, Fu Zheng didn't bother to think about anything else. He began to talk wholeheartedly.

The two people intermittently discussed and analyzed, waiting for Gao Yuan to show a suddenly realized expression, and almost an hour has passed.

"You really don't do business anymore? What a pity!"

Regarding Gao Yuan’s regret, Fu Zheng was indifferent: “If you continue to do things that are not challenged, your life will be too meaningless.” Fu Zheng paused, “Not to mention that you don’t want to stop doing business. Do it together, the main energy is still to explore new areas."

When he said this, he glanced at Gao Yuan suddenly and changed the subject: "Right, Shen Yuting, do you understand?"

Regarding Fu Zheng's question, Gao Yuan was stunned, but still replied: "I know, but I'm not very familiar with it. What are you asking about this? Is there someone in her team who wants to come to your own team?"

Fu Zhengwei laughed: "Everyone in her team, including her, I look down on."

"Then why are you asking her about her situation?"

Fu Zheng did not answer directly, but only asked: "The senior guy needs to be responsible for the assessment of the middle guys in the institute. So, Shen Yuting, how about the business and revenue generation in the past few years?"

Director Gao Yuan sighed when he talked about this: "In the past two years, her income generation and business volume have been declining, and she has lost several old customers. It shouldn't be the case, especially these old customers have been cooperating well... "

"Check if her old client smuggled accounts with her." Fu Zheng glanced at Gao Yuan, smiled, and added: "In addition to Shen Yuting, the two lawyers in Shen Yuting's team, Li Yue and Hu Kang, Didn’t they arrange the community to be stationed at the beginning? But I’ve been in the community for so long and these two people have never appeared before, so I can’t come if I don’t want to come for the work arranged in the community? You guys invited me to join. At that time, but the atmosphere in the institute was so good, now, that's it?"

Gao Yuan didn't expect that Fu Zheng would suddenly get into trouble with the personnel in the institute. He squeezed his sweat and said, "I know, I will go back and deal with it. Severe punishment! Absolutely severe punishment! But you can remember! You promised me to join our institute! I've been slapped by several other high-ranking guys! I can't go somewhere else halfway!"

Fu Zheng pursed his lips and smiled again: "You'd better clean up all the mess and people in the office before I join the job, otherwise I won't be merciful when I officially join the job."

"Although Zhengyuan's community lawyer project is running smoothly, among the three on-site lawyers, only Ning Wan sticks to the post. Although the world's rules are not to grow melons and peas, but my world does not It will make the honest people suffer." He glanced at Gao Yuan, "You can't bully Ning Wan."

"No problem, no problem!"

"That's right." Fu Zheng remembered something again, and exhorted, "When you deal with this matter, remember to accidentally disclose it artistically. It is a man who reported Shen Yuting's situation to you."

"Huh? Why?"

"What are you asking so much for? Can't you do it?"

"I can do it! My acting is so good, I will accidentally say that the leak was reported by a man!"

He just nodded and promised, Gao Yuan became a little bit sour again: "Fu Zheng, I have known you for so many years. Before, I was copied by someone without knowing it. As a result, the teacher misunderstood that I helped others to cheat together and made my paper too. Rewrite, why didn't you see you so "Don't let the honest people suffer" "You can't bully Gaoyuan"? How can you change to Ningwan, you are double-marked? Is it just because she is beautiful?"

Fu Zheng frowned, "Are you a woman or a man? Do you still need protection?"

Gao Yuan was wronged: "What's the matter? Men shouldn't be protected? It's still popular for machos to cry!"

Fu Zheng sneered: "Didn't you later collect evidence to prove that you didn't help cheating and it was the victim who was plagiarized to get rid of the grievances? You can handle what you want me to help? And, are you honest? Are you honest? Can you honestly be friends with me?"

Naturally, Fu Zheng is not a good thing, but what kind of good thing can be for himself who can be troubled with Fu Zheng

"..." Gao Yuan held back, feeling a little unable to refute, he thought about it, and then asked, "Then how do you know that Ning Wan can't handle it?"

"She can't, she's kind of stupid."

"Shrewdness is all through experience. Are you stupid? Just hit the wall a few more times. Even if you want to protect her for a while, you can protect her for a lifetime? Teach a man to fish is worse than teach a man to fish. It’s better to teach her how to engage in workplace relationships and how to stand smartly..."

Fu Zheng ignored Gao Yuan: "Are you very idle? Don't you want to deal with that malicious merger? Your wife seems to be short of someone to go shopping. If you are so free, I will make a call with her?" After speaking, he picked it up. mobile phone.

When Gao Yuan heard that he was shopping with his wife, his scalp was numb, and he didn't talk nonsense anymore, so he shut up and left.

On the other hand, Ning Wan didn't even know that she was the real silly white sweet in the eyes of "Silly Baitian" Fu Zheng, and she has been very happy to help Fu Zheng to fight for benefits these days.

Thanks to her efforts, today, Fu Zheng’s chair is officially upgraded from a noble and elegant Mediterranean blue plastic stool to the same chair as hers.

Just when she was pulling Fu Zheng to try out the new chair, Aunt Xiao walked in curly. She looked around, and when she saw Fu Zheng who was hidden by the computer, her eyes lit up—

"Little Fu." Aunt Xiao fluffed her hair, "I haven't seen you these days." Her tone was a little bit sad, and she blinked at Fu Zheng amorously, "Isn't it a time to come back and contact me? ?"

Ning Wan frowned, a little inexplicable for a while, she looked at Fu Zheng suspiciously.

Aunt Xiao had been quite reluctant to accept the 30-year-old Fu Zheng before, so why is this sudden enthusiasm like a fire, and it has disappeared like three autumns

Fu Zheng was rather calm. He resolved Aunt Xiao’s Qiubo in twos or twos, and turned to the topic: "Anything new with Aunt Wang Liying?"

As soon as she said this, Xiao Mei frowned: "Of course I do, Xiao Mei doesn't make a move easily, and I do it naturally." She gave Fu Zheng another wink, and then lowered her voice, "Wang Liying's boyfriend is fake. of!"

Xiao Mei triumphantly: "I'll just say, how could she suddenly find a boyfriend of twenty-six, it really is a fake! It's completely fabricated by her!"

"That man, it's her neighbor, and I don't know what she's doing, so I won't refute it, but anyway, the words that they love each other are all false."

"Did she admit that to you?"

Xiao Mei raised her eyelids: "How can it be? She, she is also hiding and embarrassed about this kind of thing. Of course, she won't talk about it, but if a woman doesn't fall in love, I can see it. She came out, she said, she said that two people are in love and want to get married, but the more I asked, the more flaws appeared. I think she is also desperate to face and suffer. She spent money to find this male neighbor to pretend to be a couple..."

Xiao Mei didn't know the details of Wang Liying and Lu Feng, but Ning Wan felt a little bit in her heart. Xiao Mei's words confirmed her guess that what Lu Feng said was true. He did not fall in love with Wang Liying, so...

Then why does Aunt Wang have to claim to be in love with each other and still get married

Fu Zheng was obviously thinking about this question too. He frowned and looked at Xiao Mei: "So does Aunt Wang have anything to chat with you?"

"Of course, I also talked a lot. It's not easy for her. Both sons are so unfilial." Xiao Mei sighed, "She, it can be considered a hard life for a lifetime, and she never stopped, giving these two sons I bought a house and married a wife, but I had a wife but no mother, and my son and daughter-in-law didn’t have a good thing. Let alone give her money, it’s not bad to ask her to misrepresent the money."

Speaking of this, Xiao Mei also sighed: "I didn't know before. It turns out that she didn't dance square dance again during this period because she was diagnosed with cancer... During the period after the illness, the two sons' family did not take care of her much. She went to the hospital for chemotherapy because she used the old-age money she finally saved. The two daughter-in-laws even persuaded her to treat her conservatively all day long. Stop the treatment. Just eat fast and read the Buddha and copy the Diamond Sutra, and I don’t know what peace of mind.

"She was in poor health after chemotherapy, but the two sons didn't care about it. A few times she couldn't get up when she lay down, thinking that she was not good enough, and no one was caring about it, but her male neighbor was very enthusiastic and kept busy taking care of her. She, otherwise she said she died early! Let me see, she imagined her as her boyfriend because she was taking care of herself, and because she was seriously ill, she had no psychological sustenance!"

Xiao Mei said something else, then pursed her lips, smiled, looked at Fu Zheng, tucked her hair, patted Fu Zheng on the shoulder, and cared about Fu Zheng and must contact herself when he is free, Fu Zheng After a few words, Xiao Mei reluctantly left, curled up again.

As soon as Xiao Mei left, Fu Zheng's expression was a little bad: "Am I doing a'escort' for nothing? Lu Feng and Wang Liying are not in a romantic relationship. It is still Xiao Mei's own understanding and speculation, and the rest of the information is irrelevant..."

"No! I think you have fulfilled your mission!" Ning Wan thought otherwise, "Don't you think we are very close to the truth?"


"Anyone has a motive for doing something. Aunt Wang is actually very grateful to Lu Feng from what Aunt Xiao said. When the other party offers her a helping hand when she is in trouble, her words are full of praise. There is no reason to frame such a benefactor, but now to Lu Feng, he is uncharacteristically saying that two people must get married if they have a relationship. So what's the original intention?"

Fu Zheng pondered for a moment: "Would you like to appraise Wang Liying's mental state? Does their ancestor have inherited schizophrenia?"

Ning Wan was a little bit dumbfounded. She sometimes really admired Fu Zheng's thinking: "How can there be so many mental problems in the community? The essence of disputes between people in the community is money and interests. Do you think about it?"

Fu Zheng shook his head: "I can't come to a conclusion."

"Then don't think about it, let's go directly to visit Aunt Xia Wang, I think I will know the answer soon."

Even if Ning Wan said that, Fu Zheng did not actually expect to visit Wang Liying. According to this aunt Wang’s previous performance, she would take the initiative to admit that the possibility of her deceptive behavior is minimal, and who advocates and provides evidence for personal reputation infringement cases, As long as Lu Feng can't get evidence to prove his innocence, this case will be difficult to reverse...

Fu Zheng followed Ning Wan, and really didn’t know what medicine she sold in the gourd. Although the two of them had dealt with Xiao Mei, they also got a bunch of bits and pieces of gossip, but the information was useless. . Ning Wan went to see Wang Liying at this moment, nothing more than to continue to know it with emotion and reason, but Fu Zheng was psychologically prepared for her rejection.

Sure enough, after showing her identity and intentions, Wang Liying didn't look good to them. She reluctantly let them into the room, but she refused to talk and negotiate.

Fu Zheng waited for Ning Wan to speak to exhort her, and Ning Wan did clear her throat, but when she spoke, what she said was quite different from what Fu Zheng thought.

She was not soft-spoken and approachable at all. Instead, she had a serious and cold voice: "Ms. Wang Liying, we already have the factual evidence that you slandered our client, Mr. Feng Lu."

Ning Wan didn’t wait for Wang Liying’s response, so she continued: “Although you understand that you don’t want to give the property to your son because of your son’s filial piety, but you want to give Lu Feng through marriage, your way undoubtedly caused a huge impact on Lu Feng. It is illegal to trouble and hurt."

Fu Zheng frowned, and didn't follow Ning Wan's logic at once. What's all this and what

Ning Wan remained unmoved and just continued: "Your behavior has seriously affected the normal life of my client. He had planned to remarry with his ex-wife. Now the ex-wife heard your rumor and caused a misunderstanding of Lu Feng. You refused to negotiate and communicate. Your behavior not only caused Lu Feng to lose a happy marriage, but also to his daughter Jiaojiao, who lost her reunited family and became a single child again!"

Ning Wan's voice was dull and frustrated, both majestic and a bit solemn, full of righteous words, so much so that Fu Zheng also turned his mind around before realizing that she was serious nonsense.

First, they didn't have any evidence at all; second, when did Wang Liying propose marriage because her son was not filial and wanted to give the house to Lu Feng? Finally, when will Lu Feng remarry his ex-wife? This is basically Ning Wan's hypocrisy...

Lawyers, the most important thing is that they are based on facts and can't make up random things. Which one did Ning Wan go here? Besides, such things as legal facts, as long as they are in court, you can't be determined by making a fool of yourself...

It was just beyond Fu Zheng's expectations. Wang Liying, who had not cooperated at all, frowned and listened. After a moment of silence, she shook her lips and opened her mouth, asking a completely unrelated question: "Lu Feng is going to remarry?"

Ning Wan nodded, and said nonsense, "Yes."

And just when Fu Zheng thought she would continue to negotiate with an official serious attitude, she slowed down at this moment: "Aunt Wang, we all have the evidence, and we know why you must want to marry Lu Feng, but Please put yourself in your position and think about it. You resent and resent your two sons and don't want to give them real estate, but it is not good to involve the innocent Lu Feng, and it is too unfair to Lu Feng."

"He is so young that he has a bad reputation. Not to mention his ex-wife, is there any serious girl who will follow him in the future? Do you think that if you give him the house after getting married, he will be happy? You never asked him. , Is he willing to want this house? You are dragging him to join your chaos now, are you grateful for him or hate him? Do you want him to ruin yourself for this house? Do you think about your chemotherapy before At that time, the two sons didn't care about it, but Lu Feng didn't ask for repayment for his sincere help. How could you cheat him to cool the heart of a good-hearted person?"

Ning Wan's all these are just speculations. Fu Zheng thought it was nonsense. Although Wang Liying's son is indeed unfilial, but if you really don't want to give the property to his son, but if you want to give it to Lu Feng, you can do it in the form of a will. It is necessary to make such a big effort to marry Lufeng. This is not a reward, it is a bad public monument. Therefore, any logical lawyer will not make this assumption. Fu Zheng wonders if Ning Wan came up with such a peculiar way of thinking. He has given up on this case.

However, what he didn't expect at all was that after listening to Ning Wan's words, Wang Liying, who had always had no flaws in her expression, turned red in her eyes: "Because of me, now his wife refuses to remarry?"

Ning Wan nodded solemnly.

"I thought it was too simple." Wang Liying's expression finally fluctuated, a little guilty and a little embarrassed, her lips trembled and choked, "I... I did... I didn't think about Xiao Lu... "

The old man looked depressed and sorrowful: "Now that you know it, I don't keep it secret. I was thinking that I didn't want to give the two dogs the house. I pulled them up with poop and piss, and finally came to the end. I wish I died sooner, don’t drag them down. It’s better to treat me like Xiao Lu next door. I really don’t want to hurt Xiao Lu. I... I really just want to wait until I die and the house can let Xiao Lu go away..."

To Fu Zheng's surprise, Ning Wan's nonsense actually hit the facts, and she didn't know whether she should praise her dreams into reality or the blind cat ran into a dead mouse.

In short, under the guidance of Ning Wan's true and falsehood, Wang Liying finally defeated her psychological defense line, and she explained all the twists and turns in her heart in one go. It was almost exactly the same as what Ning Wan had guessed.

"So you want to pull Lufeng to get married, just to repay him by giving him the house?"

Facing Fu Zheng’s question, Wang Liying nodded and wiped her tears: "Otherwise, how can I give him the house if he and I are not relatives? When I die, my two sons will definitely come to grab the house, if Lu Feng and I got the certificate, and if I die, won't the house belong to him? My two sons have nothing to say."

Fu Zheng was a little dumbfounded. He had to explain the distribution of the estate to Wang Liying carefully and in a simple way: "If there is no will, then according to legal inheritance, then if you and Lu Feng get the certificate, if you are not there, Lu Feng will act as you Husband, your two sons and daughters, they can share your inheritance equally, and it is not that Lu Feng alone can monopolize the house. And you want to leave the house to Lu Feng only, write a will and give it as a gift That's it."

After Lala explained the miscellaneous things for a long time, Aunt Wang finally realized that she wiped away her tears and stuttered and explained: "I...Although I have no culture, I have watched TV series. The old man in it also wrote a will when he died. I left the house for the youngest son who was picked up for adoption. But when the old man really died, some of his own sons refused to admit it. They said it was a fraud and went to court. The old man died. There was no evidence for his death, and the youngest son was not. His own person, he was finally sentenced for not getting the house..."

She expects Ai Ai to say: "I just watched that, knowing that it would be useless to write the house to anyone. When I die, who knows how my two sons are making trouble, and..."

Wang Liying said embarrassedly: "And I don’t know how to write. I will only write my own name in my entire life. I can’t write anything else. Even if I ask me to write a will, I can’t write it. If I let someone else I wrote that my two sons don’t even recognize it... I have to think about it, and only by marrying Xiaolu and turning him into a relative can I give him the house right... Isn’t the marriage certificate protected by national law?"

That's why Fu Zheng didn't realize it until then.

The work of a community lawyer is indeed completely different from what he usually does. The difficulty is often not in the application of the law, but in communicating with the client and obtaining evidence.

The parties involved in commercial disputes are often well-educated and mature in legal concepts. Therefore, Fu Zheng has never felt obstacles in communication. He can use his own logic to infer the other party’s, because they are at the same level and understanding ability. However, the community The legal concepts of the residents are uneven. There may be many young people with good education levels, but there are also a large number of people like Wang Liying, who are illiterate and educated, and have a complete understanding of the law. Most of them are even unreliable. I know from the TV series...

It was also at this time that Fu Zheng realized with hindsight that Ning Wan’s previous remarks might not have been ridiculous, but she had substituted Wang Liying’s position very well. Based on the clues provided by Xiao Mei, Wang Liying was used. The way of thinking is inferring the point of the problem.

It was never the fluke and shit of a blind cat hitting a dead mouse, but the rich practical experience and flexible way of thinking that made her hit.