I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 26


Fu Zheng now truly understands Gao Yuan's words. To a certain extent, Ning Wan is indeed excellent.

"Aunt Wang, these TV shows are all deceptive, so how is the law like this?"

Ning Wan’s voice interrupted Fu Zheng’s thoughts. He rearranged his emotions, followed Ning Wan’s words, and began to intervene in the case, carefully explaining: "Aunt Wang, you said you wrote your own will. The full text of the will is written and signed by the person who made the will, and it does not require any witnesses to take effect. However, in addition to this method of will, there are several other methods that are recognized by the law."

"The first type is to write a will. A simple explanation. Just like Aunt Wang, you don’t know how to write, then let someone write it for you. As long as there are at least two witnesses in the process of making the will, these two The witness must have no interest in your house. In the end, both you and the witness have to sign. This is also valid."

"The second is simpler, it is a recorded will, that is, to record your will through audio recording. At least two uninterested witnesses are also required. The method and circumstances of the testimony can be recorded in writing, and the last is also Just sign them all."

"The third type of oral will, but this is generally not recommended, because this type of will can only be established when there is no will temporarily orally when it is critically ill, but it also requires at least two uninterested witnesses, and once the critically ill situation does not occur, An oral will is invalid, so it is easy to cause disputes."

Fu Zheng smiled: "I recommend a notarized will. You can apply for it at the notary office where your household registration is located, and the fee is very cheap."

Wang Liying also came to the spirit: "As long as this is done, it is legally effective? Really do not need to marry Lu Feng?"

"Of course." Ning Wan blinked, "If you can clarify your relationship with Lu Feng, and we are willing to help you communicate with him, there is no need to go to court. Isn't this a win-win situation?"

Wang Liying's face was quite moved, but soon there was an embarrassment: "But... Although my children are registered in Rongshi, my household registration is still in the countryside of my hometown. I am not healthy now. Let me go back to my hometown for notarization. Can't bear it. Can someone do it for you?"

Ning Wan shook her head: "The notarized will must be processed in person, but if the person who made the will cannot go there in person due to illness or other special reasons, you can ask the notary office to send a notary to you to handle it. However, once the will is processed, If you want to make changes, you have to go through this notary office, which is actually a bit inconvenient."

Ning Wan paused and looked at Wang Liying.

The old people’s thoughts have changed a lot. Maybe now they don’t want to give them to their sons, but when they come to the end of their lives, they change their minds

"Considering that your hometown, Aunt Wang, is in the countryside, it may be troublesome to communicate with the local notary office. In addition, changing or revoking the will in the future will also increase the difficulty. I actually recommend that you can be a lawyer to witness the will."

"What does this mean? What should I do?"

"We can accept your entrustment, write you clearly the contents of the will according to your wishes, and testify as a witness. All legal procedures and documents are left to us, and the fee is not very expensive."

At least two lawyers are required to witness the will, and at least one of them is a practicing lawyer. These Ning Wan and Fu Zheng coincidentally meet, and they can completely accept this entrustment.

Wang Liying asked a lot of details. Fu Zheng and Ning Wan answered patiently one by one, but Wang Liying still seemed a little uneasy and hesitating: "My two sons have no conscience. Now I have this sickness again. Although it’s been a few years later, but I haven’t eaten good food and used good food in my life, and I want to live it well in the last few years. If I say that I give the house to Xiaolu, my two sons will not care about me. Although Xiao Lu is a kindhearted person, but if I really gave him the house, he also changed. He felt that the house was settled... Then what should I do..."

"After chemotherapy, my body is very poor, and it will be bad every day..."

Although Wang Liying clicked until the end, Ning Wan understood immediately: "So you were so desperate to marry him before, so did you have this thought?"

Wang Liying nodded, a little ashamed: "I think I am married and have a legal certificate. Didn't it all say that husbands and wives should take care of each other? With the certificate, we are relatives. My house is normal for Xiao Lu. Xiao Lu also has to take care of me and give me retirement..."

Ning Wan understood everything she said.

Desperately pulling Lu Feng to get married, Wang Liying did not know the law and was poisoned by those nonsense TV dramas, and secondly, she also had her own selfishness in it. She felt that when she got married, Lu Feng would have the obligation to raise her, and she would take care of herself. There is security. As compensation and reward, the house can be given to Lu Feng after her death. In her opinion, it feels fair.

"Your situation is also easy to handle. You only need to sign a bequest and support agreement." Ning Wan smiled, "It is equivalent to signing a contract with Lu Feng. To your money and house."

"This... what does this agreement mean? Is this country protected by law? Do you count?"

Obviously Wang Liying did not fully understand, so Fu Zheng added and explained a lot in detail, and used more approachable language to popularize science to the elderly.

Wang Liying's face gradually became clear from the seemingly understanding to the non-understanding, and Fu Zheng did not dislike it, and continued to patiently answer several questions until Wang Liying fully understood the bequest and support agreement.

Her eyes really brightened, and she kept saying: "This is good, this is good! The law is really good! There are such regulations! This is what I want!"

"However, I just wanted to say that whether it is to make a will to make a bequest or sign a bequest and support agreement, Aunt Wang, you have to ask Lu Feng's opinion, otherwise he may not accept the bequest. The bequest and support agreement is a contract, and it is even more necessary. The agreement between the two parties is unanimous."

The two people confirmed a lot of details with Wang Liying, and only then decided to deal with the matter one by one. First, the dispute over the right of reputation was settled before calling Shang Lu Feng to have a good discussion.

After such a fate, the case finally got an eye on it, and when she walked out of Wang Liying's house, Ning Wan was finally relieved: "It's still lucky, I'm confused! This way, Lu Feng won't have to bear unreasonable charges and can't afford to raise his head."

Ning Wan was rather modest, but Fu Zheng knew that she was not all dumbfounded: "How sure are you saying that just now?"

Ning Wan was stunned, and then she admired Fu Zheng's son to be able to teach: "Probably 80% sure."

"You have handled very few community cases, but every resident in the community is actually not very knowledgeable about the law. Many people's misunderstandings or misunderstandings of the law may surprise you. If you do too many cases, sometimes you can Thinking of the problem from their perspective, occasionally substituting it in this way makes the case a lot smoother."

Ning Wan thought for a while, and recalled: "I have met a person before. I felt that as long as I didn’t know a certain law, I wouldn’t be guilty of ignorance; and if I felt that the law was not responsible for the public, everyone would break the law and do something together. As long as there are enough people, the law can't control it."

"So the grass-roots law popularization is actually a long way to go." She smiled, "It is also because of this that community lawyers are needed. Every case is subtly changed to change some public opinions, and regular law popularization lectures are held to literacy, although the money is not much. It’s true that things are cumbersome, but when they can really help others solve problems, that kind of pride is also true."

Ning Wan looked at Fu Zheng as she spoke, "Do you feel relaxed now? A sense of accomplishment?"

Ning Wan didn’t wait for Fu Zheng’s answer. She just moved her lower cervical spine and looked towards the sky. “When I was first sent here, I actually blamed others for being a man, and I didn’t look down upon this person who worked. I think the lawyer should be like a TV show. The glamorous images here are the same. They are elite enough to only handle tens of millions of billions of dollars of cases. Every day they speak in jargon that others do not understand. The emails are all bilingual in Chinese and English, and the contacts are also They are all corporate executives or cutting-edge figures in the industry."

"But later I learned that although the lawyers of these TV dramas do exist, the top of the pyramid of the lawyer industry only serves the upper 20% of the population, and the legal disputes between 70% and 80% of the general public in the country are indeed There is a very shortage of good grassroots lawyers, but the grassroots lawyers are too poor, and most good people are unwilling to do this grassroots work."

Ning Wan glanced at Fu Zheng: "Although what we are dealing with now seems to be a little trivial matter, it may really be other people’s lives. So when you think about it, do you think we’re doing little things? The case is suddenly great?"

Fu Zheng is a very arrogant person. Even if he stays in the community, he is more unwilling to admit defeat. But asking himself, from the bottom of his heart, he does not see much of a grass-roots lawyer. In the past experience, the grass-roots is full of Law graduates who graduated from colleges that are not good enough, have not good resumes, and are not capable, but wailing every day.

Ning Wan, who has rich experience and active thinking, is flexible in handling cases. She takes the money for selling cabbage every day with the heart of selling white powder. She does not need to be brainwashed by others, and she can also give herself a lot of chicken soup. He is poor and works hard to continue to be poor, Fu Zheng. It's really the first time I saw you.

It's a bit novel and a bit admirable.

All along, after doing business for so many years, Fu Zheng once felt that he had lost his enthusiasm for legal work.

The non-litigation field of commercial affairs is no longer full of challenges for him. He is a step-by-step process. Using past experience, he can handle 80% to 90% of the problems. The remaining 10% can be solved with a little brainstorming. The state is actually very stable-with a good source of cases and a good reputation, but Fu Zheng feels that as the days go by, he is getting less and less exciting, as if he can't feel the change and beauty of the law when he first started his career.

However, following the days when Ning Wan is dealing with community cases, he gradually feels that the previous expectations and enthusiasm for work have been rekindled. Community cases are like a box of ingenuity, and you don’t know what you will get next. Strange taste, because you don’t know where the case will go until the end.

It's quite exciting to think about it this way.

He turned his head and glanced at Ning Wan, because she was shining all over her body in the sun, and she was undeniably white and beautiful. It was indeed dazzling. When she first saw this, Fu Zheng also thought she was preconceived. It was a small vase, but looking at Ning Wan's profile at this moment, Fu Zheng was a little dizzy and remembered that there was indeed a lack of a vase in the villa he was decorating, and it would be nice to put some flowers in the house...

Ning Wan went back to the office, and just called Lu Feng to make an appointment to communicate in person, and then went to the bathroom. As a result, she was intercepted by Aunt Xiao as soon as she got out of the bathroom door.

"Xiao Ning, I want to thank you so much!"

Aunt Xiao was happy and full of spring breeze. While speaking, she took out a lamer cream from her bag and gave it to Ning Wan: "A little bit, it's a thank you gift." Aunt Xiao finished lamer and probed her mind. "Xiao Fu is back, right?"

Ning Wan nodded in a dazed manner: "Yes, I'm back, but what are you thanking me for? Sending such an expensive thing?"

Aunt Xiao was a little embarrassed, and she slapped Ning Wan with an anguish: "Isn't that thank you for introducing me to such a good man as Xiao Fu?"


Aunt Xiao didn't feel the change in Ning Wan's mood, and she shyly said: "I, I'm not chased by no one around me, but I'm not tempted. Now that I see Xiao Fu, I know what love is like." She was shocked. Announced, "I want to chase Xiao Fu."


Ning Wan was stunned: "What? Didn't you think he always looked down upon him?"

Aunt Xiao is a little regretful: "This is my prejudice, thank you Xiaoning, if it weren't for your insistence, I almost missed a good man. It's Xiao Fu, I see the charm of a thirty-year-old man!"

Aunt Xiao smiled shyly: "He, speaking, knowledge and vision, he is really excellent in all aspects. I have never seen such a good man in my life. He is not enough. He has been with me for a while. Don’t you know, my old sisters are so envious of me, one even wanted to secretly ask Xiao Fu’s number behind my back! Now I have broken up with her! We have been sisters for more than ten years , I didn’t expect that in front of men, women’s friendship would be so vulnerable!"

Ning Wan didn't expect that Fu Zheng's trick to attract butterflies was just that not long after he went out to accompany others, he even had an elderly love triangle, which caused the old sisters to turn their backs...

Aunt Xiao complained about the sisters’ ignorance, and turned the topic back: “Xiao Ning, in short, I am officially planning to pursue Xiao Fu. You and Xiao Fu are colleagues. Can you help me inquire about Xiao Fu? What do you like to eat? I am going to give him food every day! Also, you can ask him again, what color he likes, and I will buy him some wool and make a sweater..."

"..." Ning Wan felt a little suffocated, she said euphemistically, "Sister Xiao, you... Do you want to ask if Fu Zheng eats sister and brother love? Some boys are not willing to love sister and brother, if so In this way, if you still chase him, then you will definitely not be able to chase him. Isn't it a waste of energy and emotions for you?"

It’s a pity that Xiao Mei stayed unmoved: "Shen Congwen said, "At least once in my life, I forget myself for someone, not seeking results, not peers, not ever possessing, or even begging you to love me, just Please meet you in my most beautiful years', Xiaoning, you are still too young to understand the feeling of desperate love for love, I feel it, Xiao Fu is one of my people, absolutely correct, never again changed… "

Ning Wan couldn't help but interrupted: "Xu Zhimo."


Ning Wan said blankly: "This is what Xu Zhimo said, Sister Xiao, he might say this every time he meets the next person, every person is the right person. Do you want me to give you his love history?"

Xiao Mei was slapped in the face and didn't want to talk to Ning Wan, coughing and coughing: "Who said this is not important. The important thing is, I asked before, Xiao Fu is single, then he is unmarried and I am widowed. What about us? Can't it be a match made in heaven?"


"He, I'm going after it!"

Xiao Mei dropped the blockbuster and blinked at Ning Wan again: "I will come to deliver Xiao Fu food at noon in a while, and you will tell him for me. Everyday from now on at noon, I will be there." After she finished speaking, she stuffed Lamer into Ning Wan's hands again, "You take this little gift first. When the good thing between me and Xiao Fu is done, you are the matchmaker, and I want to give you a big red envelope. of!"


With lamer in her hand, Ning Wan walked back to the office with a heavy step. At the desk, Fu Zheng was still unsure of the blue face, and she was looking down at the legal documents.

Ning Wan really didn't understand: "Fu Zheng, what exactly did you do to Aunt Xiao? I asked you to chat with others, and I didn't let your fake drama really make them feel like they are cute!"

After listening to Ning Wan's account of the causes and consequences of Lu Yu's Aunt Xiao just now, Fu Zheng was also a little surprised, and then his face became a little unnatural and embarrassing.

Ning Wan now thinks about it and feels that when Xiao Mei came to share Wang Liying's first-hand news, she had a slightly ambiguous attitude towards Fu Zheng. She didn't care about it at the beginning. Now when she thinks about it, aren't they all clues? And at this moment, Fu Zheng's look is very problematic...

Aunt Xiao was so reluctant to him before, why did she fall in love with him after a while? Looking at Fu Zheng's expression again, he must have used some means, which made Aunt Xiao, who had always been cold and arrogant, also lost her mind and spirit.

Fu Zheng pursed her lips and did not speak, Ning Wan questioned for a long time and still refused to say a word.

"Now Aunt Xiao is chasing you, have you figured out how to end it? If you want to solve this, you have to tell me what you did..." Ning Wanyu said earnestly, "It's useless for you to refuse to talk like this. , Aunt Xiao will catch up at noon later. If you really hinted and hooked up with others, you should think about it quickly and clarify it clearly."

Fu Zheng remained silent for a while, and finally opened his mouth uncomfortably: "I didn't do anything else, just slightly showed them my personality charm."


Fu Zheng cleared his throat and stared into the distance: "It is said that a 30-year-old man is old and incapable and unattractive. I just use my own ability to prove that this is wrong, so that some people with no taste can see. It's just a moment, and didn't deliberately throw an olive branch to anyone, just..."

Ning Wan laughed angrily: "Just what? I just didn't expect you to be too charming, and the flowing water is ruthlessly falling into flowers intentionally?"

Fu Zheng pursed his lips: "Although your words seem to be ironic to me, it is true. I didn't expect this sequelae. After all, I only showed 10% of my strength..."

Ning Wan almost laughed angrily: "You show Aunt Xiao Xiao by showing 10% of your charm. Are you quite proud? Then why don't you show 100% of charm to the old ladies in the whole community? Are you dizzy and jealous for you?"

Fu Zheng pursed his lips and corrected objectively: "If you show 100% charm, I'm afraid your community disputes will not be resolved."


"Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Ning Wan nodded: "Say."

Fu Zheng said indifferently: "Divorce disputes may increase."


"Someone might want to divorce for me."

"..." Fu Zheng ah Fu Zheng, why don't you go to heaven if you do this? I'm wronged for leaving you in the community...

As a result, Fu Zheng was not over yet. He glanced at Ning Wan intentionally: "A 30-year-old man is not as unsalable as you think, and he has to work hard to sell some products. Although they are not marketing, they have a reputation. Once it comes out, it is unstoppable."


It is said that women love to compare to vanity. Ning Wan thinks that this is wrong. Look, how is it that men are worse than women in comparison to vanity? Question Ning Wan would like to ask Fu Zheng, is this the time to compete? It's all about being competitive in case work, is it attractive to be a 30-year-old man? ! As a result, it turned out to show off like a male peacock, and forced Aunt Xiao to get out of the girl's heart! I see how you deal with the aftermath!

Fu Zheng was ignorant at the time, but Ning Wan still didn't feel that he realized his mistake so far: "Forget it, I don't care about you, you can handle it yourself."

Fu Zheng obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He nodded and didn't take it seriously--

"It's okay, if Aunt Xiao has anything to say, I will tell her clearly, this kind of thing is very simple, just explain it clearly.",,,Website m.. ... chatting with book friends