I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 32


Although for her great kindness, the white-eyed wolf, Fu Zheng, not only did not sincerely thank him, but also grabbed his own milk tea, but Ning Wan is a generous boss after all. In the end, she decided that the adults should not remember the villains, after all. In terms of working attitude, Fu Zheng has recently been very enlightened, conscientious and capable, and has made himself even more powerful. He used to work alone, but now he has a reliable assistant to share his work. Almost all telephone consultations and on-site consultations are subcontracted to Fu Zheng. So that the life of Ningwan community lawyers has become more and more at ease.

It’s a rare day that there is no phone call or on-site consultation. Ning Wan thought for a while. It’s almost as long as the professional part mentioned Fu Zheng. The practical operation is still to be learned in the case. Now that there is no case, it is better to learn the salted fish of your life. Give him another lesson.

It was also a coincidence. It was at this time that Ning Wan received the email from the institute---

"Dear Ning Wan, thank you for choosing and joining Zhengyuan Law Firm. In 2019, we are grateful to have you..."

Ning Wan took a look: "Ah, the routine thank you emails in the institute have come. Time flies so fast."

Zhengyuan has all the traditions. After the new year starts, before the year-end bonus is sent, the firm will send an email to each lawyer in the name of all partners to affirm and encourage each lawyer’s work in the previous year, and then Draw a pie and call on every lawyer to look forward to a bright future and continue to work hard.

Fu Zheng hasn't received such emails for less than a year after joining the company, but this professional rookie is obviously very interested in this email. When Ning Wan mentioned it, he immediately showed an unnatural curiosity: " How's it written?"

It was indeed not long ago that Fu Zheng heard about this tradition of Zhengyuan Institute for the first time.

Gao Yuan is in charge of personnel, so he is actually responsible for writing the thank-you emails every year. However, this year he was caught in the merger and acquisition case and needed to travel temporarily. There was really no time. In the end, he used his face to coerce and lured Fu Zheng into a ghostwriter. Strictly speaking, this thank you email that Ning Wan received this year was from Fu Zheng.

Fu Zheng thinks that his debut work is good, both encouraging and complimenting, full of human touch, and looking forward to the future, so he coughed and waited for Ning Wan's admiration and praise.

Ning Wan really showed a high degree of approval: "This is great!"

It’s just that Fu Zheng didn’t have time to be proud, so he listened to Ning Wanzhen deafly.

"This is exactly the perfect model of capitalist exploitation! It is these bosses' sinister intentions that are covered up by the benevolence and morality!"


Originally, Ning Wan basically turned a blind eye to this kind of email, but Fu Zheng was so curious that she couldn't resist scanning the content, but felt that she could use it to teach in accordance with her aptitude.

"Come on, Fu Zheng, come here." Ning Wan thought this way, and beckoned to Fu Zheng, "Since I have just received the annual email, I will give you the first lesson of survival in the workplace today-how See through the boss' scam."

It's a pity that Fu Zheng obviously doesn't appreciate it, and his face showed an expression of indescribable expression: "What kind of scam can the boss have? Sending you encouragement emails is so humane? How do you call it sinister intentions?"

"Let me tell you this, you are naive, you think you wear a pair of pants with your boss, but in fact, no matter how good and reasonable a person is, once you become your boss, there will be a natural class contradiction between you. The boss’s position is to spend the least amount of money to squeeze your maximum amount of labor. Moreover, bosses will not experience it at the grassroots level. For example, no one thinks how difficult it is to be a community lawyer. case."

Ning Wan drank her saliva. When she said this, she couldn't help boasting: "You know, a leader like me who advances and retreats with subordinates is basically extinct!"


"So now, in contrast to the annual email in this office, I will tell you about the three major hallucinations in the workplace." Ning Wan said she was amazed, "Don't tell me, this email is really too typical. It's almost at the textbook level."


"Come on, let me read a sentence and analyze it for you." Ning Wan finished speaking, cleared her throat, and immediately read the e-mail, "'You are the most important member of our Zhengyuan Institute team, just like a big family. Like missing any member, we are family'... "

"This paragraph perfectly shows the biggest illusion in the workplace-the boss is very loyal and treats me as a relative!" Ning Wan analyzed seriously, "Generally, the boss who gives you this illusion, the next step is to brainwash you. He treats you as a relative, and the subtext makes you think of the company as your own home, but as soon as you hear this, you have to be alert. This means that you don't go home in the future. You can stay at the company all night and sleep in a sleeping bag."


"Okay, let's read the next paragraph,'In 2019, your performance is remarkable. Through your own efforts, you have won the unanimous recognition of the partner team. In 2020, please also seize new job opportunities and continue to shine.' "Ning Wan paused, "This is to create the second illusion for you-the boss values me very much, and I will be promoted soon! This illusion is like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey, just listen to it. , Because the boss will give this kind of hint to every employee, just like the scumbag, you are only the 100987th girl I am beloved of, understand? You think you are the boss’s only righteous palace, but in fact you are just a mistress."


Speaking of this, Ning Wan also sighed: "You know, right? I entered Zhengyuan in the first year. When I received this email, I was actually very excited. Look at how good this is. It's not a group posting, it's a partnership. The team sent it to each lawyer individually! Tailor-made for everyone! I immediately felt that I could not live up to the boss’s approval!"

"But after a long time I calmed down, because I found that sending to each lawyer individually is just formalism. In fact, the content of the email received by each lawyer is the same..." Ning Wan said that, knocking on the desktop. "So you said, isn't this just formalism? What's so good about sending this kind of email? It's like a scumbag, sending a group of exactly the same ambiguous words to every interested girl, but there is no sincerity at all, that's no one. Is anyone stupid?"

Fu Zheng pursed his lips, apparently he didn't believe it, and wanted to struggle: "I can't say that..."

Look, Xiaobai who is new to the workplace is like this, the boss can't wait to dig his heart out with a word, after all, he is still naive! Still have to beat more!

"What else can I say? In short, we are employees, it is important to have self-knowledge. Don't think that you are different to the boss. Believe me, you are a donkey in the eyes of the boss! The boss praises you in the email. It's a good donkey, and he may be scolding secretly, but this donkey won't work!"


After Ning Wan's analysis, Fu Zheng finally felt a little bit. His face became a little ugly, but he was still resisting: "The boss also has good things..."

"Perhaps." Ning Wan curled her lips. "But the partner who wrote this email is definitely not a good thing anyway. Look, what are they writing? Nonsense, "The best lawyers tend to take the most responsibility." The hard work can be sustained'."

"This has to mention the third largest illusion in the workplace. A workplace like you, a young man like you, after reading the passage just now, I must feel that the sky is going to be a big one, and he must first suffer from his ambition. The boss will make the most dirty and tiring The work for me is to test me, because the staff is my reliable one. As long as I endure hardships, I can be a master, right?"

"I tell you, as soon as you have this mentality, you will be done. The dirtiest and most tiring work is for you. It is simply because you are the stupidest. You don't resist. Don't think too much."

When Ning Wan said this, she couldn't help but roll her eyes: "Moreover, all these old-fashioned words, what's the matter with the partner who wrote the manuscript? You might as well say bluntly that only by enduring hardship can you make a lot of money. ! This makes people feel more motivated, saying that after suffering, you can become a good lawyer. Everyone is lazy now, and they don’t want to turn when thinking. Why do you become a good lawyer? Do you become bald? To be more specific, you become stronger, not only you become bald, you also become rich! You have to write this! Simple and rude! Only attractive!"

Ning Wan commented and shook her head: "What kind of literary level is this, unbelievable, such a person is actually a partner! I don't understand the mentality of employees at all!"

After Ning Wan finished speaking, she glanced at Fu Zheng again, only to realize that his face was getting uglier and even a little gloomy.

She couldn't help but sighed in her heart. People like Fu Zheng are the ones who are most likely to become black in the workplace. They are usually stupid and sweet. Once they suddenly learn about the darkness of society, they can't accept it at all. To slow down.

Ning Wan was about to comfort Fu Zheng with a few words, when she heard him in a low voice: "Do you know which partner wrote this email?"

"I don't know. Sometimes the senior guys in the institute will take turns to write." Ning Wan patted Fu Zheng on the shoulder with pity, "but I can be sure that this person is a stupid, I reasonably suspect Gao Yuan."

For a moment, she didn't know if it was Ning Wan's illusion. She always felt that Fu Zheng's resentful and hateful eyes were shining with revenge.

She couldn't help but persuade: "Take your expression down, your hatred is too obvious, what if you know that this partner is lofty? Why do we say that we are inferior to others, and they are the father of the golden master? Yes, learn to recognize the boss’ scam for self-protection, then we can enter the advanced class below."

After Ning Wan finished speaking, she turned on the computer and, in front of Fu Zheng, began to reply to the routine mail in the office one by one--

"Thank you for the encouragement of the bosses! I will try my best to be in line with every boss! To be my home, to bear hardships and stand hard work, to learn my skills down-to-earth, and to be an excellent lawyer as my duty!"

While Fu Zheng was dumbfounded, Ning Wan finished writing smoothly and clicked send.

As expected, Fu Zheng immediately questioned Ning Wan's two-sided dispatch: "Did you just spray this e-mail after three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends?"

Ning Wanruzi glanced at him inexplicably: "This is the new job skill I want to talk about-how to treat the boss in violation of the boss. No matter how stupid the boss says, don't refute it face to face. Just leave it alone, you Look, can my email impress the leader's obedient and obedient leader?"


"Have you learned it?"


"Do you know what kind of subordinates please the boss the most? They are not clever, but stupid. If you have to be too thoughtful and individual, it may not be a good thing in the workplace, because it means you have edges and corners. You are very likely to be disobedient and not very good at fooling around. If your boss supports you, you may not be able to manage it because you are not loyal enough. You are the kind of silly and sweet who only wants to work with one mind and don’t think about anything else. Therefore, we have to build this kind of image for the boss appropriately. You can give full play to your ability in the field of professional case handling, but in other things, yes. Don’t refute the boss’s words seriously, just pretend to be obedient.

Looking at Fu Zheng's expressionless face, Ning Wan patted his shoulder with relief: "It's okay, the advanced course may be a bit difficult. You must digest and digest it first. You must rely on practice to make perfect. , You can also practice more exercises in the actual operation, I can not force it to be your target of practice."

Ning Wan said boldly, "Your rainbow farts, just blow on me! It's okay, I can hold it!"


Fu Zheng was completely shocked by Ning Wan's cheeky, and could not speak for a while.

Ning Wan is quite proud, and Xiaobai in the workplace is simple. Look, after his teaching today, Fu Zheng is sure that he has already devoted himself to his five bodies: "Next time I have a chance, I will tell you how to fish and how to dump. pot… "

Fu Zheng pursed his lips, remained silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help but open his mouth: "You are good at handling cases and have the ability. Even if there is a natural class contradiction between you and your boss, why bother to follow those bad habits? Study how to shake the pot and fish?"

"Look, you are a typical example of someone who has never received a heavy blow in the workplace." Ning Wan blinked, this time she was sincere and earnest. "If you can follow a good lawyer, who can join a good team, who Don’t want to work hard and make progress every day? But the problem is that good teachers and teams are very difficult to find. In many cases, if you don’t fit the boss, it’s fate and luck. Learn to shake the pot and fish, and then others will throw the dirty work to you."

"If you and the team atmosphere is not good, you have to firmly believe that you will be marginalized and not be affected. Sometimes throwing the pot and fishing is a last resort to protect yourself. You have learned that others want Buckle the shit bowl on your head, you can throw the dirty water out, and the boss has arranged for you a job that is meaningless and growth-oriented except to kill time. Don't just go and do it like an old scalper. Dump it first. If you can’t get rid of the pot, then you have to learn to take your time and spend your time on the cutting edge."

Ning Wan smiled: "So don't look down on the skills of shaking pot and fish. I don't want to use it either. It's all forced by life."

After these words, Fu Zheng became quiet. It seemed that he had understood dumping pot and fish from this angle for the first time, with a pensive expression on his face. Just when Ning Wan thought this guy had enlightened him, he gave it to him again. Ning Wan knows how to strike--

"A good law firm should not allow employees to learn how to fish and shake the pot in order to protect themselves. If this is the case, then the law firm needs to be reorganized."

Fu Zheng's words, his tone and standpoint made him feel like he was the boss, and he almost didn't blow Ning Wan to death.

"You are really stupid and sweet. How can life be so simple and the external environment is not good, so I changed the environment? What I think is beauty, life is only for us to adapt!"

Fu Zheng only glanced at Ning Wan, with a calm tone: "It will change, I promise."

Ning Wan couldn't help but shook her head. She should cover Fu Zheng more. Fortunately, she is now in the community of Emperor Tiangao. Otherwise, she will be so stupid and sweet that she will enter the headquarters with complicated interpersonal relationships in the future. How to die! ,,,URL m.. ... Chat with book friends