I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 36


Ning Wan didn't know the twists and turns inside. Her face was filled with real happiness, full of the enthusiasm of the spring breeze, and soon stared at the computer, bit the tip of the pen, and started studying the case.

The big par gave her three days, but Ning Wan was stunned that she didn't sleep that night, stayed up most of the night, and rationalized her own thinking and logic in handling the case, and then wrote a detailed plan and gave it back to the other party.

After doing this, although she is very nervous, but Ning Wan has no special expectation of receiving a reply in the short term. The big par is very busy, and she is exhausted when dealing with work emails every day. It is enough to take the time to write emails to her. It’s definitely impossible for her to have priority for such an email. As for the reply, she just waits slowly.

However, to her very surprise, early in the morning of the next day, when she was sitting in the office and writing notes on the community case, she received a reply from the other party ---

The document used the revision mode to carefully correct the errors in her plan, the omissions in Ning Wan's consideration, and the points of attention in the practical operation, and also provided another operation plan. Finally, the other party was even careful to even the legal documents. Ning Wan’s format and punctuation have been revised and marked one by one.

"In many cases, the professional level of a lawyer is not only the quality of the documents she produced, but also the external format performance is also very important. Clients would rather accept higher legal fees and want to cooperate with many large firms, except for the other side's service. In addition to being more professional, the important thing is that the document format provided is clearer and clearer."

"The quality of services provided by most new lawyers is not necessarily very large, but the difference in professional level is reflected in the degree of professionalization of the text. Your plan ideas are remarkable, but in terms of format and details, You should also pay more attention."

"The overall solution you give for this case can be scored 70 points. You can try a more challenging case. I will send you the case materials later."

While reading, Ning Wan couldn’t wait to slam into the wall: "Fu Zheng, have you heard? You listen to the work attitude of others, and you listen to the meticulous care of the young lawyer! No wonder they can be a big par. ! This is the light of human nature! This is a special case among the bosses! It is the light of my life!"

It’s a pity that I’m moved here, but Fu Zheng didn’t have any expressions of infection. Not only that, Ning Wan just noticed it. Since she came to work today, Fu Zheng has been staring at the phone, flipping her fingers. He was typing something, as if he was replying to some information. There is no case today, and he does not have the business of the head office. Most likely, he is chatting passionately. As soon as Ning Wan got a little closer to him, he left the current page shamelessly. .

"Are you chatting?"

Fu Zheng nodded unnaturally: "En..."

Ning Wan got a suggestion from Dapar. She was excited, but when she saw that Fu Zheng was not so motivated, she couldn't help it all at once: "Fu Zheng! You just got the mortgage on your back. You have to work harder! Take a look! Hey, I took the time to reply to my e-mail so early, how about you! You are still looking for someone to chat with!"

Fu Zheng averted his gaze, coughed, and said uncomfortably: "People inevitably go on business trips occasionally, and you can't help chatting when you look at your phone... I can't help it..."

Speaking of this, Ning Wan hates iron and steel: "Although the community is nothing lately, you really have to be strict with yourself, go and look for cases." Ning Wan suggested, "Would you like to use your mobile phone? Give me? I set a power-on password for you? For a while, I was distracted and inattentive by looking at the phone for a while, and my self-control is not good. Later, I asked someone to set me a power-on password and forcibly quit the phone. Afterwards, the efficiency was really high during that period, and the progress was very fast!"

"No need..."

"Try it, I'll set a power-on password for you, and I'll unlock it for you after lunch." Ning Wan sincerely suggested, "Less chatting, more work, Fu Zheng, we have to learn from others!"

Ning Wan was full of enthusiasm for learning and was full of passion for advanced and backward. Even after taking away Fu Zheng’s mobile phone, she set up a password and threw it back to others. Then she stared at the computer intently and started to refresh. Mail.

Dapar said that he will continue to email himself to send new cases! Ning Wan waited almost intently, but waited and waited abruptly for an hour, and there was no new email notification...

"Is Dapar busy?" Ning Wan was a little frustrated, "Hey! I don't know when I will receive Dapar's next email..."

"You unlock the phone code for me, maybe your email will also come."

When he sighed so long, Fu Zheng not only was not driven, but his thoughts were even more degenerate. Ning Wan was like this. He even asked himself shyly for a mobile phone password? Even claiming to unlock the password for him to get the big par email

Ning Wan was almost dizzy: "Don't think about Fu Zheng, you can't use mobile phones during work today!"


It's a pity that the good is not the bad spirit, Ning Wan never expected that Fu Zheng, the crow's mouth, would not allow him to play with his mobile phone during working hours, and he really didn't receive Dapar's email for a day...

Ning Wan waited until the end of get off work, and felt that she couldn't waste her time waiting for mail, she still had to do something serious, she stopped Fu Zheng: "Go, I'll take you to buy furniture!"

Fu Zheng's house has been handed in, and the landlord has also moved all the mahogany furniture. It is time to give him the matching furniture so that he can quickly experience the joy of housewarming.

In the end, Fu Zheng was obviously a little resistant.

"What's the matter? Hurry up and buy furniture to live in. Isn't this saving a lot of rent? This way you will have less pressure to repay the loan."

Fu Zheng pursed his lips, obviously still not wanting to go.

Ning Wan looked at him for a moment, and she suddenly realized: "Is worried that these furniture are expensive? Don't worry, I know a few well-known second-hand furniture shop owners who can buy you the best quality second-hand furniture at the lowest price. let's go!"

What does Fu Zheng worry about is the expensive furniture? What Fu Zheng was worried about was that the furniture was not expensive enough! He has already spent money to buy an old and broken little one, thinking that this is the most bottoming shopping experience in his life, but he didn't expect it to be over, he and the second-hand are on the bargaining, with a second-hand house, he will soon have second-hand furniture...

Fu Zheng was so desperately dragged by Ning Wan to take the subway, and then back to the bus. He was squeezed into doubting life in the car that was rushing to and from work. He was so scented by the smell of sweat in the car that he almost died of smell, and finally got off. It took a long time for the car to walk before finally being led by Ning Wan to an unsightly alley.

Fu Zheng carefully avoided the puddles on the ground, and was led by Ning Wan into a cramped small shop. The door was so small that Fu Zheng had to bend over to get in. After entering, he found this shop. It’s not a messy and messy second-hand furniture market as Fu Zheng imagined. The shopkeepers are very particular about the furnishings and the environment is also very refreshing. Although it is second-hand furniture, the quality of maintenance is okay. However, these furniture have one thing in common. feature--

Looks very cheap...

There was a dining table in front of Fu Zheng, and he glanced at the price-1200.

It's not exempt...

"This is too expensive! Boss!" At that moment, Ning Wan's voice rang, and she called to the boss, "You are too scheming to bid recently? The global economy is not good, one thousand taels. Hundred yuan? Why don't you go to the bank to grab it?"

After she finished speaking, she blinked at Fu Zheng and said in a low voice: "Look at you for so long? Do you like this? You wait and I will bargain for you."

The boss is a middle-aged man in a long gown with a nice face. Hearing Ning Wan’s voice, he paced over: "Xiao Ning, how much do you say? If you buy it, of course I will call you. A discount."

"Okay, one price, 1,000."

"..." Fu Zheng was left dumbfounded, and one thousand two was not cheap enough? There are even a thousand yuan second-hand dining table in this world? On this, do I have to eat a five-yuan box lunch to qualify

The boss naturally refused: "The cost I have received is more than that."

"Then I will set up this desk and put two chairs here for you, this, this, and this, all of them, add them together, give a package price, so many, a total of 2,000, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, you're an old friend, and I'm happy too, take it away."

"How about delivery? Is it package delivery?"

"Just two thousand you still let me package delivery? That won't work! Delivery will have to add another five hundred! The price is two thousand five!"

The quality and price of these furniture made Fu Zheng almost lose his desire to survive. However, she did not expect that Ning Wan was stunned by this situation and cut off another three hundred yuan.

"Two thousand and two! Two thousand and five are ugly, unlucky, three hundred less!"

The furniture store owner was stunned: "Where is two thousand five unlucky?"

"Isn't this ten times more than two hundred and five? It sounds like cursing, not okay."

"... Okay, let's pull the goods away, but the delivery standard of two thousand two hundred yuan is only for you to pull downstairs in a truck, not to carry them upstairs."

"Ok, no problem!"

It may be that he received too many blows, so that Fu Zheng was actually quite calm when he wanted to die this time. Fortunately, he thought, after all, it only cost two thousand two, not ten times the cost of two hundred and five...

Only soon, Fu Zheng couldn't continue to comfort himself with the spiritual victory method.

Ning Wan gave the address and instructed to pack the second-hand furniture and put it on the truck, and asked the truck driver to send it to Yuelan. Then, she and Fu Zheng went to the bus and transferred to the subway, and finally returned to Fu Zheng’s "new mansion". Downstairs, the truck had arrived early and was already arranging for unloading.

The truck driver moved down the second-hand desks, chairs, and dining tables that Ning Wan had bought, because Ning Wan didn't need to move them upstairs. After he finished these, Ning Wan signed the receipt and started the truck and left.

Fu Zheng looked at the second-hand furniture on the ground. In fact, he was a little curious in his heart. Three hundred yuan was moved upstairs. The price is not expensive. Because his "second-hand mansion" is considered an old real estate, about the developer hadn't begun to become obsessed with it at that time. It’s just 20-story high-rise, so the whole building has only six floors. It is a small garden house, so there is no elevator. Fu Zheng’s "mansion" is located on the top floor of the sixth floor. It takes no effort to move a broken chair and a broken table.

It's just that since Ning Wan refused without hesitation, based on Fu Zheng's understanding of her, she would definitely be able to find a cheaper moving service, but... Three hundred is enough, even if the labor is sold cheaply, there should be a bottom line, right? People who are willing to move these broken tables and chairs back and forth to the sixth floor three or four times before they reach 300, how conceited is this

Unexpectedly, in society, there are still men living such a miserable life, betraying their labor and young flesh, just to make a hundred or two hundred...

Thinking about this, while Fu Zheng sympathized slightly, he couldn't help but develop a slight sense of superiority. Hey, the same man, but the difference between this man and the man is really a heaven and an underground, thinking about yourself, even if it is a flower The money collected this pile of ragged furniture, but two hundred yuan is not enough money at all. On weekdays, he has a decent social status, and his hourly salary is as high as 1,200 US dollars. I can move furniture for myself later...

As a man, Fu Zheng felt a little pity in his heart, and decided to take advantage of Ning Wan's attention, and secretly stuff a little red envelope for this transporter, and give him a good reminder. Man, don't be conceited, let alone use low prices. Vicious competition pulls down the market of the entire transportation market, you must have a backbone! It's not worth betraying the flesh for one hundred or two hundred! What a shame!

Just wait and wait, Ning Wan didn't seem to mean to call someone, she just kept staring at herself, Fu Zheng cleared her throat, and was about to ask when the transporter would come, but Ning Wan drove first. Uttered--

"Fu Zheng, move this desk first!"

Fu Zheng couldn't believe it: "Me?"

"Of course it's you." Ning Wan said with a straight face, "I think you are tall and tall, and your strength should not be small, right? Three hundred yuan, you can move it yourself. With the savings, how much more can you call? What about the takeaway? I will be the one who has the mortgage on my back in the future, so I have to plan carefully! I will help you move these small items together!"

"..." Fu Zheng's eyes widened, and he looked at Ning Wan for a while, and realized that the woman was serious. He raised his voice slightly, "You let me move? Let me? For three hundred yuan? Move these second-hand furniture?"

Ning Wan nodded, showing an inexplicable expression: "Of course you are the only one. Is there anyone else who is willing to carry so many chairs and tables up to the sixth floor for one hundred and two hundred?"

Fu Zheng didn't think about it, but in the end this conceited candidate turned out to be himself

He almost gritted his teeth: "Then others are not willing, why should I do it? Am I very cheap? Why don't I find the driver just now to move!"

"You can't say that. First, the three hundred yuan is actually saving your own money. Second, someone will move it for you. You might bump into the wall here and the stair railing there. Now, what should I do if you break your furniture? Second-hand items are always inferior to the first-hand quality."

Do you also know that second-hand quality is poor? !

Ning Wan didn't notice anything, she just patted Fu Zheng on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Come on, move."

Fu Zheng was about to explode. He stared at the furniture on the floor and insisted: "I won't move, you can find someone to move it. Anyway, I can't, I absolutely can't move, I..."

He just wanted to express that men can't be so cheap, when he saw Ning Wan look at his waist in amazement, and then interrupted him--

"No..." Ning Wan's tone was a little hesitant, "You are only thirty years old, your waist is not good?" When she said this, she lowered her voice slightly, and said to herself, "Jiang is really old. It’s so spicy. I thought that a 30-year-old man was still very young. It seems that Aunt Xiao was right. When a man is in his thirties, he is indeed going downhill. Look at a man with such a height and long legs. Unexpectedly, the waist will not work, and there is no way to move the furniture, hey! Otherwise, you will wait here, these small ones, I will move them for you, the larger ones, you help me and you Move up together."

Ning Wan sighed and looked at Fu Zheng sympathetically: "No wonder you and Chen Shuo have so many common topics about men's health care. It seems that your men are also very miserable when they are old, and life is not easy..."


It is tolerable or unbearable, a man who is suspected of having a bad waist is an insult to dignity!

"Who said I can't move?" Fu Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "My waist is very good!"

Don’t you just move a few broken chairs and break the table? ! Three hundred yuan is a small thing, but a man's dignity is a big deal!

Without a word, Fu Zheng took off his suit and unbuttoned his shirt cuffs, ready to start from the desk.

"Wait a minute!" Ning Wan hurriedly interrupted him again, "Don't move, don't move."

Is it because the conscience finds that this kind of transportation is indeed not in line with its own temperament

Fu Zheng coldly snorted, Ning Wan still had the foresight in the end. As a senior partner of her own, he carried over two hundred yuan of second-hand furniture back and forth. How well was it

As a result, when Fu Zheng was thinking like this, Ning Wan's voice interrupted his thoughts--

"You do a warm-up exercise in place first." Ning Wan said in a concerned tone, "After all, I am thirty, and I don't usually do much exercise. Don't suddenly flash your waist with such a burden."


Fu Zheng felt that this was no longer a question of whether it was cheap or cheap. He held his emotions, tightened his lips, and ignored Ning Wan's "goodwill persuasion". He just picked up the second-hand desk and went upstairs alone. Go up.

In the first round, he was indeed able to walk like flying, and he was in a very good state. However, he went back and forth several times, but when he finally carried the table, Fu Zheng didn’t flash his waist, but he accidentally gave his foot. Twisted...

A pile of second-hand broken furniture has been piled up in the living room of the second-hand "mansion". Fu Zheng endured the pain in his ankle, his expression was stern, calm and self-sufficient, trying to create a breezy appearance.

Ning Wan saw it, and she clapped her hands in surprise: "Fu Zheng, I didn't expect you to have good physical strength!"

Fu Zheng smiled coldly: "This little thing is a piece of cake."

"Hey, you don't need to pay attention to health information so early, I think you are still very young!"

What does it mean to stay young? Fu Zheng thought to himself, I am already very young! However, as soon as he wanted to express his stance, when he walked a little bit, the sprained ankle hurt violently... It was really hard to laugh.

Ning Wan didn’t know that Fu Zheng was injured, and she enthusiastically instructed him to move the desk into the room, move the dining table to the designated position, and set up the chair. Fu Zheng wanted face and suffering. He endured the pain of the sprain while working. This and that, I felt in a daze that I suddenly felt sympathy with the mermaid princess. At this moment, I don’t feel like I have to abandon the fishtail and turn into a foot for the prince. Every step is like walking on the tip of a knife, but I still smile forcibly. The mermaid princess

The more Fu Zheng thought about it, the more he felt that his grievance had nowhere to tell. What kind of evil did he commit in his previous life, and now he has to bear everything he shouldn't bear at this age? The finger that I was allergic to before was not all right!

However, he did not expect that worse things were yet to come.

Ning Wan helped Fu Zheng finish cleaning the house. Just when he was about to leave, Fu Zheng's cell phone rang. Before moving the furniture, his cell phone was now lying on the table in a big way, and the illuminated screen was clear. Chu showed the name of the caller-Gao Yuan.

Fu Zheng looked at Ning Wan, and saw that she pulled her face down, and felt bad in her heart...

Ning Wan's glimpse of Fu Zheng's phone screen was completely unexpected, but since she saw something, she couldn't pretend she didn't see it.

She did not expect that Gao Yuan, the hungry ghost in the face, was still pestering Fu Zheng

This pervert turned out to be quite affectionate, and has not given up on it so far.

Ning Wan didn't think that would work, she winked at Fu Zheng, "Don't pick it up, I'll pick it up for you?"

Fu Zheng seemed to want to pick it up by himself, but as soon as he took a step toward the phone, a painful expression appeared on her face. Ning Wan felt more sympathetic when she saw it. This damn lofty, let's see. What happened to the handsome guys? It is estimated that PTSD is due to seeing the two words Gao Yuan. The pain flashed across Fu Zheng's face at the moment, as if even if he took a step to answer the phone, he would have pain in his heart...

Ning Wan was originally going to go home and wait for Dapar's mail, but when she saw it this way, she still couldn't stand by. She took a deep breath and answered the phone for Fu Zheng.


Upon hearing Ning Wan's voice, Gao Yuan on the other side was obviously stunned: "I made a wrong number? I'm looking for Fu Zheng."

Ning Wan smiled and said without a smile: "Gao par, this is Ning Wan, Fu Zheng just went downstairs to move furniture, and the person is not there for the time being, and the mobile phone is left in the house. I am afraid you have something urgent, so I will pick it up for him temporarily. ."

"Moving the furniture?" Gao Yuan was really stunned. "He... he... he moved it himself?"

Heh, what Gao Yuan is thinking at the moment, can Ning Wan not know? This kind of wretched person, since Fu Zheng refuses to refuse, he is still entangled, he must see that the soft is not good, and even want to come to the hard, I am afraid that I have long planned to force Fu Zheng to do this or that, and see how I dispel his thoughts!

"Of course! Fu Zheng is only thirty, young and strong, with inexhaustible strength all over his body. Although there is a lot of furniture, he doesn't need a mover at all. He has to go back and forth several times and move all the furniture by himself. You know, there is no elevator in this house. He travels to and from the sixth floor alone. I see his physique. The average porter may not be as good as him!"

Ning Wan snorted coldly in her heart, let you see that our Fu Zheng is a stubborn stubborn, it is impossible to give you a strong bow to the overlord!


Sure enough, Gao Yuan on the other end of the phone fell into a deathly silence. After a moment of silence, he confirmed again in disbelief: "You said Fu Zheng works as a porter to move furniture? He has moved back and forth several times? No elevator yet? "


Ning Wan was proud of her heart and calmly said: "That's right!"

Gao Yuan was really scared. He didn't even know what to say for a while. After a long silence, he suddenly remembered something as if he said: "No? Why did Fu Zheng live in a house without an elevator? He..."

Oh, Gao Yuan is worthy of being a senior partner. He is investigating Fu Zheng with his usual due diligence for clients. Ning Wan doesn’t know where Fu Zheng lived before. Look at this tone, Gao Yuan must know it, even him. In the past, the house had an elevator and it was very clear, which shows that the intention is sinister!

"Yes, the house he rented before does have an elevator, but now Fu Zheng has relied on his own efforts to buy a house. The rent will be withdrawn soon, and he will be able to live in his own house in the future."

Ning Wan’s words were not in vain. She was telling Gao Yuan from the sidelines that Fu Zheng had a good life, and his life was on the right track. Barely considered a man with capital! There is no bottom line just for some money, and I hope Gao Yuan can retreat in the face of difficulties.

Unfortunately, to Ning Wan’s expectation, Gao Yuan was really lacking in EQ, and he was unchanging. After saying so, Gao Yuan asked in astonishment: "What?! Fu Zheng bought a house?! Buy it in. Where is it? It's still without an elevator? How old is this house, and there is still no elevator?"

Look, how can these greasy partners not believe that new lawmakers can only buy old and broken ones

"It's in our Yuelan community! Sometimes buying a house also depends on fate, and there happens to be a particularly good landlord who is rushing out."

Yuelan Community is a school district, and it’s not too old. It’s a good starting point for a mere need, and it’s enough to shock Gao Yuan if you say it. At least let him know that Fu Zheng is not just a little bit like he has never seen the world in his imagination. People who can sell their bottom line with money.

"Yuelan?!" Gao Yuan was stunned to find that Fu Zheng could actually afford Yuelan's house. His words stuttered, "You said... Fu... Fu Zheng... bought... bought Yuelan. Second-hand house?"

"Yes." Ning Wan smiled, "By the way, Gao Par, what do you want to do with Fu Zheng? Do I want to tell him?"

"No... No more..."

Sure enough, when he continued with his words, Gao Yuan finally died of this thief. Ning Wan hung up the phone and looked at Fu Zheng with a smug expression: "Look, he will definitely not contact you again next time, I He has passed the information that should be conveyed. Forgive him that he will have to weigh his own weight when he goes back. Don't think that others have never seen money all day. Fu Zheng, you are no longer a proletariat! You are also a petty bourgeoisie!"

It's a pity that this was a good thing, but Fu Zheng didn't know why. He might still be immersed in the allergies of a high distance, with a look of despair on his face, as if he almost didn't want to live.

Ning Wan patted him on the shoulder: "If you want to start a little bit, Gao Yuan will slowly give up on knowing this information! Don't worry!"

After she finished speaking, she helped Fu Zheng sort out the sundries in the room. Then she said goodbye to Fu Zheng and took away the rubbish.

It's a pity that the more she cared about Fu Zheng, the more he couldn't think about it. He looked at his fingers that were still recovering from allergies, endured the pain in his ankles, and held his really sore waist. Second-hand luxury houses, and then look at the second-hand furniture with a total price of 220, thinking that Gao Yuan will soon rush to ridicule, the grievance and despair in my heart are almost reaching the culmination.

I really want to die. ,,,URL m.. ... Chat with book friends