I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 51


Shu Ning went directly to the head of Zhengyuan Law Firm to complain the next day.

"It was a man who accompanied her. He said that it was her husband, Yu Feiyuan, who was called Yu Feiyuan. He had a fierce attitude. He said that you instigated his wife to divorce him for the source of the case and agency fees, ruining their family happiness and asking the law firm to do something to you. Deal with it seriously, otherwise we have to go to the media to expose our law firm..."

Because of this, Shao Lili came to the community almost early in the morning out of breath: "Because I happened to be in the camp at the time, and I have witnessed the whole process. Yes, you also know that once you receive such a complaint, you will start the investigation process, but now the two of them are one mind, as long as you insist that you are the cause, in the end you are not a person inside and outside..."

Ning Wan was furious: "This Yu Feiyuan is really a mentor-level talent for PUA routines. In addition to brainwashing, she will also differentiate Shu Ning's resources from any sources she can ask for help. She completely cut off from the lawyer who wanted to help her, and worked every step of the way. She was really a good player."

Shao Lili looked anxious: "This is the time, so don't think about Shu Ning! Ning Wan, you have to think about yourself! I have a court to open, let's go first, you quickly think of a way!"

After Shao Lili left in advance, Ning Wan's face didn't look pretty, but after a while, Director Ji called her to go to a building in the community to quickly mediate a family dispute case. Ning Wan didn't have time to think about it, so she picked up her bag. Just left.

Chen Shuo and Fu Zheng were left in the office.

After hearing that Ning Wan was complained, Chen Shuo's expression was gloomy and ugly. At this moment, Ning Wan is not there, and the hostility towards Fu Zheng in his heart has spewed out--

"Some people who caused the damage by dragging the oil bottle have been complained. On the contrary, I can still sit here quietly. It's really thick-skinned!"

The regret in Chen Shuo's heart at this moment is so great. If he insisted on staying with Ning Wan in this domestic violence case, it would be great. If he accompanied Ning Wan by himself, he would definitely feel the changes in Ning Wan's mood in time, at least not let the case become like this...

If it wasn't for this Fu Zheng...

However, Fu Zheng's face was still not salty and unreliable at her gnashing her teeth like this: "Ning Wan's complaint has nothing to do with me. It wasn't because of my improper operation that caused all this, but because she didn't control it well. mood."

Fu Zheng was not surprised by Ning Wan’s complaint. Don’t over-substitute your client’s emotions and don’t use emotions. This is almost a truth that a lawyer should understand when he first started. The lawyers for a long time made such basic mistakes, and even Fu Zheng couldn't stop them. In the end, she was completely emotionally out of control facing Shu Ning, which was very undesirable and low-level, but the mistakes would have to pay the price, and being complained was also the consequence that she had to bear.

Fu Zheng was accustomed to the way of thinking of the superiors. When dealing with such low-level mistakes, he felt sorry for Ning Wan, but he also treated Ning Wan equally.

Sometimes, mistakes and punishment are for better progress.

Ning Wan did the case wholeheartedly, but as a lawyer, you should never feel that you are the savior of the client, let alone feel that you should sacrifice yourself for others.

"Don't talk about these non-existent scenes, I will ask you, Fu Zheng, will you help Ning Wan to intercede? I will definitely go, but I am not the person who handles the case. The proving power and weight of what I say is naturally discounted. It can only prove from the side that Ning Wan usually works hard in the community. You still need to clarify the specifics of this case..."

Fu Zheng pursed his lips: "Ning Wan is indeed remarkable in the community. She is serious and pragmatic, but in the case of Shu Ning, she did have problems in the way she communicated with the parties, and she was too emotional." He bluntly refused. Chen Shuo, "I won't intercede, because she really did not do it right."

"Lawyers can indeed use the law to help many people, but not everyone is worthy of being helped, and not everyone can be helped. There are always a few idiots in the world who can't wake up, so at this time, what lawyers have to do Just stay away from these idiots and protect yourself." Fu Zheng glanced at Chen Shuo, "She is a lawyer who has been working for so many years, and she doesn't even understand the truth. She can't control her emotions and is complained. It makes sense."

There is nothing wrong with Fu Zheng's words, but Chen Shuo is still very angry: "It is in vain that Fei Ningwan takes care of you so much, so you are so ungrateful? Is it because you are afraid that if you go to plead, you will make the partner think that you may also be wrong in this case, so that the partner treats you. The impression is not good, right?"

Fu Zheng raised her eyelids and glanced at Chen Shuo: "I don't care what other people's impressions of me are. Ning Wan was complained about her mistakes. This is also a kind of growth in disguise for her."

Chen Shuo was furious: "Since you are growing up in disguise, why don't you grow up?"

I've talked about this, but Fu Zheng is still calm and confident. He glanced at Chen Shuo like an idiot: "I don't need to grow."

Chen Shuo was almost mad: "I shouldn't let you and Ning Wan go to the domestic violence case. You are very selfish. You usually rub Ning Wan to scan your resume, but you only think about yourself at the critical moment. You don’t care about Ning Wan’s feelings. You don’t even know that every time she goes to a domestic violence case, she thinks of her past once..."

Fu Zheng hadn't had any special reaction at first, so he frowned slightly when he heard this.

"She would be emotional and uncontrollable because she grew up in such a family environment, and her father is a rubbish! Except for gambling and verbal abuse, she can barely do anything. Ning Wan has been working outside to earn living expenses since she was in high school. She has been through a very hard time in middle and high school, and besides beating her mother, her father sometimes beats her when she drinks too much."

The more Chen Shuo recalled, the more heartache she felt: "She shouldn't have gone to the domestic violence case at all, she shouldn't have exposed her scars at all, I should stop her." He glanced at Fu Zheng and rebuked himself, "At least not Let you accompany her..."

When Chen Shuo said this, he looked at Fu Zheng: "Are you really not going to help Ning Wan plead for an explanation?"

After the anger dissipated, Chen Shuo now calmed down and tried to move Fu Zhengxiaozhi with reason and affection: "You may be a newcomer who doesn't understand our Zhengyuan rules. In our office, I was complained like this once. It's not as simple as deducting bonus points. As long as there is a complaint, you can't apply for the election of any partner's team. Ning Wan has been wasted in the community for too long. Her ability is fully qualified for the business of the head office. This year happens to be the new American The senior partner who joined needs to form a team. If there is no such complaint, Ning Wan can apply. You must know that our partner’s team is basically stable. If the complaint cannot be withdrawn, she will have a chance to join again if she misses this time. 'S team? This complaint is almost related to her career!"

Fu Zheng pursed his lips, and said concisely: "Don't go."

A joke, one of your own senior partners intercedes for employees

What's more, wrong is wrong. No matter how excusable it is, it is wrong for Ning Wan to substitute her own emotions and experiences into the case. As a partner, she must think beyond Chen Shuo's misunderstanding. The most taboo thing for management staff is to over-favor. Transformation, this also has its own difficulties and reasons. Isn't it true that everyone makes mistakes and cannot be punished

Even if I understand Ning Wan again, and even if Ning Wan's past is not easy, it cannot be a reason for her to directly erase this complaint for her own favor.

It's just that Fu Zheng was still a little concerned about Chen Shuo's words. He remembered Ning Wan's first drunkenness in front of him, her tears, her whispering sobs, her self-deprecating tone, her slightly trembling eyelashes and that kind of people. Can't ignore the depression and sadness that seems contagious...

Because Ning Wan was laughing and laughing, Fu Zheng always thought that Ning Wan was drunk bullshit. She looked like a girl who grew up in the sun. She was so careless that Fu Zheng didn't think she would ever live in such an environment. …

It's just that she didn't expect that her terrible father was not a drunk fabrication, but it turned out to be true.

Whether handling the case or managing the case, they are all taboos to oversubstitute the emotions of the parties. On the one hand, Fu Zheng sensibly commented on Ning Wan’s over-emotional process in handling this domestic violence case, but he did not realize that he was actually substituting it unconsciously. Ning Wan's emotions.

So she was unable to go all out to get a better school because she was constantly in need of part-time jobs in high school and had to endure such a father? So what was Ning Wan like in high school? Even if you live in depression, can you still smile so brilliantly

The more Fu Zheng thought about it, the more irritable he became a little unclear. He knew that he was right not to interfere with the customer's complaints, but at the same time he felt almost contradictory that it was wrong.

Gao Yuan has been busy with a bankruptcy liquidation case for the past two days, and finally got down to take a nap behind the screen in his office, but Chen Shuo rushed in in a hurry---

"Gao Par, Ning Wan that complaint..." Chen Shuo was originally a stable and reliable leader among these young lawyers, but at this moment, his face was full of undisguised anxiety, and he forgot his consistent calmness. "She really did not do it for the source of the case, but out of anger against the client, because her mother suffered from her father's domestic violence all the time but never divorced. She had been very depressed when she was a child, so she felt very empathetic. She also hopes to help the person concerned get rid of the fate of domestic violence. She is really forgiven for doing that..."

Ning Wan also knew about this matter from a high level. He is currently in charge of personnel affairs, and all complaints will naturally eventually flow into his hands. Chen Shuo likes Ning Wan, and he can understand it when he comes to him to intercede, but-

"Chen Shuo, I know that Ning Wan works very seriously in the community. You don't need to tell me about her difficult or childhood experience. We are legal persons. You should know that in many criminal bills, some suspects are indeed pitiful. But if he commits a crime, he is a crime. The law will not be lenient to him because of his growth environment, otherwise he will not be called the law."

Gao Yuan’s voice is very calm and calm: “Our law firm’s rules are also the same. As the personnel management of the firm, I cannot open the Internet just because Ning Wan is justified. Now that I have been complained, I will deal with it as I should. , Must give the party an explanation, and the punishment will be punished."

Chen Shuo was naturally not reconciled. He still wanted to fight for it, but Gao Yuan had already made an order to chase away customers with a clear attitude.

The poor status was here. Chen Shuo wanted to stand up for Ning Wan, but he had no choice but to apologize to Gao Yuan dryly, and then walked out of the office with a heavy face.

It's just that Chen Shuo was finally sent away. Gao Yuan hadn't had time to turn into the screen. Almost not long after, Fu Zheng opened the door and walked in by himself.

"I have something to tell you."

Gao Yuan lost his temper. He felt that he might not be able to sleep for this nap today, so he simply decided not to sleep anymore: "What's the matter?"

"Ning Wan has been complained." Fu Zheng glanced at him, "What are you going to do with it?"

There was a tug-of-war in Gao Yuan's mind for an instant. He stared at Fu Zheng, trying to find out some clues from his face. At this time, he found himself. What does Fu Zheng mean? Do you want to punish Ning Wan severely according to the rules, or is it because Fu Zheng and Ning Wan have worked together for a while and want to deal with it loosely

Is it big or small

Big bet!

"Of course, a bowl of water should be treated normally in accordance with the regulations."

Very good, it seems that the bet is right! There is no change in expression on Fu Zheng's face so far!

Gao Yuan smiled and said further: "Since you pointed out the problem with Shen Yuting's team and some management loopholes in our firm, I have also reflected on it. It is true that sometimes I open one eye and close one eye too much. Some lawyers' improper operation punishments are not severe enough. This time Ning Wan was complained by a client. Don't worry, I will deal with it strictly according to the procedures and rules. She is also considered a senior lawyer. How could she be so emotionally punished? Beat and beat."

Fu Zheng did not make a statement, but continued to ask: "Did Chen Shuo come to you to intercede?"

"Isn't that?" Gao Yuan explained enthusiastically in order to show his unselfishness. "Actually, it's quite a coincidence. Just walking with you, it’s not easy to be young and young. He usually works very calmly. This time It's also because Ning Wan came to me impulsively to fight for it. It seems to be the depth of love!"

"So you are grateful for their deep love, so you let it go?"

Gao Yuan immediately expressed his position: "Of course not! I rightly rejected him!"

Gao Yuan originally couldn't touch Fu Zheng's attitude, but when he continued his words, he saw Fu Zheng smiled with satisfaction and said concisely: "It's good to refuse."

Gao Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, and he made a big bet.

Gao Yuan felt a little airy for a while, he felt that he really knew Fu Zheng! Fu Zheng is indeed inhumane! Although Ning Wan has worked with him in the community for a long time, she has been complained by customers, and Fu Zheng will never open the back door. He is such a ruthless man!

As a result, Gao Yuan was waiting for Fu Zheng's further praise, but after hearing Fu Zheng's topic, he talked about something inexplicable--

"So, sometimes it may not be a good thing to be young."


Fu Zheng seemed to be in a good mood. He smiled slightly and looked towards Gao Yuan: “Although it is better to look young most of the time, many things are so cruel. In the hands of older people like us. This is the advantage and charm of age."


Before Gao Yuan had time to react, he listened to Fu Zheng to continue--

"You don't need to follow Ning Wan's complaint, I'll follow."

Gao Yuan couldn't bear it now: "Hey, don't you? You and Ning Wan are working together in the community somehow, you deal with her so cruelly, and when you return to the head office to restore your identity, Ning Wan will not hate you? This bad guy? Let me do it..."

Fu Zheng raised his head and glanced at Gao Yuan: "Who said I should deal with her cruelly? Who told you to deal with her? You are not allowed to deal with her."

? ? Gao Yuan couldn't figure it out. Fu Zheng was only 30. The reason should not be in menopause. How can it be hard to guess whether it is sunny or rainy

"Then you... Are you going to favor favoritism?" Gao Yuan looked puzzled. "Didn't you say that management employees must never favor favoritism? How can you convince the public if you don't deal with Ning Wan? The parties involved in her case will rant and find someone. The people in the house have the most time to make trouble, so why don't they mean to be punished?"

"Is it impossible to be selected into any partner's team if I have been punished?"

"That's right..."

"Then don't punish." Fu Zheng looked calm and composed, "Is it enough to let the party concerned withdraw the complaint?"


After finishing speaking, he cleared his throat, and the manager wisely said: "If the client cancels the complaint, then there is no need for punishment. After all, it is common for the client to misunderstand the attorney. If the misunderstanding is eliminated, naturally the attorney should not be dealt with. The processing is normal and in full compliance with the process. There is absolutely no favoritism."

"..." Gao Yuan didn't keep up with Fu Zheng's thinking for a while, but said with difficulty, "But the husband of the person involved is pretty good, and it seems that he won't be willing to withdraw the complaint easily..."

"Give me three days." Fu Zheng made a concise decision, "I will deal with this matter."

Gao Yuan had some speculations in his heart: "You are about Ning Wan..."


there is nothing? Gao Yuan thought to himself, why didn't Fu Zheng "not finish" even before he finished it. I don't know if this is even more apparent? Blame this place without three hundred taels of silver...

Fu Zheng naturally maintained a nonchalant expression. He didn’t know whether to explain to Gao Yuan or explain to herself as if to listen: “If Ning Wan has a coaching lawyer at this time, her coaching lawyer will protect her, but she doesn’t. She has been in this institute for so long, and her work is all dependent on her own groping. However, due to some shortcomings in the team setting of the Zhengyuan Institute, her efforts have not been seen by anyone. Except for her, the talent pool in the institute is Isn't there a similar young lawyer?"

Although Gao Yuan always felt that Fu Zheng was "playing favoritism", what he said is irrefutable. If Ning Wan has a teaching lawyer, then it is true that at this time it is her teaching lawyer...

"What really needs to be adjusted is the talent pool system. Since it is impossible to absorb so many young lawyers, you should not recruit so many people. As a partner, you should be responsible to every employee of the law firm and should not waste their time."

After Fu Zheng finished speaking, he glanced at Gao Yuan: "But I will not favoritism. If I fail to get the person involved to withdraw the complaint, this complaint will naturally be handled in accordance with the process."

"It's just that Ning Wan didn't teach the lawyer to protect, so I must protect her." Fu Zheng pursed her lips, "This is to not chill the heart of a young lawyer like her."


"It's not for favoritism, do you understand?" Fu Zheng pursed his lips, summing up his statement, "I, Fu Zheng never favoritism."

"En..." Okay, what you say is what...

"Okay, I'm very busy, there may be another consultation call in the community, I will leave first."

After Fu Zheng finished speaking, he walked away in Gao Yuan's stunned mouth.

It's really a matter of flicking the clothes to hide merit and fame...

Gao Yuan thought for a while, and felt a little sympathy for Chen Shuo for a moment. After all, Xiaoyoung was no match for the cunning old stuff; on the other hand, he felt that it was not too late and it was time for him to have a good relationship with Ning Wan. ,,,URL m.. ... Chat with book friends