I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 55


When Ning Wan continued, Cai Zhen was completely shocked, and subconsciously asked: "How do you know? I... I didn't say anyone!" Her tone was full of panic, "He said that if I say it, it will Sue me! You... How did you know? Did he tell you?"

Almost instantly, Cai Zhen's whole body was tense, and the eyes that looked at Ning Wan were also full of guard and fear.

"Don't be afraid, no one told me."

In Cai Zhen's doubts, Ning Wan took a deep breath: "Just because I experienced what you encountered, Jin Jianhua also harassed me."

Cai Zhen was shocked, and slowly reacted: "No wonder Sister Lili said just now that you also refused his invitation before! That's how it is!"

Ning Wan glanced at Cai Zhen: "So if there is no Jin Jianhua, you want to stay in Zhengyuan Office and stay in Rongshi as a lawyer, right?"

At this time, Cai Zhen completely let go of her original guard. Nothing can arouse mutual empathy more than the identity of a co-victim. She no longer smiles, her whole expression collapsed, and she made her debut to Ning Wan and confided: "Yes. I actually like Zhengyuan Institute very much. I think there are a lot of high-end businesses and I can learn a lot. I don’t want to leave Rongshi, but..."

Ning Wan frowned and said seriously: "What did he do to you? Tell me if you want, and I will help you figure out a solution."

Although Jin Jianhua is a par of Zhengyuan Institute, he is only a middle-level partner, far from the point where he can cover the sky and rain in the legal circle. Even if Cai Zhen stays at Zhengyuan Institute, she may be squeezed out by Jin Jianhua or wear small shoes like himself. But Cai Zhen's graduate school is much better than her own. In addition to Zhengyuan Institute, there are many other red brick institutes to choose from in Rongshi...

Cai Zhen was obviously suffering from this incident. Now when she encounters Ning Wan who has had the same experience as herself, she is already Liushenwuzhu, and now she has a sudden emotional breakdown and her eyes are red: "I thought I was very lucky at first. , Can be selected as an intern at Zhengyuan Institute. After a few months of internship, Jin Jianhua said that he felt that I was serious and willing to work and was willing to take me. I would help with his team. It was really good at the beginning. I take care of me. I have taken me with me when I handle a case. I have learned a lot. He also explained all the questions to me in detail. He often wanted to bring a souvenir to everyone in the team when he was on business trips, even me. Also have a share..."

"In general, I really felt that I was fortunate to meet him for the third time. He also worked hard to express himself in front of him. I hope that after the internship, I can become a full member and formally join his team. After all, it is not easy to meet such a good boss. I talked about career planning and life, and the opinions I gave were very pertinent, which made people feel approachable and friendly. I really admired him for a time..."

Recalling the past now, Cai Zhen’s eyes are full of regret: “I may be really too young, and I immediately relaxed my vigilance against him. Later, there was a case in which he went on a business trip, and Jin Jianhua claimed to be a member of the team. The lawyers were busy with cases and asked me if I would like to be a small assistant to follow. I didn't think much about it. I went there happily. I thought it was a rare opportunity..."

"As a result, he harassed you while on a business trip?"

"In the beginning, he was actually very well-behaved. I booked a hotel and booked two rooms. I didn't think much about it. It was just after nine o'clock in the evening, he suddenly texted me and told me to send me a copy of the materials. As soon as I went to his room, I went..." As soon as she said this, Cai Zhen couldn't help it, her tears fell, "As a result, as soon as I entered the room and gave him the materials, he suddenly threw me on the bed. , And then kissed me and forcibly tore my clothes..."

Ning Wan took Cai Zhen's trembling hand and patted it gently: "Don't be afraid, speak slowly, it's all over, are you okay in the end?"

"No... I kept resisting, and it was very fierce, and I bit his hand. Taking advantage of his distraction, I ran out of the room quickly. Later, I didn't care about the case. I booked a train ticket and fled back that night. Rongshi."

Seeing Cai Zhen shivering, fearful and terrified now, Ning Wan's heart is both indignation and self-blame. Now Cai Zhen has experienced all this, she has not experienced it, and history is always surprisingly similar.

At the beginning, because of the expansion of Zhengyuan, Ning Wan was able to enter the school with the background of the graduate school, but since then he has not been able to enter the team of the big par. It is also at this time that Jin Jianhua appeared, gentle and caring for himself, and actively and friendly. I have handled cases several times, and I am also a teacher and friend, so that when Ning Wan learned that Jin Jianhua was willing to accept herself into the team, she remembered the excitement and expectation until today-even if she was not from a prestigious school, she Finally got the path and opportunity to work hard!

It's a pity that reality quickly gave Ning Wan a resounding slap, because it was almost at the same time that Ning Wan nodded, Jin Jianhua's hand touched her cheek. Ning Wan still remembers the look in his eyes and his flirtatious tone, he said ――

"Ning Wan, you are so beautiful. It’s good to be a lawyer. You don’t need to be so tired. I’ll help you bear the pressure. You’ll be responsible for the beauty of the case. If you follow me, you don’t have to worry about it. , You know what I mean..."

Jin Jianhua said that the hand that was touching Ning Wan had the intention to move down and continue to touch Ning Wan’s waist. Although Ning Wan quickly escaped from his touch, the greasy and disgusting touch seems to have remained so far. In my own mind.

Ning Wan would occasionally think of the latter thing when she dreamed back at midnight, but she always felt like a dream. She looked like a bystander, watching herself slap Jin Jianhua in anger and humiliation, and watching Jin Jianhua curse with vicious words. I, and threatened myself that if I don’t know the current affairs, I don’t want to live in the office...

Jin Jianhua is very credible in one thing, and when he said it, Zhengyuan Soo, for the good reputation of the firm, newly opened up the no-name business of community lawyers. Ning Wan was "exiled" in Jin Jianhua's "recommendation." Once "exiled", it was only two years, and this year Zhengyuan Institute even renewed the contract with the Yuelan community...

This kind of on-duty work itself is of a service nature, and there is not much money, and no one wants to go, and there is no need for shifts and changing of posts. Originally, Ning Wan actually does not need to actually come. On duty, but despite Jin Jianhua’s revenge, he stared at Ning Wan’s “fake station” that required the law to disallow formalism. Attorneys must be present, and Ning Wan also rushed to the scene, just like that. The community went on.

When the incident happened suddenly, Ning Wan didn't have any practical experience, and she didn't expect the recording to retain evidence. Moreover, Jin Jianhua didn't entangle herself after being slapped. The most important thing a lawyer does is evidence. He has no proof, and Jin Jianhua is also a mid-level partner, so Ning Wan can only choose not to show.

In the past, she always felt that it was right for her to deal with it that way, but now looking at Cai Zhen, whose eyes are red with pain, she blames herself and feels guilty.

People will not change. Jin Jianhua can stretch his black hand to himself, he will also stretch his black hand to others. If he bravely stood up at the beginning, even if there is no evidence, he will at least make a big mess, so that Jin Jianhua can no longer maintain his current hypocritical face. , Then will Cai Zhen not be victimized

At this moment, because Cai Zhen was emotional, she was a little incoherent when she said this paragraph: "I just ran back to Rongshi, when Jin Jianhua's phone number came. It was obvious that he was not drunk at all, but on the phone he excused that he was drinking too much. Anyway, I apologized anyway, and then asked me if I could not say anything, I can make up whatever I want..."

When Ning Wan heard this, she almost subconsciously asked, "Did you record it?"

"I didn't..." Cai Zhen was a little frustrated. "I had no idea at all when I encountered this matter for the first time. My hands and feet were trembling. I didn't even remember to save the evidence. And thinking about it afterwards, he was very careful when talking on the phone. , I didn’t mention what I did, I just said that I didn’t do it properly. I hope I don’t mind anything..."

Also, since it is not the first time that Jin Jianhua has done this, he is still at large so far. He himself eats legal food and is naturally a cunning and cunning. Even if Cai Zhen recorded it, I am afraid that it would not prove much.

But ask what Cai Zhen wants to make up for...

Ning Wan had a bad feeling in her heart: "He asked you to make up, did you say anything?"

It's okay if you don't ask, Cai Zhen's tears fell as soon as she asked, and she began to sob, in grief and despair.

With her reaction, Ning Wan was arrogant in her heart: "Did he imply that since he did something wrong, he can give you material compensation and continue to guide you to withdraw money? But there is a word of money in his own words anyway. Didn't bring it?"

Cai Zhen was stunned, and then nodded: "Sister Ning Wan, did you encounter this incident before?"

"I haven't met." Ning Wan sighed, already guessing about Jin Jianhua's routine. "When he said that, you must have been biased by his thinking, right?"

"I didn't want to mention it at first, but later he seemed to brainwash me, meaning that I had to make up for him to be at ease, otherwise he would keep calling me on the phone. I was afraid that he would pester me again. After persuading that I did have a reason to make compensation, I spoke up..."

"How much do you want?"

"I want ten thousand yuan."

The starting point for filing a blackmail case is 1,000 to 3,000 depending on the local economic level, but 10,000 yuan, no matter what, already exceeds this standard.

Cai Zhen cried and explained: "I regretted it afterwards. Looking at the money, I quickly returned the ten thousand yuan to him."

"But he still tells you that you are extortion completed, isn't it?"

Cai Zhenhong nodded with her eyes circled: "Yes, at this time, I discovered that although I didn't record myself, Jin Jianhua recorded the content of the phone, and he was very skillful in cutting the head and tail, and finally edited it. It sounds like I unilaterally asked him for a hush fee..."

"He told me that even if I paid back the money later, it was already done by extortion. After paying the money, it still needs the understanding of the person to deal with it. As long as he kills him and does not forgive it, I may not be forgiven anyway. To leave a criminal record..."

"That's why you were so scared that you decided to leave Rongshi, stay away from this person completely, do not hesitate to end the internship immediately, refuse the admission of Zhengyuan Institute, and escape back to your hometown?"

Cai Zhen wiped away his tears and nodded: "He said that he was magnanimous and it didn't matter. As long as I correct it, this matter will be exposed, but although he didn't say clearly, what he meant between the lines was that he was going to use it to threaten me. Now, if I stay in Zhengyuansuo, or even in Rongshi, I might be harassed by him. I don’t know what else will happen..."

It turned out that the truth turned out to be this way. Ning Wan tried to suppress the anger and anger in her heart, and then she didn't break out on the spot. She used to think that Jin Jianhua was wrong, but she didn't know that he could be so shameless.

Cai Zhen is still a student who can't even talk about going out of society. As a result, Jin Jianhua relied on his boss status, and relied on his knowledge of the law and knowing how to exploit loopholes. Not only did he unscrupulously attempt to sexually harass Cai Zhen, but even afterwards. To be able to set Cai Zhen calmly and push her into the pit step by step.

Ning Wan has been in the community for a long time and has been exposed to all kinds of cases. In many cases, once a little careless, it is true that the victim can easily be legally identified as the offender.

Jin Jianhua hinted to Cai Zhen that he kept silent and didn't mention the word money. In fact, he waited for Cai Zhen's lion to ask him for money as compensation, so that Cai Zhen could be accused of extortion.

Because it is morally true that Cai Zhen is the victim, no one will stand against Jin Jianhua when this matter is said about it, but because of this, victims like Cai Zhen can easily relax their vigilance when they are emotionally agitated and feel that they are themselves. There are indeed reasons to receive compensation, and to compensate for this kind of thing, an apology is naturally worthless. Of course, it is measured by money, so when you ask for money, you don't care if the other party has dug a hole.

However, moral correctness and legal correctness are two different things. If one is not careful, it is easy to fall into the trap. In the end, not only will not get any compensation, but also be frustrated by the four words of blackmail, and suffer for no reason. In the end, they even have to pray for forgiveness from the perpetrator of sexual harassment in order to avoid the investigation of extortion.

A college student like Cai Zhen and an old legal fox like Jin Jianhua are not in the same class at all. Ning Wan can fully imagine how Jin Jianhua retreats for the sake of the camp step by step. Even judging from his skilful and calm handling, he is far from being. The first victim, Cai Zhen will not be the last.

Although Cai Zhen had no experience of social dangers, she was a law student after all. After experiencing this, she could quickly figure out the logic of it, but it has happened and it is completely irreparable. Cai Zhen now regrets and blames herself: " I was useless. I studied law for four years, but things came to an end. Not to mention using the law to protect myself. I also shot myself in the foot. Jin Jianhua couldn’t provoke him, so he could only hide... I thought about it. In Rongshi, he held the recording in his hand, in case he came to harass me again... So... "

"At first I wanted to expose him in the past, but I didn't pay attention to the recording to save the evidence. Secondly, in case I posted a Weibo exposure, he played the choppy recording in his hand. I I can guarantee that public opinion will come and scold me. They will scold me for deliberately seduce the fairy, but actually want to cheat money..."

At this point, Cai Zhen couldn’t help but red eyes again: “It’s me who is not good. If I refused to pay compensation at the time, I would not fall into this embarrassing situation. …"

"You're right, what's the problem with the victim's compensation? You deserve it. Your appeal is justified, but you didn't pay attention to negotiating in a way that can protect yourself." Ning Wan told Cai Zhen Handed a tissue, "It doesn't matter if the victim is not perfect, because the wrong person is the offender."

This sentence came out of Fu Zheng’s mouth not long ago. Now that the scene has changed, Ning Wan has become a comforter, saying the same things as Fu Zheng, hoping to give the victim strength. For a moment, Ning Wan In a daze, he always felt that Fu Zheng stood behind him when he did anything in the dark. He was not too dazzling, nor did he have the sense of distance caused by excessive excellence. He was obviously just a trainee lawyer, but Human feelings are inexplicably gentle, strong and reliable, so that Ning Wan can often think of him when she is confused.

He is important, more important than Ning Wan imagined.

But it’s useless to comfort Cai Zhen. In the final analysis, although I can trust Cai Zhen because of the same experience, because there is no evidence, once it is exposed, not many people will stand next to Cai Zhen, not to mention Jin Jianhua now. Recording in hand...

After Cai Zhen cried, her emotions stabilized a lot, and the expression in her eyes at Ning Wan was also grateful: "Sister Ning Wan, thank you for comforting me. I didn't dare to say anything about it, but now that I say it, I feel much better. , Hey, blame myself for being stupid..."

"So you still decide to leave Rongshi?"

When talking about this topic, Cai Zhen's expression turned bleak again: "I can't help it..."

"Don't rush to end the internship, and don't rush to refuse the opportunity to join the Zhengyuan Institute. Give me a few days, maybe you can not only restore your innocence, but also expose the true face of Jin Jianhua to the public."

Although Cai Zhen's face is full of gratitude, she obviously has no hope for this matter: "Sister Ning Wan, just trust me if you have you."

But even if Cai Zhen gave up a bit by herself, Ning Wan didn't want to give up easily this time. One thing she should have done in the past, even if it is late, she still needs to do what she should do.