I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 63: (1)


Although I have been busy with all sorts of things for most of the day, in the end Ning Wan could only return with Fu Zheng without success. Ning Wan raised her wrist to see that this point was already close to the end of get off work time.

Although I feel unable to explain to Chen Shuo, I should still keep up with Chen Shuo about the progress of the recent case. Besides, Ning Wan hasn't visited him for a few days, so I plan to visit Chen Shuo in the hospital today.

In the past, every time he went to visit, Fu Zheng always went with him actively. Ning Wan had no doubt that as long as he mentioned visiting Chen Shuo today, Fu Zheng would definitely go with him again.

It's just that Ning Wan doesn't want to go with Fu Zheng today. Once she switches from working mode to private mode, Ning Wan just looks at Fu Zheng and feels uncomfortable. Thinking about it, she doesn't just feel sorry for herself, but also for Cherries.

But fortunately, Ning Wan bought discounted Shandong cherries. I didn’t buy imported cherries. At least I didn’t have to shed blood or tears. I didn’t even have money for love. You must know that the price of imported cherries is several times that of Shandong cherries!

It’s just that it’s cheap and not good. The discounted Shandong cherries are not sweet at all, they have a sour taste that can sour their teeth. , And because of Fu Zheng's refusal, Ning Wan now feels more like a pot of fermented sour cherries.

Not only chest tightness, but also uncomfortable.

From the time when Fu Zheng came to the community, he has been a gentle gentleman, with a down-to-earth and humanistic atmosphere. He has co-authored like a boyfriend for others.

The more Ning Wan thought about it, the more aggrieved, she only felt that she had suffered a big loss. Fu Zheng, the pig just got out of slaughter, and as a result, she didn't eat a bite of pork, so she was going to give it away!

Because of this, although I like to eat pork, it is not pleasing to even look at the pigs.

As for which pot should not be opened, the pig himself asked Ning Wan, "What are you going to do tonight? Is there an arrangement?"

They all rejected me, so what do you care about me at night!

Ning Wan was angrily in her heart, but after thinking about it, she still couldn't anger Fu Zheng because of this, she just said haha, "Go home and sleep."

"Your work intensity has been a bit high lately, so you should pay attention to rest."

Ning Wan absent-mindedly said a few words with Fu Zheng before leaving. Naturally, she was not going to go home to sleep. When Fu Zheng was gone, Ning Wan turned and walked towards the hospital.

She made a decision, first visit Chen Shuo, and then go home to review and review, preparing to take the written examination of the big par.

On the other hand, Fu Zheng’s mother lives in the same hospital as Chen Shuo, the VVIP ward, and was discharged tonight. Therefore, he specifically confirmed Ning Wan’s itinerary, for fear that she would also visit Chen Shuo in the hospital. Previously, Fu Zheng didn't want to be rushed to Ning Wan's identity, let alone Ning Wan and Chen Shuo alone.

It's just that Ning Wan's attitude towards him is very strange today, and Fu Zheng felt that she was looking at herself.

But it’s not the kind of look I wanted. To be precise, Ning Wan was staring at herself. Fu Zheng turned her head several times. Before Ning Wan could look away, her eyes even had a vague intent to kill. Fu Zheng had a cold back.

Does he think Ning Wan has some opinions about herself

But Fu Zheng thought about it. He didn’t do anything extraordinary recently, he kept himself safe, and his personal settings were well settled. I thought that maybe he cares too much about Ning Wan, so he thinks too much...

Only ten minutes later, Fu Zheng realized that he didn't think too much--

When he went to collect medicine for his mother, he saw Ning Wan in the hospital lobby who claimed to be going home to sleep. She carried the fruit basket and walked towards the inpatient department of orthopedics without any distraction...

She went to a private meeting with Chen Shuo behind her back!

With this recognition alone, Fu Zheng's heart sank completely at this instant.

After suppressing his inner emotions and sending his mother home to be settled, Fu Zheng's self-control has reached a critical point.

Perhaps there is never the best time, only the fastest time.

Fu Zheng felt that he could not wait any longer. Ning Wan would be gone if he waited any longer. He had to put both the confession and confession on the agenda. After finishing the case and sending Chen Shuo to the west, he could make a plan. Confession.

The next day, the two naturally returned to the community office, and met again somewhat unnaturally and cautiously.

There was a big drama in Ning Wan's heart, and Fu Zheng didn't let it go. It was just that the two of them had ghosts in their hearts, and they did everything on the surface, but they were all calm and calm.

However, in Ning Wan's big drama, Fu Zheng's proportion is not large at this moment. There are more important things in her heart that are anxious. One day later, it will be the written examination of the newly elected team member. Although Ning Wan She spoke very confidently to Shao Lili, but she was a little nervous in her heart.

The dog falling from a high altitude case at hand has entered a bottleneck again. Although Chen Shuo is reasonable, Ning Wan still blames herself. She does a good job defending the rights of the residents in the community. However, at the critical moment, she can’t even help her younger brother. Feeling a little weak and ashamed.

In such cases, Ning Wan logically has done everything that should be done, and lawyers are not omnipotent, and there is no alternative at this point. Today’s situation is also very clear, because the dog is not owned by the occupants of the building in the accident, so it is obviously inappropriate to find the occupants to claim compensation. The dog was eventually robbed by Wu Lie from Tao Xing’s hands and finally fell into the building. Before the dog’s fall from a building deliberately intervened, theoretically the loss caused by the dog’s injury to Chen Shuo should be borne by Wu Lie and Tao Xing. As for the proportion of the burden, if the negotiation fails, it will be prosecuted. Later, the judge decided, and later if the evidence of the third person throwing the dog is clearly found, Tao Xing and Wu Lie can claim compensation from each other.


It's just that this plan will inevitably be rejected by both Wu Lie and Tao Xing. It may be difficult to follow the route of negotiation and reconciliation.

Tao Xing obviously couldn't accept that she needed compensation: "If Wu Lie hadn’t come to grab Duoduo, could Duoduo run away in fright? Let me pay for it is illegal! And Duoduo is not stupid, she will definitely not jump off the building by herself, not Wu Lie must have. Others have a lot of black hands!"

Wu Lie also resisted: "Two lawyers, you see that I am a victim myself, and there is a wreath at the door. This broken dog caused me to change my mobile phone number that I had used for more than ten years, and the landline at home was also I can only unplug the phone line, otherwise most of the night will be harassing the phone, and I will be nervous. I still want to defend my rights! Let me lose money for this broken dog, no way! I still need Tao Xing's woman to lose money, What video does she post online, can I do this now? Isn't she legal?"

Ning Wan and Fu Zheng came to communicate with each other. Not only did they both stand firm, they even almost quarreled about this matter again.

Negotiation seems to be impossible, but prosecution is not the best way. First, the time limit is too long, and secondly, Wu Lie and Tao Xing will not be convinced of the verdict. Tao Xing looks at the emotional ups and downs again. Quite impulsively, the fact that Wu Lie is being violently attacked by the Internet now has nothing to do with the accusation video she posted.

"In the case of Chen Shuo, even after going through the prosecution process, Tao Xing, as a dog owner, will definitely be responsible for pet infringement. When she refuses to accept it, she writes a small composition online and posts a crying video, implying that Chen Shuo is a lawyer, implying that There is a relationship within our court. By then, even if Chen Shuo is not subjected to cyber violence, his reputation will be affected. Rongshi is so small, he will continue to develop in the lawyers circle in the future."

Ning Wan frowned, she could not think of a good way after thinking about it: "Besides, Tao Xing is very smart, despite the ups and downs of people's emotions, she actually didn't directly disclose Wu Lie's personal information, but also gave it to him. The other party punched the code, but intensified public opinion. They used the hands of netizens to put the other party in human flesh. Wu Lie can't sue her now. I am worried that Chen Shuo will encounter this kind of thing in the future."

Lawyers are also human beings. Lawyers will also be infringed and become victims. However, the status of lawyers allows lawyers to defend their rights against amateurs, but they are at a disadvantage in public opinion, because in the public opinion, lawyers eat the law. For fans, there are still not so many contacts in the public security law? If the lawyer wins the case, it may be won by the relationship!

When Ning Wan thought about this, she vomited a little speechlessly: "Come on, now the entire legal system is becoming more standardized. Judges are also afraid that acquaintances will be criticized online when lawyers touch porcelain. If you have something to apply for recusal immediately, where is our lawyer so capable."

But despite the facts, the public didn't think so. Therefore, prosecuting Chen Shuo is not the best plan.

Fu Zheng also agrees with this: "I actually think that there should be a third person in this case. The dog was thrown or driven away, because under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a pet dog to run upstairs without external interference. Jumping from a building, perhaps you can think from another perspective, whether there were children chasing dogs in that building that day? Sometimes children are not serious, and it’s not impossible for a dog to fall from a building afraid of avoiding it."

Ning Wan nodded, maybe she can talk to Tao Xing again, and ask if there are children in the community chasing her dog on weekdays.

As a result, the two turned back to Tao Xing’s door, but it was also a coincidence that they ran into Tao Xing and her ex-husband Xia Junyi pulling at the door—

"Xia Junyi, I have already said, don't find me! The first time I file a divorce lawsuit is not sentenced to divorce, then I will wait for half a year before I file for the second time. Now I have separated and I have no feelings for you! I don't want to live with you. Up!"

This marriage was obviously because Tao Xing wanted to leave, because Xia Junyi's face was full of pleadings: "Tao Xing, we have been in a good relationship before, but you suddenly said that if the relationship broke down, you must divorce. You need someone else to like. , I let you be happy, but you haven’t, and I know you’ve been in a bad state of mind in the past few years. You are downcast for a while and then cockfight. What pressure do you have? We are a husband and wife, just carry it together. I don’t worry about you living alone..."

"I don't live alone! How much I am! I don't want to have children! Duoduo is my child. I can't live with you. Do you understand?"

Xia Junyi is still begging: "Tao Xing, calm down, is it because giving birth is putting pressure on you? But we are not in a hurry to ask for a child. Whenever we want to give birth, we will listen to you, and you will talk about giving birth to two. After all, I don’t insist on this. The child and your last name will do. You can just say anything you’re dissatisfied with about having a child..."

Xia Junyi’s posture is very low. He obviously has a deep affection for Tao Xing. He can’t figure out why he was suddenly divorced. It’s just that no matter how much he desires, Tao Xing made up his mind and refused to communicate. Hurrying out, Tao Xing's dog Duoduo barked at Xia Junyi once again. If Tao Xing hadn't pulled it, he would even show the ferocious urge to pounce on Xia Junyi's body.

Xia Junyi looked helpless and sad when seeing Tao’s apricot oil and salt, and could only put down the things in his hand: “These are the soil eggs I just bought, and some fresh fruits and vegetables. I bought some for you. I don’t know if you like it or not? Anyway, just wear it. I will leave you with the things. I’ll see you next time..."

After Xia Junyi finished speaking, he turned around and left in a rather disappointed and haggard manner.

And as soon as he left, Tao Xing, who had been struggling with a sword, also fell silent, and she was as if she had been taken away from her spirits, she was ashamed, and her face showed a gray and frustrated blankness. Ning Wan found out very carefully, although she thought Try to suppress it, but Tao Xing's eyes were slightly red, with a little tear.

She quickly noticed Ning Wan’s gaze, suffocated her tears, and made her face straightened again: “Lawyer Ning, if it’s about the dog again, don’t look for me. Anything else."

It's probably still a little embarrassing. Tao Xing reached out and touched Duoduo's head, complaining in a low voice, "You are also true, fortunately nothing happened." She looked at the dog, her mood gradually calmed down, and her tone was low. When you say that animals are human, you used to like him so much. When he gets home, he can’t wait to pounce on others. Now when I mention divorce, you also change your face. When I see him, I scream. I don’t know if you are conscientious or not. Conscience..."

The "he" in Tao Xing's mouth naturally refers to Xia Junyi, and she originally said casually subconsciously, but the speaker was unintentional, and the listener Ning Wan deliberately said it.

"Ms. Tao, since when did Duoduo change his attitude towards Xia Junyi? Can you think about it? Did you really start to separate when you mentioned divorce?"

Although this question is completely irrelevant, Tao Xing was stunned when he was asked this way: "It doesn't seem to be the case. We have been separated for a while. At first, Xia Junyi also came to try to persuade me. At that time, Duoduo really treated him well. friendly."

As soon as I talked about this, Tao Xing was also a little sighed: "Duo Duo is very smart. In the details, I must feel that there is a problem with him. It is like a child. My parents will eventually have to stand in line after a divorce..."

"If you think about it carefully, has the dog's attitude towards Xia Junyi changed drastically since he fell?"

Facing Ning Wan’s question, Tao Xing’s first reaction was to deny: “What does it have to do? Can Duoduo’s attitude towards him be related to falling from a building?”

Ning Wan’s question didn’t actually say anything, but Tao Xing was a smart person. When Ning Wan asked, she tasted something, but she almost subconsciously came back to protect the other person: “It’s impossible. He likes children very much, and also likes small animals. He is very good to Duoduo. He is a very good-tempered person. He can't do anything to Duoduo. When Wu Lie snatched Duoduo, he chased him out the first time. …"

It's just that the more Tao Xing said by herself, the more difficult it was to look on her face. In the end, she didn't want to say it anymore. The look in Ning Wan's eyes was also wary and hostile: "Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him! Don't come to me in the future!"

After that, Tao Xing slammed the door coldly regardless of etiquette.

It’s just that although she didn’t say anything, her behavior further aggravated Ning Wan’s conjecture, even though it might be that she thought it was a bit too wild...

It was almost the moment when Ning Wan had some self-doubt. Fu Zheng gave a guess that coincided with Ning Wan in the same paragraph, and suddenly strengthened Ning Wan's idea ---

Although he didn't speak much before, Fu Zheng was obviously listening and observing very quietly. He frowned slightly: "I think there is a problem with Xia Junyi."

It is true that dogs are human, and many people do regard dogs as their own children, but even children may not be able to immediately judge that their parents have divorced and become indifferent to the other party, let alone dogs.

"Tao Xing is actually aware of the problem, she herself just said that she never mentioned it. She must have discovered that the dog's attitude towards Xia Junyi has changed a lot. It should have been after the fall accident."

Ning Wan paused and looked at Fu Zheng: "Then this time point is very interesting. When the dog had an accident, Xia Junyi happened to be there and chased him out. Is it possible that he actually chased the dog, and the dog sees It's his own other owner, and he doesn't struggle anymore, so Xia Junyi can hold the dog to the top of the building and throw it down?"

Tao Xing’s dog is not small, so it is unlikely to bite Wu Lie and break free. It is actually not very likely to be subdued by a stranger and thrown downstairs, but if it is an acquaintance who commits the crime...

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the logic can be straightened out.

Ning Wan and Fu Zheng looked at each other, and they both saw a tacit understanding in each other's eyes--

Cheating Xia Junyi.

Immediately, Ning Wan called Xia Junyi and turned on the simultaneous recording: "Mr. Xia, I'm sorry to disturb you, but we received the latest witness video, which clearly shows that you were lost from upstairs. The dog ended up causing an accident that injured a passerby. I hope you can cooperate in solving the victim’s compensation issue, otherwise we will sue you for accountability in accordance with the law."

Dialogue answered Ning Wan with Xia Junyi's gradually heavy breathing, but he still didn't say anything.

Ning Wan continued to pursue her solemn voice: "In addition, because you and Ms. Tao Xing are still legal couples, if you do not make compensation, we will also provide this video to Ms. Tao Xing in an attempt to seek communication and consultation through her..."

After these words, Xia Junyi's atmosphere was obviously different. He interrupted Ning Wan anxiously: "Don't... Don't tell her, I am willing to communicate, I, I am willing to lose money."

Ning Wan hung up the phone. It was a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it went well. Xia Junyi admitted that he had thrown the dog and told Tao Xing when he heard that he almost immediately stated that he was willing to compensate and actively solve the matter. Xing said that he was more anxious than Ning Wan because of his involvement with Tao Xing. After half an hour, he rushed to the community office to negotiate-

"In fact, after this incident, I have always blamed myself and felt sorry for the person who was smashed, but... But I dare not talk about it. After that, Tao Xing and me are over. She is especially precious. "

Xia Junyi still looks like a good old man, dejected, and can't help but laugh at himself when he speaks of this: "But if you don't tell me, I'm all over with her, this marriage, she is divorced, but I... you guys Whether it is hypocritical or hypocritical, I still want to make a good impression in her heart... If something happens to her in the future, I can still take care of her, but if I threw the dog, she must be out of touch with me. Up."

Once he admitted that he had thrown the dog, Xia Junyi’s attitude towards compensation was very positive: "I will pay according to the law, including the medical expenses of your colleagues. Anyway, if you give me the bill, I will pay the amount and tell him. I apologize, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen at the beginning, and threw the dog away when I got hot."

Xia Junyi was very cooperative in signing the relevant agreement, and the matter was at this point, and finally helped Chen Shuo recover his justice, but Ning Wan always felt that the matter was endless.

Fu Zheng obviously had the same idea. When Xia Junyi signed, he asked the question Ning Wan wanted to ask: "Conveniently tell us why you treat dogs this way? Tao Xing said that you are the kind to children and small animals. A very friendly person. I heard that the dog was very close to you before, so why did you attack the dog?"

This question made Xia Junyi very disappointed: "I regretted it after I finished it. It was a ghost and a god. I didn’t know how my brain broke. Tao Xing and I were childhood sweethearts and we were married after a long-distance love trip for ten years. The relationship after marriage was also good. As a result, She suddenly said that she didn’t feel anything to me, she didn’t want to have children with me, she wanted to divorce, and she would just have to take the dog with her in the future. I begged her several times, and she was also very unfeeling, and she gave me a cold face for being indifferent to me. The only thing is that I have blue eyes on dogs. I can't live in a good villa. I ran into this small apartment we bought before and lived with the dog, and it’s better to the dog than to yourself!"

"So you angered the dog?"

"Yes, it’s very embarrassing to say it. I think she loves dogs more than me. I am quite unbalanced. After thinking about it, I can’t figure out why she suddenly behaves like this. I think it might be because she has a dog that has divided her energy away. That’s why I didn’t want to have children. I came to beg her not to get a divorce that day. But I was rejected again. I was very emotional. It happened that her neighbor was chasing and hitting the dog again, so I thought about it..."

When Xia Junyi said this, Ning Wan was also somewhat clear: "You think about treating this dog unknowingly, maybe Tao Xing will be able to change her mind?"

"I always think that if I change a little bit, I will have the opportunity. If Duo Duo is gone, she will definitely need someone by her side. When it happens to be fragile, I will be able to take advantage of it, and maybe the relationship will be repaired. And the dog will be gone. , She might discover that besides the dog, there is actually me who can accompany her all the time."

Xia Junyi sighed: "I regretted it after throwing it away. What's wrong with Duoduo? I love Tao Xing very much. It is okay to sacrifice myself for her, but it ruins the dog in this way and feels that I am too dark and vicious. These days, I am actually It’s also very painful. Maybe Tao Xing wants to divorce me and says that he has no feelings with me. It’s also because I am not a good person by nature, and I deserve it."

As Xia Junyi said, his eyes were a little red: "Forget it, people's hearts are just like this, and feelings have a shelf life. There may be no reason. She just has no feelings for me. I will learn to let go, although I have always imagined to be with her. Who will look like her child, but now she wants to divorce and don’t want to have children with me. If I really love her, I have to learn to let go... ”

When people are extremely depressed and emotional, they often break through reason and do things that are completely unbelievable afterwards. Xia Junyi usually warms up, but once he is caught up in the horns and is trapped by certain emotions, Ning Wan believes that he is indeed a confused talent. Made the act of throwing the dog.

This is good for me. Neither Xia Junyi nor Tao Xing entrusted themselves to deal with this divorce dispute. It is often thankless to intervene in other people’s emotional and marital disputes. The written test of the big par is imminent, which should actually be more. It's better to do something less, but Ning Wan bit her lip and decided to do so much more.

She always felt that Tao Xing didn't really have no feelings for Xia Junyi. After Xia Junyi left, Tao Xing's red eyes, hold back tears, and subconscious maintenance could not deceive people. She still loved him very much.

Although it was Tao Xing who filed for the divorce, and she was the one who was determined, but Ning Wan felt that Tao Xing seemed to desperately push Xia Junyi out on the grounds of divorce, but she seemed to have some difficulties.

Tao Xing’s mental state is obviously also a bit worrying. Ning Wan has contacted her several times and found that her mood has changed very much. Sometimes she is frustrated and reluctant to speak, sometimes she is emotionally excited and very easily irritated. , It explodes almost at one point.

Ning Wan confirmed to Xia Junyi: "Does Tao Xing usually have such great ups and downs?"

Sure enough, Xia Junyi gave a negative answer and frankly admitted that Tao Xing only became like that before she filed for separation and divorce.

So I talked about some details with Xia Junyi, Ning Wan probably had a bottom line in her heart, and her guess was 80% correct. Tao Xing was afraid that her emotions were ups and downs not because she wanted to divorce, but perhaps because she had to divorce for some reason and psychological pressure. The general performance of bipolar disorder is only under the huge size.

Ning Wan looked at Xia Junyi in a solemn and serious tone: "If you want, I have a way to try it."

Xia Junyi obviously wanted to save his wife as long as there was a glimmer of hope. After he patiently listened to Ning Wan’s plan, although he was a little bit hesitant, he finally decided to break the dead horse and be a living horse doctor, so he decided to give it a try. .

"Okay, I can give myself one last chance! If that doesn't work, then I will give up!"

Once Xia Junyi's consent was obtained, Ning Wan didn't waste a minute.

There is a utility room in the community lawyer's office, which is unremarkable and will not pay attention unless you look carefully. Ning Wan asked Xia Junyi to hide in this utility room and then concealed the door of the utility room.

After doing all this, she looked at Fu Zheng: "Then I am going to call, you can go out now."

Fu Zheng nodded and walked out the door: "Okay, I will pay attention to the time, and only come in at one point."

When the three people were arranged, Ning Wan took a deep breath, and then dialed Tao Xing's phone: "Ms. Tao? Hello, this is Ning Wan. Regarding Duoduo's case, we have found some new detailed evidence here. This case may be related to Xia Junyi, because you are also a party to this case, and you feel that you need to know some things. What evidence? Sorry, the matter is more complicated and there are many evidences. It is not convenient to talk on the phone. You can directly if it is convenient. Come to our office?"

Sure enough, as long as Xia Junyi was mentioned, Tao Xing almost hung up the phone in a hurry and rushed over. In order to prevent her from bringing a dog, Ning Wan took special care and said that it is impossible to bring a dog in the community office, so as not to have one more. Xia Junyi who came to smell the utility room suddenly barked and exposed the person.

"Lawyer Ning, what's the situation? My husband can't do this kind of thing, he can't hurt a lot! He is a very good person. We have been married for so long and have never been fierce to me. He has a gentle temper... "

Ning Wan didn't say a word, Tao Xing defended Xia Junyi as if she was pouring beans and argued. In a hurry, she herself didn't even realize that when she mentioned Xia Junyi subconsciously, she was talking about "husband".

"The thing about falling a dog in the sky has nothing to do with him, he just happened to pass by that day..."

Naturally, Ning Wan wanted to act. She sternly said: "You may have realized it in your heart, and you are not willing to admit it, but we have received a video that happened to be taken by a slightly different tenant. The video is Xia Junyi. On the top of the building, and Xia Junyi himself..."

Tao Xing naturally wanted to continue to speak for Xia Junyi, Ning Wan quietly glanced at her phone, it was almost time--

With a "pop", it was also at this moment that the door was pushed open hard, and Fu Zheng stood at the door with an ugly expression, panting--

"Ning Wan, Chen Shuo is not doing well." His voice was solemn and his own low air pressure, "Said that he had a sudden intracranial hemorrhage, and his whole person is now in a coma. He has been rescued. He was hit before and seemed to have injured others. place."

Ning Wan stood up immediately, even the water glass she was holding overturned, her face showing panic and fear: "Why... isn't it just a trauma? It's all of a sudden?"

"My parents have been notified, and the critical illness notice has been issued. The doctor said that he might not be able to do it..."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped to freezing point. Tao Xing immediately turned white when she heard of Chen Shuo's situation. She was not stupid. She knew that if Chen Shuo was just traumatic, then the perpetrator who threw the dog would be a tort liability no matter what. , It’s enough to bear civil liability, but once Chen Shuo is dead or seriously injured, the nature of the case is completely different...

It was also at this time that Fu Zheng looked at Ning Wan and opened his mouth: "If Chen Shuo really has an accident, then this case is a criminal case. If Chen Shuo had only suffered a fracture before, the identification of the injury would be a minor injury at most, so he threw the dog. People who are not a crime are not a crime, but now Chen Shuo is in critical condition. This is not a simple tort of falling objects from a height, but a criminal offence of negligence causing serious injury or even negligence causing death.”

Fu Zheng's face was solemn, he looked very oppressive, and his low voice and eyes were full of pressure. If Ning Wan didn't know that this was all going through the script, I'm afraid she would have believed it true.

As he continued with these words, Tao Xing was so scared that her face was earthy, and she suddenly became a little incoherent: "Well, what should I do?"

"What to do? Of course it was transferred to the procuratorate for prosecution. Xia Junyi violated the criminal law!"

"But he wouldn't do it... He likes children and small animals..."

"Is it useful to deceive yourself?" Ning Wan pressed hard, "I haven't finished talking just now, Xia Junyi has admitted to throwing the dog, and made a confession with us..."

In Tao Xing's incredulous gaze, Ning Wan briefly but focused on the real reason why Xia Junyi impulsively threw the dog.

"No matter what emotions and hardships he may have, it is not right for him to throw a dog, so he dare not even face you and confess with you, but I think whether you are Xia Junyi's current legal wife or as the owner of Duoduo, you are eligible. Know the truth."

Tao Xing's emotions were already tense. The sudden appearance of Fu Zheng that caused Chen Shuo's sudden turnaround made Tao Xing caught off guard. Now that Ning Wan talks about the reason for Xia Junyi's throwing the dog, her disguise finally collapsed completely. ――

"Why is he so stupid! I want to divorce him entirely for his own good. What's so good about someone like me that is worth keeping!"

Tao Xing burst into tears at this moment: "We have been married for many years. He loves children and always wanted to have a child of his own. As a result, he did not get pregnant for several years. I also wanted to go to the hospital for a checkup that day. With premature ovarian failure, it is impossible to get pregnant in this life."

I see!

"But why didn't you speak up and communicate? Xia Junyi loves you so much, maybe you are more important than a child!"

"Yes, I know what I said, he will definitely not leave me, but I don't want to be like this, he is too good, it is like this, I don't want him to have a lifetime of regrets, and I don't want him to do it for me and his parents. The two old men must not be able to have children for a lifetime, so I can’t tell him, I would rather leave him like this, let him hate me, hate to forget, forget to start a new life..."

"It's not me who is stupid, it's you!"

Xia Junyi opened the door of the utility room, also bursting into tears: "You are stupid, do you have to have children to get married? Children are good, but in fact, it is also very hard to raise, and it takes time. I have changed my mind now. , I think it’s good for people to live for themselves all their lives, and DINK is also very good. As for my parents, what do you care about them? I’m all this old, do you still listen to my parents? This is my life, I Make your own decisions!"

When things reached this point, Ning Wan and Fu Zheng were no longer needed, and the two of them also exited the room tacitly. When Ning Wan left, she kindly helped Tao Xing and Xia Junyi close the door.

They will have enough time and space to communicate and explain clearly the ins and outs of these matters, and they will resolve all subsequent matters decently and perfectly.

Once Tao Xing and Xia Junyi rebuilt the old and moved back to the villa, Duoduo would no longer have to live in Yuelan's small apartment. Wu Lie was afraid that the dog problem would be solved.

After leaving the office, Ning Wancai finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, the sun outside was shining brightly, just like Ning Wan's mood at the moment.

Naturally, Chen Shuo was fine. He recovered well and could be discharged the day after tomorrow. Everything just now was just a "script" that Ning Wan thought of.

It’s just that when Fu Zheng and Xia Junyi presented her plan to Fu Zheng and Xia Junyi before, Ning Wan thought that Fu Zheng might object, because the dog falling from a high altitude case has actually been closed, and everything she has done now is truly redundant. Yes, but Fu Zheng did not. He listened very quietly throughout the whole process, and in the end he was very cooperative in preparing to complete the part of the work that belonged to him in this plan.

Team work does not always agree and agree with each other. There are no two leaves in the world, and there are no two people with exactly the same three views and ideas. It is possible to have opinions or disputes on the work plan, but Ning Wan never thought that what Fu Zheng gave herself was full cooperation, but Ning Wan clearly ended several cases where she almost went on a business trip.

"Although I am your counselor, if I use a plan you can't accept when handling a case, or take a line of thinking that you don't agree with, you don't need to be patient with your superiors and subordinates. Do a good job as a lawyer. The most important thing is independent thinking ability. If you have different opinions in the future, or even say that you don't want to participate in a certain case, you can talk to me directly."

Ning Wan thought for a while, and felt that there were some things she wanted to tell Fu Zheng. She didn't want Fu Zheng to refuse her confession because she was afraid of being retaliated. She was even more afraid of her own anger at work and became more cautious. He can only cooperate with what he doesn't want to do.

Ning Wan felt that her attitude should be clearly stated. She euphemistically said: "You can rest assured that I will respect your reasonable demands at work and will never bring my own emotions. I know that I have made another move in Xia Junyi's case. Those things seem superfluous. If you don’t want to participate next time, you can tell me directly, don’t dare to speak..."

"I didn't want to participate." Fu Zheng interrupted Ning Wan in advance. He looked at Ning Wan, "I didn't speak because I had no opinion on your decision."

"You really support me in doing that?"

In the Shu Ning and Cai Zhen cases before, if it were not for luck to turn the dangers into danger, one caused the parties to withdraw the complaint, and the other punished Jin Jianhua because of the intervention of the big par. Ning Wan's resignation might really not only affect her career prospects, It will also affect Fu Zheng. Normal people will always seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and it is normal that they are unwilling to always take risks for these superfluous things.

However, Fu Zheng gave Ning Wan a positive answer again. He looked at Ning Wan with bright black eyes and said warmly: "I really support you in doing that."

Fu Zhengdun