I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 71


After successfully ending the community fun games, Ning Wan returned home.

Because some residents of the community sent farewell gifts to Ning Wan, there were too many things at once, and Fu Zheng could only bother to carry them together.

"Just have a meal together, so you don't have to cook your own meal."

In any case, today is a day worth celebrating.

When Fu Zheng put the things down, Ning Wan went to the supermarket to buy ingredients, holding hands with him.

Neither of them was procrastinated or hesitant. Soon they bought vegetables and meat. But when passing by the fruit counter, Fu Zheng stopped and Ning Wan watched him walk towards the entrance. The direction of the cherries.

"I just bought fruit yesterday. I have lychees, grapes, peaches, and watermelon at home. I can't eat them in time. I will buy new ones when I finish eating them."

As a result, Fu Zheng, who was almost obedient since being with herself, was a little stubborn this time: "I want to buy cherries."

Ning Wan looked at his calm and calm expression, a little bit of laughter. The man was suddenly childish.

"Want to eat?"

Fu Zheng nodded solemnly: "Yes."

The quality of these imported cherries is very good, so the price is also beautiful, but Ning Wan thought about it, no matter how poor, he can’t be a poor man, and she will slap her breasts to ensure that Fu Zheng is raised. They don’t want to buy him a luxury car, but I just want to eat some cherries. Now I am already a big par person, why hesitate


Ning Wan immediately took a box into the shopping cart.

It's just that I was thinking of spending money on Fu Zheng, but when he finally paid the bill, Fu Zheng settled the bill first.

Ning Wan's heart is both sweet and a little bit sour, thinking that after meeting Dapar, she must recommend Fu Zheng to others in person. He is really a good person, even if he is shy in his pocket, he does not earn as much as himself. I also joked about raising him by myself, but he never liked to use his own money. Although he was poor, he looked like he was spending money for himself like love...

Back home, Fu Zheng volunteered to wash the vegetables, Ning Wan sat down in the living room, and then turned on the TV--

It’s also a coincidence that at this point, the local news channel in Rongshi is broadcasting today’s anecdote, and almost as soon as the TV is turned on, a familiar background appears on the screen-it turned out that Ning Wan and Fu Zheng had been there not long ago. Playground.

At this point in time, this program is basically for the mediation of emotional disputes. Ning Wan is a little curious, can this playground cause any emotional disputes

In the picture, a boy with a mosaic face is complaining: "My girlfriend and I are not easy. We are online dating, and I have immigrated abroad. I have been studying abroad all year round. I usually communicate via video. It’s not that I’ve never quarreled about foreign relationships, but I’ve basically survived. This year I am going back to my country to develop. I was planning to propose to my girlfriend, but something went wrong."

The host persuaded in a persuasive way: "So can you tell the audience what's wrong?"

The boy paused, and said angrily: "I want to go around with my girlfriend this time. I heard that the couple-themed playground was newly opened. It's quite new. So I took my girlfriend and participated in the hottest. My secret exchange tree hole, but I didn’t expect that the staff made a mistake during their busy schedule and replaced the secret note I wrote by mistake. I don’t know who it became for my girlfriend."

"What I wrote was that I would get married when I returned to my country; as a result, in this other person's note, it was written a confession of a cheating when I was away."

The boy looked very depressed: “Because we are online and foreign, we don’t meet very often. Even if we meet, we eat and go shopping together. Most of the time we don’t see each other because of typing or video contact, so she didn’t meet each other before. Familiar with my font, I thought that the note was really written by me. Now I feel that I was lying to her. If I want to break up with me, I hope the staff at this playground will clarify for me and tell me and my girlfriend, Including an apology from another couple who was mistakenly exchanging notes secretly."

The host also found the playground supervisor for an interview. Lala miscellaneous is naturally a silly rant. Ning Wan looked at it casually. Some sympathized with the boys but also had lingering fears. Fortunately, he and Fu Zheng did not exchange problems.

It was also at this time that Fu Zheng, who had washed the dishes in the kitchen, just came out: "What are you looking at so fascinated?"

"Just the last time we went to the amusement park, the secret exchange tree hole seems to have gone wrong because of the high passenger flow, and exchanged other people's secrets by mistake."

Fu Zheng glanced at the TV, and then smiled at Ning Wan: "Anyway, we didn't make a mistake." At this point, he was also a little bit smirk, lowered his head and said dumbly, "In fact, I wrote down the secret at the beginning. It’s pretty bottomless, because it’s actually quite a big deception for you. I am not the me you saw, but the other me. I was also very nervous at the time, for fear that you would not accept me."

When I mentioned this, Ning Wan fell in love with Fu Zheng again in her heart, but she did not expect that Fu Zheng was not what she saw, but a delicate boy who was afraid of the dark and loves to cry. She wrote this secret at the beginning. To confess to yourself, he is also very nervous in his heart.

"Forget it, don't talk about it, anyway, just remember that I won't have anything to lie to you in the future."

Ning Wan nodded, and the two of them chatted a little more, and soon changed the subject, and the TV channel quickly entered the news network.

After that, the two of them made dinner together. After having dinner in a warm atmosphere, Fu Zheng rushed to clean up the dishes and chopsticks---

"You are more responsible for cooking, so I will do the dishes."

Ning Wan's heart was numb, and she was simply not satisfied. What is important for men is not money, but the attitude of willing to share housework! Fu Zheng, this man, he really got it right!

Just looking at the back of Fu Zheng, who is tall and long in legs, washing the dishes in the kitchen, Ning Wan felt joyful.

However, Fu Zheng didn't think that the surprise for Ning Wan was enough. After washing the dishes, he washed the fruits for Ning Wan and said, "I washed the cherry and put it in the kitchen." He glanced at Ning Wan, and felt a little bit uncomfortable. Naturally said, "I am a little tired from washing the dishes, can you help me get the cherries out?"

Although some wonder why Fu Zheng didn't do it when he came out of the kitchen, Ning Wan still nodded, "No problem."

Only when she entered the kitchen and walked to the cooking table, Ning Wan understood--

On the cooking table, Fu Zheng used cherries to show himself a heart of love.

It was also at this time that the man walked to the door of the kitchen and leaned against the wall of the kitchen. Although it was a bit unnatural, he cleared his throat and explained: "Before for various reasons, I didn't see you in the Yuelan suite in time. Give me the cherry love, so I will give you a love now."

Having said that, Fu Zheng glanced at the cherry on the stage: "The more expensive one."

Obviously it’s the age of a mature man, but Fu Zheng’s desire to win sometimes is really naive and cute. Ning Wan smiled and picked up a cherries: “Then your love, I have received it, I’m going to eat it. ."

Fu Zheng also laughed: "Is it sweet?"

Ning Wan squinted her eyes and smiled: "Do you want to try?"

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Fu Zheng's response, she jumped in front of Fu Zheng, and then stood on her toes. Before Fu Zheng could not respond, she kissed Fu Zheng and fed the cherries that had just been in her mouth. To the other side.

Fu Zheng was an accident at first, but then it became a bit meaningful. He removed the core, ate the cherries, and then leaned over to Ning Wan's ear: "It's quite sweet."

Then what fell was his kiss, at first it was just the kiss of the earlobe, since it was the cheek, then the eyes, the brows, the tip of the nose, and finally the lips.

At the moment when Hua Deng first came on, there were only two people in the room, Ning Wan and Fu Zheng. Originally they were kissing purely, but the atmosphere changed after kissing. Fu Zheng and Ning Wan's auras were all messed up.

Ning Wan never thought that just a kiss could give such a taboo feeling. It seemed that her whole body was hot, and every pore and hair strand was a strange tremor. The two people kissed all the way from the kitchen to the living room. Ning Wan was gently pushed onto the sofa by Fu Zheng.

Although this sofa can't be turned into a sofa bed, Ning Wan bought a second-hand and left unused sofa, but the quality is really worth the money, and it is really strong. It bears the weight of two adults, except for an ambiguous crunch. Besides, there is no tendency to fall apart.

Ning Wan felt that she was like a piano at this time and could let the pianist's slender hands play freely.

It’s just that the prelude of this piece is so gentle. As the tune progresses, it becomes faster and faster, and it starts to be full of those dazzling arpeggios, octaves and vibrato. Every syllable seems to be knocking on the soul. It made Ning Wan's body unconsciously tremble in resonance.

In the stormy atmosphere, Fu Zheng finally let go of Ning Wan. He was panting at the moment, with a sense of urgency, but the action was still a gentle gentleman. He looked at Ning Wan: "Ning Wan, can you?"

Ning Wan bit her lip and blushed as if she could steam an egg. She nodded and said softly, "Go to the room."

The atmosphere was great, romantic and lingering. Ning Wan was held in her arms by Fu Zheng. It was the first time that Ning Wan had such an experience. She was both nervous and naturally afraid. Isn't this too fast

Although I have worked with Fu Zheng for some time, it hasn't been long since we really established a relationship...

Forget it, modern society, like each other, it's okay to sleep together!

Ning Wan struggled for a few seconds, and finally decided to go with the flow, but she still had to say something. She didn't want her attitude to make Fu Zheng misunderstand that it was too easy.

So in the interval between the kisses, she pushed Fu Zheng away slightly, and then raised her head to look at the other party. She decided to express her feelings to Fu Zheng again seriously: "Fu Zheng, because I really like you very much. , So I think it's okay."

When Ning Wan was talking, although Fu Zheng had dark eyes and unsteady breathing, he still looked at her gently and patiently waited for her.

Ning Wan felt that she had more courage: "I like you, it has nothing to do with others."

Fu Zheng was split at this moment, and his body was very hot, but his reason allowed him to control his actions. Not only he wanted to kiss Ning Wan's mouth immediately to block her words, but he felt that he should have listened to it.

It is natural to say that it is not to be moved. Who can stop the girl who likes to confess in this situation

He naturally understood what Ning Wan wanted to say. He suddenly became a senior partner. Ning Wan probably wanted to explain that she didn't want to be with herself because of her identity, and that she likes to be truly herself.

When he thought of this, Fu Zheng's heart also became tender. He kissed Ning Wan's cheek, and said with a hoarse voice: "I know."

He naturally knew what kind of person Ning Wan was.

Ning Wan was obviously relieved to see him like this, and finally gave a signal that she could continue. She blushed and looked away unnaturally: "In short, although we are not rich, but Anyway, we are all young, we are together, working hard, and there will be whatever we want."

Fu Zheng couldn't wait. After receiving Ning Wan's signal, he began to kiss her neck, but when he heard these words, he abruptly braked...

Isn't it rich? Isn't that rich

Fu Zheng is not stupid, thinking of the news that Ning Wan mentioned casually just now, at this moment, he finally had an unpleasant premonition in his heart---

"Ning Wan, what is my secret you got?"

Ning Wan was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect Fu Zheng to ask such a horrifying question: "Just, you are afraid of the dark and fragile in your heart. Are you still a crying ghost?"

After she asked, she carefully observed Fu Zheng’s expression, and comforted: “Don’t worry, I don’t care about this. You can embrace your true character. Although my shoulders are not broad, you can still rely on me. cry… "

Ning Wan felt that what she said was reasonable and tactful, and it would not hurt Fu Zheng's self-esteem. However, Fu Zheng's face turned black for an instant, and the hot breath all over his body seemed to have cooled down all at once, even the original embrace Ning Wan's waist was also put down, and then he stepped back, deliberately separating from Ning Wan--

"I think we need to calm down." Fu Zheng pursed his lips, "I have something for you to confess."


The car is about to drive and you tell me this? Ning Wan also felt a bit illusory for a while. This kind of thing is okay for girls, but for men... Men heard that at this time, any normal man can't bear it...

Ning Wan looked at Fu Zheng's lower body suspiciously while thinking so.

At this time, I called a halt and said solemnly that there is something to be confessed, I'm afraid it's not...

I'm afraid it's not that Fu Zheng didn't raise it? ?

It’s okay to cry, if you don’t lift it... It’s not good... Although this hurts male self-esteem a bit, but for the future happiness of life, I still have to go and see...

Probably because Ning Wan's eyes and parts of Fu Zheng were too obvious, Fu Zheng's face became darker, and he dryly said, "Don't worry, it's not that this aspect of the problem needs to be confessed."

That is

Fu Zheng cleared his throat, and solemnly explained: "You read the news about the amusement park just now? You said that you are afraid of the dark and love to cry. It is not a secret I wrote to you. The amusement park also made a mistake about mine. Up."


Now that the beautiful atmosphere was gone, Ning Wan became seriously curious. Although the secret she wrote down seemed to have been exchanged to Fu Zheng, according to the theorem that common mistakes are not isolated cases, TV shows The experience of the boy in here should not be the only one. After all, as long as there is one case, it means that there must be a problem in the process of exchanging secrets in the amusement park, and it is normal to make mistakes...

Is it just that the secrets Fu Zheng gave him were also exchanged wrong

Ning Wan looked at Fu Zheng and asked directly: "So what is your secret? The secret you originally wanted to exchange with me."

Ning Wan thought about it sincerely. As long as Fu Zheng’s issue was not a matter of principle, she could still forgive her, but she had just guessed Fu Zheng’s real secret in her heart, when she heard that Fu Zheng had thrown it at herself. The next blockbuster -

"I'm sorry, I have always lied to you. I am not a poor old trainee lawyer."

Fu Zheng looked a little nervous, but he still tried very hard to stay calm, as if he was afraid that he would not be calm and could not hold back Ning Wan's emotions, so that after the confession, Ning Wan just ran away.

"So you are a super poor senior trainee lawyer?"

Is it poorer than shown to yourself? Even once again incurred foreign debts

Fu Zheng paused, looking a little unexplainable: "Do I really look poor?"

"It's okay..." Ning Wan thought for a while, and added, "It's okay, I don't care about this."

"Can you forgive me for everything?"

"It's okay if it's not a non-principle issue."

Fu Zheng pursed his lips: "I made a false statement about my identity. I originally wrote a long confession letter in the secret exchange project, but I obviously didn't get it in your hands in the end."

Ning Wan was surprised: "Aren't you called Fu Zheng???"

"This is not edited. I am indeed Fu Zheng, but at the same time, I have other identities."

Ning euphemistically said: "For example?"

"For example, your future boss."

"Oh! Future boss, what shall I be..." Fu Zheng's confession was so shocking that at first hearing, even if the ears received the information, the brain did not keep up. Ning Wan naturally repeated Fu calmly. Zheng said, after a while, he finally realized afterwards.

"Ah? My future boss?" She looked a little bit out of the state, "The future husband or the future boss? I heard that right? What are you kidding me? Fu Zheng, although I understand that you, as a man, definitely want to be a big man in the future. Par’s wish, but we should be more down-to-earth? Let’s change from a trainee lawyer to a regular job?"

Fu Zheng looked helpless. He thought about the words and said: "Ning Wan, I am the one who writes you emails every day, helps you deal with Shen Yuting's team, and handles Jin Jianhua."


Ning Wan fell into silence. It was obvious that the truth was too exciting, and she still failed to reflect it.

Fu Zheng rubbed his eyebrows: "I first came to the community because I wanted to transform from commercial to civil affairs. I hope to quickly understand the domestic legal environment and get in touch with all types of civil disputes as much as possible. Gao Yuan said that the community is most suitable for my needs."

"The original intention was indeed not to lie to you, but although the identity is faked, loving you is true. If possible, I would not only want to be your future boss, but also your future husband."

The more shocked and flustered Ning Wan was, the more calm she became on the surface. She looked at Fu Zheng, "How do you prove that you are a good guy?"

Fu Zheng didn't speak, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on several bank apps, and handed it to Ning Wan.

Ning Wan looked at the uncountable number of digits in the total account, and was surprised and greedy: "So much money? Is it all yours?"

Fu Zheng nodded.

I have to say that Fu Zheng's trick worked. Ning Wan didn't believe it originally. However, Fu Zheng's bank card balance immediately calmed her down. Without words, the renminbi is always easier for people to understand each other.

Ning Wan was silent now.

Because the facts and truth were too terrifying, after the shock, Ning Wan's other emotions were too late to be in place, the only thing she could still feel was some dull embarrassment.

Fu Zheng seemed to want to continue explaining, but before he could have time, he was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He apologized and said hello to Ning Wan, and then picked up.

The phone call was Gao Yuan. The other person was in a foreign country. He was originally going to discuss an acquisition case. As the lawyer of the hostile takeover party, Gao Yuan was retaliated by the shareholders of the acquired company. On the way back to the hotel, he was hit with a stick and sewed on his head. After several stitches, there was a slight concussion, and he urgently requested Fu Zheng's support.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Zheng's expression sank. He briefly explained Gao Yuan's situation, and then looked at Ning Wan: "I will rush to help now. Gao Yuan's current health condition is estimated to be unable to continue to advance this case. Going down, but at one point tonight, a video conference with a lawyer and a few foreign shareholders of the acquiree will be needed. I will go over to help close it and deal with Gao Yuan’s injury claim by the way, and take a look at his situation."

Suddenly, here is an hour’s drive away from Gaoyuan’s location itself, and the video conference will be held in an hour and a half. Fu Zheng must go out immediately to clear the details of the merger with Gaoyuan after arriving a little earlier. The only thing to be thankful for is Gao Yuan had consulted Fu Zheng on this merger and acquisition case. Therefore, Fu Zheng is not completely ignorant of the prospects of this case.

"Ning Wan, I know that I deceived you too much, and I also know that this news may be difficult for you to accept for a while, but I can't continue to explain to you right now. It just happens that we calm down and I will deal with it. Is it okay to come back to communicate with you after I finish the matter on the Gaoyuan side?"

Fu Zheng's tone was powerful. When Ning Wan came to her consciousness, her emotions had been taken away by the other party unconsciously. She nodded and expressed her approval of Fu Zheng's proposal.

Then Fu Zheng leaned over and kissed her on the forehead before turning and leaving.