I Advise You To Like Me As Soon As Possible

Chapter 73: (2)


Linhu Villa, that is definitely not going to live in Yuelan second-hand house. In this case, it is indeed not a dislike of Yuelan second-hand house. It is just that people’s living conditions have improved, so naturally they are not willing to stay in the past. The standard of living is better. After all, where does anyone find themselves to be troubled

"Of course, in addition to the villas facing the lake, I also have villas in the suburbs. There is a large forest over there. We can picnic there. The scenery is good and we can fly kites. I also have a villa on the seaside of the next city. I bought it. You can go out to sea in the evening. The sunset on the sea is very beautiful. You can fish directly on the deck. The fish you catch are processed directly and cooked. It is really fresh and delicious... I just don’t know which one you prefer?"

Ning Wan was so engrossed that she didn't even react, so she subconsciously replied, "The one on the beach, is the sea fish cooked by grilling? Can you sprinkle some pepper? I heard it's delicious... But Isn’t the house by the sea more prone to dampness? The walls are prone to mildew and so on?"

"No, there will be moisture-proof treatment, but if the seaside is easy to get tired, you can go on a weekend holiday. There are many other ways to do sea fish. I can learn what you like."

When Ning Wan reacted completely and calmly, she and Fu Zheng were already discussing the ways of marine fish...

Damn, this man Fu Zheng is really insidious. Knowing that he is greedy for RMB, big villas and delicious food, he uses these routines to himself!

no! Ning Wan got rid of what was in her mind and decided to calm down again.

He is handsome, rich, and has a big villa. It's very good, but... But Ning Wan thought about it and said sincerely: "But I can't support you. So you should forget about raising you. "

Don't say that I can't afford it, Ning Wan now feels ashamed to numb her scalp when she thinks about how she used to say she wanted to raise Fu Zheng...

However, Fu Zheng smiled: "It's okay. You can afford it. I don't eat much. You can just cook home-cooked dishes. You don't need to eat imported cherries for fruits. The same goes for you to buy discounted Shandong cherries. It doesn’t cost much a day. If you still don’t want too much, I can eat less. You always have a bowl of white rice, right? If you don’t have a bowl, half a bowl will do. I can eat less."

"Yes, but you are deceiving." Ning Wan folded her arms and looked at Fu Zheng, deliberately not expressing her position, "Now you first explain to yourself, besides the identity, have you deceived me? ?"

"I and Gao Yuan are classmates, and we have a good relationship. He is indeed a pretty good person."

"Oh. So Gao Yuan treats you?"

"Well, you misunderstood, Gao Yuan is quite normal." Fu Zheng pursed his lips, and stabbed Gao Yuan in order to prove his innocence. "He looked at someone with a strict aura, but he was actually a strict wife. , Afraid of his wife, his wife would check his mobile phone every day, and although the income is very high, but they turned it in. Her pocket money is so pitiful, sometimes she would ask me to borrow money. The house was also bought by his wife before marriage. I wrote my wife’s name. If there is any wrongdoing, I may have to clean myself and leave the house..."


The hungry ghost Gao Yuan is actually a wife who is afraid of his wife

Bah, baah, people are not hungry ghosts at all!

When Ning Wan thought about the previous misunderstanding of Gao Yuan and the occasional confrontation in words, the whole person was not good: "Gao Par is in charge of personnel affairs, including salary, welfare and vacation subsidies, I..."

"Don't worry, Gao Yuan is not the kind of person who will retaliate against employees. He has a great heart." Fu Zheng paused and continued, "To some extent, Gao Yuan is upright, enthusiastic, fair, hardworking, and treats his family. Responsible, love your wife, care about work, be sincere, hate evil, never unspoken rules... ”

Ning Wan was a little confused: "What do you want to do with so many advantages of Gao Yuan? Gao Yuan doesn't think much of you. Is it because you treat him?"

Obviously, he just stabbed Gaoyuan, why at this time, he began to frantically tout Gaoyuan again? Ning Wan can't keep up with this rhythm...

Fu Zheng paused, looked away, and cleared his throat: "This guy Gao Yuan is actually very demanding to make friends. He is like to gather together. He and I have a good relationship. From his quality, he can also infer his friends. True character."

All right... In the end, touting height is not the goal, this man ultimately aims to elicit his own noble character...

Ning Wan was both funny and angry in her heart: "Now when I think about it, I feel that I was really cheating. Why did I believe you so much? I really need to change my character. I will still have to be more vigilant in the future... "

"Just be yourself. If you want to treat the world with enthusiasm, just do it your own way."

Then don't be cheated to death? Ning Wan wanted to vomit very much. Isn't Fu Zheng so silly that she doesn't have enough brains

However, Keng himself did not realize this. He just looked at Ning Wan seriously: "I was really worried that if you are so easy to be deceived, you still have to change it, but now you don't need to change it. Just and When I am together, you let go and be yourself, and I will be your backing. Just trust the people you want to believe, do what you think is right, and leave the rest to me."

Speaking of this, even if he still maintains a calm and calm posture, Fu Zheng's tone also brings a trace of tension to cover up: "I only need you to be my girlfriend."

He looked almost a little worried: "I can promise you that there will never be anything to lie to you in the future. I really owe you the previous things."

"But I don't regret the fact that I haven't confessed and used a false identity for the first time."

? ? This... Ning Wan can't keep up with Fu Zheng's logic. Isn't this just a lively and humbly confession of mistakes and not correcting it after repeated teaching? This man even spoke out with a big fanfare? Do you really want to fall in love with yourself

"Because I don't want to lie to you anymore, so this is telling the truth. Give me another chance to come back, I will still do it." Fu Zheng looked into Ning Wan's eyes, "If I were a partner from the beginning It’s impossible for you to get acquainted with me or like me when you get close to you, right?"

"Even if you run the risk of being rejected by you after confession, at least success will have huge benefits-that is, you are willing to forgive me for being with me; you directly do not conceal contact with you as your true identity, although there is no risk, but there is no risk. No profit at all-you will hardly think about me, maybe you are now with Chen Shuo's kind of stunner."

Chen Shuo? What does it have to do with Chen Shuo

Ning Wan was stunned, but to a certain extent, I had to admit that Fu Zheng was really telling the truth about herself and his part. If Fu Zheng appeared as a senior fellow at the beginning, Ning Wan would not be right. Did he eat the courage of the bear heart and leopard? Even dare to sleep with the boss

Ning Wan didn't even realize that the man's ability to persuade others was really top-notch. After listening it all the way, she actually felt that the logic was okay

"Just like investment, high risk and high return. When a person is too eager and too wanting for the result of the return, and this kind of wanting overwhelms everything, he would rather take the risk and invest. It is just for most of the investment. For people, what they want is money, and what I want is different, but the essence is this principle."

"Although my behavior is indeed deceived, I did not deceive money, secondly, there was no deceit, and there was no subjective purpose of deception. It should not be regarded as a fraud and should not be convicted. The essence is that I have no bad original intentions. ."

This logical ghost, Ning Wan was stunned: "You haven't cheated money? How about the tens of thousands of dollars I lent you to buy a house? Pay me back! And even bring interest!"

"I signed the IOU and didn't have the intention of illegal possession. How can it be considered a fraud? If you are willing, I will pay you interest based on the proportion of the money you lent to me. This is a cooperative investment between you and me. "

"Okay, even if you don't cheat money, then you are not cheating?"

"I didn't." Fu Zheng insisted, struggling his neck, "I don't even have to cheat. At the critical moment, I confessed. I refused the temptation. I kept the bottom line, even at the cost of hurting my own body."


Fu Zheng implicitly said: "You know, to the point where you suddenly stop calling, it's actually not good for men."

Okay... I hurt myself... It's amazing...

Ning Wan cleared her throat and made a very cold and serious look: "So what you want to say is finished?"

"En." Fu Zheng lowered his voice, "Finally, there is one more thing I want to say-although I concealed my identity and misled you into thinking that my family's status is not good, but you treat me well and buy me things. Now I don’t think it’s cheap, nor will I dislike it, because these are the best within your power, and your care and friendship for me cannot be measured by price. It is precisely because you don’t know who I am. Nothing else, you are good to me, not because I am your boss, not because I am a mature senior partner, not because of my family background and my status, but just because I am Myself."

"You have a mature view of right and wrong, love and hate are distinct, you have taught me a lot, made me realize that I was narrow and conceited in the past, and made me see a lot of different things at the grassroots level. To put it in a more hypocritical way, you It has perfected me, so even from this level, the current version of me should belong to you."

"In front of you, I have no sense of superiority, because I only have money, and money is the most empty thing, but you have a very shining soul."

"The current version of me, I really want to belong to you." Fu Zheng looked at Ning Wan seriously, "I'm sorry, can you forgive and accept me now?"