I Also Want To Spiritually Cultivate With Shizun Today

Chapter 19


Qi Shu's mind went blank, didn't he even hear what Master said in his ear.

There is still a slightly cool and warm touch on the lips, and the tingling feeling climbs up the spinal cord, and even the fingers are trembling slightly.

He was stunned for a while, until the other party's cold fingertips touched his face lightly.

"Come back to your senses." Gu Hanjiang said

"I... I, I, I—" Qi Shu suddenly came back to his senses, and eagerly took a half step back, even almost falling off the little brat on his back. He barely held Yue Yunqing on his back, and his consciousness finally became clearer. "Master, how come Master...will be seen by others, and?, and? And Yunqing is still there."

Gu Hanjiang: "..."

He frowned slightly, but he wasn't unhappy? His expression seemed a little helpless.

After a while, Gu Hanjiang sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to give Qi Shu a hand. Gu Hanjiang pulled him to a hidden place on the corner of the street, and raised his hand again. A gleam of spiritual power flashed across his fingertips, covering Yue Yunqing's entire body.

The little boy muttered something in his mouth, turned his head to one side, and fell into a deeper sleep.

Gu Hanjiang: "Is it okay now?"

Qi Shu: "..."

Isn't casting a spell to force people to sleep a little too much? ?

"Ashu, this is owed to you?" Gu Hanjiang's voice was soft, but clear, "Last time I was in the side courtyard of the government office, I made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry."

He leaned over, uncovered the mask on Qi Shu's face, and kissed her again.

"... This is the day in the bedroom, but you may not remember it."

What I owe him? Every time, he remembers it in his heart.

The low and clear voice echoed in this quiet street corner, Qi Shu's tense body finally relaxed, and he put all his heart into this kiss.

There was a sound at his feet, the sound of the mask falling to the ground.

After a while, Gu Hanjiang raised his head.

Obviously, Qi Shu didn't recover from this kiss. He raised his head and asked in a daze for a long time, "Master, can I see you?"

"Okay." The mask on Gu Hanjiang's face fell off in response.

"It's my master..." Qi Shu seemed to have been beaten by his behavior. If it weren't for the fact that he was carrying something on his back, Gu Hanjiang even suspected that he would reach out and pinch his face a few times, "I won't Are you dreaming?"

Silly apprentice.

Gu Hanjiang felt a little helpless: "Could it be possible that I can still be a fake?"

Of course not.

In this world, no one has been able to impersonate Immortal Ling Xiao, and no one has been able to deceive Qi Shu in front of him.

"But..." Qi Shu still didn't understand, "Why..."

The last time Master Yue parted in front of the mansion, Master didn't even look at him.

Why come back this time...

"Isn't that good?" Gu Hanjiang asked, "This is what you want, and it's also mine?"

"But so suddenly—"

"Hush." Gu Hanjiang gently pressed Qi Shu's lips.

He lowered his head and pressed against Qi Shu's forehead, and the faint light of spiritual power did not enter Qi Shu's eyebrows. What followed was a memory that had been sealed for three years.

There are memories of that night that no one knows about.

Qi Shu's eyes widened suddenly.

"Master, you are finally willing to see me."

"I knew it? You won't leave me alone?"

"...Master, my heart pleases you."

Qi Shu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was some soreness in his eyes.

It turned out that at such an early age, he had already said these words.

The drunken boy completely forgot the forbearance and self-restraint he should have in the past. Holding a heart, he told over and over again those feelings that shouldn't be uttered.

And that kiss in return.

That was perhaps the only "out of control" moment in Xianzun Lingxiao's hundreds of years of life.

So early...

"Ashu, it wasn't sudden." Gu Hanjiang lightly brushed Qi Shu's face with his fingertips, and wiped away the wetness from the corners of his eyes. "It's been a long time."

"I love you too? Please... It's been a long time."

The next day, Qi Shu was awakened by a knock on the door

He rolled over on the bed and glanced out the window. It was a cloudless, sunny day. Qi Shu yawned and wanted to continue sleeping, but heard someone talking outside the door.

"Brother Qi Shu, have you woken up yet?"

"Master, Qi Xianchang was probably tired from playing last night, and he hasn't woken up yet. Let's come back later."


The door was pulled open.

Yue Yunqing stood at the door with his head raised, showing a big smile at Qi Shu: "Brother Qi Shu, good morning."

Qi Shu hasn't done it yet? He has his hair tied up, and his clothes are just casual? He bent over and flicked Yue Yunqing's head: "I disturbed my sleep early in the morning, don't I need to study with my father today?"

"Daddy has something to go to the government." Nai Tuanzi said proudly.

"I'm sorry, Immortal Elder." The person who spoke was a handsome young man named Song An, who was a servant of the family. These days, he was sent to the side courtyard to take care of Qi Shu, and he did something along the way. Chores.

He was also one of the attendants who accompanied them to the temple fair last night.

Song Andao said: "The young master pestered the little one early this morning. He must come to the fairy leader and say yes... the fairy leader promised to take him out to play today."

Qi Shu doesn't remember when he promised this.

"Agreed." Nai Tuanzi stomped anxiously, "The other brother agreed?!"

The other brother, who was talking about? It was probably Gu Hanjiang.

What must be pursued? Most likely it was because this little brat played too much last night, and refused to go home no matter how much he persuaded him.

The kid has a pretty good memory.

Qi Shu thought for a while, with an innocent look on his face: "But the other brother left last night."

Yue Yunqing: "?"

"Is it true? I didn't lie to you." Qi Shu said seriously, "The other brother just passed by Lingyang City yesterday and left after sending you back. I wanted to say goodbye to you? Don't come. But you were too sleepy, you couldn’t wake up no matter how much you shouted, so he had to leave without warning? Farewell.”

"How can I just leave..." Yue Yunqing's whole body drooped, extremely disappointed, "We agreed to play together?"

"Yeah." Qi Shu nodded seriously, "Leaving as soon as you say it, it's too much."

Of course Yue Yunqing refused to accept it, but he asked many people, and they all told him, did anyone follow Qi Xianchang back to the mansion yesterday? The "brother" he was talking about must have left.

After everyone left, Qi Shu had no obligation to help him complete what the other party promised.

So, not only did the young master not get the promise to go out to play, but he also had to advance the practice time a lot because he said he didn't need to study today.

"The horse gait should be stable, don't move around, you still want to learn from Kunlun?" Qi Shu leaned on the recliner and glanced at the horse gait in the yard? Yue Yunqing lazily said, "Why are your legs shaking? When I first started practicing, I spent two or three times more hours standing every day than you."

"...Know, know?" Yue Yunqing responded with a bit of aggrieved voice.

But when Qi Shu was practicing, he was not as quiet as Yue Yunqing. If you can't bear it a little bit, you can act like a baby to the master. Even if you can't reduce the practice time, afterward, the master should use other methods to double coax you back.

The dignified Immortal Lingxiao is so strict in front of other disciples, but he has no temper at all in front of him? Nothing.

Thinking of these things, Qi Shu's lips slightly pursed into an arc.

This is what Song An saw when he walked into the courtyard with tea.

Qi Shu always felt that his master was the best in the world. He was good-looking, but his own appearance was not bad at all, otherwise he wouldn't be still remembered by countless male nuns.

The young man lay leisurely on the bamboo chair, his long hair was only loosely and half tied with a hair tie, draped over his shoulders, a little scattered, and gently rocked with the rocking chair.

Just lying there quietly is like a tease.

"Song An, why are you standing there in a daze, do you want to learn how to gait too?" Qi Shu walked into a big living man in the yard, so he raised his eyelids and teased the young man.

"You still have time to learn if you want to. When I was a teacher, I was not much younger than you."

Song An blushed unconsciously, quickly looked away, and walked over quickly: "Young one? Don't dare."

"Why dare not?..."

Qi Shu took a sip of the tea poured by Song An, and said, "Let me tell you, practice only pays attention to the fundamentals, and doesn't care about other things. I used to not even be able to read books at home. When I go back to the teacher's gate, I will probably starve to death long ago."

Song An listened to him, but did not express his opinion.

Practicing Taoism and flying immortals with swords are attractive to any ordinary person. But as a servant like him, he was already doomed to live for his master all his life, and he couldn't decide the way to go, so it was useless to say more.

But he didn't interrupt, and after Qi Shu finished speaking, he added another cup of tea for him, and said, "The Immortal seems to be in a good mood today."

Qi Shu was stunned for a moment, and turned his eyes away: "Is this so obvious?"

It is indeed obvious.

Qi Shu talked a lot today, and he could chat with anyone for a few words. When he talked, he was beaming, not at all like in the past few days.

Qi Shu took another sip of tea, but didn't continue this topic.

He didn't speak, and Song An didn't dare to talk too much, just quietly serving him. It was approaching noon, and the sun made people lazy. Qi Shu was lying on the rocking chair, swaying, with a blade of grass caught between his hair.

Song An, who was standing aside, noticed it.

Qi Shu closed his eyes and didn't realize it. The young man swallowed, feeling a little itchy in his heart and mouth.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, and saw that his fingertips were about to touch Qi Shu's hair.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind in the courtyard.

Qi Shu opened his eyes and sat up suddenly.

Song An quickly withdrew his hand.

Noticing Song An's actions, but Qi Shu only thought he was frightened by him, and smiled and comforted him: "It's okay, I just want to ask, is it time to go to the house for dinner? Time? Chen gone?"

Song Anxin? His thoughts were dirty, and he was too embarrassed to look at him: "There is still a while, is the immortal elder hungry?"

"I'm not hungry." Qi Shu had already fasted, and it was fine if he didn't eat or drink for several days. He paused, and said: "Yun Qing must be hungry, right?"

"I'm not hungry..." Yue Yunqing's voice sounded weakly from the side.

"But Yun Qing must be tired." Qi Shu didn't give him a chance to argue, and said decisively, "Take a rest when you're tired, and that's all for today."

The young master couldn't hold it anymore, and as soon as Qi Shu's words fell, he immediately softened his legs and sat down on the ground.

Song An hurried to help.

Qi Shu ignored them and walked straight out of the courtyard.

Yue Yunqing asked: "Brother Qi Shu, where are you going?"

Qi Shu paused and waved his hands: "I'm going out for a stroll, don't wait for me to eat."

"I want, too-"

Yue Yunqing's eyes lit up, and just about to get up, he met Qi Shu's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not a smile: "I still have strength, why don't you take another? Hour? Chen horse step?"

The milk dumpling immediately fell back to the ground, muttering in its mouth: "I can't walk anymore..."

Qi Shu chuckled, turned and walked out the door briskly.

Qi Shu was free to come and go in the magistrate's mansion, and he didn't need to pass in and out, and he didn't need to be followed. He went out of the gate, but turned straight to an alley next to him, looking around.

A gust of wind blew past behind him, Qi Shu's eyes lit up, and he turned around.

Gu Hanjiang is standing behind him

He was still wearing the black robe from yesterday, and he was full of extravagance.

"Master!" Qi Shu walked over quickly, "Didn't you agree to wait until noon before coming out? Why did you call me so early?"

The breeze in the yard just now was naturally created by Gu Hanjiang.

Gu Hanjiang went down the mountain this time because he wanted to experience the life of a mortal as a mortal. He didn't want to be recognized by others, and he didn't want others to treat him as Immortal Lingxiao, so he didn't go back with Qi Shu last night.

Qi Shu respects his wishes.

He originally thought that he could exchange with Master. No one knew them. He traveled around, but then he remembered that he promised the young master of the Yue family. He still had a few tricks of immortality to teach. wait.

Anyway, he only teaches that little boy for two hours a day, and the rest of the time can be spent with Master.

It's just that for some reason, before it was time to go out, the master suddenly cast a spell to call him out.

And... Master is not too happy

"It's nothing." Gu Hanjiang raised his hand and picked up a blade of grass from Qi Shu's hair.

Qi Shu himself didn't notice? When did he notice that there was an extra? This little thing in his hair? Just as he said "Huh", he saw Gu Hanjiang's expression was indifferent, and there was a gleam of light on his fingertips, and the blade of grass suddenly It turned into a powder.

Qi Shu: "..."

It's just a leaf? As for that

Gu Hanjiang withdrew his hand before saying, "I just want to see you."

"..." Qi Shu almost got hit by a straight ball from his master.

His ears were a little hot, and he whispered: "I... I also want to see Master."

Gu Hanjiang's eyes moved slightly, and his expression finally eased up a little.

He stretched out his hand to Qi Shu: "Let's go."

Qi Shu: "Where are you going?"

"Ordinary people eat three meals a day. At this time, it's time for lunch."

Qi Shu and Gu Hanjiang were walking on the street.

He walked a little slower than Gu Hanjiang, lowered his head slightly, and unconsciously looked at the hands they held.

Master should really have made a lot of preparations for this experience of mortal life. Even ordinary lovers need to hold hands when walking on the street, such a small thing also learns from it.

It's just that when doing these things, Gu Hanjiang still has a calm and serious face.

It seems that only Qi Shu is in his heart? Ape? Horse.

How on earth did he get things so passive

And why, these past few days, he always behaved so embarrassingly in front of the master

How can you protect Master if this goes on like this

Qi Shu felt an inexplicable desire to win.

He suddenly quickened his pace, taking advantage of being half a step faster than the master, he took the master's hand behind his back.

Gu Hanjiang: "?"

Qi Shu coughed lightly: "Master, I know? There is a restaurant on the street on the right? The food is good, let's go there."

Gu Hanjiang: "..."

During the past few days in Lingyang City, Qi Shu knew a little about the big and small restaurants in the city. The one who took Master there? This one, the taste in this city? It’s one of the best.

Immortal Ling Xiao hasn't tasted the mortal food for many years, so of course he should be taken to eat the best food.

Qi Shu purposely chose an elegant seat on the street with a wide view, and ordered a large table of signature dishes.

Shizun didn't eat these kinds of food before, so Qi Shu didn't know what his "favorites" were, so he deliberately "ordered" more, and when he was eating, he secretly observed and memorized the flavors that Shizun liked.

This time is slightly earlier than the normal meal time. There are not many people in the restaurant, which is better than being quiet.

Qi Shu added a cup of tea to the master: "The tea here is not as good as the one from Kunlun Mountain, but the ones I brought down earlier have already been drunk, Master forgive me."

"It's okay." Gu Hanjiang shook his head, "Since we've gone down the mountain, it doesn't matter?"

Qi Shu responded softly.

"Young master, buy a bouquet, it's very fresh." Outside the restaurant, a woman in shabby clothes was selling flowers.

The flowers seem to have just been picked? The buds are still full of dew. There are many varieties, and there are better ones? Qi Shu can't even name them.

The woman was standing in front of the restaurant. It happened that Li Qishu had chosen this location not far away.

She was selling to another diner who was about to enter the door, but the other party didn't answer, but the restaurant waiter came out to chase people away: "No? If you want to go, don't delay the guests here for dinner, hurry up and get out."

Qi Shu frowned slightly.

"Can I just stay at this door? I won't go in." The woman begged in a low voice.

"No, how do you do business with us here?" The waiter had a very bad attitude, "Will you leave, or I will call someone to drive you away."


"Hello." Qi Shu called out.

He lay on the guardrail next to the private seat, tilted his head, and smiled faintly at the waiter: "Don't chase her away, I'll buy it."

The woman's eyes moved over, and she was stunned.

She has never seen such a good-looking person.

Qi Shu opened his mouth, but the waiter in the store couldn't say anything more, so he turned his head and returned to the lobby with a tsk.

Only the woman was left in the same place

Qi Shu didn't care too much, turned his head to Gu Hanjiang and said with a smile: "I just remembered, I feel better. It's been a while? Send flowers to Master."

During the three years since he left Kunlun, he would pick a fresh bouquet near where he stayed every day.

Illuminated a spiritual bird with Taoism, carried the flower in its mouth across thousands of mountains and rivers, and sent it to the spiritual void cave where the master retreated.

This giveaway took three years

Until he received a letter from Kunlun, and learned that there was a monster in Wuying Mountain, and then he got rid of the monster, returned to the teacher's gate, and reunited with the teacher, but he forgot about it.

"The last flower that was given to Master at the beginning came from Wuying Mountain." Qi Shu said, "But Master probably doesn't know about it, right?"

Worried about affecting Master's practice, his illusory spirit bird only sends flowers to the spiritual hole. It's extremely cold in front of the Lingxu Cave, and the fresh? bouquets won't last for a few days. Is there Master? It's normal to see it.

What's more, he is not sure that his soul bird can reach Kunlun unscathed.

Gu Hanjiang lowered his eyes and didn't answer. The woman came over with a flower basket in her arms, and said timidly, "Master... how much do you want to buy?"

"Let me see what's there." Qi Shu leaned forward slightly, and probed to pick from the flower basket.

With this movement, he moved a little closer, and the woman secretly looked at his face, her cheeks flushed slightly.

"This? Seems good, Master, what do you think—"

Before Qi Shu finished speaking, he was suddenly pulled by someone, and immediately sat back in his original position.

Gu Hanjiang didn't know when he came up behind him, he put one hand on Qi Shu's shoulder, and said coldly to the woman: "I want all these, you can go."

Immortal Ling Xiao's? eyes? look throughout the entire? Cultivation world? Few people can bear it. The woman was frightened by his stare and almost cried. The silver pair turned around and fled.

Gu Hanjiang took the flower basket and placed it gently beside Qi Shu.

As the two sat and stood, Gu Hanjiang's? hand was still pressed on Qi Shu's? shoulder, and he could feel the "chill" on his hands through the clothes, as if the indestructible? Ten thousand years of ice.

Qi Shu looked up at him, his eyebrows subconsciously furrowed.

Master's hands... have they been this cold before

Not quite? Right.

Qi Shu thought in his heart.

His? Master is well-known in the school for his unpredictable emotions, but the way he expressed his emotions in the past has never been so straightforward, let alone being fierce to an? ordinary? flower girl.

And after going down the mountain this time, Master's various behaviors are also indescribably strange.

"Master, are you—"

Qi Shu hesitated to speak, but Gu Hanjiang didn't care. He just turned around and went back to the other side of the table.

His voice suddenly stopped.

"What did you say?" Gu Hanjiang sat down in his original position, raised his eyes and asked him.

Qi Shu opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Just now when Master turned around, Qi Shu clearly saw something behind him.

It looked like... a strand of white hair.

The author has something to say: Really not cruel! ! You believe me ah ah ah

Fifty red envelopes will be dropped in this chapter, thanks for your support