I am a Big Villain

Chapter 112: The whole world is reborn


"Uncle, you see that clothes and electronic watches from Shencheng and Xiangjiang are very popular in Beijing now. What do you think about our brother opening a small shop to sell those fashionable Shenzhen and Hong Kong goods?"

Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao winked at their uncle Jinzhande and asked.

These days, they can make a fortune by doing anything. It was because they were trapped by the spicy hot shop before. In fact, they were more flexible at the time and went directly to Shencheng to open a small workshop. Now the family business can be expanded several times.

The only difficulty now is money. Both Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao are thinking about the stock subscription certificate called "Certificate of Wealth" issued by Haishi a few years later. At the beginning, a set of original shares of about 30 yuan was sold out in just a few months. If you get more than 10,000 sets, it is a huge profit. If you have enough principal to buy hundreds of sets or more, you will become a millionaire or even a multi-millionaire immediately.

The "Certificate of Wealth" was issued in 1992. At this time, ten thousand yuan households were rare. After becoming a millionaire, they bought a house and land, and then just lay down and collected rent. Happy.

The two brothers think very well, the only regret is that there are still nearly five years before the sale of the "Certificate of Wealth", and they still have to find ways to make money in these five years, and they can't let the third brother take the limelight. Grab it.

"That's a good idea."

Jin Zhande felt that the two nephews were so old, but their thinking was still a little too naive. Seeing the two brothers' excited appearance, he still couldn't help pouring cold water on each other.

"It's just that you want to go to Shencheng to buy goods. Have you ever thought about where to buy them cheaply? The styles of those clothes are easy to sell. What if you buy the goods and can't sell them? What should you do if you buy them in large quantities? If you are not careful, you may be arrested." You are a speculator, and if you are caught, you will have nowhere to seek justice, have you ever thought about this?"

So many people feel that the current business is easy to do, as if they can make a fortune by doing anything, and they don’t look at there are more people who put all their eggs in one basket and go into the sea, but lose money in their pants, commit suicide by jumping off buildings and drink pesticides It is true that business is not just talking on paper, you can succeed just by thinking about it.

Now everyone knows that the things in Shencheng are good and cheap. For example, the radios and electronic watches sold in Shencheng have many styles and low prices. Small factories sprung up like mushrooms to buy goods and send them to the trains.

If you are lucky, no one will stop you, you can indeed make a lot of money by relying on such a few bags of things. If you are unlucky, you will happen to be inspected by a train, and you will be found to have bought so many of the same type of goods. A lighter fine will confiscate these illegal goods, and a heavier one will be imprisoned for several years. When you come out, the world will change.

It's not that Jinzend doesn't agree with his nephews' idea of starting a business, he just doesn't agree with their such a mindless start-up.

He has also noticed the changes in the two nephews in the past few years. In the last life, they did not resign and go to sea. I think some of the nephews, nieces and daughter-in-laws had the same adventure as him.

Jin Zhande watched coldly. These two nephews might know what happened in their previous lives, and knew that their mother would be pissed off by their younger brother in the future, but they didn't make any attempt to change from the beginning to the end. On the contrary, the first thing they just came back The thing is to take their own children back, and later find that raising children is too annoying and send them over. From the beginning to the end, they never thought about their mother.

This made Jinzend especially disappointed, so in the following days, he was also indifferent to them, and never offered to help them.

"It's not that troublesome."

Yan Dabao didn’t take it seriously. His former workers and friends who would occasionally come to his shop to eat spicy soup have also gone to sea. What they do now is to set up a street stall. Don’t think that this job is not classy, and it’s easy to get supercilious. But when the business is good, they can earn one or two hundred a night, which is much higher than their Mala Tang shop's income in a month.

He just goes to Shencheng to buy goods by himself, leaves four or five days a month, and completes the goods for the next month. Usually, he works five or six hours a day. It's so much easier in a small shabby shop.

Yan Dabao felt that his brother-in-law just heard the subtext of their wanting to borrow money, and it was nothing more than scaremongering.

"It's not troublesome, your little uncle will still hurt you." Calendula pulled her face, looked at these white-eyed wolves and said unhappily.

The more these two sons lived, the more they made her feel ashamed as a mother and couldn't understand. She quietly quit her job without telling her, and even gave the factory job to her brother-in-law.

She doesn't care about the work of Zhang Qiaoqiao and Liu Hui, and she doesn't care about the old lady who gave her brother, nephew, but Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao. If they want to quit their jobs, they can't go home and ask their younger brothers if they need this job

If the other party asked, they were not the same thing, but now they gave it to others without saying a word. The old lady felt uncomfortable again when she thought about the gossip and gossip of the neighbors during that time.

"Mom, you can't say that."

Yan Erbao looked blushing, and he glanced at his uncle flatteringly: "Uncle, don't my elder brother and I don't want to be too far away from my younger brother? You also know that our two brothers don't have such a high degree of education. We didn't go down after graduating from junior high school." Read it, I can’t be as filial to my mother with the money I earn now. Poor Dadan Dani and the others have to be raised by their mother. When we earn money and buy a big house, we will also ask a nanny to take over and serve my mother. , so that she can spend her old age in peace."

He knew what this uncle cared about the most, so he naturally picked out the words to speak nicely.

"Come on, it's as if my real mother won't let you go to school."

Calendula stared at her eyes: "It wasn't because you brothers thought the job in the factory was good, and you couldn't wait to take over your father's class after graduating from junior high school. If your brother-in-law hadn't been kind enough to give the job to the second child, both of you brothers would have You can break your head for the job left by your father, and now you are complaining about your education, tell me, who should you blame?"

Back then, there were a lot of people who broke their heads for jobs at home. After all, parents only had two jobs at most. In those days, it was very common to have four or five children in a family. How to divide the jobs became a problem. Noisy There are also many people who make trouble until they die of old age and do not communicate with each other.

The Yan family is lucky. Yan Chu is young, and it will take more than ten years for him to take over the post. The factory can't wait for him that long. Old man Yan left a job, Jinzhande also gave up one, and Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao Naturally, there is no need to argue.

At that time, a job was a huge wealth, which meant a stable income, a formal job, and an advantage in the blind date market, so the job was divided between the first two sons, and the house was left to the youngest son. , Calendula felt that her behavior was not partial at all.


Zhang Qiaoqiao stopped the old lady from complaining afterwards, and said softly to the uncle beside her with a smile.

"It's a good thing that Dabao and the second brother are brave enough to fight. This time we just want to find my uncle as a staff officer, and to put it bluntly, we also want to borrow some money from my uncle."

Seeing that her sister-in-law was giving her winks, Liu Hui didn't stand on the sidelines like before, and quickly spoke up.

"I'm sorry, but brother-in-law, we are all a family. Don't worry, we will guarantee to pay back the money. It's just that money is tight now. If you want to find a store to buy, you don't have enough money."

Now many people feel that business is easy to do, and the rent of the shop is rising. The rent of their Mala Tang shop has risen to 181 months in four years, and the official salary of a senior worker is not so high. many.

If they had known that the rent could soar so much at once, they should have bought the shop ruthlessly.

But it’s not too late to realize this now. Thinking about the prices of front-facing houses in Beijing in the future, all four of them are tempted to buy shopfronts. Thanks to the soaring prices in recent years, the ones near the street are now in better locations. The selling price of the shop is basically tens of thousands, and the sum of the money of the two families may not be able to reach a fraction.

No, they were tempted to borrow money from Jinzhande, and wanted to borrow more, buy a few shops, resell them when the value had appreciated, and return the principal to uncle Jinzhande.

Listening to what Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao said, Du Meijuan's smile deepened.

The group of people in Yan's family were vampires and leeches, all of them were disgusting to the extreme, but she knew that she couldn't say anything in front of her husband, instead she had to pretend to be virtuous and comfortable.

"Little brother, you can't borrow this money."

They all came out of her stomach, and the old lady couldn't see what the two sons were thinking.

"It's nice to say, what do you have to pay back when you lose money? Your small Mala Tang shop is not yours, so how much is it worth? Besides, it's just a repayment. When will you pay it back? Will you pay interest? Why don’t you explain this clearly, when your brother-in-law’s money came from the wind?”

The old lady's words confused Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao. From their point of view, the uncle's money came from the strong wind. His net worth in this life is much higher than in the previous life. This is the benefit of rebirth. So much money, so what to give them some.

"Sister, Dabao and Erbao are both my nephews, so if they can help me, they must help."

Jin Zhande stopped the elder sister's words, and looked at the two nephews and nephew-in-law beside him: "How much and how long are you going to borrow?"

It is definitely impossible to give in vain. Jin Zhande has already realized how the little nephew would indulge in bad things in the previous life, and how it would encourage the mentality of the eldest nephew and the second nephew to get something for nothing.

When Du Meijuan heard that her husband seemed to be about to let go, she clenched her fists tightly, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Two, no, one hundred thousand."

Originally, the two families negotiated to borrow 200,000 yuan, and the family had 100,000 yuan. At that time, the Mala Tang shop business would be terminated, and the two families would separate to earn money completely. At that time, no one should complain that the other one earned more.

But the faces of the people present were not very good, especially the uncle, although he was not angry, but his aura was scary, so when reporting the loan amount, Zhang Qiaoqiao unknowingly underreported by half.

Fifty thousand yuan is enough for their initial investment, and they haven't saved ten thousand yuan for opening a small shop all these years.

"Bah, you think your brother-in-law runs a bank."

The old lady was shocked by her shameless two sons and daughter-in-law. How many people can't even get 10,000 yuan, but he just opened his mouth and it's 100,000 yuan. Not even your own father can make you such a prodigal.

"We don't have much working capital now, Dabao and Erbao. It's a good thing to want to start a business, but everything must be done steadily, and you can't become fat if you eat a bite. If your uncle refuses, your aunt will lend you 20,000 yuan. , you can try some things first to see if this business is feasible, and if you can make money by then, it will be the same if you increase your investment.”

From Du Meijuan's point of view, if Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao had the ability to do business with the idiots of the Yan family, they would not have mixed up like that in their previous lives, and if they were reborn, they would not be able to increase their IQ, and idiots would always be idiots.

One hundred thousand yuan is not a small amount. Du Meijuan doesn't want her family's money to be wasted for nothing. Based on her understanding of her man, I'm afraid he will still lend the money. It will be difficult to get it back when the time comes. Scrambling to speak before Jinzhande, and her statement is very reasonable, coupled with her consistent good performance before, presumably it will not arouse her husband's suspicion.

In fact, even if she didn't ask, Jin Zhande didn't intend to really lend 100,000 yuan to these two nephews.

Regardless of whether the other party's business without any plans will work or not, let's just say that emotionally, the key link between him and his nephews is his elder sister Marigold. How good these two nephews can be.

Those who can do business are not shrewd. He can't do the thing of losing 100,000 yuan for two nephews who are not very close.

The most important thing is that Marigold herself objected, if she asked, then Marigold would definitely borrow it.

Yan Dabao and others were very disappointed by Du Meijuan's words, and they all looked at their uncle with hope, but it was a pity that the uncle silently picked up vegetables and drank, as if acquiescing to his aunt's meaning.

Twenty thousand, compared to the two hundred thousand they expected before, has shrunk to one-tenth. The brothers thought about flattering them for a long time, but they only got this kind of report.

But seeing his mother's objection, his uncle really could only deduct this little money, and the two brothers had nothing to say while they were drinking.

"You can borrow money, you must write down the IOU, and there is a date for repayment. If you don't pay the money by then, what do you use as collateral?" Calendula disagrees with the younger brother lending money to the two sons, they are confused Well, the old lady was not at ease at all, she always felt that the money was borrowed but never repaid. Didn't that make the younger brother lose 20,000 yuan for nothing? This made the younger brother and daughter-in-law think of them.

"Mom, you said that."

Yan Dabao was very upset. His younger brother looked completely different from his last life now, but the two of them lived an extra life and still failed to achieve anything. At this time, his mother still messed with him, so he would not believe it. The money is the younger brother, and she will still be like this.

This old woman is getting more and more eccentric.

"The old house at home was handed down by my father. It should have been divided between me and my second brother. At the beginning, both of us had jobs. We have no objection to you sharing it with the younger brother. But now we have quit our jobs in the machinery factory. The house should be re-divided."

Yan Erbao looked at his elder brother's face, and said the second purpose of their visit today.

They have inquired that this house was left by their own father. At the beginning, the name of their father was written on the real estate certificate. After his father died, the three brothers and their mother have the right to inherit. What is the separation of the family? The agreement is not legally effective at all, and her mother has no right to divide the house.

In fact, the house had to be re-divided in the court, but I just thought that I was going to go to the court, but I broke face with his mother, and tearing face with his mother was tearing face with my uncle, so they didn't quarrel.


The old lady stood up directly from her seat. Yan Chu saw that the old lady's face was flushed with anger, so he quickly supported her and helped her calm down.

"I forced you to quit your job. What kind of face were you when you were clamoring for a job, but now you quit your job and come back clamoring for a house. If you can do this with feelings, then you two are me. Damn it, I don’t want you two sons now, if I beat you to death with a big ear, will the country punish me for breaking the law?”

The old lady was panting heavily. She was very happy when she came here today, but she was spoiled by these two white-eyed wolves.

Yan Dabao and Yan Dani were already sensible. Compared with their parents who didn't get along very well, and the memory of being kicked out after being taken home, the seven children all stood beside grandma and looked at their father. Mom looked very puzzled and blamed.

"Mom, how can this matter be confused."

Yan Dabao has a headache, his mother is a mess, doesn't he want to honor her, as long as she can drive out the younger brother who hurt him miserably in the previous life, he respects her like an ancestor, but who made her favoritism? what.

The four of them felt that they were very reasonable, and completely forgot that the old lady had never treated them badly, and if they took the initiative to draw a line with the old lady after they were not reborn in this life, and if the old lady's heart was chilled, she would definitely be ashamed. I won't be wary of them borrowing money from my uncle.

A wedding banquet broke up unhappy, and Yan Dabao and others were coaxed out by the old lady. Before leaving, Jin Zhande still let them go to his company to ask him to get the money another day, but the atmosphere in the room still couldn't return after all. At first.

Yan Chu coaxed the old lady for a long time before she regained her smiling face. After the meal, everyone was exhausted.



Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao looked around at my uncle's company, looked at the dozen or twenty employees sitting in the office, and smacked their mouths, thinking that when they could own a company of their own.

It must feel good to be called Yan Zong Yan Dong.

"Here is 20,000 yuan."

Jin Zhande took out the cash that the secretary asked the secretary to withdraw from the bank today from the drawer and put it on the table. The two brothers wanted to take it as soon as their eyes lit up, but Jin Zhande took the money back again.

"Uncle, don't misunderstand us."

Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao were in a hurry, no matter how little it was, it would be 20,000 yuan. They thought it might be that their stepmother said something that misunderstood my uncle after they left yesterday.

"It's really not that Erbao and I are not filial. You, like us, know about the things in your previous life. We brothers are just angry. The angry mother is still biased towards Yan Chu. Otherwise, she is our own mother. How could we not be filial to her?" Woolen cloth?"

Yan Dabao said it with sincerity, they had already thought about it before they came, maybe they could talk to my uncle and tell him that they are the same people.

Jinzhande is not stupid, although he knows the origins of Yan Dabao and others, he has no intention of recognizing them at all.

"What happened in this life in the previous life, Dabao and Erbao, didn't you guys get drunk and didn't wake up from the bar?"

Jin Zhande frowned and asked inexplicably.

His expression did not seem to be fake at all, Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao were stunned, could it be that my uncle was born again? But how does this explain the previous actions of the other party, as well as the expanded business scale in this life.

"No, uncle, did you suggest you transfer Yan Chu to another school?" Yan Dabao asked in surprise.

"That happened several years ago." Jinzhande thought deeply, "It seems that your aunt wanted to choose a new school for your two cousins, and mentioned Jin Bao's matter, so I thought about changing Jin Bao's school too. , what's wrong? Isn't it good to change schools?"


Could it be that they had guessed wrong before, that it was the aunt who was reborn, not the uncle.

"Fuck, what the hell is that woman doing? Could it be that she really killed my mother in the last life, and I feel ashamed?"

Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao whispered to each other, but Jinzhande heard them.

"What woman killed your mother? Make it clear, otherwise you don't want any of the money."

Jin Zhande's heart tightened, where was the leisure just now.

"No, no one killed our mother, isn't mother alive?" The uncle in front of him was not born again, Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao pretended to be stupid and pretended they hadn't said anything.

Jin Zhande gave them a cold look, and put the wads of money back into the drawer.

"Don't, don't, don't."

Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao were still waiting for this money to make a fortune, but when they saw that their uncle did what he said, they immediately panicked and immediately explained what they knew clearly.

Of course, they didn't directly say that they were reborn, they only said that they had a dream last night, in which their younger brother lost all their property in gambling, which made their mother mad.

"You said that in the dream your mother called me to borrow money?"

Jin Zhande's face was ashen, and he refused to believe this fact in his heart.

"It should be a fight. It was us and Mom who brought it up at the time. After all, the loan sharks are so tight. When we left tomorrow night, Mom was already relieved, but she changed her style immediately the next day and said that there is no need to talk to you, uncle. Contacted, we thought about it, and probably called, but you refused."

Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao didn't say that it might be Du Meijuan's refusal, that woman might be reborn, she hated their Yan family so much in her previous life, if she knew about their barrel leaking, she wouldn't hate them to death.

It's better to use this to make my uncle feel guilty, maybe it's better to borrow money.

"Later, the third brother and daughter-in-law were frightened to death, and my mother was so angry that she couldn't afford it. We brothers searched through my mother's things and found your phone number, uncle, and then contacted you, but at that time, my mother was no longer able. Well, not long after you came, Mom died."

The two of them finished talking about what they knew, and looked at the drawer where the money was hidden, thinking that uncle would be able to give them the money this time.

"It's just a dream. The two of you are not young anymore. Don't be surprised and take it seriously. Jinbao is a promising child. How could such a thing happen in the future?"

Jinzhande's throat was dry and tight. He dared to swear that in his previous life, he never received a call from his elder sister to borrow money.

There are two possibilities, one is that the eldest sister still didn't call in the end, and the other is that the call got through, but it wasn't him who answered the phone...

Calendula was very reluctant to believe it, but the latter was more likely.

It's all at the end of the ropes, no matter how strong the self-esteem is, the eldest sister will definitely make this call if she feels sorry for him and involves Jin Bao and her pregnant daughter-in-law.

Jin Zhande thought of his wife's gentle smile, and thought of the woman who had been comforting and encouraging him after the death of his eldest sister, and who was as sad as him, and felt chills in his heart.

Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao didn't care if the uncle believed in the dream they were talking about when they got the money, it was just right, at least it was confirmed that the uncle was not born again, and it was a good thing for them to lose a competitor.

After receiving the money, it seemed that they were afraid that Jinzhande would ask them to write an IOU, so the two brothers left in a hurry without stopping.

"President Jin, today..."

Not long after the brothers left, the secretary knocked on the door and came in, talking about today's business arrangements.

"It's all postponed. I'm not feeling well and go home for a day off. If there's anything urgent, I'll call my landline." Jinzend took the coat on the back of the chair, picked up the briefcase and left. Now he only has one thought, and that is to go home .


"Zhande, why did you come back so early, is there nothing going on in the company today?"

Du Meijuan heard the noise at the door, and came out with a spoon in hand. Judging by her attire, she looked like she was cooking in the kitchen just now.

"I made old duck soup for you, and I was thinking of sending it to your company just now, try the taste and see if it suits your taste."

She has a gentle face, which is what Jin Zhande likes the most, but now he suddenly finds himself starting to be afraid, afraid that this beauty has other unknown sides under her skin.

"I'm a little tired, I want to go back to my room and have a good rest."

Jin Zhande rushed home from the company with that strength, but when he saw his current wife, he had no reason to question her at all. Even if what Dabao and the others said was true, it would be the fault of his future wife. What is the difference between questioning his current wife and how he treated Jin Bao before.

Du Meijuan believed it, looking at her husband with a pale face and sweaty forehead, she stepped forward and wanted to touch his forehead with the back of her hand to see if he had a fever, but Jin Zhande subconsciously avoided it.

Du Meijuan froze for a moment, her hands froze in mid-air.

Could it be that something happened in the company, the husband's expression is very strange.

Jin Zhande didn't explain, bypassing Du Meijuan and went back to the room directly, what he needs to do most now is to be quiet.

"Your forehead is full of sweat, I'll wipe your face, and then you lie down and have a good rest."

Du Meijuan doesn't want her husband to fall down. In her previous life, she was pampered and pampered. She didn't know anything about the company. What she knew the most was which store had the latest jewelry and clothes, and which beauty salon had the best craftsmanship. , let her open a shop to start a business, firstly, she doesn't have that ability, and secondly, she doesn't want to be burdened by that.

"Today, Dabao and Erbao came to me to ask for money. I relented and gave them 200,000 yuan."

Looking at his wife wringing towels aside, Jin Zhande suddenly said this.

Although Du Meijuan concealed it very well, the disgust that flashed in her eyes at the first moment was still seen by Jinzhande who had been secretly watching her, even though she still showed a gentle and considerate appearance afterwards, Jinzhande was in his heart. Is there anything else I don't understand.

"Both Dabao and Erbao are your nephews. As elders, we should help them. It's just that they didn't think carefully about what they did. That's why I proposed to lend them less money at first, but you can borrow 200,000 yuan. I just borrowed it, I just hope they know you are good and I will be happy."

Du Meijuan was only thinking about Jinzhande, and she didn't seem to be angry at all when her husband lent 200,000 yuan to her nephew.

Jin Zhande took the towel she handed over to wipe his face, then lay down and closed his eyes without saying a word.

Du Meijuan saw that he was really uncomfortable, so she stopped talking, picked up the washbasin and went out quietly, not forgetting to close the door.

Jinzhande can now be 180% sure that the elder sister did call in the previous life, but his wife rejected the elder sister without telling him. During that time, he was in Japan to discuss a big project, and the elder sister couldn't get through his mobile phone, so she would definitely If she chooses to call the landline at home, even if the wife rejects the eldest sister, she may not know it.

If his wife clearly expresses to him that he does not want him to help the elder sister's family without a bottom line, he can understand and is willing to discuss with his wife how to get along with each other.

After all, the eldest sister has kindness to him, but she has no kindness to his wife. Now that he and his wife have established a small family, he is of course willing to accept her opinions and suggestions.

It's just that he doesn't understand that he is not helping the eldest sister's family without a bottom line. Every time he gives something to the eldest sister, he will definitely send an equally valuable gift to his wife's natal family, and wrap a red envelope for Jinbao. Nephews are no less.

Over the years, his wife's brothers wanted to start a business, and he also contributed money and effort, all because he was grateful for his wife's tolerance and wanted to repay her with the same dedication and tolerance.

But the facts tell him that he regards his wife's family as his relatives, while his wife only regards them as moths from beginning to end.

The last 800,000 yuan in her previous life was a lot of money.

It's ridiculous that he can't sleep at night because of the death of his eldest sister, but she can enjoy his gratitude and respect for her like a normal person.

Jin Zhande was so distressed that he was numb, and suddenly he didn't know how to face his current wife.


"Do you still remember the good sisters I often tell you to dance with?"

Xie Meifeng walked in with a newspaper and breakfast with a smile on her face, thinking that there was some big happy event at home.

You have so many dancing sisters, I don't know which one. "

Mr. Xi took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun bought by his old wife, opened that day's Beijing City Newsletter and said slowly while sitting on a chair.

"That's the most beautiful flower girl."

The old lady rolled her eyes at the old man, then looked at her granddaughter Xi Xiaoxiao with a smile.

"Her son is very promising, a gold medalist in the International Olympiad, and the same age as our Xiaoxiao, but unfortunately he is from a different school." The old lady looked at her granddaughter, who was beautiful and had good grades. She wondered if she could find a chance to let her The two children look at each other, maybe there is that fate.

"Is it this child?"

Old man Xi asked while holding his reading glasses, pointing at the young man in the newspaper.

Xi Xiaoxiao's eyes just happened to look over, and when she saw that familiar face, the bun in her hand fell to the ground.