I am a Big Villain

Chapter 17: The hidden marriage scum actor


"Xinyan, why did you think of asking me out to go shopping today?"

Long Moqi rushed to sit by the window, beckoned to Yu Xinyan who was unconsciously stirring the coffee cup in front of her, and quickly walked towards her stepping on ten centimeter stiletto heels.

"It's become more and more difficult to ask you out since you got married. It's rare for you to take the initiative to ask me out once."

It's midsummer now, just getting off the car and walking from the parking lot to the shopping mall made her hot enough, seeing Yu Xinyan order her favorite iced coffee early, Long Moqi cheered, Quickly took a sip.

"Why, your male god is busy filming recently and won't go home?"

Long Moqi is the only person other than Yu Xinyan's mother who knows that she and Yan Chu are married. She is not optimistic about this relationship, but she can't say anything about relationships, even if she is the best friend. .

She looked at the quiet and elegant woman on the opposite side. Time gave her special treatment. She had fair and delicate skin, delicate and gentle eyebrows, and her every move was like a lady who walked out of an ancient painting. This was similar to Yu Xinyan's Guzheng Her mother couldn't get rid of the relationship. She was very strict with Xinyan's behavior and behavior since she was a child. She played piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, as if she was cultivating an ancient lady.

The most outrageous thing Yu Xinyan did was to participate in a TV drama audition without telling her mother when she was 21 years old, and in that drama, she met Yan Chu, who was still a newcomer at the time, and without telling her Everyone, secretly got a marriage certificate with him.

"Mo Qi, I'm divorced, I set myself free."

Yu Xinyan's voice is just like her appearance, gentle and gentle, without any aggressiveness, making people feel very comfortable.

She thought about the divorce certificate lying in her small bag at this moment, she should be happy, but she was indescribably sad and sad, twelve years, how many twelve years could she squander.

Yu Xinyan's eyes were full of mist, she smiled at Long Moqi, but it was uglier than crying.

"What's the matter? Did that bastard Yan Chu fall in love with some little goblin? You sacrificed so much for him, and that's how he treats you."

Long Moqi slammed the table and stood up, went around and pulled Yu Xinyan, wanting to find Yan Chu's argument.

Fortunately, there was no one in the shopping mall at this point, and they chose the most hidden corner of the coffee shop. Even if someone heard the name Yan Chu, they would only think it was someone with the same name and surname.

"I brought it up on my own initiative."

Yu Xinyan held Long Moqi back. When she proposed divorce, she had hoped that Yan Chu would refuse, but he agreed, and even asked his personal lawyer to draw up a divorce agreement the day after she proposed divorce. He gave her all the real estate and family savings, and chose to leave the house by himself.

Yan Chu is the most popular and powerful star in Huaguo. Needless to say, he has a sky-high salary. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is making a lot of money in various endorsements, commercial performances and other activities. He even topped the list of Huaguo's male actors for five consecutive years number one.

So after a divorce, Yu Xinyan suddenly became a rich woman with a net worth of over one billion. In the eyes of others, it should be very happy, but Yu Xinyan didn't know why, and felt like crying.

He gave her everything, why, could it be that he really fell in love with her half-sister, Yu Xintong, and all this was just compensation for guilt

Yu Xinyan doesn't want to think about it, but now she just can't calm down.


After hearing what her friend said, Long Moqi didn't know what to say, she obviously didn't like this marriage, but her friend really divorced Yan Chu, looking at her like this, she felt uncomfortable again.

"How is the property divided? How can you say that you have devoted twelve years of your best youth to him, so you can't just take advantage of him like this?"

"He gave me everything." Yu Xinyan pursed her lips, but she didn't express her intuitive guess in front of her friend.

"He has a little conscience."

Long Moqi was silent for a moment, then murmured, looking at her friend's gloomy appearance, she felt that she could no longer add negative emotions to Xinyan, what she should do at this time pulled Yu Xinyan from this unhappy memory out.

"The Lv's and Ma's have released a lot of new bags, you are a rich woman now, let's go shopping and get rid of the bad luck."

Long Moqi's family is not short of money, and she herself runs a not-so-small fashion brand clothing store, so she doesn't lack money to buy bags at all, so I just want to cheer up Yu Xinyan, as long as she is a woman, she can't escape Doesn’t the magic spell of buying, buying, and buying mean that all diseases are cured? If one bag is not enough, then ten will come. Then she will arrange the work in the store, and take her around to play around and watch more. The handsome foreign guy washes his eyes, maybe Xinyan will forget about the heartless guy.

Yu Xinyan was not in the mood for shopping, but she was the one who asked Long Moqi to come out today. Hearing what she said, she forced a smile, put down the small spoon stirring the coffee in her hand, picked up the bag beside her and followed her out .

"Wow, wow, Yan Chuye, he is so handsome and charming, ah."

When I left the coffee shop, I happened to pass by a LCD TV store. For some reason, a group of young girls in youthful attire gathered around the glass window, watching the live broadcast program inside and screaming softly.

"And Yu Xintong, she is so beautiful and gentle. I heard that she played Yan Chu's Bai Yueguang in this play. Although she died in the end, Yan Chu remembered her for the rest of her life. Even the heroine can't replace her. Her position in Yan Chu's heart is so romantic, if Yan Chu can like me in real life, I would be willing to let me die."

The one who spoke was obviously a fan of Yan Chu's brain, looking at the nympho with her hands clenched in front of her chest, he was still a fan of his girlfriend.

"Xin Yan."

Long Moqi pushed her in embarrassment, but unfortunately Yu Xinyan's eyes were completely glued to the TV screen, looking at the familiar man, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.


The show that Yan Chu participated in today is a variety show called Celebrity Live Studio. As the name suggests, this show is live broadcast throughout, and there is no problem with post-editing. Also, because the two hosts of the show have sharp words, they often ask the stars participating in the show For some spicy and difficult questions, the ratings have remained high.

They are here today to promote the upcoming new movie "Time and You". Yan Chu, as the male lead, of course cannot be absent. As the biggest star in the audience, he is also the focus of torture by the two hosts.

Because this is a talk show, Yan Chu’s attire today is relatively casual. The white T-shirt is simple and clean, and his lower body is washed blue frayed jeans. His hair is fluffy and has a sense of shape. Two sharp sword eyebrows, narrow and long eyes full of divine light, a tall and delicate nose bridge, and the arc drawn by the diamond-shaped lips, a youthful and youthful air rushes towards his face, and it is impossible to tell that he is already thirty-five years old The "old man".

"Time and You" is a well-known film adapted from a big IP. I don't know how many boys and girls' tears were swept away at the beginning, and there were countless book fans. When Yan Chu took over this movie, many people didn't like it because The male protagonist in the original book was only sixteen years old when he first appeared. This novel also tells the story of him from sixteen years old to middle age. Book fans recognize Yan Chu’s acting skills, but they don’t think he can play the male protagonist today. The childishness and youth that sixteen years old should have.

Seeing Yan Chu's appearance suddenly today, those who were not optimistic at the beginning all shut up, it's almost back to normal, okay

Also present today are the film's director Lin Qiusheng, the heroine Bai Mo, and the female supporting role Yu Xintong. The male supporting role was not present because he took on another film at the same time and couldn't afford to miss the time.

Lin Qiusheng and Yan Chu have collaborated in not one or two movies. He was also the one who made Yan Chu win the first Best Actor trophy. However, this famous director has a bit of a bad temper, as sharp as the host of a star live broadcast room. Don't dare to ask him some excessive questions at will.

Although Bai Mo and Yu Xintong are both relatively popular florets nowadays, their names are vain, and the actresses in the entertainment industry are updated too quickly. Compared with Yan Chu, the value of these two people is still far behind. up.

"The third question, a fan left a message on our official blog. He wanted to ask Yingying Emperor Yan. In the original book, Chu Feng's favorite woman is Lin Yinyin. In real life, who is Yingdi Yan's favorite girl? Is Lin Yinyin's actor Yu Xintong the type?"

The two hosts in the entertainment live broadcast room, a man and a woman, are considered old men in the host world. The hostess Wang Na held a card and smiled maliciously at Yan Chu. Waiting for this is the problem.

Don't look at the gimmicks in the entertainment live broadcast room. In fact, every issue that will be mentioned in the live broadcast is communicated with the producer and the star. Some seem sharp, but in fact everyone has a spectrum in their hearts. , what he asked were those celebrities who didn't mind being known by others.

Wang Na thinks that Chen Xin may be deliberately making a splash for Yu Xintong in this show, taking advantage of Yan Chu's popularity. Anyway, liking is a mystery. The woman wants exposure, and the man is also getting married and having children. As he gets older, fans are not as opposed to his relationship as before, and hyping up a relationship does not hinder him too much.

Chen Xin is the brokerage company where Yan Chu and Yu Xintong work.

Yu Xintong's outfit today is extraordinarily sweet. She is wearing a tube top pink dress, which complements her slender neck. Her palm-sized face is flushed with embarrassment at this moment, and her eyes that are extra big with false eyelashes are blinking and blinking. She is embarrassed. Looking at Yan Chu next to him, it made people think that this girl was really cute.

She lowered her forehead slightly, and turned her face to the other side of the female lead, Bai Mo. She knew that she was the most beautiful from this angle.

"Xintong is a very cute girl, but the girl I like, happens to be not the same type as her."

Yan Chu's slightly cold voice made Yu Xintong's face stiff. She clenched her fists and turned her eyes to him in surprise. If she didn't know that this was a live broadcast, her reaction at this time would have been more intense.

The heroine, Bai Mo, who was a little depressed, suddenly felt better. Originally, she is the heroine. Even if she wants to stir up scandals, she should come to her. She is also a newcomer, and she and Yu Xintong are in a competitive relationship. Yes, seeing her humiliated by the film king now makes Bai Mo feel extremely happy.

Of course, she still gave Yu Xintong a nervous look on the face, after all, the two of them are "good girlfriends" now, and the human design cannot be broken.

"Actually, I have a wife who has been together for twelve years, but just the day before yesterday, we divorced."

Yan Chu looked in the direction of the camera, and it happened to be a close-up close-up at this time. When he said this, the look in his eyes was too complicated. Those eyes, as dazzling and deep as the Milky Way, were full of sadness and melancholy at the moment. And countless regrets and memories.

The actor who has always claimed to be single has been married for twelve years! ! !

The actor who has always claimed to be single is not only married, but also divorced the day before yesterday! ! !

Such a shocking self-explosion, not to mention the two hosts at the scene, even the staff in the background were going crazy.

The chief director on the scene was blissfully insane. Such shocking news was exposed on his show. Based on Yan Chu's traffic, one can imagine that the number of broadcasts and topics of the show will increase in the future. There will be bonuses at the end of the year, and there will be no promotion and salary increase. Next.

Almost at the moment when this sentence was finished, all the viewers who watched the show went crazy, all the entertainment journalists who got the news went crazy, and Yan Chu's fans and the agency behind him went crazy even more.

What kind of woman has had the best twelve years of their Tiancai, and what kind of woman would choose to divorce Yan Chu. Almost instantly, all the hot searches were replaced by related words. Of course, the live broadcast is still going on .

"Because of my career, because of my selfishness, I failed her for the best twelve years. She is the woman I love the most in my life. Unfortunately, I didn't understand this reality until I lost her."

Yan Chu saw his manager frantically shutting up at him in the audience, but he was unmoved. He looked at the camera, as if he wanted to speak to someone in front of the screen.

"Yesterday, I let her go free, not because I don't love her anymore, but because I want to tell her, would you like to give me a chance, let us have a new start, career is not as important as you, wealth Not as important as you."

"I love you… "

The last sentence sounded like a murmur or a light sigh, and Yu Xinyan, who was standing in the shopping mall, burst into tears, covering her face in tears.