I am a Big Villain

Chapter 32: Best brother in the world


It's too tragic. Lai San thinks that he has done a lot of bad things in his life. The women he kidnapped want to escape. He can beat them to pieces and make an example for other girls. He really hasn't done it.

Although there are not a few people who committed suicide because of him, the family destroyed by him is not limited to the Yan family.


After the door opened, the light of the flashlights held by Lai San's group happened to be facing Lin Youde's eyes. His pierced eyes were sore, and he subconsciously covered his face with his hands, and the ax in his hand fell to the ground.

Several middle-aged men in the village looked at each other and rushed forward to press Lin Youde under him. The older ones ran to the Lin family's grain storehouse to find hemp rope, and a group of people teamed up to tie him tightly.

They all saw it. In addition to the members of the old Zhang family, Lin Youde's younger brother, Lin Youcai, was among the dead bodies just now. Everyone knew how much he loved his younger brother, and he was able to kill him. Lin Youde was afraid. It's not crazy, in order to prevent him from hurting others, it's better to tie him up.

"Raisan, why are you here?"

After the strong light passed, Lin Youde could barely see. He ignored the movement of those people trying to tie him up. He just stared at the group of Lai San who suddenly appeared with red eyes.

Lai San was also shocked by the blood type scene he saw, he swallowed and looked at Lin Youde, why didn't he realize that this man was mentally ill before.

"You asked me why I came, didn't you call me to come up the mountain?" He felt that Lin Youde's current state was not right, even though the other party was tightly bound, he couldn't help but hide behind the crowd.

"Impossible, the signal is gone, and the bridge up the mountain is also broken. Impossible."

Lin Youde was a little dazed, he muttered something, the master looked at him like this, and after confirming that the binding was tight, he also scattered around, not daring to approach him.

"It's her, it's her who wants revenge, it's her..."

His voice was very soft, and those people were far away, so they almost didn't hear what he said, they just saw his mouth muttering words.

"What's all the fuss about?"

The scene in the house was too tragic, the smell of blood was too strong, they were all chopped up like that, there must be no one alive, everyone locked Lin Youde in the kitchen next door, locked the door with a big iron chain, and then a group of people hurriedly retreated. After coming out, I dare not stay there any longer, the blood has completely stained the ground, how permeable it is.

Because of this, they all lost a chance to learn the truth.

But it is estimated that if Lin Youde speaks now, the villagers will not believe his words, and no matter how absurd the ghosts and gods are in the hearts of those who do not believe in these things, if he says that he can chop his own brother into meat, this person will die. The lunatic is not far away, can a lunatic be trusted

Lin Youde, the most powerful person in the village, had an accident, and now the person in charge of the overall situation has naturally become the oldest elder in the village. As a bystander, Lai San is also a person closely related to the village, and he was also invited to participate.

"Five people died, we need to call the police." An old man said.

This old Zhangtou was different from his son and Lin Youcai from those women who were bought. They were all registered as permanent residents in the village, and five of them died at once, so they couldn't hide it.

Especially that old Zhangtou has two younger sisters who married at the foot of the mountain, and would come to the mountain to visit his eldest brother every ten days and half a month. His two younger sisters would not believe that he and his three nephews disappeared all at once.

Besides, there is absolutely no need for the villagers to hide these things for Lin Youde.

"Don't call the police."

Lai San is most afraid of the police. Although in this small county town, buying and selling people is already a well-known thing, but the so-called officials do not raise the people and do not correct. The villages here are very united, and the police may not be there for those people A woman goes out to the police, even if the police go out, hundreds of villagers will stop the police from taking her away, will the police still dare to shoot

The sentence for abducting and trafficking women is only seven or eight years, let alone buying them. The crime is even more intimate. If the police shoot them, they will not want their police caps.

But everything is not absolute, Lai San thinks it is good now, he does not want to deal with the police at all.

When the villagers heard Lai San speak, and the five tearful girls behind him, who had been stunned by the bloody scene just now, immediately silenced.

"Can't call the police, can't call the police."

Lin Youde's daughter-in-law rushed in crying, followed by three little girls.

Although Lin Youde didn't treat her well, she was also the pillar of the family. If he got in because of murder, how would they let their mother and daughter live.

"How much should we pay for losing money? Uncle Li, Uncle Lin, Uncle Gen, Youde are the ones you grew up watching. You don't know what kind of person he is. This time it must be an accident. You can't let him go. Send it in."

Lin Youde's daughter-in-law was crying, and everyone hesitated after hearing her words.

Not because of sympathy, but because of the word money mentioned by Lin Youde's wife.

They have all seen what happened today, so there must be a hush money.

Five hundred, one thousand, this is enough money to buy a daughter-in-law. Son, daughter-in-law, grandson, don’t people earn for these things in their whole life

Besides, they didn't kill people, they just pretended not to see all of this.

Lai San didn't care about the few dollars, and he didn't want to get involved in those things. Although the sky had completely darkened, he didn't want to stay here anymore, so he immediately walked down the mountain with his people and goods. He is not in the mood to do business for the time being.

"Third brother, the bridge down the mountain is broken."

He, a pony, hurried back and said to Lai San.

"Damn it, it was fine when you came here, why did it break?" Lai San frowned, feeling that he was in a particularly bad mood.

"Forget it, I will stay in this village for a few days for the time being, and I will take care of the people. I will go down the mountain as soon as the bridge is repaired." Lai San looked at his mobile phone, and there was no signal. It seems that there is no other place besides living in this mountain. Two chose.

"Lai San, take good care of these girls these two days, don't let them come out, there is a city guest in the mountain who came to see the sunrise and was shut down by heavy rain, it would be bad if you let him see something. "

Lao Gentou told him while looking at the five daughters he brought this trip.

"Okay, I know."

Lai San felt that his luck was really back home, but he was used to doing these things, and he didn't find it troublesome. Anyway, these women were tightly tied up, as long as they were locked in the house, and someone else Just keep it.

Everyone is obviously still terrified by the scene they just saw. They haven't discussed how to deal with those corpses and Lin Youde yet. The sky is getting darker and darker. Everyone plans to go back and deal with these issues tomorrow morning.

When Lao Gentou was returning to his own room, he took a quick look at the room where Yan Chu stayed overnight. The lights inside had already been turned off, and a slight snoring sound could be heard faintly.

Relieved, he sighed and walked to his room.

After he left, Yan Chu opened his eyes, took out his mobile phone, and uploaded the edited things to various websites. He also edited a small virus. Once these posts are deleted, they will be uploaded again. Deleted several times, uploaded several times.

If Lin Youde and Lai San were here at this time, they would be surprised to find that Yan Chu's mobile phone signal is actually full.


[Too scary, woke up in the middle of the night]

[Identified, there are no ps traces in the picture]

On the Internet, there is a post at this time, which is constantly forwarded and commented. The article, as a bystander, describes the crimes in a poor county called Li County, especially a small village called Wude Village. The crimes of buying and selling women, forcing women to have sex, murder, etc. are shocking.

Especially the few pictures that accompany the article, the ground is full of flesh and blood, and it is a man holding an ax standing in the middle of the flesh and blood.

The surrounding villagers, a few girls who were tied up abruptly, all of which undoubtedly did not stimulate the nerves of netizens.

[It’s a lie, I’m from Li County. Although our place is poor, the folk customs are very simple] [I’m also from Li County. The abducted girls ran away, and people from more than a dozen villages would help to find them together. The stations, hotels, and the entire county were all their eyes. I haven't been back to my hometown for ten years now. I think these trends are getting more and more rampant, but I didn't expect that there are still murderers like the one in the picture. I sincerely hope that the government can take care of it.][Wocao, the one in the red dress and tied up is my cousin. She went out to buy vegetables last week and never came back. My aunt and uncle went crazy, especially my uncle. No, I’m still in the intensive care unit for observation. Those human traffickers should kill the whole family. Thank you blogger. I want to tell my aunt that our whole family will go to Li County to find my cousin immediately. If something happens to my cousin, I’ll kill that village The people here will not hesitate to lose their lives.]I don’t know if it’s an accident or a coincidence, the faces of those girls are a little blurry, but their clothes are very clearly photographed. Parents who have missing children at home pay special attention to these messages on the Internet, which are hardly long. In time, three of the five girls were recognized by their respective families.

For a while, the Internet was boiling. What does this mean? This post is true. There is such a small county town that condones the human trafficking so recklessly, and the murdering man in the picture is simply a new generation of murderers Ah, let him live, wouldn't it kill more people.

This night, the hotlines of the police in various places were blown up. In Qingzhou City where Lixian County is located, and Yichuan Province where Qingzhou City is located, all the leaders of the police force and the leaders of the Propaganda Department were all woken up from their beds overnight. Only then did I know that such a vicious incident happened in their jurisdiction. In one night, the scandal spread throughout the entire Hua Kingdom. It was even translated and spread abroad because it was too shocking.

If this is not handled properly, it will become an international scandal.

Before dawn, the police force assembled, the armed forces assembled, and countless ordinary people who could not find their missing daughters and came here with high hopes, crowded the small county town of Lixian to the brim.

The villagers of Wude Village, Lai San and others who are still in their dreams are still immersed in their dreams at this moment.


"Bai Mei, have you seen the news?"

At two o'clock in the morning, the first-year freshmen have just started school, and the ex-senior high school students who are still excited about college life have not slept at all at this point.

Bai Mei looked at the news from WeChat, and opened it curiously. It was sent by her classmate Yu Chuchu in her third year of high school.

What news? She wasn't interested in those things, and didn't bother to open them.

"Li County, it's Li County, do you still remember where Yan Yin disappeared? What should we do? We seem to have gotten into a big disaster."

The other party's messages kept coming, Bai Mei looked at the familiar two words, her heart tightened, and she quickly clicked on the link that the other party just sent to her but she didn't open.