I am a Big Villain

Chapter 33: Best brother in the world


Li Yi was the team leader of this surprise operation, and also a seasoned case-solving expert.

When he brought people into Wude Village and controlled the sleeping villagers, the crime scene of the Lin family had not been dealt with, and it had been fermented for most of the night, and the smell of blood and corruption in the house was even worse. Seriously, the scene was so tragic that even Li Yi couldn't help frowning.

What kind of enmity can make one person hack five other people like this, and the other five dead are also men, why can't they beat the murderer alone

Maybe it was a gang fight at first? Li Yi felt that it was better not to draw conclusions before the murderer and witnesses had been tortured.

In fact, he had already read the crazy post on the Internet before he came here. He didn't know who the person who posted the post was. Even the most powerful Internet experts in the police force couldn't find out the IP of the person who posted the post, but one thing is certain , the other party is on this mountain, and has a deep hatred with the people in this village.

He was also very angry when he read this post. As a policeman, he has always taken justice as his motto and firmly believed in the correctness of the law. He has the urge to kill all the people in this village directly.

He calmed down his violent temper, and waited in the courtyard of the Lin family for his subordinates to bring all the people from the village over.

"She's coming for revenge, she's coming for revenge."

The first one to be brought over was naturally Lin Youde who was locked in the next room. At this moment, he seemed to be completely dazed, and he kept chanting a repetitive sentence.

"Who's coming for revenge?" Li Yi frowned, feeling that the he (she) mentioned by the murderer might be the key to the problem.


Lin Youde lowered his head and huddled into a ball, just as Li Yi approached him.

"Ghost!" He giggled, his face was covered with blood and minced flesh, he looked like a ghost, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were bloodshot, and he raised his head suddenly.

The sudden movement frightened the timid policewomen nearby and quickly looked around, only to slow down their heartbeats when they saw nothing.

Li Yi's resistance to stress is obviously better than these little policewomen. At this time, he has basically decided that Lin Youde is pretending to be crazy. There are no ghosts in this world. As a firm materialist, Li Yi pretended to be crazy after seeing these crimes. People who rely on this behavior to evade legal accountability.

Lin Youde's acting skills are obviously higher than those of those people, and he almost bluffed Li Yi, but this does not mean that he will be led away by him. I really believe that the tragic situation in the room is caused by ghosts.

"Captain, everyone from the village has brought them here and checked their identity information. The dead in the house are Zhang Fugui and his three sons. There is also Lin Youcai, the younger brother of the murderer."

"In addition, there are thirteen women in the village who are not on the population registration form, and eight men from outside. After interrogation, seven of the eight men are human traffickers who are running around. The leader of the trafficker, Lai San, tried to take hostages. Escaping, was hit by our police officers on the right leg bone, and now a simple bandage has been done, and has been detained. The thirteen women were confirmed to be trafficked women, and five of them were just brought here today. There are eight other women who have been sent here one after another in the past ten years. According to inquiries, there are five other women besides them. Four women committed suicide. The attack killed, and our people have gone to the back mountain to find the victim's body."

Even with psychological preparation, the police officers present couldn't help but lament for those poor girls, especially the five girls who died in the Mood for Love.

Some ordinary people who followed, trying to find their daughters, their legs gave way and they almost knelt on the ground. They were so afraid that one of the five dead girls was their child.

The women who came here with hope, the weaker ones have already started to cry, grabbed everything around them, and beat the traffickers and villagers who were under control.

Those people wanted to resist, but they were controlled by the armed forces. Many of the armed police who came this time were armed police with children. They could understand the feelings of these family members. Those villagers and human traffickers let those family members who are out of control hit harder.

Although it violated the regulations, who cares about it at this time.

There was not a single policeman from Lixian County present. After all, such a major case occurred in the jurisdiction, and the higher authorities have absolutely reason to suspect that the local police station and criminals are colluding or conniving. This time, all the people who came here were dispatched from the city and surrounding areas. The police force, they don't understand the situation in Li County at all, and naturally they don't have any empathy for these villagers.

"Eight? Has the identity of another foreign male been confirmed?"

Li Yi is an old criminal policeman, and soon found that his subordinates missed one person.

"There is also a tourist who went up the mountain to watch the sunrise, but was trapped on the mountain by the heavy rain, and his identity was investigated. He is just an ordinary college student who dropped out of school, and there is no doubt about it." The little police officer looked at the record and said to the captain.

"You're still in the mood to watch the sunrise after school is suspended?"

Li Yi looked in the direction of the little policeman's line of sight, and saw Yan Chu standing under the eaves with no one within three meters. His eyes narrowed, and his years of experience in handling cases told him that there was something wrong with this person.

Some people think that intuition is ridiculous, but to the extent that Li Yi is in a state, their intuition is often more reliable than anything else.

The young man on the opposite side obviously had a handsome and weak appearance, but from him, Li Yi saw the hostility and bloody aura that serial murderers didn't have.

Immediately, Li Yi decided to conduct further investigations on that Yan Chu.

There are too many doubts about him.

"Mom, Dad!"

Several young girls who came from afar thought that their lives would be ruined, but they were saved. Seeing their family members here, they immediately ran towards them crying.

"Mom, second aunt and third aunt, second uncle and third uncle, where's my dad, why didn't my dad come?" A delicate little girl almost cried into tears. This week was the scariest thing she had ever experienced. of a week.

"Your father is in the hospital. Now that you've found him, your father will recover soon." A woman who looked about forty or fifty years old hugged the girl tightly, unwilling to let go, afraid of the next second. The child is gone.

Those who found their children were naturally overjoyed, while those who did not find their own children hugged each other and cried bitterly again.

This experience of giving hope and feeling hopeless is really too painful.

"Yinyin, do you think brother is doing the right thing?"

Yan Chu looked at the scene not far away, and said softly, in the eyes of Li Yi, who had been silently watching him on the other side, it was even more strange, why he was still talking to himself.

The little girl in the soul state can't give Yan Chu an answer. In fact, in Yuan Shen's heart, he also has resentment towards these living girls. They are also children who have suffered such hardships. Why does his sister die while they live? All right, so when he slaughtered an entire village, he didn't spare those women who were also abducted.

That soft heart at the end was his only failure, because those women in the village had long been numb, and those three girls still had hope in their eyes. He thought that his sister must be like them at that time, and begged him to be with her. Appears when you are most afraid.

So he let the three girls go, and he was arrested by the police before the plan was completed.

Although Yan Chu was affected by the monstrous hatred of the original body, he still had his own thinking and reason after all, so he chose to save those girls.

He thought, this is what Yinyin, a kind girl, would like to see.

Standing beside him, the little girl tilted her head that no one could see except him at this moment, but her terrifying appearance had a trace of innocence.

She felt that the man beside her seemed very sad, and she didn't want to make him feel sad, so she tried to hold his hand just like the actions he did these days, as long as he shook hands, he would be happy.

But she forgot that she couldn't touch the man beside her.

"Good boy, good Yinyin."

Yan Chu took the initiative to hold the little girl beside him, his soul and body were very happy, and the blood in his eye sockets flowed more rapidly.

Li Yi looked at Yan Chuji's actions after talking to himself, and felt even more puzzled.

All the people were taken down the mountain, and some ignorant children were also taken away by the female police to take care of them.

There are still some police forces on the mountain, responsible for staying at the survey site and looking for the bones of those poor girls who were buried in the mountains.

Those villagers shouted loudly when they were taken away. They were innocent, and the police had no right to arrest them. Speaking of which, there were indeed a few of them who had never been involved in human trafficking, but at the same time they condoned other families in the village who bought and sold women. , and when abducted girls escaped, they helped hunt them down. If they were innocent, they would never be called innocent.

It's a pity that according to the current law, these villagers who claim to be innocent can indeed be released after being locked up for a few days at most. In fact, if it weren't for the bad impact of this incident, they might not need to be released for a few days.

Even those buyers involved in human trafficking, according to the current law, can’t be imprisoned for many years. Adding the crime of forcing women to have sexual relations, it can only be ten years at most. The crime is too light. For the people in remote areas, life in prison may be no different from life at home. It is not a punishment at all.

A few police officers who are familiar with the case-handling process must have anticipated the attacks on the government and the law by those online names on the Internet, but why don't they themselves want to let this group of disgusting people be shot directly

Legislation is a rigorous task. Human traffickers have low sentences because they usually have information about human trafficking and most of them have hostages around them when they are arrested.

Once human traffickers have the same high sentence as drug traffickers, the consequences are likely to be a group of gangsters with guns who open fire and hurt hostages once they are discovered, or other worse consequences.

Therefore, this issue has been mentioned all the time, but it is sad and helpless that the punishments cannot be changed before there is enough evidence to guarantee it.

Along the way, except for the cursing and crying of some family members who couldn't find their children, the investigators were very quiet throughout the journey.

The police station in Lixian County was temporarily requisitioned, and the original police officers in the police force were temporarily suspended.

Although Yan Chu had no doubts, as someone who stayed in the village during that time, he was also asked to stay and record his statement before leaving.

He was taken by a policewoman to an empty room with only one table and three chairs. He sat on the side with only one chair. The policewoman gave him a cup of hot tea and told him that the police force In short supply, it may be his turn to give a statement and he will leave later after the news.

Yan Chu didn't drink that cup of tea, he sat on the chair for an hour, two hours, without changing his posture from beginning to end.

Li Yi looked at the surveillance screen and the documents handed over by the people around him, and he knew it well. He took a few stacks of documents and walked towards the room where Yan Chu was.

"Yan Yin is your sister, right?"

This is the first sentence he said after coming in.