I am a Big Villain

Chapter 44: The phoenix man who crossed the river and demolished the bridge


"The bridge of the nose is plump and the five mountains are full, which shows that he has rich wealth, a bright future, a clear appearance, and beautiful bones. It's a strange image of a premature death of a wife and son."

The Taoist robe worn by the old Taoist priest was tattered, and his hair was half white, but for such a sloppy Taoist priest, he still had some fairy-tale feeling.

Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi were quite happy when they heard the Taoist priest say the first few words. Isn’t their younger brother the kind of person who values faith and righteousness and has a bright future? Pull back the old Taoist who was about to leave shaking his head and sighing, and let him explain.

It’s Chinese New Year, a crazy Taoist who doesn’t know where came in front of you and said that your brother will die early in the future, and you can’t keep your wife and children. Are you angry? Isn’t this a curse

Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi did not receive much education, and they were born in such a remote and poor village. They are still very superstitious. They believe that there are ghosts and gods in this world. When they were young, the family didn't have much money, even so, they would always bring some rice grains to the temple to give to those who are kind, which is enough to show the two sisters' trust in this kind of nothingness.

This Taoist's words were not pleasant to listen to, but the temperament of a faintly superior person made the two sisters Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi dare not say too much for a while, but just held him back and asked him to explain why his younger brother's fate was like his. As the second half of the sentence said.

The old Taoist was not angry at being held back, he pointed at Yan Chu's eyebrows: "Wives use their noses as their husband's star, and husbands use the outside of their eyebrows as their wife's palace. You can see that the door of his adultery is sunken. It is obvious that his wife's relationship has been damaged. Just now I made a fortune for him, his future wife is the likeness of Wangfu, but he committed suicide, and in the future he will definitely have entanglements with other women, if his wife's star is damaged, most of his good fortune will be ruined."

The old Taoist seems to have some skills, and he speaks logically.

"I think he has a strong peach blossom spirit, and it is very likely that he will become a peach blossom evil. I am afraid that the person who will take his life in the future will be the person he will be friends with outside marriage in the future. That woman will cut off his wife, cut off his relationship, and kill him. Isn't it the sign of early death when the wife dies and the son dies?"

The old Taoist was very detached, even if he was stared at by the two sisters Yan Zhaodi, he was not angry at all.

"I didn't want to say it at first, but this little brother has both good fortune, fortune, longevity and wealth. He is originally rich and powerful, and he has a good fortune to benefit one side. With the help of Wangfu's wife and stars, he will definitely achieve great things in the future. Weiye, it's a pity that because of that evil peach blossom, he made a mistake and ruined a good hand of cards."

The old Taoist shook his head. He didn't just talk about Yan Chu, but also pointed the finger at the two sisters Yan Zhaodi.

"If I'm not mistaken, the palaces of your three siblings' parents are gloomy, and your parents should be dead. I also see that your eyebrows are dense and full, and your siblings must be harmonious, and your relationship is far better than ordinary people. This eldest sister, your nose is too pointed, Husband may be disabled, this eldest sister, you are too short, I am afraid that your husband will not be able to grow old with you, according to the old way, it is probably because your husband is much older than you, the old way may be wrong."

The old Taoist chattered a lot, Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi's eyes popped out.

"Elder sister and second sister, maybe this old Taoist asked someone to inquire about our family's situation before. Now there are many liars like this. Do you think I am the kind of person who is married and still spends his time outside?"

Yan Chu frowned and was about to pull the eldest sister and the second sister away, but Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi were not willing to leave at this time. The old Taoist said so accurately, and he didn't miss a single thing.

This is related to the future of my younger brother. I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

"Old Daoist, tell us, what should I do with my brother?"

Yan Zhaodi was about to take out her wallet right away.

"Hey, old man, I am now practicing in the world, and I don't touch vulgar things, so I don't need money. The little brother who saved me said I was a liar."

The old Taoist waved his hand, but he didn't look at the wallet in Yan Zhaodi's hand at all. He really looked like a master of the world.

If you don't need money, Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi will believe his words even more, people don't want your money, liars can be so idle, and it's a waste of saliva to say such a long paragraph.

"I think this little brother's wife, Xing Xing, is vaguely involved with the two of you. I am afraid that his wife's relationship will be damaged in the future, and he will be inseparable from the two of you. The old Taoist has leaked too many secrets today, so I really can't say too much. I can tell you that this little brother is destined to have only one daughter, if he insists, we will wait to collect the corpses of him and that child."

The old Taoist shook his head, sighed and left.

"Eldest sister and second sister, there are no such things as ghosts and gods in this world, so stop listening to that Taoist's nonsense."

Yan Chu seemed very angry, and held the hands of the eldest and second sisters to prevent them from following.

"Gouzi, you are still young and don't understand these things."

Seeing the old Taoist turned around and walked into an alley, Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi quickly waved away their younger brother's hand and hurried after him.

But it was obvious that he had just seen someone walk in, so there was such a long and straight alley, that he was nowhere to be seen.

Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi were stunned. Their first reaction was that the old Taoist priest was a rumored capable man. Could it be that, as he said, his younger brother will only have one daughter in the future, and it is very likely that because of her, his wife will die, and his son will die. The younger brother will also die young.

How could Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi accept this fact

Even though Yan Chu kept persuading them afterwards, telling them that the Taoist priest was a liar and told them not to believe those lies, Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi just got into the horns and didn't buy any new year's goods at the moment, and went home sad.

"You said how could we harm a dog? That's our own brother."

Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi locked themselves in a room, leaving Yan Chu outside to take care of the three children.

"Sister, did you hear what the Taoist said just now? Gouzi will only have one daughter in the future. Do you think we are not satisfied with Gouzi's daughter-in-law because of this matter?"

Yan Laidi herself doesn't mind her husband looking for mistresses outside, but that doesn't mean she doesn't mind her younger brother doing the same thing. Their Yan family has always behaved according to their duties. Since the grandfather's generation, there has never been a man who is sorry for his wife. It took a lot of hard work for her and her eldest sister to teach Gouzi this younger brother. If the younger brother went out to find a woman behind his back, it would be a slap in the face of her and the eldest sister, because they can't teach the younger brother.

"Our Yan family has only one seedling like a dog. If he doesn't have a son, won't the incense in our family be cut off?" Yan Zhaodi was almost dying of worry, her eyes were red, she was sniffling, watching I'm about to cry.

But if they were dissatisfied with that niece as the Taoist priest said, they might lose their brother as well.

"If it's a big deal, we'll find a son-in-law for our niece. Didn't the Taoist say that our younger brother will be great in the future. In the future, we'll find a son-in-law who comes to visit. If we can't find a son-in-law, let's have two nieces, one with our old Yan's family name."

Yan Laidi is more flexible than her eldest sister, and she loves her younger brother who has been loved for more than 20 years more than that nihilistic nephew. She can still figure out which is more important.

"But we can't just listen to that old Taoist priest. Sister, pack up your things. Let's go to Danshui Temple and ask the old monk. Let him figure out if our younger brother really only has one daughter in this life."

It's not so easy for a person to give up the ideas that have been ingrained in her bones for more than 20 years. Yan Laidi still wants to see, maybe the old Taoist is not accurate.

When Yan Zhaodi heard what her sister said, she felt that it made sense, so she hurriedly wiped away her tears, took her bag and rushed out with her sister.

"Gouzi, look at your niece and niece. Your second sister and I have something to go out for."

Yan Zhaodi thought about going to Danshui Temple this time, but she couldn't let her younger brother follow her. A big man is destined to have only one daughter in the future. What a sad thing that is. My younger brother is excellent in other aspects, but he just lost to him in this point. He must not be able to stand the majority of men in China.

Sister Yan felt that her younger brother's violent distrust of the old Taoist just now was because he couldn't accept this reality.

She had to look again. If even the old monk in the temple sentenced her younger brother to death, she, the eldest sister, would be strong and think of a good way to make her younger brother accept this reality.

Yan Zhaodi's eyes were firm, as if she looked at her younger brother lovingly, she resolutely turned around and went out with her second sister.

Looking at the appearance of the two older sisters, Yan Chu couldn't help touching his chin, maybe he acted too much in this play, the eldest sister and the second sister looked very strange.

"Master, can you help me figure out if my brother can have a son?"

The master of Tamsui Temple was very helpless, and I don't know why. The pilgrims nearby seemed to think that as long as they were monks, they should be able to pinch and count, especially when they reached the level of abbot, they should be more powerful than other monks.

Master Zhiyin, the host of Tamsui Temple, is only 30 this year. He is relatively young in the temple. The reason why he can be the host is because he graduated from Harbin Buddhist University, or Harvard for short. He has a diploma, and the Buddhist Association let him come. This small temple became the host.

Now the business in the temple has diversified with the times. People nearby like to invite them for funerals and foundation-laying events. Every time he, the host, takes the monks in the temple, he not only eats and takes , and another 800 to 1,000 income, accounting for two-thirds of the temple's fiscal revenue.

Because he was born in a prestigious school, every time he recites sutras, his voice is louder than other monks, and his recitation is also pleasant, which makes people feel that he is an eminent monk.

Master Zhiyin himself didn't know what was the relationship between these people. Seeing how many people came to ask him whether his younger brother could have a son or a daughter, he really wanted to tell them that their younger brother couldn't. It is their sister-in-law who gives birth to a child.

"Master, my younger brother is the only male in our family. If he can't give birth to a son, our family's incense will be cut off. Please help us do the math."

Yan Zhaodi handed him her younger brother's birthday horoscope, and she handed over one thousand yuan, which was an extremely generous expenditure for Yan Zhaodi who was unwilling to subscribe to the two-yuan bank text message fee every month.

Amitabha, Master Zhiyin looked at the generous incense money, and could only reluctantly help her figure it out.

This kind of family is a typical patriarchal man. Master Zhiyin, as a man who has studied at Harvard, naturally can't understand this bad habit. He knows that at this time, he can only say that he can, which is what the two people on the opposite side want to hear the most. It's scary because I'm afraid that after I say yes, the other party's sister-in-law will give birth to a daughter, and that will hurt the female benefactor who has never met.

"Looking at the horoscope of birth and the faces of the two female benefactors, I am afraid that the two younger brothers will only be destined to be father and daughter in this life, but nothing is absolute. If you do good deeds, there may be a glimmer of life."

Master Zhiyin thought about his rhetoric: "Don't force it, or you may hurt yourself."

He didn't say this to death. If the other party believed it, their sister-in-law gave birth to a daughter in the future because their younger brother was destined to have no son. If they gave birth to a son, it would be because they had accumulated virtue and done good deeds. The Buddha allowed them to get what they wanted. fault.

To Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi, this is tantamount to confirming the fact that the younger brother will never have a son in this life, especially what the master said later, he is afraid of hurting himself.

The old Taoist priest said the same thing just now, and they all matched up. Now, they can't lie to themselves anymore.