I am a Big Villain

Chapter 46: The phoenix man who crossed the river and demolished the bridge


"You mean my daughter got a boyfriend in college?"

Yu Qiuyue is fifty-two years old. Although she is the boss of a large company, she doesn't have the temperament of a strong woman. On the contrary, she has a gentle appearance and is very friendly.

Today, she was wearing off-white business attire, her hair was coiled up high, and she was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, looking at Song Kun sitting in front of her.

"Yes, Miss Xinyin is not young anymore, falling in love is a very normal thing, it's just her boyfriend"

Song Kun's expression was a little hesitant, as if he had made a very difficult decision to let himself be the villain who complained.

Yu Qiuyue has no doubts about his performance. She and her husband Meng Guohua are both enlightened parents. They lived abroad for a long time and fell in love freely when they were students. For them, puppy love is not a scourge, but on the contrary. Guaranteed a relative degree, falling in love will be a very beautiful thing.

In addition, the daughter is also in college now, and it is normal for them to fall in love without their parents knowing.

They don't have any special requirements for their daughter's other half. After all, they already have both money and fame. As long as the one their daughter likes is kind-hearted and good to her is enough.

Speaking of which, Yu Qiuyue and Meng Guohua are really rare benevolent people. Every year, they donate half of their income. They have helped many children who can't afford education or medical treatment, and have rescued many stray cats and dogs. Wherever there is a disaster, the supplies they send are definitely the first to arrive.

But it was this couple who had done many good deeds, but in the end they did not die well. Even their daughter was killed, and the person who killed them was the child they had donated.

"When the school celebrated this year, I asked for leave to go to my alma mater. In school, I heard many students talking about Miss Xinyin and her boyfriend. They said, I didn't believe it at first. Aunt Yu, you Or see for yourself."

Song Kun took out a stack of documents from his briefcase.

"Thanks to the help of Aunt Yu and Uncle Meng, I can have my current life. Even though I know that what I did was wrong, I can only do this so that Xinyin will not be deceived."

The thick stack of information he took out was all these days when he asked private detectives to go back to Yan Chu's hometown to investigate, and for this he also spent the year-end bonus he just got. It turned out that he planned to invest the money first. The stock market has doubled.

Yu Qiuyue frowned. To be honest, she didn't know much about Song Kun, a child she sponsored by herself. After all, she and her husband didn't do good deeds for the sake of reward.

When she accidentally learned that among the interns recruited by the legal department this time were the students she had sponsored in the past, Yu Qiuyue was just surprised, and because of this fate, she would occasionally inquire about Song Kun with the leader of the legal department. I know that this is a very cheerful and self-motivated child.

Knowing that the student she once sponsored was admitted to an excellent university and got a good job, Yu Qiuyue was also very happy for him, but the people in the legal team saw that the boss was so good at inquiring about Song Kun as an intern, thinking that he and The boss has any relatives, so he can't help feeling a little worried. Every time there is any important work, he will always be involved. Whenever there are any documents to send to the boss, Song Kun will also be sent there.

After coming and going, the two became more familiar with each other. As long as they were not dealing with official business, Song Kun would call Yu Qiuyue affectionately.

Yu Qiuyue only listened to what he said before and the thick stack of documents handed over, and she knew that the things recorded on it should have something to do with her daughter's boyfriend. Although she was not very comfortable, Song Kun secretly investigated him However, as a mother, Yu Qiuyue still took the stack of materials and looked through them carefully.

The first document in the list is to record the life of Yan Chu. His parents died young, he was brought up by a pair of sisters, and he was admitted to the best Tianshui University in China. It can be said that he is very determined.

Yu Qiuyue looked at the one-inch photo in the upper right corner of the profile, and looked at the youthful young man in the photo. It was probably taken in the third year of high school or when he just entered college. Not a very confident kid.

Just looking at the first document, Yu Qiuyue felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Although the young man was born in a rural area, his parents died early, and his family conditions were worse than most, it was because he was admitted to Tianshui under such circumstances. University, it shows that he still has merit.

After reading the first document, she was a little puzzled. Could it be that Song Kun thought she was the kind of person with family background? So he objected to his daughter liking that boy named Yan Chu

She laughed in her heart, and looked at it again.

The following two documents detail the situation of Yan Chu's two sisters.

The eldest sister married a cripple who opened a small restaurant so that her younger siblings could go to school. The second sister graduated from junior high school and did not go any further. She married a flirtatious little boss who was 20 years older than herself. The other expenses are all given by the second sister.

Seeing this, Yu Qiuyue frowned. She didn't look down on the two sisters of the Yan family for marrying such a husband, but aimed at Yan Chu. He could so frankly accept the money that the two sisters got after marrying to study, which made Yu Qiuyue Qiuyue couldn't help but think more about him.

But after all, she is also the boss of a big company, and she will not determine a person's character based on the few pieces of paper in front of her.

As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing. In fact, sometimes even what you see with your own eyes is not necessarily true. But I have to say that after reading the materials Song Kun gave her, she had the idea that she must meet that young man Yan Chu with her own eyes.

If he really has a character problem, no matter what, she will not let her daughter associate with him.

"Xiao Kun, thank you for telling Aunt Yu about this matter, but I hope you will not spread this information to the outside world, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to that child named Yan Chu when everything is uncertain."

Yu Qiuyue put the stack of documents in her drawer, and did not intend to return Song Kun. To be honest, Yu Qiuyue let the child hand in such a document to her, no matter it was out of good intentions or for whatever reason. Had an inexplicable idea.

"Aunt Yu, don't worry, if it wasn't for Xinyin's happiness, I wouldn't bring these things to you."

Song Kun replied without thinking, with a very sincere expression.

Seeing this, Yu Qiuyue smiled and nodded.

"But Aunt Yu, in addition to this stack of documents, I also want to show you some photos that my junior brother accidentally took today. After all, you are Xinyin's mother. I don't think I can hide this matter from you. you."

He turned on the phone, flipped to the photo album he saved, clicked on the big picture, and put it in Yu Qiuyue's hand.

In the photo, it is Jiang Moli and Yan Chu. There are ten photos in total. The shooting angles are very ingenious. If you look at it coherently, it seems that Jiang Moli handed Yan Chu a box of things. The two are very close, as if It was like a kiss. After Yan Chu left, Jiang Moli was still standing downstairs in the boys' dormitory. Her cheeks were flushed and her expression was blurred, like a girl who fell in love.

Song Kun was a little proud. He had guessed at the beginning of his rebirth, wondering if Jiang Moli, who died with him on that day, would also be lucky enough to get this chance of rebirth.

These days, like his previous self, he calls Jiang Moli every day to cultivate a relationship with her, but Jiang Moli's reaction is a little cold, and he often hangs up the phone after he can't say a few words.

At that time, Song Kun was certain that Jiang Moli must also be reborn.

Based on his understanding of that woman, it is conceivable what she can do when she is given such an opportunity, but it is just to seduce the poor boy to be fascinated by her in advance, so that he can enjoy the huge wealth of the Meng family in a few years.

So he used his tricks and asked people to follow her secretly, secretly taking pictures of every meeting between her and Yan Chu.

It's a pity that Yan Chu went back to his hometown early during the winter vacation, and it wasn't until today that he caught the scene of the private meeting between the two of them.

Every woman is sensitive to this kind of thing. Yu Qiuyue is not only a woman, she is also Meng Xinyin's mother. She knows Jiang Moli. This girl is not only the object of her support, but also her daughter's good friend. Now Yu Qiuyue also knew about fire prevention, theft and girlfriend protection, which was popular on the Internet, but she never thought that such a thing would happen to her daughter.

The shooting of those photos was really ambiguous, even Yu Qiuyue couldn't help being a little misunderstanding.

Song Kun watched Yu Qiuyue's complexion change a few times, joy in his heart, but his face remained calm and heavy.

"Originally, I didn't intend to come to Aunt Yu today, but Xinyin believed in that man so much that she didn't listen to my explanation at all, and I didn't dare to show her these photos, so I could only take the liberty of coming to find you. Auntie, I hope you don't think I'm troublesome."

Song Kun, a twenty-six-year-old young man, smiled shyly: "I remember you and Uncle Meng's help to me at the beginning, so this time, even if you are angry with me, I will not regret it."

His appearance is very deceiving, with regular facial features and sharp edges and corners, he is a very upright appearance. In addition, his lips are a little thick, and when he smiles, he is a little straightforward, which always makes people think that he is a particularly down-to-earth and reliable man.

Most of Yu Qiuyue's original grievances were lost because of his words. She comforted Song Kun a few words and told him to delete these photos so that they would not be circulated outside, and then let him go back to work in her department.

Song Kun closed the chairman's office with smug eyes. Last time, Yu Qiuyue and Meng Guohua were able to accept the poor son-in-law because Meng Xinyin's statement gave them a preconceived good impression.

Yan Chu once sacrificed his life to save Meng Xinyin when he didn't know about Meng Xinyin's situation. In the eyes of the couple, this was a sign of good character and worthy of entrustment.

A child who is willing to save a strange girl who is in danger, can't be worse for his wife, right

Because of this, they didn't mind Yan Chu's family conditions, and Yan Chu always showed a quiet but steady and honest appearance in front of them. From the point of view of the couple, as long as they are good to their daughter, it is enough for her to like her.

Yu Qiuyue has no idea that someone must inherit her company. When she is too old to participate in the company's decision-making, and her daughter and son-in-law have no ability to inherit the company, she will hire a professional manager or sell her share to For the other directors of the company, this huge wealth alone is enough to feed and drink their children for several lifetimes.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. When parents can manage it for a while, can they manage it for a lifetime

But this time, Song Kun let Yu Qiuyue remember Yan Chu's bad side first. He didn't believe that under such circumstances, Yu Qiuyue could still let her daughter marry such a selfish and even unfaithful girl. man.

He sneered a few times, left the chairman's office, and took the elevator to leave.

"Have you heard?"

After he left, Yu Qiuyue's female secretary and assistant whispered.

"What did you hear?" The little assistant was puzzled by the endless words.

"Song Fazhu, that's the one who just left, the instant ejaculation guy, he's so bad, he finished ejaculating in an instant, and even kicked the girl he was dating out of the hotel room, without letting anyone take a rest or take a bath."

The female secretary used to see that Song Fazhu would occasionally go in and out of the chairman's office, plus he graduated from a prestigious university, so he was already a Fazhu at a young age, and he still had a little meaning for him. Spit it out.

It's okay to shoot in seconds, and there's that face-to-face appointment, and it's okay to make an appointment. After the appointment, he throws away the girl as an inflatable doll. What a shameless person.


The little assistant just heard the news, covered her mouth in amazement, and her eyes were full of gossip symbols.

"Let me tell you." Several young women gathered together and exclaimed from time to time.

Song Kun went all the way back to the office. Because he had no relationship with the chairman before, everyone thought he was a distant relative of the chairman, and they were very kind to him.

But this time, he always felt that everyone looked at him very strangely.

Male colleagues are teasing, but female colleagues are purely contemptuous.

Is this my illusion