I am a Big Villain

Chapter 47: The phoenix man who crossed the river and demolished the bridge


"Xinyin, do you have a boyfriend?"

After Song Kun left, Yu Qiuyue picked up her mobile phone and called her daughter.

"Mom, how do you know?"

Meng Xinyin thought of Song Kun who had said a lot of inexplicable things to her before, and her first reaction was that the other party had told her.

"Take it home some other day and show it to your parents. After all, it's the first boy our little princess fell in love with. My parents also want to see if he has three heads and six arms. Otherwise, how could he fascinate you."

As for her daughter, Yu Qiuyue didn't want her to know about those unhappy things. If Yan Chu was really a good person, it was for unnecessary misunderstandings if she didn't tell her in advance. If he was really like the information Song Kun gave her, She also hopes to use a better way so that her daughter will not be too sad when the relationship ends.

"Mom, Yan Chu is really a very good person, and he is very powerful. He is the most powerful person in my mind besides you and Dad."

The environment Meng Xinyin lived in since she was a child did not make her feel that a few million is a particularly huge number. There are many second and third generations with pocket money casually ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions. Among those people, not all of them They are all as lucky as her. As the only child in the family, she can enjoy the undivided love of her parents.

In many families, they not only have to compete with their own brothers and sisters, but also with the children of their uncles and uncles. In order to show their own value, many of them started to get in touch with investment and family business after they became adults. It is not impossible for a small business, some powerful ones, to accumulate a net worth of millions or even higher by relying on the capital given by their parents.

But Yan Chu was different, he didn't have anyone's help, and he relied entirely on himself to earn this money. Meng Xinyin believed that Yan Chu had promised her that as long as he was given time, he would definitely become a lot of people. man looking up.

So she didn't want her mother to have other thoughts about Yan Chu because of the messy news she heard from Song Kun.

They are her favorite parents on one side, and her favorite man on the other. Meng Xinyin hopes that they can live in harmony without any conflicts.

"Understood, mother's little princess."

Yu Qiuyue's heart sank. It seemed that her daughter liked that boy very much, otherwise she would not have said such things to her. If that young man named Yan Chu was not worth entrusting, wouldn't her daughter be very sad.

Now she only hopes that her daughter's vision is correct, and the photos Song Kun showed her are just a coincidence of misplacement.

Meng Xinyin hung up the phone with her mother, thought about it, and couldn't wait to call Yan Chu.


Covering her mouth, she sneaked to the balcony of the dormitory, not forgetting to close the balcony door.


Yan Chu was working on the computer at the moment, and the densely packed characters on the screen made it a headache to watch, but he didn't seem to feel it, holding the phone around his neck, his fingers crackling without pause.

"Did I interrupt your work?"

Meng Xinyin asked shyly when she heard the sound of him typing on the keyboard.

"Daughter-in-law is the biggest in the world. Isn't work just to make money? Isn't earning money just to raise a wife? So if you are disturbed by your daughter-in-law, then it's not called disturbance."

The fourth child in the dormitory is a man with zero practical experience but a lot of theoretical experience. Under his influence day after day, Yan Chu can occasionally say a few words of love to make his little girlfriend happy.

Meng Xinyin's face was blushing, and she squatted on the balcony, grabbing the weeds in the potted flower beds raised by the little girls in their dormitory, and soon there was a pile of weeds and soil at her feet.

"My parents want to see you."

Meng Xinyin's voice was a little soft, mainly because she didn't know how to tell Yan Chu about this matter.

Usually the parents of a man and a woman meet because the matter of the young couple is about to be settled. They have been in love for less than a year, and Yan Chu is still a junior student, and she herself is only a sophomore. She wonders if Yan Chu will feel that She was too impatient, forcing him to propose to her or something.


Yan Chu stopped writing the code, and he held the phone in one hand: "It seems that I have to ask my Miss Yinyin to accompany me to buy some new clothes. After all, this is the first time I see my future father-in-law, so I still have to be cautious." Some."

"Bah, who is your mother-in-law?"

Meng Xinyin's heart trembled, and she almost pulled out a young mimosa plant as a weed.

"By the way, Yinyin, did you ask Jiang Moli to give me the bento you made yourself today?"

Yan Chu glanced diagonally at the empty lunch box placed on the table of the dorm boss Fu Manduo, and asked Meng Xinyin.


This is all right, Mimosa is destined not to escape the fate of being destroyed.

Meng Xinyin's mood was very complicated. Before, Jiang Moli bypassed herself to find Yan Chu to repair her computer, and she could explain her sloppy personality without thinking too much, but this time she gave Yan Chu a lunch box in her name. What's the matter.

She didn't want to doubt her good friend, but she really couldn't pass this hurdle.

"Then have you eaten?"

When Meng Xinyin thought that if Yan Chu really ate that bento, Jiang Moli probably made it herself, her breathing became short of breath.

"No, Boss Fu and Hou Ye finished eating separately."

Through the phone, Meng Xinyin could hear Yan Chu's soft laughter, and because it passed through the receiver, there was a tingling feeling when it was played back to her ears.

"My Yinyin's ten fingers don't touch Yangchun water. How can I make a bento, so from the beginning, I thought that you didn't make it, and you, a little vinegar bottle, if you really made a bento yourself, you wouldn't let it go. Bring Jiang Moli here."

Meng Xinyin felt relieved, but then she was a little unconvinced.

"Why don't I know how to make bento, and who is the little vinegar bottle?"

She wanted to refute Yan Chu, but when she thought about it carefully, she seemed to have never cooked food, at most she ordered a few takeaways when her aunt at home asked for leave.

She swears in her heart that when she returns home from the holiday this time, she must practice her skills well, cook a table of sumptuous meals, and slap someone in the face.

"Whoever makes me like is a princess."

Yan Chu seemed unable to see the angry look of the girl on the other side of the phone.

His voice is deep and magnetic, gentle and sweet.

"What she wouldn't do before marriage, she doesn't need to be able to do it after marriage. I will pamper her as a queen, and in a few years, she may not be the mother of a princess. As for me, I will protect the queen and the mother of a princess." The princess is the king who will live happily ever after."

Yan Chu doesn't think it's too much for a woman who can't cook and clean. No one has stipulated that women are born to serve men. The so-called women's virtue and women's precepts are the restraints on women in the era of men in power , these outdated rules should have been abandoned long ago.

The measure of a woman's success in life is definitely not the rigid rules of how neat the housework she does and how delicious the food she cooks. Of course, a housewife who can do all these well is of course worthy of everyone dear.

It's just that Yan Chu feels that if a person has the conditions not to worry about these family chores, and has a prospect for another job, whether she does housework or not should not be blamed.

Thinking of the girl in her memory who was troubled by her favorite oil painting and housework all day long because she could not bear the accusations of her two sisters, Yan Chu hoped that this time, she would not have to worry about these things anymore.

A man's honeyed words always make people unable to help but be intoxicated.

Meng Xinyin was in love for the first time. She didn't know if the love words spoken by all men were as sweet as Yan Chu's, but at this moment, she really felt that she was the luckiest girl in the world.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Xinyin was still smiling idiotically on the balcony, ignoring the pot of mimosa in front of her.

When a girl in the dormitory came out to dry the clothes she just wanted, the pot of mimosa was a complete heroic sacrifice.

In the end, Meng Xinyin cleaned up the remains on the balcony during the siege of her roommates, and signed a contract to water the flowers and plants on the balcony for a month before she was let go.

When she came back after taking out the trash with a spatula, she saw Jiang Moli sitting in her seat, chatting with some of her roommates. Thinking of what Yan Chu said just now, her expression turned cold, she didn't know How should I face my best friend in my heart.

Because they live across the street, Jiang Moli and Meng Xinyin's three roommates are also on good terms, chatting and laughing, seeing Meng Xinyin come in, Jiang Moli stood up from her chair with a smile, just staring at her. When she saw Meng Xinyin's somewhat condensed expression, she keenly sensed something was wrong.

Could it be that other people saw the delivery to Yan Chu today and told Meng Xinyin

Jiang Moli didn't think it was Yan Chu who said it all. She knew that man very well. Now that the other party and Meng Xinyin were not in the deepest relationship, he would not tell Meng Xinyin these pretentious things. This would not only make Meng Xinyin If you have doubts about her, you will also have doubts about him.

Jiang Moli didn't know that the current Yan Chu was no longer the previous Yan Chu. The relationship between Meng Xinyin and the other party in her previous life was because of the hero who saved the beauty, and they fell in love for a long time.

Meng Xinyin has never met a man who really made her fall in love. She thought that a little affection for her original body was love, but now it is different. Meng Xinyin thinks that Yan Chu is a treasure. Every day with him, the other party will Give her new surprises.

Being well-matched does not necessarily mean equality of wealth, but spirituality. Meng Xinyin's wealth is both spiritual and material. She likes oil painting and music. Yan Chu is the same size in the first world. As a CEO, he can take up the conversation and have his own opinions on these things that Meng Xinyin likes.

This is the spiritual fit, and it also made Meng Xinyin like Yan Chu more than what Jiang Moli understood. She never doubted Yan Chu from the beginning to the end, but had other thoughts about her.

Jiang Moli's thoughts turned quickly. Seeing Meng Xinyin's behavior like this, before she could speak, she stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, looking like a good sister.

"You are too incompetent to be a girlfriend. I heard from Huang Jiajun in Yan Chu's dormitory that Yan Chu hasn't been out of the dormitory for a long time. He lives on box lunches. Today I will be a volunteer, and the salary is good. It is a bento from a well-known Japanese-style bento shop, and I borrowed Flowers and Buddhas to deliver to your family, Yan Chu, in your name, so don't let it slip."

Jiang Moli was grinning, as if she was thinking of Meng Xinyin wholeheartedly.