I am a Big Villain

Chapter 79: Became the number one farmer


"Ancestor bless."

When the Yan family returned to the village, the villagers of Yongning Village, who had heard the news a long time ago, were already waiting at the entrance of the village, especially Yan Chu's family, looking at the path outside the village, looking forward to it.

As soon as the ox cart arrived at the village, before Yan Chu got out of the ox cart, he was embraced by several older sisters, and other clansmen happily welcomed him.

In today's strong sense of clan, it is a good thing for the clan to have more promising offspring in the clan.

"Yan Chu", now it's time to call him Yan Yan, looking at his sister who hasn't seen each other for many years, showing a bit of excitement and nostalgia.

Now I and my sisters are still in a good relationship, and I have not refused them to visit me in the capital because I was afraid of my family members’ leaks like in the previous life. Reckless man, everything still has a chance to turn around.

"Second sister, third sister, fourth sister."

Yan Yu stepped forward and asked the three sisters.

Although the cousin in the next room is not as good at looking at people with his nostrils as his cousin, he has always treated them coldly, and he has never greeted them before.

Yan Meihua and the others felt strange, but thinking that his younger brother is now the head of the county trial case, earning them a lot of face, and the eldest family saw that they were about to get up, so they purposely made friends with them for this reason, which is also normal.

Thinking of this, Yan Meihua and the sisters felt even more proud of their younger brother.

"This child Yan Chu has really given our Yan family pride. The youngest county chief, third wife, don't be confused. Not everyone is worthy of our Yan Chu now."

Old man Yan was the third cousin of his generation, so people in the village sometimes called him San Gong and the third wife of Yan Jiang's family.

The one who is talking now is the daughter-in-law of the patriarch's family. Although her seniority is younger than Yan Jiang's, her man is the future patriarch. It is not too much to say such a thing.

Fu Zhenzhen, who was standing behind the Yan family, seemed to realize that the aunt was referring to herself, and she had heard the rumors in the village these days, she clutched the corner of her clothes, lowered her head and pursed her lips, not daring to gnaw, and felt in her heart that that was the county trial chief , Future scholar, how can a little girl like myself be worthy of others.

The mother-in-law bought herself to be a child bride-in-law, but she would definitely not be the child bride-in-law of such a powerful brother.

Fu Zhenzhen quietly raised her head, glanced at the young man surrounded by everyone, and then quickly lowered her head.

But he was so handsome.

"What my aunt said is wrong. To marry a wife and to marry a virtuous woman depends on a woman's virtue, words, appearance, and merit. It has nothing to do with her birth. As long as she is a woman with excellent four virtues, no matter her birth, she is a good match."

Yan Yu frowned and stood up. The reason why he ended up like that in his last life was because he failed Fu Zhenzhen, which caused Fu Yugui's revenge. I made a mistake again.

In fact, Fu Zhenzhen is also a good girl. She is gentle and courteous, and she is much more worry-free than the arrogant princess. Her biggest failure at the beginning was that she did not have a prominent family background, but the appearance of Fu Yugui later also showed Fu Zhenzhen's There are still capable people in my natal family.

Therefore, letting "myself" marry Fu Zhenzhen is not so unacceptable.

As long as "I" marries Fu Zhenzhen, those things will not happen in the future. With his talent, plus the assistance of myself who is familiar with the future history process, whether it is the previous self or the present self, they will work together to replace Fu Zhenzhen. The Yan family creates a brilliant future.

Yan Yu felt that he had figured out the meaning of his rebirth. What he owed Fu Zhenzhen at the beginning, he would stare at the current self and ask him to pay back, and as Yan Yu, without the bondage of Fu Zhenzhen, he could be as good as he was in the previous life. Usually marry a princess.

Of course, Yan Yu didn't think about it, whether he should marry the princess who was unwilling to forgive him for her daughter after begging him so hard, and who quickly pointed out marriage to Xinke Tanhua in the second year after she divorced him. After getting this chance to start again, I can change to a royal woman who is more suitable for me.

"Brother Yu is young, but he can speak well."

In all things women, there will be no rules that restrict women such as female abstinence and morality. Yan Yan, a nine-year-old child, said this so slipperily, in the eyes of these country women, he is not a good man .

The patriarch's daughter-in-law was also flattered by many people in the village, and she was disgraced in front of so many people, and her complexion was not good at the moment, but because Yan Yu was still a child, his third cousin saw that she was a If she is promising, she can't say anything to such a child.

"It's true that I don't feel pain when the knife is not cut on my body, third wife, I think your grandson likes the girl you brought home very much, so don't pull the wrong red thread when the time comes."

Child brides-in-law are pitiful, but at the same time they are looked down upon by everyone. In this era, child brides-in-law, like slaves who sell themselves, have no personality. If they are beaten to death, they will be wrapped in a mat and thrown into the mountains. Such a person It is not a good match for Yan Chu, a child who is about to become a scholar.

"Wan Fang, you are really joking. Our Yan family is not happy to raise children and daughter-in-law. I feel sorry for this child, Zhenzhen, who was taken home as a granddaughter. There is no such thing as a child bride. It is not Xiaobao's child bride, nor is it a second child. Bao’s child bride-in-law, but if the child likes it in the future, that’s another matter.”

Taking advantage of everyone's presence, Yan Jiangshi hastened to speak clearly. Ever since the news came that her little grandson was admitted to the case, the old man of her family has often accused her of this stupid thing she did. I regret it, now there are rumors in the village, she explained it many times when she visited, but no one believed her.

Now that the little grandson has been admitted to the top of the case, it is estimated that everyone should believe her clarification this time. After all, she is stupid, and she will not be so stupid as to match her grandson with a bought daughter-in-law.

However, this daughter-in-law is not worthy of the younger grandson, and it is hard to say with the second grandson. This time he was sick and failed to take the county examination. If so, that child Zhen Zhen is not bad.

She works hard and quickly, and is well-behaved and sensible. Such a daughter-in-law is also pleasing to the eye.

It was also because of this that the old lady didn't say anything to death, but her attitude was obvious.

Not to mention the faint disappointment in Fu Zhenzhen's heart, the second bedroom of the Yan family is very happy. It's not that Fu Zhenzhen is not good, but that the identity she was bought is really a bit embarrassing.

The happiest ones are Peach Blossom and Orchid Blossom. Their sisters are about the same age as Fu Zhenzhen, and they live in the same room. They used to dare not get close to her because of her status as a child bride-in-law rumored in her village, for fear of getting too close. Just to deepen the misunderstanding of others, now it's all right, grandma has explained clearly, they can't be sisters-in-law, but they can be friends.

Because Yan Chu passed the test on the case, the village was elated, but everyone knew that everything was not settled until the hospital test was over.

Seeing Yan Chu's tired face, everyone let him go home without talking too much around him, and they all waited for the other party to become a blockbuster in the courtyard examination, to win glory for Yongning Village and the Yan clan.

That night, Yan Chu reviewed the book as usual, and after tracing a hundred characters, he was about to turn off the lights and go to the kang. When he approached the window, he suddenly heard some rustling noises outside the yard.

At this point, it stands to reason that the family should be asleep.

Yan Chu opened the window a small slit, and saw under the moonlight, a thin figure carrying a bucket of water and pouring it into the large water tank in the yard with great effort.

The Yan family did not dig a well, so they had to go to the public well in the village to drink water. Fortunately, the well was very close to the Yan family, and it took more than 30 steps to get there.

Yan Changxi used to draw the well water at home. These days, he accompanied his son in the county town, so the family naturally lost a labor force for fetching water.

Looking at the girl struggling to carry the water, Yan Chu sighed, closed the window and walked out.

"This water, I can beat it. You are a scholar, don't hurt your hand."

Seeing that Yan Chu came out, looking as if she was going to take the bucket from her hand, Fu Zhenzhen was almost speechless in shock.

"Your voice is louder, and everyone in the family should be woken up by you." Yan Chu is not a scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken. In addition to testing a person's talent, the scientific research these years is also quite a test Personal physique, after all, is not the kind of person who can stay in the scientific research shed in the cold winter and dog days for several days, and it is still under the condition of not eating well or sleeping well.

Therefore, almost as soon as he came to this world, Yan Chu secretly practiced a unique set of fitness exercises that he learned as a general in his previous life. Even though he is only nine years old now, his strength should not be underestimated.

Just carrying a pot of water is a trivial matter.

After hearing Yan Chu's words, Fu Zhenzhen really didn't dare to open her mouth anymore, she just looked helplessly at the bucket in his hand, and followed him step by step, planning to take it back anytime when the other party couldn't carry it anymore.

Yan Chu had great strength, carrying two buckets back and forth, and quickly filled up the water tank.

Fu Zhenzhen's eyes went from nervousness at the beginning to admiration later on, and the way she looked at Yan Chu was almost stark.

He is good at reading and has such great strength, the boy in front of him can't find anything bad.

Fu Zhenzhen thought, she really wasn't good enough for the other party.

"Do you want to learn to read?"

After picking up the water, Fu Zhenzhen looked down at her toes, wondering if she should say thank you to Yan Chu, but before she could think it through, she heard the question from the boy opposite.

She raised her head, thinking that she might have been seen by the other party when she secretly learned to describe those baskets of calligraphy papers hidden in the woodshed, her cheeks were flushed, her lips were squirming, and she was so nervous that she didn't know how to speak.

"From now on, I will teach you how to write every night after everyone in the family falls asleep. Don't you want to learn?"

Yan Chu stroked the little girl's slightly withered hair, it seemed that the matter of increasing income for the family had to be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

"Just nod if you want to learn. Grandma said that you are her granddaughter, and that is my younger sister. With such a close relationship, I don't need to be polite to my brother."

Before he has figured out how to deal with the relationship with Fu Zhenzhen, it is the best that siblings match each other.

When Yan Chu first came to this world, he wanted to teach his older sisters how to read, but for the second sister and the others, learning embroidery is more important than learning characters, so I only learned some common characters and how to write my own name from him. No matter how much he persuaded him, he didn't come.

A woman's lack of talent is virtue. This wrong etiquette has delayed many girls.

Therefore, after seeing that Fu Zhenzhen was interested in calligraphy, Yan Chu had this idea. Let's not mention it for the time being, it is always good for her to learn more and broaden her horizons.

elder brother.

Fu Zhenzhen said a word silently in her heart, she thought of her own brother who never returned in order to find food for her.

Lowering her head, not wanting Yan Chu to see her tears, Fu Zhenzhen nodded vigorously, nodding in a nasal voice.

She felt that she was lucky. Although she was sold by her aunt, she met such a good family.