I am a Big Villain

Chapter 82: Became the number one farmer


"Zhenzhen, you know, I have two cousins, one cousin, and three older sisters, but I don't have any younger siblings, so from the very beginning, I treat you as my own younger sister."

"I know that your brother and you have been separated since we were very young. You miss him very much. If you don't mind, treat me as your own brother before he shows up."

brother, sister, brother, sister

Fu Zhenzhen hid under the quilt, recalling what brother Yan said just now, she burst into tears.

Yan Lanhua slept in the same room as her, and was awakened by her sobbing in a daze.

"Zhenzhen, are you okay?"

Yan Lanhua asked Fu Zhenzhen in the dark night.

"It's okay, I just had a nightmare." Fu Zhenzhen replied with a strong nasal voice, Yan Lanhua didn't think about it, she closed her eyes, followed the example of an adult coaxing a child, and patted her rhythmically He patted his back and fell asleep again.

Fu Zhenzhen looked at Fourth Sister's sleeping face, in fact, in this family, apart from being a bit jealous of her relationship with Brother Yan, everyone is already very good.

She can eat and dress warmly, and will not be beaten. Sister Meihua, Sister Taohua and Sister Lanhua are all very kind to her, they will teach her how to be a girl, and they will share any happy things with her.

She thought, as expected, she was too dissatisfied.

Fu Zhenzhen clutched the silk flower hairpin tightly in her hand. After so many years, she almost couldn't remember her brother's appearance. She only remembered the brother in her impression. He was tall, big, black and strong, and he was completely different from Brother Yan. a style.

brother c brother

Fu Zhenzhen closed her eyes and said silently in her heart, she should be content and learn to let go.

"Father, mother, I want to discuss something with you."

After Yan Chu became a Juren, Yan Changxi stopped working in the fields. No matter how he is now the father of the Juren Master, it is Yan Chu's face to go to work in the fields, making people think that his son is not filial.

It is said that poor scholars and rich people are true.

Juren enjoys the right to tax-free 400 acres of land. When the news of Yan Chu's admission to Juren came, many villagers came to donate their land. Give him a harvest that is less than the national tax, so that they make money, and Yan Chu's tribute money from the hundreds of acres of land is enough to support himself to study and support the whole family.

In addition, when you are admitted to Juren, there will naturally be countless squires who want to curry favor with you by giving you gifts. In just these two short days, Yan Chu has turned down countless posts inviting him to a banquet .

Yan Changxi was used to working before, but suddenly he was idle, and he was not used to it. He was discussing with his wife whether he should find something else to do, when Yan Chu came in.

"Come here, Xiaobao, your mother has peeled a lot of melon seeds for you, knowing that you don't like peeling, so I will let you eat them to your heart's content."

Yan Changxi is proud of his son, such an excellent son is actually his son, why does it feel like a dream.

"Don't disturb your son, Xiaobao, what did you say just now? Parents are listening."

Li Qiuyue put the peeled melon seeds into a jar to prevent it from becoming crispy or fragrant when it became damp, and then focused on listening to her son.

"I just want to talk about Zhenzhen."

Yan Chu found a chair and sat down.

"Zhenzhen?" Yan Changxi and Li Qiuyue looked at each other with serious expressions.

The longer the girl, the better, isn't her son tempted

"Father and mother, you also remember the rumors that spread in the village when Zhenzhen first came to the house. According to the second cousin, these rumors began to spread in the village again during this time."

What her son wanted to say seemed to be different from what they had imagined. Li Qiuyue thought about it for a while, then shook her head with some doubts: "I didn't hear any gossip from someone in the village recently."

Just a joke, their son is a master, how many families in the village can compare with them, who would dare to gossip about his son.

"That's what I think. Anyway, I regard Zhenzhen as my younger sister. After all these years, we have lived together and have feelings for each other. In order to silence outsiders, if you don't want to be a father and mother, you can adopt a goddaughter. In this way, In the future, no one will talk about my relationship with Zhenzhen, and when Zhenzhen reaches the age of marriage, I will pay her a dowry, anyway, the family does not lack that little money now."

Yan Chu analyzed it logically to his parents, and after listening to his son's words, Yan Changxi and Li Qiuyue thought it made sense, why didn't they think of this idea before.

"But it's not a trivial matter to recognize a relative. You have to make it clear from your grandparents and the patriarch, otherwise it won't count if your parents just open and close their mouths."

Yan Changxi was a little embarrassed, he didn't know if his parents would agree, after all it was his mother's idea to buy Zhenzhen as a child bride.

"Grandma knows the seriousness, so she probably won't refuse, but after all, it's your parents who want to recognize her as a daughter, so I'll discuss it with you first."

Yan Changxi and Li Qiuyue were both happy that his son put himself first. In this way, even the last bit of reluctance to admit to being a daughter was gone.

In fact, think about it, Zhenzhen's girl is also pretty good, and she will be given a dowry to marry her in the future, but if the other party has a conscience, that is also a relative who can move around.

Yan Changxi and Li Qiuyue didn't think much, they took Yan Chu to find Old Man Yan and Yan Jiangshi, planning to tell them about it.

"I disagree!"

When discussing the matter of agreeing to the marriage, Yan Changxue and Liu Fuchun, who were at odds with each other, were the first to oppose it, and the opposition was particularly fierce.

"Mother, think about it, no matter what Fu Zhenzhen is, she is just a little girl bought by our family. What is the status of our little treasure now? Is there a maid in the family to take care of her? I think she is the second child. The couple are crazy."

How could Liu Fuchun agree that Yan Changxi and his wife want to recognize Fu Zhenzhen as their daughter? If this is done, and the patriarch agrees, how can she sing in the next play.

It is also possible to frame Yan Chu and Fu Zhenzhen for adultery after admitting to the godfather, but in this way, not only Yan Chu's future will be completely ruined, but even their family will be implicated, causing trouble. Her two sons His official career was also cut off.

You must know that there is no difference between a dry relationship and a real relationship in ancient times. If Yan Chu had something to do with Fu Zhenzhen after Yan Changxi recognized Fu Zhenzhen as a girl, it would be a violation of ethics, a violation of family rules, and a violation of national law.

It's a small thing to get his reputation for raising people. If someone with a heart catches the eye and deliberately makes this matter big, he can be sentenced.

No matter how courageous Liu Fuchun was, he didn't dare to take that risk.

Therefore, she absolutely cannot agree to the matter of admitting to being a kiss.

What the eldest daughter-in-law said made some sense, and both Old Man Yan and Mrs. Yan hesitated.

"What the elders said is correct. Besides, in fact, that child Zhenzhen can't be promised to Xiaobao, but he can also be promised to Erbao."

The old lady still felt that the child daughter-in-law she bought for a bag of grain should not be wasted. She saw that the second grandson of the elder family had a tendency to follow his eldest brother, and she felt that it was better to leave him a daughter-in-law who would not be able to pass the exam to be a scholar. it is good.

"Mother, what are you talking about? That girl is not qualified to marry our second treasure."

Liu Fuchun's eyes widened, she could hardly pretend to be filial, this old lady became more and more confused as she got older, such a lowly little girl, how could she be qualified to match her son, even being a child to her son was not enough.

"You don't like Zhenzhen?"

The old lady was surprised. When she wanted to send Fu Zhenzhen away, it was the elder daughter-in-law who stopped her. She thought that the other party liked that girl very much and wanted to ask her to be his wife.

"I like it, why don't I like it, but liking that girl and liking her as my own daughter-in-law are two different things."

Liu Fuchun also realized that he had slapped himself in the face, so he quickly changed his tone.

"Grandma, now the rumors in the village are about to rise, it is most suitable to recognize Zhenzhen as my god-sister, at least no one else will talk about it, and you watched Zhenzhen grow up, what is she You don't know what kind of character you have? Just recognize a god-in-law, and we won't lose."

One sentence of Yan Chu's is more effective than ten words of others. First of all, what Mr. Yan valued the most was this little grandson who gave face to the whole family. When the other party spoke, he agreed without hesitation.

"Chang Xi, later you go to the patriarch to talk about this matter. Since you want to recognize your relatives, you should seriously hold a big ceremony. It is best to invite everyone from the whole village. We have to tell them, child bride-in-law It's just a matter of nothing, from the beginning to the end, we just treat that girl Zhenzhen as a granddaughter, a daughter."

Yan Changxi listened to his father's order and went out. Yan Changxue did not stop anyone.

"Boss, Zhenzhen will be your niece in the future. Just put away those thoughts that should be put away, and don't make it too ugly."

Mr. Yan thought that the two of them wanted Fu Zhenzhen to be a child for their eldest grandson, Yan Zhen. After all, Yan Zhen and his wife had been married for so many years, and they didn't even have a daughter. It's normal for the couple to be anxious about this matter.

Yan Changxue and Liu Fuchun didn't know what the old man was thinking about, they just thought that his intentions had been seen through by the old man, their faces turned pale immediately, and they didn't dare to say anything to stop them.

When Yan Yu came back from the school, everything was settled. Fu Zhenzhen, who had been entangled with her in her previous life, unexpectedly became "my" younger sister.