I am a Big Villain

Chapter 9: Educated youth who abandoned their wives and children


"Do you still remember this ginkgo tree? When you were young, you liked me to hug you and beat the ginkgo fruit on the tree. And this well, this big iron cover, I was worried that you would fall into the well when you were playing around when you were too young. I specially asked a blacksmith to make it."

Yan Xun looked at his son who had already grown up to be a good-looking talent, and was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He could only pull him to recall his childhood. These memories were the happy memories that Yan Xun had repeatedly revisited during those years in the farm labor camp. , Playing back in his mind over and over again, it has become one with his body.

Yan Chu looked at this familiar courtyard in a daze for a few seconds. If he remembered correctly, this courtyard had appeared frequently in his original memory, but not in those unclear memories of his childhood, but in his previous college entrance examination. After returning to the capital, the new house of the stepfather's family after moving is this magnificent courtyard house in front of them.

He remembered what his biological mother Gao Yaqin said at the time, that they bought this yard later, thinking about it now, there are still doubts about all of this.

His stepfather, Jiang Cheng, was a department-level cadre in the government. He had a little power in the political center of the capital, but he was definitely not a powerful figure.

His biological mother, Gao Yaqin, was born well, but it's a pity that the Gao family fell into disrepair a few years ago during the war, and their family background is far inferior to that of the Yan family. At the beginning, Yan Xun was willing to abide by the marriage contract to marry her, and was praised by everyone for his righteousness. Now Gao Yaqin is in college. As a logistics teacher, the salary and benefits of the couple are good, but they are definitely not to the point where they can afford a courtyard house.

The original body ignored too many things at that time, such as the few extra houses that suddenly appeared in the family when he joined the queue, and where did his stepfather get a large sum of money to start a business after the reform and opening up, all of these are probably closely related to the original body Bar.

If he guessed correctly, it is very likely that the man standing in front of him at this time was rehabilitated in his last life, and like this life, the country returned part of the confiscated property. This part of the inheritance should be handed over. To Yan Xun's only heir, that is, the original body, but his so-called biological mother and stepfather coveted the property that originally belonged to him, and used this money as the principal, which became the first initial capital for the Jiang family to make a fortune .

At this time, Yan Chu had to sympathize with the original body. It was not reasonable to covet the Jiang family's wealth, but now it's all right. It turns out that those properties were all defrauded from him without his consent, and it was him in the end. With a reputation of treachery and ungratefulness, he could not die well.

Thinking about it this way, it is completely understandable for Yuanshen to viciously poison that family.

However, Yan Chu looked at the shy and reserved daughter-in-law who was holding his hand beside her. She abandoned her wife and son in her previous life, and she was still a scumbag in her previous life without explaining.

The father and son reunited after a long absence, and knowing that the daughter-in-law already had the third generation of the Yan family in her stomach, the Yan family was full of laughter and laughter every day before school started, especially the father of Yan. Part of the confiscated property also made up for him the salary he should have had as a university professor over the years in the labor camp. Even if the sum adds up to 30,000 yuan, it seems that Yan Xun wants to make up for what he owes his son all these years. , New clothes and new shoes are the most basic, jewelry, and watches. I can’t wait to arm my son and daughter-in-law from toe to hair, and send all the best to them.

In contrast, the life of the Jiang family was not so happy.

"Do you know about your ex-husband coming back?"

As soon as Jiang Cheng got home, he threw the briefcase on the sofa and questioned the woman sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"What, Yan Xun is back. Didn't he go to labor camp?" Gao Yaqin frowned and asked with a puzzled face. She hadn't thought of her ex-husband for a long time, recalling the scene when she first saw him, she couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

That man was so dazzling that it made people feel inferior. When Gao Yaqin knew that such a man would become her future husband, she was really happy in her heart, but gradually, these joys turned into dissatisfaction.

For that man, she seemed to be a handy decoration. He treated him very well and never flirted with his female students, but Gao Yaqin always felt that something was missing. He loved books, and the time spent reading More time than spending time with her, especially after having a child, I turned more attention to the child.

In terms of intercourse, he is not very keen. He does it twice a week like a routine. Even at the climax, his expression is very restrained, and he maintains the original frequency until the end. Gao Yaqin is fed up with that kind of tepidity. Huo's sex, in an accident, she slept with the man in front of her. Jiang Cheng was very domineering and rude on the bed, but Gao Yaqin really tasted what it was like to be a woman.

The first time, she was a little guilty and a little scared, but after the first time, there was a second time, and gradually, there was no guilt at all. Also under the instigation of the other party, she anonymously reported her husband, just to be able to Stay with the one you like forever.

That Yan Xun was also stupid. Before the accident, he secretly gave her a box of gold bars, plus some money she had saved when she was in charge of the family and the antiques of the Yan family that had been hidden in advance. The eldest son and Yan Chu had almost nothing to worry about, especially the pair of dragon and phoenix twins she gave birth to Jiang Cheng later, which was her pride and all she could give.

But what Jiang Cheng said just now, Yan Xun came back, thinking about what he did to the eldest son, Gao Yaqin couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

At this time, they still don't know about Yan Chu's return from college, and they don't know that Yan Chu has already contacted Yan Xun. From their point of view, Yan Chu is still staying in the valley. To find someone, just say that the child voluntarily went to the countryside to jump in the queue.

"You don't know yet." Jiang Cheng rubbed his hair, sat down on the sofa, and a trace of deep jealousy flashed in his eyes: "Not only did Yan Xun come back, but also returned most of the money that was emptied at the beginning. The courtyard house in Huangcheng Gener and the small western-style building on Tonghua Road, let’s not talk about these two real estates alone. The other houses are said to be in good locations, big and spacious, and there are some antiques that were confiscated back then, except for some I don’t know. Whether it was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution or was left under the hood, a small part of it was returned, and I heard that when Yan Xun went to pick up his things, he brought out two full boxes."

Jiang Cheng was a little annoyed. He was able to achieve this position at the beginning by criticizing others all the way up. Over the years, as those people have been rehabilitated one after another, his life is very difficult, and he is always worried that this position will be taken away.

Why did Yan Xun come back alive? If he was rehabilitated after death, wouldn't all those things belong to him

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion, he didn't know that according to the original track, everything really developed as he imagined.

"Why, you regretted being with me back then, too, otherwise you would still be your Mrs. Yan at this time."

Jiang Cheng himself can regret it, but he can't see his woman showing a melancholy and shocked look. In this life, he is probably the most proud of being a rebel with a junior high school diploma, becoming a cultural person and the daughter-in-law of a great professor. The man in front of him is so superior, every time he fucks that woman, watching him get mad for him is very exciting, which makes him have an extra sense of accomplishment.

This is also the reason why he has had other younger and more beautiful women than Gao Yaqin in these years, but she has been steadily being Mrs. Jiang. You must know that as a small leader of the rebels in the capital, Jiangcheng still had a lot of status in this area in the early years.

"What are you talking about? You don't know what I think about you. If it wasn't for you, I would have written a report letter to punish him, and even sent my own son to the countryside for your son."

Gao Yaqin is a smart person. She knows that if Yan Xun knew what she really wanted back then and how she treated that child Yan Chu these years, she would never forgive her. Unflattering.

"I know you are good to me, and I remember all of this."

Women are meant to be coaxed, and Jiang Cheng held Gao Yaqin's well-maintained but no longer young hands, and moved them to his lips for a kiss, which provoked Gao Yaqin's anger.

"By the way, have you been in contact with that child Yan Chu recently? I'm afraid that child will have a hard time living in the country. You should send him more food and clothing to let the child know that you, a mother, still care about him. "

Jiang Cheng's eyes flickered, Yan Chu's child still had some affection for Gao Yaqin's mother, even if he was angry when he went to the countryside, his anger should have dissipated at this time, if Gao Yaqin sells better at this time, that idiot still doesn't like it Like a dog with fleshy bones, he chased after him with his tongue out.

"I know that sending that child to the country was out of necessity. He came out of my stomach, and I love him more than anyone else."

Gao Yaqin knew everything when she heard about it, and immediately understood her husband's little plan.

Yan Xun is not young, no accident, Yan Chu is his only son.

The couple looked at each other and smiled, full of calculations.