I am a Chef in the Modern Era

Chapter 49: KFC family bucket


Lin Shuyi and Chen Fang went out of the room together, Mr. Shen hadn't left yet, sitting below with an unattractive expression, so both of them looked at Shen Fu, didn't they mean it was ok? Why are you still looking angry.

Shen Fu shrugged his shoulders and didn't speak, he couldn't say that he lied to Mr. Shen and said that he had already had a relationship with Lin Shuyi.

Lin Shuyi thought about it and then looked at Chen Fang, no matter what, it's not suitable for him to get involved now, after all this is Shen Fu's family matter.

But before he could say anything, Chen Fang happily patted him on the shoulder, "Go down and talk to the old man..." Halfway through the sentence, he realized that he shouldn't have told him at all, after all Lin Shuyi now even Shen Fu likes him I don't know, it must be even more inexplicable.

Lin Shuyi really didn't understand it, let's talk? He and the old man? What's there to talk about

Shen Fu rubbed his throbbing temples, and finally felt that this matter was a little out of control.

Chen Fang helped him deal with Lin Shuyi, but Lin Shuyi thought that he liked Chen Fang.

Shen Fu's heart is also screwed up.

Why did he covet the momentary pleasure in the first place, did not refute when Lin Shuyi said that he liked Chen Fang, it was like shooting himself in the foot, he regretted it...

Fortunately, neither Chen Fang nor Lin Shuyi had the chance to speak again. Mr. Shen had already recovered from the blow, and he spoke angrily from below, "Hurry up and get off!"

Chen Fang was taken aback, but Lin Shuyi was fine, he just instinctively turned around and walked back, after all...it's none of his business...

Shen Fu: ...

Seeing Lin Shuyi's reaction, Old Man Shen thought he was frightened, he originally wanted to yell at Shen Fu, but he didn't expect to scare Lin Shuyi, Old Man Shen's face flushed red, after thinking for a long time, he finally softened After seeing the expression on his face, his voice became much softer, and he said to them again, "Well... come down from Lin Shuyi... I have something to tell you."

Lin Shuyi turned his head full of doubts, Shen Fu was standing behind him, and finally patted him on the shoulder, "Go, maybe my grandpa has something to tell you."

Chen Fang couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Lin Shuyi still doesn't know that Shen Fu likes him, and the pain of seeing his parents before the relationship is confirmed is simply indescribable, not to mention that Mr. Shen may say something terrible, Shen Fu will probably wait for him. It will be a headache.

Although it was very baffling what Old Master Shen wanted him to do, but Lin Shuyi obediently went downstairs.

Seeing that Lin Shuyi came down, Old Master Shen heaved a sigh of relief, waved to Shen Fu and Chen Fang again, and signaled them to go into the house, he wanted to speak to Lin Shuyi alone.

Shen Fu and Chen Fang entered the door.

"Why don't you just tell Lin Shuyi that you like him, wouldn't it be worse if Mr. Shen said it now?" Chen Fang was puzzled.

Shen Fu didn't speak, but he had his own considerations when he did this at the beginning. Although Lin Shuyi looked simple and casual, he was actually so rigid that he would die. He had done so many suggestive actions for him before. I don't understand, it can be seen that he doesn't like men at all, the most important thing to break up a straight man is patience, if you let him know that he is liked from the beginning, Shen Fu probably can't take it with him at all now. Here he is.

But obviously there is one more thing that needs to be communicated to Chen Fang in advance, and he still doesn't know how Chen Fang will be furious when he hears it, "Chen Fang, I also have something to tell you..."

The raised corners of Shen Fu's mouth and slightly hesitant tone caused Chen Fang to feel a cold feeling straight down his back. He hesitated whether to listen or not, and finally felt that stretching his head was a stab, and retracting his head was also a stab...

"Speak, I'll listen."

Shen Fu said slowly, "...Lin Shuyi thought I liked you, and I acquiesced..."

Chen Fang's eyes darkened, and while he was about to commit seppuku, he thought about how to let Shen Fu die together.

"So that means you've given me the blame..."

If Lin Shuyi had said something to Old Mr. Shen, then the one who jumped into the Yellow River would not be able to wash away it was Chen Fang himself.

After all, with Mr. Shen's character, he wouldn't do anything to Lin Shuyi, but if it was Chen Fang, it wouldn't be so...

In the hall, Lin Shuyi was sitting opposite to Old Man Shen, and when Old Man Shen was drinking tea, he poured himself a cup of boiled water, and then asked Old Man Shen, "Grandpa Shen, what else can I do?"

Shouldn't anyone be called him? Is there anything you have to say to him

In fact, Mr. Shen didn't look at Lin Shuyi carefully before, after all, he never thought of agreeing to this matter at all, but Shen Fu has already done everything...

Mr. Shen is still a very traditional person because of his age. In his heart, since everything happened, he must take responsibility. This is why Shen Fu's family education is strict. The reason why he doesn't even have a girlfriend, even though he only found out not long ago, the reason is because Shen Fu doesn't like women.

Old Man Shen had never looked at Lin Shuyi carefully, now that the two of them were sitting face to face, Old Man Shen looked Lin Shuyi up and down 360 degrees without any dead ends, and had to admit that even with him Judging from many years of experience, Lin Shuyi is also a very satisfying young man, everyone says that his face comes from his heart, so it can be seen that Lin Shuyi is not a very passable person.

But no matter how much he likes it, Mr. Shen can't accept it if he becomes his grandson's wife.

But now, whether Mr. Shen accepts it or not, he can only accept it. After thinking about it, Mr. Shen gritted his teeth again. He has been in the shopping malls for so many years, but in the end, his grandson made a move.

But even though he was thinking this way, Old Man Shen didn't show it on his face at all. After all, in Old Man Shen's heart, it was all Shen Fu's fault, and Lin Shuyi was just a victim...

The "victim" Lin Shuyi's expression was inexplicable, and in the eyes of Mr. Shen, it was distorted into panic, so Mr. Shen softened the expression on his face, almost a look that Shen Fu had never seen before. .

The old man said, "I've thought about it. Although I don't agree, I can reserve my opinion now." Although he had already agreed in his heart, he still had to care about face.

In the end, Lin Shuyi was even more inexplicably ungrateful.

Shouldn't these words be said to Chen Fang? Lin Shuyi's mind turned quickly, and then he came to such a conclusion, because Shen Fu hadn't told Chen Fang yet, so Old Man Shen couldn't tell Chen Fang about this matter directly, so this was conveying the old man's own attitude through him

There were only so many reasons Lin Shuyi could think of, so he also smiled and bowed his eyes, thanking Chen Fang, "Thank you Grandpa for being magnanimous, I understand, I will convey Grandpa's meaning to him."

Lin Shuyi was talking about Chen Fang, but Old Man Shen thought he was talking about Shen Fu, and Old Man Shen was relieved that Lin Shuyi was on the road, thinking that this kid is also a clever one.

Then the two people who were obviously talking about chicken and duck miraculously reached a consensus at the end of the conversation. Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and Mr. Shen patted Lin Shuyi's shoulder appreciatively. Not optimistic, but this child is inexplicably annoying.

Then Mr. Shen called the other two people down together, with a happy expression that expressed the complete success of this matter, then he pursed his lips and left. Before leaving, he asked Shen Fu to take them home to play.

Chen Fang was dumbfounded, and finally bumped Shen Fu's arm, "I didn't see it, the old man has a way."

Shen Fu also squinted his eyes, "Why do I feel more and more like I've found a treasure?"

Lin Shuyi sent old master Shen away, turned back to look at Shen Fu, with a look of thanking me for helping you, and then gave Chen Fang a look in front of Shen Fu.

Shen Fu and Chen Fang suddenly felt that something was wrong. Judging by Lin Shuyi's appearance, he probably didn't know anything, but if Lin Shuyi didn't know anything, what did he talk about with Old Master Shen? ! ! Mr. Shen still has no doubts at all? ! ! How exactly? ! !

Faced with the puzzled and shocked eyes of the two, Lin Shuyi went upstairs with a face full of bewilderment, saying that he was very kind without saying thanks, since he wanted to thank him so much, he should treat him to a family meal. They are all KFC's new family bucket advertisements, very greedy.

Shen Fu and Chen Fang looked at each other and finally confirmed that Lin Shuyi must be a natural black.

Mr. Shen left angrily, and came back with a satisfied face. The Shen family members expressed their surprise.

After all, Shen Fu's incident was known to everyone in the entire Shen family. Both Shen Fu's parents had stayed abroad, and their thinking was not conservative, especially after Shen Fu was beaten so hard by Mr. Shen. After not changing their original intentions, the two of them actually loosened their hearts. However, Mr. Shen has the final say in the Shen family. As long as they can't pass the level of Mr. Shen, it doesn't matter who agrees, so this time when Mr. Shen goes out, everyone Half worried and half looking forward.

Worried that Shen Fu would be beaten up by Mr. Shen again like last time, and looked forward to whether Shen Fu could persuade Mr. Shen perfectly.

However, everyone agreed that with Mr. Shen's character, the possibility of the first type is far greater than the second. Shen Fu's parents feel distressed, but there is nothing they can do about it. After all, even Shen Fu's father, Mr. Shen, is not satisfied. Just beat him, let alone Shen Fu, although to be honest, Mr. Shen has never been willing to beat Shen Fu. The previous time was the only time, but it was because of this that everyone felt that the future was bleak. After all The hands that I have never been willing to do since I was a child have all been taken this time, and there is nothing that can change Mr. Shen's determination.

But it turns out...

Seeing that Mr. Shen, who was full of spring, came back alone, and there was no unknown object behind him that the beaten parents didn't recognize, everyone agreed... This is simply unscientific! !

The gossiping Shen mother just wanted to go up to ask what was going on, when she heard Mr. Shen say, "Xiao Zhen, call Xiao Fu in two days and tell him to come back to live. What does it look like to live in someone else's house all the time?" What does it look like?!" After thinking for a while, he added, "Call that child to go with him." Finally, before leaving, he said, "Don't tell Shen Fu that I told you to beat him!"

Shen's mother responded with a look of seeing a ghost, her curiosity about this future "daughter-in-law" almost broke through the sky.