I am a Chef in the Modern Era

Chapter 60: Spicy Chicken


After eating, he stayed at Lao Yangtou's house for a long time, and when he was about to go back, the moon was already high.

Lin Shuyi was a little sleepy, but Xiao Wan seemed to be very close to Shen Fu today, the two of them didn't sit with everyone, but sat on the side talking non-stop, although most of the time it was Xiao Wan who talked, but Shen Fu Fu looked like his mouth was curled up and he wasn't unhappy at all, and the two of them didn't know what they were talking about, as soon as he walked over, they immediately shut their mouths and stopped talking.

Even when Xiao Wan said goodbye to him when she was leaving, she pulled Shen Fu and said a few words, Shen Fu laughed and rubbed Xiao Wan's head, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Lin Shuyi felt a deep sense of being abandoned, as well as an unspeakable annoyance.

So much so that when he went out, he left without waiting for Shen Fu.

"Bye bye little brother~"

"Bye bye Xiaowan~"

Shen Fu greeted Xiao Wan, and as soon as he turned around... Lin Shuyi walked away.

Shen Fu was puzzled, why didn't he wait for him to come together

Thinking about it, he followed with strides, grabbed Lin Shuyi, untied the scarf from his neck, wrapped it around Lin Shuyi's neck, and wrapped his chin and face together, leaving only two round eyes. He stared blankly at him.

Shen Fu smiled, "What are you looking at me for? Isn't it cold?"

Lin Shuyi's mouth was blocked by the scarf, and he spoke in a buzzing voice, "Isn't this my scarf? What about yours? What are you wearing?"

Shen Fu wanted to put his hands in his pockets, but when he saw Lin Shuyi's hands in the wide pockets of his down jacket, he felt itchy, "I don't wear them, but... warm my hands."

So he put his hand into Lin Shuyi's pocket and pinched Lin Shuyi's hand in his palm.

Lin Shuyi: ...

Don't you have pockets yourself? You're still freezing outside.

But even though he thought so, he didn't reject Shen Fu's action, because Shen Fu's hands were indeed a little cold.

But this doesn't mean that Lin Shuyi is in a good mood now. I don't know why the more he thinks about it, the more angry he feels. Although Shen Fu was allowed to hold his hand, he still didn't want to talk to him very much.

Shen Fu, "You seem to be eating spicy food more and more now, the hot pot made by grandpa is so spicy, you don't mind it."

Lin Shuyi: "...um."

Shen Fu: "Since I like spicy food, let's eat spicy chicken diced next time. It's crispy, fragrant and spicy."

Lin Shuyi: "...No."

Shen Fu: ...

He had known for a long time that something was wrong with Lin Shuyi and he was angry, but for a moment he still couldn't figure out what Lin Shuyi was angry with, even the food didn't work on him, so it was obvious that the anger was serious.

Shen Fu thought, stopped and stopped.

Being pulled by him, Lin Shuyi swayed and stopped, Lin Shuyi immediately turned his face and glared at him.

Shen Fu was sure now, not only was he angry, but also angry with himself, he smiled, stood there face to face with Lin Shuyi, staring at Lin Shuyi, "Are you angry? Angry at me?"

Lin Shuyi turned his head indifferently, and did not look at him anymore.


He really shouldn't be angry with Shen Fu, because Shen Fu didn't do anything to make him angry, but he felt that his anger should be related to the conversation between Shen Fu and Xiao Wan, but he also felt that who Shen Fu was talking to? How happy it is all his freedom, and I have no reason and position to be angry.

As a result, thinking about it this way, Lin Shuyi became even more angry.

Shen Fu thought about it, did he provoke this person tonight, but after thinking about it, he didn't think so, because he was discussing with Xiaowan all night how to take him down, how could he have time to make him angry.

Thinking about it, an idea flashed in Shen Fu's mind, could it be that Lin Shuyi was jealous because he was with Xiao Wan and didn't talk to him? Thinking about it this way, the corners of Shen Fu's mouth almost went to the sky, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the only possibility.

Has Lin Shuyi already started to like him? Still jealous

Why did he think so much and laughed a few times regardless of his image

Moving closer to Lin Shuyi's face, he said in a hoarse voice, "Because I ignored you all night and just focused on talking to Xiaowan?"

Lin Shuyi was driven mad by the teasing and laughing in Shen Fu's tone, but Shen Fu seemed to be right, Lin Shuyi became furious, broke away from Shen Fu's hand, turned around and wanted to leave.

"You're sick, I'm not jealous!!"

After finishing speaking, he realized that he had no silver here, and his IQ was so low that he was so angry that he simply stood there and waited for Shen Fu to continue teasing. Yes, he found that he seemed to like Shen Fu a little bit. What's wrong? Admit it and you won't die.

Shen Fu didn't tease him, he hugged Lin Shuyi with his back to him, put his chin on Lin Shuyi's shoulder, and said in a soft and sweet tone that could kill him, "I'm very happy, you Will be jealous for me, and very happy, you are willing to like me."

Lin Shuyi, who has always been insensitive to love words, blushed, but fortunately he was wearing a scarf, so he couldn't tell at all, but the beating heart in his chest told him that this time he didn't hate Shen Fu. Don't refuse his approach, but indulge in his approach because you like it.

All his dislike and little cumulative liking for Shen Fu finally turned into a love that would be jealous because he talked to someone else, even though that person was the same as his sister to both of them.

Lin Shuyi never gets entangled in things that shouldn't be entangled. When he didn't think clearly and didn't see clearly, he thought Shen Fu was a brother, but when he figured it out and saw clearly, he wouldn't be annoyed or embarrassed because of this matter, because he likes never It's not a shameful thing, he just fell in love with Shen Fu, what's the matter

Shen Fu also likes him, they can be together.

Thinking of this, Lin Shuyi said, "Well, I'm also very glad that you liked me before."

The love was strong and the atmosphere was good, but Shen Fu suddenly remembered something, and then spoke.

"Grandpa told me to marry someone else."

Lin Shuyi: ...

Then he narrowed his eyes a little bit, his eyes dangerous.

After stalking for several months, he said that he liked him and wanted to pursue him. When he just understood and wanted to agree, this person said that he wanted to marry someone else! !

Lin Shuyi took a deep breath, resisting the urge to pinch this person to death, turned his head, and spoke slowly.

"go to hell!"

Shen Fu laughed. Sure enough, after knowing that Lin Shuyi liked him, this person was so cute that his heart trembled with anger, but if he didn't explain clearly, the first horror in history of being killed by his lover just after confessing his love would probably happen. There was bloodshed.

"Listen to me, I never thought of marrying anyone." After a pause, I realized that my words were not quite right, so I changed my words again, "No, I think about it now, there are many gays in foreign countries who can register for marriage Country, if you like, we can also settle down." Realizing that his words were a bit far-fetched, Shen Fu spoke again, "So I want to make it clear to my grandfather that I will only marry one person, but it is not what he wants. that."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Shuyi with slanted eyebrows and eyes, the meaning of a person is self-evident.

However, if grandpa heard Shen Fu's words, he would probably have a myocardial infarction.

Lin Shuyi selectively listened to the first sentence, then ignored the second sentence with a snort, and finally listed the third sentence as the key point.

"You mean Grandpa Shen asked you to marry? With whom?"

Didn't you already say you don't object? Why did Shen Fu marry someone else? Even though he didn't know that Grandpa Shen told him at that time, Grandpa Shen should have made his position known. Why did he go back on his word

Shen Fu took out his mobile phone and felt that he had to talk to Lin Shuyi himself about some things.

"This is the Weibo post by Xiao Wan."

"Then it's unknown who took the picture."

"It ended up like this."

Lin Shuyi skimmed through the entire Weibo, took a look at the popular comments in the underground, and after reading related posts, he was in a bad mood.

Why are there still so many picturesque, yellow and sky-breaking brains? He, the client, can't bear to look directly at them. There are also those "seven times a night man" and "fuck till weeping" and so on, which are not available in Dayan Lin Shuyi, who has read Jin Ping Mei but never read the Little Yellow Book in Tianchao, said that he couldn't understand a single word, but his face was still red.

"This, when did this happen?"

Shen Fu also saw those posts where the latest developments were pinned to the top. Although he was very reserved in response to cracking down on pornography, he felt ashamed at the same time that he and Lin Shuyi were being coveted by those people. It's hard.

Turning off the webpage hastily, Shen Fu didn't dare to look at Lin Shuyi.

"Probably several days."

The point is that there were no such posts before? The small headlines have all fallen, why are there more and more posts popping up

"Then grandpa called me this morning and said he wanted me to go back and get married."

Thinking of this, Shen Fu felt that he couldn't get tough again.

"I said I wouldn't stop it before, but now everyone who works with Shen's knows that I'm gay. This probably makes it difficult for grandpa to accept, so he wants me to go back and get married."

Shen Fu sighed and fell on Lin Shuyi again, with a sad tone, "I never thought about marrying someone else, what should I do?" The way it looks.

Lin Shuyi was seriously troubled, and felt that there must be a proper solution to this matter.

When he thought of Shen Fu marrying another woman, just like what was said on TV, he felt that the prehistoric power in him was going to go berserk.

But he also knows that in the Celestial Dynasty, it is extremely difficult for two men to be together, especially now that they have become well-known, the road ahead will be even more difficult, despite the negative comments on the Internet Not many, but those vicious comments mixed between "so cute" and "perfect match" will make it difficult for people to move forward. What's more, Shen Fu's family members don't want this matter to be made public.

And Shen Fu did not comply with the pressure to marry another person, but told himself about this matter, which fully demonstrated that his decision was not wrong.

Maybe he didn't like Shen Fu wrongly.

Lin Shuyi thought for a while, then raised his head and moved his shoulders, "Let's go see Grandpa Shen."

Shen Fu narrowed his eyes, "At this time?"

Lin Shuyi nodded, "At this time."

Lin Shuyi really wanted to meet his parents with him! ! ! Shen Fu got his wish and was so happy that he was about to jump up, and said with a face full of pretending, "Grandpa will be angry."

"Are you afraid that grandpa will be angry?"

Shen Fu's eyes flickered and he said, "I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid of losing you."

Lin Shuyi turned his head uncomfortably after being hit by more and more tiresome love words.

Just realized that I like Shen Fu and I have to meet my parents or something, the pressure is so great.