I am a Good Man

Chapter 10: Childhood sweetheart from a rich family (10)


At the beginning of the first month.

Ji Yang and Zheng Jiayue's wedding was held at the five-star Longya Hotel in the city. The hall was filled with bright red roses, like a sea of flowers.

Zheng Jiayue was wearing a white wedding dress, which was pure and spotless. Amidst the soothing and soft singing, she walked towards the man in the center in a strict black suit, step by step, with her father Ji on her arm.

She has a shy face, bright eyes with happiness.

Everyone looked enviously.

Especially those girls in the circle who used to look down on Zheng Jiayue, thinking that they found a phoenix man, but they didn't know that they found a potential stock.

Ji Yang has transformed himself into a director who owns Ji's shares. He is very capable, and the games developed by his team are becoming more and more popular, and he has made countless gold. Zheng Jiayue holds half of the shares and has a lot of money.

"Look at Yin Rong, that's not her own mother-in-law. I don't know how much I will suffer in the future."

"That's right, what's the use of the scenery now? You'll know if you live together!"

"Whatever you lack, do what you want. Make the wedding more beautiful and show it to outsiders."

There will always be some people who will feel sour, don't want others to feel better, and their eyes are red with jealousy, hoping that Zheng Jiayue will meet someone who is not a good person, so as to balance their psychology.

It's a pity that this wish came to nothing for the time being, and the wedding process went smoothly. During the toast, even if someone made things difficult, Ji Yang still protected Zheng Jiayue very well. It was the kind of visible protection, the baby was tight, and the corners of Zheng Jiayue's raised mouth, It also explained her mood at this time.

Even if you don't live in Ji's house after marriage, the rule of living in the first half of the month is still there. Yin Rong is smart and moved out of Mr. Ji. The older generation thinks feudalism and is most superstitious. Zheng Jiayue will never make it difficult for Ji Yang. She also wants to Let Ji Yang earn a little more favor in front of Mr. Ji, so he stayed.

On the dinner table today.

"Your game has been on the market for so long, when will the new game be developed?" Ji's father looked at Ji Yang opposite, pretending to say it casually.

"This research and development has been going on for a long time, and it takes up a lot of company resources." Ji Wei also chimed in, implying, "Isn't it because you just want to take up company resources?"

"Rescue the Doomsday" is very popular, and the money earned is naturally countless, but the problem is that Ji's shares in this game are not shared. He, Zheng's father and his team core own most of the shares. Originally, he was expected to develop new games. Playing the game, making money for the Ji family, I didn't expect that it has been so long, and there is no other news except for using Ji's resources.

"Research and development takes time." Ji Yang answered calmly.

Ji Wei caught the conversation and snorted softly, "As far as I know..."

"Besides, brother, you made a mess of that project last time, and it's too late for me to clean up the mess, so how can I have the heart to make some games?" Ji Yang interrupted him again, with a helpless expression on his face.

Hearing this, Ji Wei's face suddenly changed.

As soon as Ji Yang took over, the whole project seemed to come alive again, which really slapped him in the face, and now he feels that everyone is laughing at him when he goes to the company.

"Your elder brother also took over halfway, so naturally he is no more familiar than you." Yin Rong answered with a smile, and put a bowl of soup in front of Zheng Jiayue, "This mother boiled it for you, drink more."

"Thank you, Mom." Zheng Jiayue smiled slightly and took it, but didn't drink it.

"Xiaoyang, don't put too much pressure on you, just do your best. Jiayue lives at home, and I will take care of her for you. Just concentrate on your work." Yin Rong sat down again.

She is more anxious than Ji's father in the development of the game, but one is on the surface and the other is on the inside. I heard that games are very popular now and the cost is low. She doesn't want to let go of any opportunity to make money for Ji Wei. Ji Yang should take it for granted. To give full play to the value and pave the way for her son!

"There is indeed pressure." Ji Yang thought for a while, "I will send Jiajia back to Zheng's house in two days, and I will work overtime for a long time, so I still don't worry about her. She will get used to going to Zheng's house. It’s convenient in the past, but it’s still a bit far away here.”

Zheng Jiayue also became nervous.

She naturally wanted to go home, but she was also afraid that Ji's family would have any opinion on her family, A Yang.

"What's wrong with living at home?" Ji Wei asked directly.

His plan is about to be implemented, and Zheng Jiayue is not around, so it cannot be implemented, and it will be difficult to find an opportunity to use the phone in the future.

"Of course it's my own home. Jiayue is free to live there." Yin Rong winked at Ji Wei and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter where you live." Father Ji waved his hand, as if he didn't care about this topic.

Zheng Jiayue hooked the corners of her mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Wei held back his displeasure.

After the meal, Yin Rong also took the opportunity to mention something to him, "Recently put away your thoughts, Ji Yang is working overtime, you have something to do at this time, do you want to continue the project? No matter what, you have to wait until the project is over, she The child is only a few months old now? The bigger the month, the more dangerous it is, so the effect is the best!"

"What about the opportunity? It's rare for them to miss the opportunity." Ji Wei said.

Zheng Jiayue rarely comes out when she stays with the Zheng family, and it may be difficult to find opportunities. It is difficult for people to be placed in. If the child is born, it will be even more troublesome.

"Aren't the family gatherings coming back?" Yin Rong sneered, with hatred in her eyes, "You asked Ning Wen to give birth to the child properly, I have plenty of ways."

Zheng Jiayue wanted to give birth to this child, but she would never allow it!

With Yin Rong's guarantee, Ji Wei also felt relieved.

at the same time.


"A Yang, can I put some of your clothes in too?" Zheng Jiayue asked the person sitting at the desk.

Ji Yang listened to the silence on the other end of the bug, slowly took off the earphones, and nodded.

It seems that Yin Rong's hatred is much stronger than he imagined.

Looking at the memory of the original owner, Zheng Jiayue had an accident in Ji Zhai. She fell on the stairs and the original owner was pushed away. She was unnoticed all night, and the child died of hypoxia in the abdomen. Suffering from depression, life is worse than death.

It seems that Yin Rong played an indispensable role in it.

That being the case, does he have to return a gift to the other party

The days when Zheng Jiayue lived in Zheng's house were the happiest. Ji Yang would come over after get off work. Zheng's mother took care of her wholeheartedly, and the child in her belly was growing up healthily every day.

The happiest is nothing more than that.

Under Ji Yang's leadership, the Ji family has continued to expand its business, but the game department has been stagnant and can only spend resources on the only game. Ji's father is quite critical, wishing to drain Ji Yang, but he doesn't Dare to speak openly.

Ji Yang also ignored his words, what to do or what to do.

Ning Wen was born prematurely and gave birth to a baby boy.

How can Ji Wei sit still when he hears the news? Yin Rong's brows were beaming with joy, not because she liked the child so much, but because the time had come.

Using the family banquet as an excuse, let Ji Yang take Zheng Jiayue back.

Zheng Jiayue already had a big belly at this time, and Zheng's mother was a little reluctant, "For such a long time, I haven't had a single phone call, so it's okay to think about it, but isn't it a fool to ask you to go back to have a meal at this time?"

It was already a fact that Ji Yang was not welcomed by the Ji family. To be honest, Zheng's father and Zheng's mother didn't think anything of it. The couple could go back to Zheng's house, which was what they wished for.

Naturally, they didn't have a good opinion of Ji's family.

"Mom, it's just a meal." Seeing that she was a little angry, Zheng Jiayue comforted her softly, "A Yang will take good care of me."

"I have to go to Ji's house. I'm really sincere. I can't stay in a hotel outside? Besides, your dad and I haven't seen their invitation." Zheng's mother was very angry, "Yin Rong is really doing things, and she is getting more and more careless!"

"Mom, why don't you go with Dad? We are a family, and it is convenient to take care of Jiajia. I am afraid of accidents by myself." Ji Yang said kindly.

They didn't invite Zheng's mother and didn't want to go, but looking at Zheng Jiayue, the month is so old, Ji Yang took the initiative to ask, does it matter if she has a thicker old face!

No, Ji Yang's couple and Zheng's parents went to Ji's house together.

When Yin Rong opened the door, she was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, mother-in-law, aren't we worried about the couple coming? Ji Yang was afraid that he would not be able to take care of Jiayue, and we were also worried, so we came with a cheeky tone." Zheng's mother took Yin Rong's hand, very hot The network is talking.

"Look at my brain, I forgot to invite you all over together." Yin Rong patted her forehead pretending to be annoyed, and said again quickly, "Come in and sit, come in and sit, Jiayue is about to give birth, right? Be careful .”

Zheng Jiayue called the people in the room, and Ji Yang helped her to sit on the sofa.

Yin Rong looked at Zheng's father and Zheng's mother, feeling annoyed in her heart.

With these two here, how will her plan be implemented? It's obviously not feasible to simply dismiss Ji Yang, but if you don't seize this opportunity, you don't know if you will have another chance next time.

Ning Wen has already given birth to a boy, and if Zheng Jiayue can't give birth to a child, he will be Ji Yang's only heir, and everything will belong to her family, Ji Wei!

"Mother-in-law, we're too embarrassed to sit here without an invitation. I'll help you in the kitchen." Mother Zheng said to her, her words were not at all embarrassing.

Why didn't Yin Rong see it

She is not Ji Yang's biological mother, and the company is managed by Ji Yang. These people just look down on her. Thinking about it, her determination became firmer, and she smiled, "What are you talking about, Jiayue is married to Xiaoyang is gone, Ji's house is her home, you can come if you want, you don't need to help in the kitchen, I'll send someone to bring the cakes, just sit down."

Although Ji's father was displeased with Ji Yang, he and Zheng's father were also business partners at any rate, and they could get along well even if it was just for entertainment.

Mr. Ji was in poor health and did not come down. During this period, Ji Yang and Zheng Jiayue went to see the old man again. The other party's mental state was obviously much worse. Maybe he was a human. At this time, he was more tolerant of everything. When he looked at Zheng Jiayue's stomach, The words carried instructions, and I still really want to see the birth of this child.

Zheng Jiayue promised to bring the child to see him when the child was born, and hoped that he would take good care of his health.

When it was time to eat, Ji Wei came back.

Traveling all over the world, he was also surprised to see so many people, then calmed down, and sat down to eat under Yin Rong's hint.

It is a fact that Ji's family is partial to Ji Wei, and Zheng's father and Zheng's mother indeed regard Ji Yang as their own child, and the dramatic scene at the dinner table appeared.