I am a Good Man

Chapter 101: Fickle and stingy phoenix scumbag (12)


Chen Chunhua probably never expected that at night, Su Qi would give the money to Ji Yang, and even offered to say, "Mom gave it to you."

"Keep it." Ji Yang didn't answer, "Keep some cash with you for emergencies."

"But there is interest in the bank." Su Qi said, she usually didn't have much money on her, and she gave him all the money at home, and she didn't have more than two hundred on her.

"Mom didn't deposit it in the bank for you." He turned around, walked aside, and took out a box from the drawer.

"Mom is afraid that you will abuse me, so save me some food." Su Qi whispered.

Ji Yang laughed, "That's because I've acted in the play, don't worry, I won't abuse you, even if I abuse myself, I won't abuse you."

"give you."

Su Qi looked at the beautifully packaged small box, which looked very expensive at first glance. A thought flashed across her heart, and her heartbeat also accelerated.

She took it over slowly, opened it to look, and there was a diamond ring lying inside. Under the light, the diamond sparkled.

This is real!

The first thought that popped into my mind was because the texture was not fake, but on second thought, according to Ji Yang's temperament...

High imitation

But high imitations are worthless, and he wouldn't do such a thing.

"It's expensive." Ji Yang took it out, pulled her hand up again, and put it on for her, "What gold do you wear? I think they all wear platinum and diamonds."

The ring finger of his right hand was cold, and a ring was put on.

The tip of her nose is a little sour.

At that time, they just took a formality, and she didn't care about it, she didn't even propose a marriage, let alone a ring.

Sometimes I envy others, and later I comfort myself. What she is looking for is a reliable person who can live a life, so these are not important.

But does that woman have no girlish dreams in her heart

"Really?" Su Qi raised her head and asked him stupidly.


"Of course it's true. Platinum and diamonds. I bought it after searching for a long time. This is the best quality, the highest purity, and the certificates are complete, so it can be regarded as a store of value."

"Thirty thousand."

Hearing his serious analysis, methodical, Su Qi completely believed it, if it was a fake, she would not understand it like this, and would not take it so seriously.

"Thirty thousand is very expensive, why buy such an expensive one? There are cheap ones." She looked at her hand and had to admit that it looked good.

"Cheap ones don't hold their value, and the quality is not good." Ji Yang shook his head, "If you want to buy one, of course you should buy expensive ones."

"Did you earn this money as well?" she asked.

Ever since he made money from investing, he has been very willing to give up to her, saying, "Anyway, it's other people's money, just spend it so that you feel it's worth it."

"Of course." Ji Yang looked at the tablet, "I just earned it today. Although it's not that much, I can earn it back if I earn a few more days. I bought it for you in advance. Don't worry, I will keep the account, and I will earn it back sooner or later."

"I believe in you." She smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked.

"You didn't turn off the balcony light." Ji Yang pointed.

"I'll go right away." Su Qi took a look, took two steps forward, then stopped, ran back and kissed him on tiptoe, "Thank you."

Looking at her cheerful back, the corners of Ji Yang's mouth rose slightly.


"Ji Yang, it's time to eat." A man patted Ji Yang on the shoulder.

"You guys go first, I still have some work to do." Ji Yang tilted his head and smiled, and continued flipping through the documents.


There are fewer and fewer people in the office.

"Remember to eat." Su Qi sent a text message.

Ji Yang took the phone over and sent a video call. Su Qi leaned on the bed, her face without makeup appeared on the phone.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I'm going. What about you?" Ji Yang asked.

"I ate it. I was going to have no rest. Mom made me carrot ribs soup." She thought that Chen Chunhua would take the opportunity to preach to her. After all, the other party always wanted to teach her how to be a good wife and daughter-in-law, but it didn't work.

It made her a little flattered.

"Is it good?" Ji Yang chatted with her.

"En." Su Qi nodded, "It's delicious."

"Then drink more."

The two were chatting with each other, and when it was half o'clock, Ji Yang hung up the phone and walked to the elevator.

The programmers in this company have high salaries, and the two-meal company also provides meal subsidies. They either order takeaway or go to the restaurant to eat, anyway, they can afford it.

But Ji Yang never ordered takeaways, nor did he go to restaurants. He always went to the next-door Polytechnic Institute for lunch, and the campus cafeteria was much cheaper.

One meat and two vegetables, a little more rice, six or seven yuan to get it done.

The company can save half of the meal allowance for him.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, before he crossed the road, a little girl rushed up to him, looked up at him, and said nothing.

Ji Yang was startled, and glanced up and down. The other party was wearing a suspender skirt, white cloth shoes, a hat, and a black schoolbag.

"What? You don't know me anymore?" Zhang Dandan said, staring at him, "I'm here to look for you, and I'm here to guard you!"

Ji Yang raised his forehead, "Aren't you in class today? How did you get here?"

After all, the company where the original owner worked was also a Fortune 500 company, and the other party was far away, so I was quite proud to tell her the address, but I didn't expect to be found.

"Skipping class, I bought a plane ticket last night." Zhang Dandan said to him.

"You still have to study hard, it's not good to be absent from class." Ji Yang said earnestly.

"I came to you to ask for an answer. I didn't contact you suddenly. I suddenly got a girlfriend and got married. What did you do to me? Are you not afraid that I will tell your girlfriend that you are flirting with me?" Zhang Dandan raised her voice, a little threatening the taste of.

The little girl is not afraid of the sky and the earth, she feels that she has been treated unfairly, and she is suffocating in her heart, wanting to seek justice for herself.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ji Yang didn't answer, but asked her this instead.

"No, I woke up very early to catch the plane." Zhang Dandan pursed her mouth. She has a hot temper and couldn't stand Ji Yang's sudden alienation.

"I invite you to dinner. We'll talk about it after we have something to do." Ji Yang walked aside and stopped when he saw that she didn't move, "Don't eat? Then I'm leaving."

"Eat it!" Zhang Dandan snorted softly, and ran after him.

The two crossed the road, walked to the side, and entered the campus.

Zhang Dandan is still a little strange, what campus do I go to for dinner? Shouldn't you be going to a restaurant? When she saw the cafeteria, she felt very wronged in her heart.

He came all the way, and he invited her to the cafeteria? Isn't uncle's salary very high

"What do you want to eat? Play it yourself, and I'll pay for it." Ji Yang handed her a plate, and walked to the side by himself, "This one, this one, the one next to it..."

"Six dollars and five."

"Okay, thank you."

Holding the plate, Ji Yang glanced at her, "What are you eating? I'll pay the bill together."

Zhang Dandan wanted to turn around and leave, but he couldn't be reconciled, so he ordered two dishes sullenly, and held them aggrieved.

Is this uncle messing with her

"A total of ten and five dollars."

"Pay it." Ji Yang showed the other party the mobile payment page, looked at the cafeteria, and walked to the left, "Sit here."

It's past the peak meal time now, and there's not much people left.

Zhang Dandan sat down, poked his rice with chopsticks, and looked up at him from time to time, hoping to get his attention.

Ji Yang buried himself in his meal.

He looks refined and elegant, but he is really rude when eating. In her imagination, he should be the kind of uncle who sits in a high-end restaurant, wears a suit, and raises his hands dignifiedly. At this moment, his image is a bit ruined.

Eating a meal for six yuan and five.

To be honest, she had a big gap in her heart.

"You don't want to eat?" Ji Yang looked up and saw that she didn't move.

"No appetite!" Zhang Dandan said angrily.

"Hurry up and go back to school after eating." Ji Yang ate another piece of meat, "You are quite chic, isn't the air ticket cheap?"

Zhang Dandan bit her lip and said nothing.

Of course it's not cheap, more than 900, her monthly living expenses are only 1700, half a month's living expenses are gone, it's okay not to mention, but she is irritable when talking about it.

"What did you come to me for? I see it now." Ji Yang put down his chopsticks and pointed to the rice in front of her, "You should finish eating, don't waste it."

"I just like to waste." Zhang Dandan angrily confronted him, "I don't like to eat this, why do you eat in the cafeteria?"

Ji Yang had no choice but to smile wryly, "Then what should I eat?"

"Anyway... Anyway, it's not a canteen!" Zhang Dandan thought for a long time, but of course he wouldn't say that it didn't fit his image, he could only say so.

"I'm just a part-time worker. I eat in the cafeteria to save money, and I'll take the bus when I go back." Ji Yang said without hesitation.

"It's convenient to take the bus and subway." Zhang Dandan retorted, "But you can order takeaway or go to the restaurant for dinner."

"So you think I look glamorous? I'm a white-collar worker, and I lose face by doing such a thing?" Ji Yang looked at her and said.

Zhang Dandan dodged his eyes, as if he had been hit.

"The cafeteria is cheap and delicious. Why don't you eat it? Besides, the house I live in now belongs to my partner. To put it bluntly, I live in her house to save rent, but I don't have anything myself." Ji Yang looked at her and said with a smile, " Little girl, I am not as tall as you think, you are still young, and many things are very simple in your thinking."

The students are simple-minded and have no contact with the society. After a little fooling around, they think that the other party is very good. A man in his twenties with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands is terrible in their eyes.

Adoration, envy, and desire to cling are all normal.

"I didn't think it would be easy!" Zhang Dandan insisted.

"Then what do you want to do? Want to be with me? The generation gap in thinking is not as big as usual. Are you afraid that I will fool you?" Ji Yang found it funny.

"Didn't you just fool me before?" Zhang Dandan said angrily.

"Then do you think you've been fooled? If you don't come, you won't know my true state, and you will be easily deceived." Ji Yang pointed at the food in front of her, "Why are you with me like this? I have scolded the object for being so wasteful."

"It's nothing." Zhang Dandan said.

"Four dollars and five dollars. In my opinion, wasting a dollar is a waste." Ji Yang said seriously, "The bus fare for me back from get off work is only two dollars."

Zhang Dandan was dumbfounded.

How did the gentle and funny high-quality male uncle become a stingy guy? He cares about all these things.

The image collapsed again.

"Probably you think that being with me, who is so much older than you, can be your life mentor, give you a little more tolerance, and you can also enjoy the fruits of my hard work for so many years. But I tell you, no. "

"I don't have the rest of my energy to cultivate you, and I don't have the time to wait for a child to grow up. I also want to enjoy the ready-made fruit."

"Uncle is very attractive, but also very dangerous."

These words can be regarded as poking Zhang Dandan's thoughts, she insisted, "Then what about your partner? Just because she has a house?"

"A house can save twenty years of struggle." Ji Yang smiled.

Zhang Dandan's heart turned cold, she felt that he was strange, and she was also a little scared. She also knew the reality, but she didn't expect him to be so naked in front of her.

She has feelings for Ji Yang, but she really thinks about what he said.

"So go back, study hard, get in touch with peers, and grow up together." Ji Yang said slowly.

Zhang Dandan still didn't speak.

"I looked at the ticket back home, one thousand three, are you so reckless in doing things?" Ji Yang looked at the phone, then looked up at her.

Zhang Dandan bowed his head, grabbed his hand, and said nothing.

The back and forth was a little more than two thousand, and she wanted to give herself an explanation at that time, and came to him to ask him clearly, but she didn't think too much about it.

She has to overdraft the money and pay it back slowly. It is estimated that she will be very poor this semester.

"What if you can't find me? If I want to hide from you, it's easy." Ji Yang shook his head and sighed, "Forget it, I'll buy you a return ticket, and I'll go back tonight."

Zhang Dandan didn't expect him to say that.

"Don't look at me like that, this is the first and last time, there will be no next time." Ji Yang said.

"Why did you withdraw?" Zhang Dandan was silent for a while, "Obviously you can..."

Before she finished speaking, she closed her mouth.

If he continued to maintain such a relationship, she would definitely fall, but at the critical moment, he suddenly pulled out.

Caught her off guard.

"Because it's unnecessary." Ji Yang said.

"Afraid of getting yourself into trouble? Or are you afraid that she will know?" Zhang Dandan asked.

"Little girl." Ji Yang put the phone aside and looked at her opposite, "If you think too much, there won't be any trouble. I'll quit immediately. If you delete the contact information, you won't be able to find me, and you won't be able to find me. Without her contact information, if something really happens, you have suffered a lot, you can only grit your teeth and swallow it in your stomach."

Zhang Dandan felt a cold air hit from the soles of his feet, his whole body was cold, and he no longer had the momentum to ask questions.

Ji Yang is so much older than her, and has experienced much more than her. If she really wants to play and dump, she has no advantage at all.

A surge of joy suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart.

"You are very good, young and energetic, but her appearance has given me someone I want to protect. You can understand that I have changed my ways." Ji Yang said humorously, "But little girl, we are not flirting, right? ? Why are you talking so badly? At most, it is mutual appreciation between the opposite sex, which is a bit interesting and interesting, but there is someone I like more."

Zhang Dandan blushed, the two did not confirm their relationship.

"You have seen me too, I am a very vulgar person, I come to the university cafeteria to eat a meal of 6.5 yuan, take the bus to save a few dollars, no house, no car, no savings, no staff, in this The cities are struggling, the bottom migrant workers."

"It's nearly thirty, and you little girls who don't know much about the world will take a look and lie to you. When you go to school, you will meet really outstanding people, and you will complain that this uncle is a dick."

"However, you have little social experience, don't think too much, and your mind is pure, which is normal."

"You're not bald yet." Zhang Dandan slowed down and pointed at him, "You're still quite handsome. It's hard to get along in a big city."

Come on, and comfort him up.

"Face can be eaten, and I used it to deceive my partner." Ji Yang said seriously, and then said, "Hurry up and go back to school."

"Of course I will go back, so be it, you are not good at all, I will definitely be better than you in the future, my salary will be higher than yours, and my boyfriend will be many times better than yours!" Zhang Dandan raised his chin slightly.

"Well, answer." Ji Yang nodded, "Don't do this next time, and I won't buy you a plane ticket."

Zhang Dandan: "..."

This uncle is really picky, but he looks quite honest, so she doesn't care about it.

Zhang Dandan looked at the rice in front of her, picked up her chopsticks, and buried her head in eating. She couldn't waste it, otherwise this stingy uncle would have to show his face to others.

After eating a good meal, Ji Yang was still a good person and stopped a car for her and asked the driver to take her to the airport.

"I paid the fare myself." Zhang Dandan went inside and said to him.

"That's what you said, it's not that I don't pay." Ji Yang put his phone away, "Be careful on the road, if you check in late, you will have to deduct money, I'll go back to work first."

After saying that, he waved his hand, turned around and left without mercy.

Looking at his relentless back, Zhang Dandan's eyes dimmed. How could he just say no to his favor

She thought he still had a little affection for her.

It turned out to be nothing, not at all.

There is no gentleness, generosity or elegance, just an ordinary person, so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary, and she really added too much drama.

Looking at the towering buildings outside the window, she was full of distress, desperate for love? Just come? She feels like her brain is flooding now!

Excellent and attractive uncle!

The Internet is a lie!

Only after hearing what Ji Yang said just now did she feel scared. If the uncle wants to have sex, he can push her to her in minutes.

Then pat your ass and leave!

So who is at a disadvantage

She was so dazed.

"Eat more of this, it's very fresh..."

As soon as Ji Yang pushed the door, the voice stopped abruptly. Chen Chunhua was anxious, and put the plate behind him, looking at him with a guilty conscience.

"Mom, what are you doing?" He turned sideways, trying to look back.

"No reason." Chen Chunhua shifted his steps and urged him, "Hurry up and take a shower, we'll have dinner after the shower, we've been waiting for you for a long time, if you don't come back, I'm starving to death!"

Ji Yang stood still.

Something is wrong.

It's so wrong.

On weekdays, he worked overtime a little late, but Chen Chunhua was very worried, wishing to make a series of phone calls, for fear that something would happen to him.

And Su Qi was sitting on the sofa, seemingly eating something in her mouth

He narrowed his eyes and walked over.

"You still don't listen to what mom says, do you?" Chen Chunhua was rarely tough, standing in front of him, pretending to be strong.

Ji Yang glanced at it, what's on the plate

Little wild cherry

He pretended not to see it, turned around and went to the bedroom.

"Hurry up and finish eating, Xiaoyang is going to lose his temper again when he sees it." Chen Chunhua urged Su Qi, grabbed a few and stuffed them into his mouth.

That way, it's like being a thief.

Su Qi couldn't help laughing, her eyes were a little wet.

Chen Chunhua sometimes has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, and his attitude towards her is getting better and better.

"Five yuan a catty is too expensive, and the big ones cost seventy yuan a catty. Aren't they all cherries? Let's eat this, it's good, and it's nutritious." Chen Chunhua mumbled.

"Well, mom, you can eat too."

"Eat it, eat it, anyway, there is still a lot, I can't show it to Xiaoyang, he doesn't need to eat it, he has been in good health since he was a child, and he doesn't eat fruit." Chen Chunhua said.

Is it okay to show him

Now she feels that her son is even more picky than her. God damn it, he treats his grandson with contempt. It's not natural.


"Your jewelry looks good." Chen Chunhua looked at the ring on her hand, "I just bought this to wear, what gold and silver, we don't wear it, this is very fashionable."

She thinks that Su Qi is really sensible, she should have bought an accessory worth a few dollars, and the rest of the money can be used to make up for her grandson.

Su Qi felt guilty, "Thank you, Mom."

Chen Chunhua waved his hand, in a good mood, "Mom made you yam soup, eat more."
