I am a Good Man

Chapter 552: A soft rice man who escapes reality (6)


Ji Yang has been at home for the past few days, so fewer people ask him to write articles, and now they only give him one hundred yuan for an article.

He didn't answer at all, and concentrated on taking care of the baby at home.

At the same time, the number of people who followed him gradually decreased, occasionally answering a post, and there were scolding below.

Many people said that he was talking nonsense, and he was simply fooling people, causing them to lose their hard-earned money.

Occasionally, articles that satirize him will be highly praised.

For all this, Zhang Hao was indignant, and in his spare time, he went to the Internet to scold and quarrel with others, with an arrogant attitude.

Cursing and cursing, the attention has increased a lot, and many people watched him die.

Some people even suspected that he was Ji Yang's trumpet, who came out to disgust others.

"Labor and management are scolding you to death! Fuck!" Zhang Hao saw another comment scolding him, and got angry again.

"Young Master Zhang." The girl next to him sat over, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and leaned her whole body towards him, her voice raspy.

He glanced at it, "You came just in time, hurry up, scold him!"

"Huh?" The girl was dumbfounded, "I don't know how to curse people."

"Go away if you don't know how to swear!" Zhang Hao's tone was not very good.

The girl who was about to seduce him was stunned, have men's tastes changed now

"Hurry up and take out your phone? You don't have to do anything today, just scold them to death!" Zhang Hao snorted coldly, continued to click on the next comment, and continued to type, "As long as you have a long mouth, just You would say... idiot, come on, come and find me."

"Spraying dung all over your mouth, do you still think your mouth is fragrant?"

Days like this often happen in the next few days.

Zhang Hao also gave that girl a salary of 10,000 a day, so he scolded him, and scolded those people to death!

However, the fund that Ji Yangrang invested in didn't improve, Nanyao was still falling, and the Chengyang index kept rising.

Even Zhang's father came to him, "Tell me, how much did you lose this time?"

"I didn't lose!" Zhang Hao retorted.

"Not losing money? I heard that you found an investor to help you invest? Or someone with no name?" Father Zhang looked at him with a helpless expression, "How many times have I told you, don't believe this. "

"What do they have? They are all scams!"

This son just didn't fall badly enough.

He just waited for Zhang Hao's fall to hurt, and then obediently returned to work in the company, and then took over the company.

"This one is different. It reveals the aura of a great god at first glance. Dad, just trust me once." Zhang Hao emphasized that he trusted Ji Yang quite a lot.

"If you still have the breath of a god, you will be deceived! You will be honest if you lie a few more times." Father Zhang didn't believe what he said at all.

"I won't be cheated, definitely not this time!" Zhang Hao vowed, and looked at him, parting the corner of his mouth, a little smug, "Anyway, this time, I will definitely not go back."

After finishing speaking, he put one hand in his pocket and walked upstairs very chicly.

Father Zhang looked at his silly and sweet son, he could only touch his forehead, he was so angry that he had nothing to do.

It seems that he still needs to hone and hone, he has been ready for a while, and this kid came to him dejectedly, and he must be as disgraced as before.

the next day.

Xiao Mianmian climbed onto Ji Yang's body, stretched out her small hand and pulled his mouth, using this unique method to wake up her father.

The daddy opened his eyes vaguely, picked up his daughter with one hand, and walked to the bathroom.

After that, he made milk powder, changed clothes, and he was already proficient in a series of things. After dealing with it, he began to write articles.

Today is the day to invest again.

Not many people read it now, but it still needs to be written.

After a while, a manuscript was published on his official account.

The investment plan for the new week is a must-see: "Nanyao can continue to buy a wave of bottoms. It is recommended to buy one and sell Chengheng Medical at the same time."

This post made him, who almost lost his popularity, be pushed to the hot search list again.

Everyone wants to see what kind of monster he wants to do.

How dare you come out after being scolded like that, is your face like a wall

"How dare you buy Nanyao, what has Nanyao lost?"

"Chengheng Medical is rising, and now it's called selling. I think it should be understood in this way. You can buy whatever he tells you to sell, and you will win."

"I agree with what the upstairs said, maybe he is really a god, but he is not a god who makes you money."

Ironic voices keep appearing, and there are never many keyboard warriors, and they are entertained by ridicule and sarcasm, and then look for a sense of presence.

Zhang Hao took a look, why did Ji Yang call him Buy Nanyao again

There has been no improvement in the past few days, and he is also anxious in his heart. Father Zhang called him today, and the deadline is coming.

If you lose too much, you have to go home.

"I have to trust him." Zhang Hao just called Ji Yang, and pressed his hand again.

"No, wait another day."

Wait until the next day.

If there is no particularly big ups and downs, Cheng Yang is still growing, and those who listened to Ji Yang's words regretted it.

It is estimated that he will have to scold him for a few days.

Zhang Hao felt that only one day had passed and he still had to wait.

In the end, he couldn't sit still, and asked his good buddies to go racing. He didn't come back until midnight, and he was still thinking about it before falling asleep.

The first thing you do when you wake up is to read the latest updates.

Nanyao still remained unchanged, and even fell by 0.23%. He sat up impatiently.

So anxious.

At this time, Zhang's mother called him, "Son, I'm coming back for dinner today. Your father has something to ask you."

"I'm not free." Zhang Hao refused directly, softly, "Mom, please help me persuade Lao Zhang not to be so anxious."

What else can I do with him

Definitely have to pull him back.

Fund investment doesn't make money. I don't know if Ji Yang's investment makes money. He has to ask.

No, not to ask.

He hasn't seen his daughter for a long time, go see his daughter.

As soon as he said it, Zhang Hao got up and didn't forget to buy the milk powder and diapers that Ji Yang mentioned last time.

How can a box show his sincerity

Come three boxes!

At least he has to contract his daughter's diapers and milk powder for a year.


At this time, there were six cardboard boxes piled up in the dilapidated small house that Ji Yang rented, occupying less than half of the living room.

Zhang Hao also expected the great god to give him an appreciative look, but Ji Yang remained expressionless.

And what is he doing

Zhang Hao watched with the corners of his mouth twitching.

At this time, Ji Yang and her daughter were sitting on the ground with the yoga mat spread out again. He looked at Zhang Hao, pointed to the sofa, "Sit down, you're welcome."

"No, I'll just squat down." Zhang Hao squatted down next to the two of them.

Xiao Jinjin looked at his father, who was holding two pieces of grapefruit peels in his hand, and was still patting them on the ground. The dug grapefruit was put aside, and Ji Yang was modifying the grapefruit shell.

The entire pomelo shell is too heavy, so you have to dig out a layer inside, it will be thinner, and then make a shape on the front, then he picked it up, looked at Xiao Jinjin, "Dad has changed it."

"Hmm." Xiao Jinjin stretched out her head.

Ji Yang slowly put the grapefruit shell on her head, and she smiled, but the dad still said with a serious face, "You are... the princess of the grapefruit peel."

"@#¥¥..." Xiao Jinjin was holding half of a grapefruit shell, or a unique grapefruit shell, clapping her small palms, very excited.

Zhang Hao: "..."

He looked at the father and daughter and felt that he was out of place.

"Princess Grapefruit Peel, hurry up, drink the milk." Ji Yang took the milk from the side, Xiao Jinjin was still smiling, and went to take it with his little hands.

After drinking, I hugged the grapefruit and played with it.

"Master." Seizing the opportunity, Zhang Hao quickly asked, "How about the investment you mentioned last time?"

"Didn't you say two months?" Ji Yang sat back on the computer chair, crossed Erlang's legs, and looked at him.

"No, there is no movement in that fund's investment." Zhang Hao was anxious.

"The fund's investment return is three to five years, how many times do I need to say it?" Ji Yang held the armrest with his hands and couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"No, I fell again, and I'm going to be caught back." Zhang Hao scratched his head, "Help me, go back and be my dad's secretary, I might as well die."

He was spinning back and forth anxiously.

Xiao Jinjin looked at the yellow-haired uncle, then at her father, and touched the grapefruit shell on her head.

Hers is the best looking.

Thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to pat the grapefruit again, and smirked at his father.

"That won't work. You are too anxious. I am under a lot of pressure. I have to bear a lot of market risks and study various trends. I'm afraid 10% is a bit small." Ji Yang sighed, "Actually, it's not impossible. Be quick, cut the time in half."

The pressure to buy a house is high, and the daughter-in-law feels insecure and has no choice.

"I can give you a little more, twenty percent, please God." Zhang Hao almost knelt down and begged him, his whole body exuded the aura of a poor child.

"This is very difficult." Ji Yang looked at the six boxes of "practical supplies" he brought, thinking about how much money he could save.

Buying a house is another step.

"Thirty percent, thirty percent." Zhang Hao widened his eyes and stretched out three fingers, "Is that okay? I'll delay my dad for another half a month."

As long as he can be free, as long as he can spend a few more years with girls, he is willing. It's not about money.

Just don't go back.

Fifty he is willing too!

Ji Yang looked at him, thought for a while, "Okay!"

Buy a house and go one step further.

"Thank you, Great God." Zhang Hao seemed to have been redeemed, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to continue his bright and unrestrained life!

"It's okay." Ji Yang waved his hand.

"Master, I've been scolding you on the Internet, when will the fund you mentioned be able to rise?" Zhang Hao asked his own doubts.

Given the money, he and the master are bound together, isn't calling him stupid the same as calling yourself stupid? His pride does not allow him to be scolded, he is the coolest Mr. Zhang.

"Tomorrow." Ji Yang said.

"Tomorrow?" Zhang Hao didn't expect it to be so soon, and was a little excited.

"Well, tomorrow, it will be turned over." Ji Yang gave an affirmative answer.

"That's great, isn't it?" Mr. Zhang's eyes lit up again, and when he looked at Ji Yang, his heart began to beat faster.

Xiao Jinjin stared at this strange Shushu with wide eyes.

"Go back and wait." Ji Yang began to order the eviction again.

"Okay." Zhang Hao was still very happy, and he was still bouncing when he went out, and then Ji Yang heard a scream.

Mr. Zhang staggered with his left foot and his right foot, and fell into the corridor.

In front of him, there was another aunt holding a trash egg and looking at him.

There are some unspeakable violations in the picture.

When he got into the car, he was still excited. When he thought about the price hike tomorrow, he would be able to give those people a bad mouth, which was really satisfying.


Since it is going to increase tomorrow, why did he increase Ji Yang's rate to 30%

Oh, soon he figured it out again.

That's another investment, not a fund investment. The Great God always has a reason and sense of proportion in doing things.

at the same time.

Ji Yang sat in front of his daughter, Xiao Jinjin took off the grapefruit shell and wanted to put it on top of his head.

He bent his head, wearing a small grapefruit shell on his head was a bit funny.

"Hehehe." Xiao Jinjin looked at him and smiled.

"At this time, I am the king of grapefruit peel." Ji Yang looked at Xiao Jinjin, "Who are you?"

"@!@##¥..." Xiao Jinjin moved twice, continued to laugh, and reached out to take it off again.

"Don't tamper with the king's pomelo peel crown." Ji Yang squinted at her with a straight face.

"Ah!" Xiao Jinjin yelled, and crawled over to reach out to grab him, and when she reached out, she grabbed his hair.

"Hiss..." Ji Yang's 'grapefruit peel crown' was ripped off, and Xiao Jinjin asked him to put it on his head again.

Cao Jin also received photos.

In the photo, Xiao Jinjin is holding a peeled grapefruit in her arms, with a grapefruit shell on her head, looking at the camera with a smile.

Father Cao called again today to ask her for money, and he was in a bad mood, so he laughed when he saw it.

She just wanted to go home quickly and be with them.

Thinking of this, his pace quickened a bit, and he walked towards the door with his bag in a hurry.

There were still some people watching behind her, and it was inevitable that they would start discussing again.

"Why is Manager Cao so anxious to go back? When I go out, I can only see her back."

"Don't you know? Her husband is at home looking after the children, so he has to go back to do the housework. He's in a hurry, and he came here in the morning."

"Huh? So hard?"

"Yes, what do you say marrying a man? Women do all the housework to make money and take care of children. It's just asking for guilt. It's better to live alone, leisurely, and don't need to be angry."

At this time, Cao Jin was answering a call from Cao's mother, and the other party exchanged greetings, faltering and saying, "Your father called today..."

"I don't have a father." Cao Jin interrupted her.

"Okay, okay, mom doesn't say that." Cao's mother waited for a while before she finished speaking, "He called today."

"What are you calling for?" Cao Jin frowned, a little unhappy, there must be nothing good.

"He...he wants to borrow money from Mom." Mother Cao said more and more quietly.

"Borrow money? How dare I ask you to borrow money? I have no money, I don't have any, and I won't give it to him if I donate it, and I won't return it to him!" Cao Jin refused without thinking.

"Hey, after listening to what mom said, your younger brother is going to get married, and the woman's family has now raised the requirements. It used to say that you can buy an old house with one bedroom and one living room. Now you want to buy a new house, and a small new house costs more than four million. " Cao's mother said helplessly, "They bought all the original houses, and now rent a house to live in."

Cao Jin was speechless.

The house Cao’s father lives in is considered nearby, because it’s close, and the unit price of an old broken house can be sold for tens of thousands, and a house can barely be sold for hundreds of thousands. The Xi family quit.

A new house is necessary, and the unit price of a new house is tens of thousands, even if it is small, it will cost several million.

"Mom, you paid some money for the apartment back then, so you sold it and borrowed it?" Cao Jin snorted coldly. Cao's mother had nothing for the divorce.

"He doesn't marry over there, doesn't he think that he is a professor and can help his son?" Mother Cao sighed, "All the land in my hometown has been sold at a low price, and there is still a lot of difference. Your father...he said to go I sold my kidney."

"Then let him sell it." Cao Jin sneered, absolutely impossible.

Selling and renting a house to live in is ruthless enough.

"Hey." Mother Cao sighed again, "It is estimated that the bank has borrowed a lot, but it is still not enough. I have to make a down payment of more than one million yuan. The woman said that the people who hold the banquet can have hundreds of thousands of money, and I will pay them back at that time."

"Then they still owe more than two million yuan, can they pay back the monthly payment?" Cao Jin didn't know what to say, is the Xi family crazy

The amount of money for the banquet also depends on the identities of Xi's father and Xi's mother. Xi Lin has just organized it once, so he will definitely not give so much money again.

"He has no choice but to go to the construction site again. His wife works two jobs, as a nanny and a cleaner. They said that the two of them can't afford it, and they need their parents to help. But they will find a job for his son." Cao Mother answered.

"How much do you borrow?" Cao Jin asked.

It's just for Cao Xinwen.

"Say one hundred thousand, how can I have so much?" Mother Cao replied.

"No matter how much you borrow, it's useless. Don't be soft-hearted, mom. They're still buying a house. Ji Yang, your granddaughter and I are renting a house, and the rent is gone. Jinjin has no money for milk powder." Cao Jin also pretended poverty.

"Really?" Cao's mother shifted her attention, "Poor thing, mom will send you some money, poor thing."

"I can still support it for a while now, mom, save it first, we will have to pay the rent in a few months, and we will have no money at that time, and we don't know if we can afford to live here." Cao Jin said sadly, and Cao's mother My heart aches.

He also told her not to wrong herself, and definitely not to wrong herself and the child.

Cao Jin didn't know whether he was obsessed with acting or the recent troubles in the Xi family, so he choked up when he spoke.

In the end, she didn't cry, but Cao's mother felt that she must be working hard, so she started crying by herself because of her soft temper.

Diluting Cao Jin's sadness all at once made her a little dumbfounded.

When I hung up the phone, I told Cao's mother to take care of herself, and the other party said that she would come to see her after a while and bring her some eggs and vegetables.

In the eyes of each other, their life is very bitter.

Cao Jin just got home, and when he opened the door, he saw six big cardboard boxes in the room with a confused expression on his face.

Ji Yang was playing games with his daughter in his arms, and she was sitting in his arms. He said while playing, "Shoot, shoot, hit someone bad, hit him."

Xiao Jinjin would laugh all the time.

But her concentration is not that long, and she is not good at facing the computer, so Ji Yang often cheats her teammates.

He picked up his daughter and stood up, looked at Cao Jin, and said casually, "That customer sent it, probably a fool with a lot of money."

Cao Jin squatted down to look at it, startled, "They are all very expensive milk powder, there are many cans in a box."

Children spend the most on milk powder and diapers, which are the big items that cost money. How do you buy so much at once

"I want him to buy imported ones." Ji Yang picked up his daughter, raised it above his head, and said, "Daddy will make imported high-end milk powder for you, and the money saved can buy a house earlier."

"@@#¥#..." Xiao Jinjin cooperated with her father in singing the birdsong, staring at her little feet.

Ji Yang tore open the carton, took a can of milk powder and walked to the kitchen. Cao Jin stood up and looked at him, "Why is he here again today?"

"Worry, and then I took the opportunity to mention a 30% share." Ji Yang turned to look at her, "I have to make a lot of money, otherwise how can I buy a house?"

Cao Jin looked at his mean look, and said everything so casually, and couldn't help feeling a little bit sympathetic to that client.

"Is it reliable?" She was a little worried, and it sounded very mysterious.

"He's a rich second generation. He invests with his father's money. He's a fool with a lot of money and has no idea about money. His father just waits for me to lie to him, and drags him back for education." Ji Yang waited for the water to boil, and said He patted his daughter's head.

"I'm not a liar. His dad probably wants my investment to fail, and he wants me to succeed. Whether I succeed or not, I have nothing to lose." He pursed his lips and smiled again, "So, I want to make a big deal, It is not acceptable to ask for a management fee, it is just a cover, otherwise he will be arrested before he is asked for it."

"The greater the risk, the better, maybe we will turn around?" Ji Yang smiled and showed his white teeth.

Cao Jin looked at him, a little confused, but it seemed that what he said was a little bit right, there was no risk, and Ji Yang had a brain, so he probably wouldn't fall into the trap.

"What are you thinking about?" Ji Yang came out after making milk powder, and patted her head with one free hand, "Don't worry, I've been researching recently, if I make money, I'll save him and us, if I don't make money, I'll be honest It's such an easy thing to make money."

Cao Jin looked at him without any pressure, and said slowly, "I have the pressure for you."


She looked at him with clear beautiful eyes, "I think you succeeded."

This kind of shit luck may be gone for a lifetime, there are not many fools, and there are even fewer rich fools.

Ji Yang suddenly laughed lowly, and seemed to have no idea, teasing his daughter, "Then it will be successful."

"Isn't that right? Princess Grapefruit Peel, daddy will buy you a princess dress when you're rich, and you can change it every day!"

"We drink this milk powder every day."

Cao Jin looked at his upturned mouth, he didn't seem to have any worries, and he didn't have that much desire for money, and he was still so unmotivated.

If you can't die from hunger, eat better if you have money. The wish is as simple as that.

She sighed, and didn't want to put too much pressure on him.

Forget it, it's good to live like this.

With a child and him, she seems to only need to work with peace of mind. Originally said to make money to support the family, Ji Yang seems to be able to afford it, and never mentioned taking her money.

She is free now, life will always be fine, don't be in such a hurry.

the next day.

For most people, it was an ordinary day.

But it was different for Zhang Hao. It was a day he had been looking forward to for a long time, which made him very excited.

It is important to break back the important moment of the game.

However, he was half asleep in the hotel, and he didn't know when he had rolled out of bed, and his other foot was still on the bed.

The reason is that after returning from Ji Yang's place yesterday, he has been staring at his phone for most of the day. He felt that the time passed too slowly and he couldn't fall asleep. He drank a bottle of red wine to make the time pass more quickly. faster.

And then here comes the present.

The phone kept ringing on the side, and he was motionless, still dreaming, and would smirk from time to time.

In the dream, he reached the pinnacle of his life by investing without using his brain, and his assets surpassed his father's.

And his father, proud of him, was very polite to him.

Wherever he went since then, there were beautiful women like clouds, wearing sunglasses and cigars, and wearing a windbreaker, so cool.

"Hello Brother Hao."

"Brother Hao."

"That's Zhang Hao, amazing."

Everyone in the dream was flattering him, Zhang Hao closed his eyes and began to giggle again, raised his hand, "Be more modest."

Suddenly, Ji Yang's indifferent face appeared in the dream, and he suddenly felt guilty, and his feet fell off the bed.

With a "bang", I woke up suddenly.

The setting light outside was dazzling, and the sun was about to set. He got up quickly, and the first thing he did was look for his phone.

The phone was dead.

He hurried to find the data cable, and waited anxiously while plugging it in, shaking his feet constantly, wishing that time would pass faster.

"Tell me to turn it on quickly." Mr. Zhang was very annoyed, if he didn't use it in a hurry, he would smash it.

After finally waiting for the boot, it got stuck.

"Trash!" He gritted his teeth and jumped anxiously.

Without him having to open up the latest fund data, his phone was constantly vibrating, and he was overwhelmed by private messages.

"Buzz buzz."

"Buzz buzz buzz."

"Ding ding ding."

It hadn't been charged much, and it kept vibrating and ringing, and this broken phone turned off gloriously again.

Zhang Hao's face darkened.

Of course he didn't know that this morning, the posts on the Internet and Ji Yang's official account part-time jobs were all the rage, ranking first in the most searched.

The Nanyao Index rose sharply by five yuan, while the Chengyang Index fell by 20%. It can be said to be very violent. The Chengheng Index also fell by 7%, and the Changsheng Index also fell by 10%. five.

Most of the funds that Ji Yangrang sold fell. Nanyao bought several times in a row, all at low points, and made a profit in one go.

If you listen to his plan at the time, today's annual income is now 38%.

All of a sudden, he went from the person ridiculed by others to an investment boss.

In the past, he kept belittling, and the more he belittled, the more powerful the rebound is now. His official account can increase hundreds of thousands of fans in one day, and the followers of his posts have reached the million level.

No way, who doesn't want to stabilize financial management against inflation

And it’s still capital preservation, just treat it as your own savings.

Ji Yang didn't move much, everyone called him "Buddhist boss", and when Zhang Hao saw the news, he laughed like an idiot in the hotel.

Holding the phone one by one.

"I'm not an idiot, you are all idiots."

"Yeah, I invested eleven million, how much money do you think I'm making now? I won't tell you!"

"What's the madness? You're still an investment expert, I see, hurry home and hide, don't come out and show yourself."

"Hehehe, what a big tone, you will also invest? Come and give it a try, otherwise you don't know what kind of rubbish you are."

He scolded until night, didn't eat all day, and his stomach hurt, and finally posted his profit of 4 million in a single post under the post, and yelled wildly.

Afterwards, he sent the picture to Pharaoh, jumped out of the door, and tipped the waiter thousands of dollars when he was happy.

the other end.

Ji Yang received hundreds of thousands of private messages, but he didn't respond at all.

At this time, after blowing up a balloon, he saw that Cao Jin was going to take a bath, so he quickly picked up Xiao Jinjin.

"Come on, let's continue playing the balloon princess game." He threw the balloon up, and then hugged Xiao Jinjin.

As soon as the balloon fell, Xiao Jinjin's head went up, and the balloon flew up again.

Fall again.

"I top it."

Xiao Jinjin looked up at the balloon, and when he fell down, his father would hold her and push him up.

She grinned with every push, drool running down her chin.

"Oh." Ji Yang took out a piece of paper and wiped it for her. He threw it away before he wiped it well, and ran away with her, "It's over, it's over."

When the balloon was about to fall, Dad put her down, face up, then supported her head, and pushed her up.

The balloon flew up again.

"Hehehe." Xiao Jinjin closed her eyes, danced and started laughing.

"I'm so scared, push it up again." Ji Yang hugged her upright, and pushed the balloon up again.

He just ran around the house with Xiao Jinjin in his arms.

When Cao Jin came out of the shower, she heard the laughter inside, so she decided not to go over.

I'm afraid that Ji Yang won't be able to let go, and I'm also afraid that seeing him with a lower IQ will lower my image in my heart!

It was late at night.

This "Buddhist investment tycoon" finally posted a post. He is not as embarrassing as Mr. Zhang, it seems that he is really Buddhist.

New round of investment guide: "Buy one share of Huarui Index, no need to sell. Suggestion: If you didn't sell Changsheng and Chengyang before, you will lose money if you sell it now. If you wait for the rise, it may take a long time."

So, you decide whether to sell yourself or not.

This time, as soon as his investment plan came out, the number of people who followed him bought several times more than before, and some companies even wanted to invite him to be a fund manager.

The income can be high.

One million a year is not just talk.

Ji Yang refused.

Now is not the time.

That boy Zhang Hao was happy, and sent three more boxes of milk powder, and several boxes of fruit, saying that he would like to thank Ji Yang.

He felt that the Great God was going to flatter him.

He has already redeemed it and earned 4 million. He decided to give Ji Yang 500,000 to show his sincerity.

It is more important to establish an intimate relationship with powerful people than for petty gains.

"No, no need." Ji Yang had no expression on his face, as if he was not interested in the money.

Cao Jin was listening, five hundred thousand.

Her arms holding Xiao Jinjin tightened, but she didn't speak, her feet seemed to be a little soft, and there might be something wrong with her ears.

"It's only half a million, give your daughter a red envelope." Mr. Zhang has always been very angry. After all, if you are happy, you can spend hundreds of thousands in nightclubs. What is this

Cao Jin couldn't stand anymore, and looked at his daughter.

Good value.

Xiao Jinjin was still waiting for her big round eyes to look at that strange sorghum whose hair was yellow.

"No, the last investment has now reached 12 million. Do you want to continue? I don't think the increase will be much." Ji Yang still refused.

Now it was Zhang Hao whose legs were weak, "Really...really?"

It's not for the money, it's for the pride in front of Lao Zhang, and Lao Zhang will never scold him as a prodigal again.

No need to go back to the company to be Lao Zhang's secretary!

"Do you think I'm joking?" Ji Yang looked at him sideways, frowned, and spoke slowly.

Zhang Hao opened his mouth wide, then turned around, coughed lightly and then turned back, stepped forward and grabbed Ji Yang's hand, "Benefactor, no, God, no, savior, I must treat you to dinner, no, Great kindness and great virtue... "

Cao Jin: "..."

It seems really silly.

"No need to go to work!" Zhang Hao jumped up and made a cheering gesture, "yes!"

"Wow..." Xiao Jinjin was so scared that he cried, she pursed her mouth, and the next second, tears came out of her eyes, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Zhang Hao, who was excited, was embarrassed for a while, petrified.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." tears kept streaming down xiao jinjin's tears.

Zhang Hao was finally kicked out.

He was very guilty, and decided to round up a round number for Ji Yang, give him a share of two million, and then go back to deal with Lao Zhang with the money.

What the second idiot lacks the most is not money.

Zhang family.

Zhang's father was stunned at him, with a dark face, and seemed unhappy. Zhang Hao was still humming, raising his hands and swaying to the rhythm.

"Okay!" Father Zhang reprimanded lightly.

"Old Zhang, old Zhang, don't be angry, what can I do if I have the ability?" He said, shaking his body, "I can't help it, I can't help it."

Father Zhang picked up the oranges on the table and was about to throw them over.

"Oh, you are angry, Lao Zhang calm down, it is not good for the heart, so the son will leave first." After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he slipped away faster than a monkey.

"I'll beat you to death!" Zhang's father was so angry that he threw a few more oranges over.

Zhang Hao laughed even more happily.

Looking at his leaving back, Zhang's father frowned. He didn't expect Zhang Hao's method to work.

this young man...

What the hell!

Cao Jin and Ji Yang were also sitting on the bed.

She looked at the numbers on the phone, almost staring at them, and started counting again, "One, ten, hundred..."

"Your eyes are going to go blind." Ji Yang snatched her phone, "No one put it so close."

"Two million, aren't you excited?" Cao Jin felt dazed now, and took his hand, "He gave us two million, it's two million!"

"I also helped him earn more than 10 million yuan." Ji Yang's face remained unchanged, and he spoke calmly.

"Shall we go buy a house?" Cao Jin leaned over to him and said, "This way we can save the rent and pay off the mortgage."

"What can two million buy?" Ji Yang shook his head.

"We have 2.13 million." She calculated carefully, it was more than 2 million.

"Almost, you can buy this house with a loan, why not rent it here, how troublesome is it to move around?" He replied.

Cao Jin forgot that he didn't like trouble, and sighed in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Yang said again, "Isn't the interest of two million tens of thousands enough to pay the rent? What's the rush?"

Cao Jin was right to hear what he said, but it was impossible for them to make more money. In her heart, Ji Yang had just stepped on shit luck this time, and it would definitely not happen in the future.

That's all they have at most.

Forget it, if you don’t save it anymore, just wait and see.

She was thinking here, Ji Yang didn't take it seriously at all, he was playing with Xiao Jinjin on his stomach, lying on his stomach for a while, facing each other, he also propped his chin with his hands, looking at Xiao Jinjin.

"Hee hee." She squinted and smiled, looking at Dad.

"Do you know how much your crying was worth?" Ji Yang looked at her with a serious face.

Hundreds of thousands more.

Xiao Jinjin didn't know what her father was talking about, so she sat up, crawled towards Ji Yang, and sat in front of him.

Stretch out your hands, grab his hair, and pull it.

Ji Yang's entire face was wrinkled, "Song Song Song!"

Xiao Jinjin let go of his hand, looked down at him, then tilted his head again, and said something seriously, "@#¥…"

Ji Yang blinked, "Don't pull Dad's hair."

Xiao Jinjin bent over again, "@@#…"

"I'll be angry!" He scowled.

Xiao Jinjin drooled again, "@#@#…"

Cao Jin watched the two ask and answer, as if communicating without barriers, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Could it be that there is some secret code that she doesn't know

Before thinking about it, Ji Yang sat up straight in her sight, put his hands on his waist, and then pushed them out, using qigong to push his daughter who was against him.

Xiao Jinjin fell backwards, with her feet on the ground and her hands still twitching.

"Be honest!" Ji Yang looked down at her, took a pillow, and gently placed it on his daughter.

Cao Jin: "..."

Childish or not