I am a Good Man

Chapter 561: A soft rice guy who escapes reality (15)


The affairs of the Xi family are far from over.

Xi's mother was very strong all her life, desperate for face and proud, now she can only lie on the hospital bed with half of her body paralyzed, and she will have to rely on medicine to get by in the future.

Since then, she has become irritable and irritable, Xi Jing can't be relied on anymore, she can only rely on Xi Lin, calling several times a day to urge him to come over.

Father Xi was also hospitalized.

There are two old people together, and he has only one person. Xi Jing would be fine if he didn't make any trouble, and it's impossible for Ran Shanshan to take care of him.

He still has to go to work, thinking about hiring a nurse.

A nurse pays one hundred and fifty a day, which is usually easy money, but now both of them are hesitant.

Xi's mother wanted to invite her more, but after hesitating, she didn't want it.

The debtors have also come to the door, not only knowing where the Cao family lives, but also the address of the Xi family.

If Xi Jing's debts are evened out, plus her credit card, it will cost at least 1.6 million.

It's all like this, she actually thought of going to Cao Xinwen to make peace.

Xi Lin had a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, he was so angry that he was half dead, and his work was also messed up.

On the first day Xi's mother came home, she dragged her half numb foot, raised her hand, and slapped Xi Jing with all her strength.


Xi Jing was beaten to the ground by her, the right side of her face was swollen quickly, and her ears were buzzing. Xi's mother gritted her teeth and trembled with anger, "Look at what you look like now? You still look like a human being!" Is it? It hurt the whole family!"

"You've ruined our family."

Xi Jing has been in a daze for the past few days, her skin is sallow and skinny, and she is lying on the ground unable to get up.

Xi's father went to stop Xi's mother, but she broke free. She hated iron for being weak and scolded angrily, "This is what you will end up with if you want to marry Cao Xinwen. It's okay if you don't have a good life, and bring the whole family into it."

Xi Jing sat up with a dazed expression, crying all the time, and shouted, "Mom, you forced him, you forced him!"

"You told me that if you want to live in a new house, you must buy it. He has no money at all. He was good before getting married. He treated me very well. After getting married, he changed under so much pressure."

"He doesn't want me anymore."

Xi Jing cried and laughed, her shoulders were shaking all the time, and at the end she spoke intermittently, her voice mournful.

She and Cao Xinwen have been together for almost ten years from the campus to the society, and they have been parting each other constantly.

"Are you blaming me now? What's so good about Cao Xinwen? Huh?" Xi's mother couldn't accept the question the most, and continued to yell at her, "Now you owe more than one million yuan, what do you think you should do? You ask Cao Xinwen to help you pay it back, isn't it? Me and your dad want to get the bottom line?!"

Xi Jing cried and did not speak.

"Mom, you just got out of the hospital, so don't get mad." Xi Lin helped her to the sofa, and Xi's mother kept scolding her.

The room was full of Xi Jing's crying. During this period of time, she was out of her mind. She hadn't washed her hair for half a month. She brushed her teeth when she fell asleep every day, ate when she was hungry, and then started crying.

The walking dead, completely impersonal.

No one in Xi's family has time to talk to her, and the aunts who cook are not hired. Xi's father starts cooking, as long as he can eat. Xi's mother drags her body to clean up the housework. take on debt.

The Xi family couldn't get the money.

However, the final result was the same. Xi Jing knew that Cao Xinwen gambled, and also spent the money, repeatedly reaching out to Cao Xinwen for money for family and luxury purchases.

Borrowing money is within the marriage of two people and belongs to the joint debt of husband and wife.

Xi Lin completely gave up, and his whole body became haggard, and Xi's mother even forced him to pick up Ran Shanshan.

Ran Shanshan came back. When it was mentioned that the house was mortgaged, she packed up her things and wanted to leave. She said calmly, "Xi Lin, my parents also paid for the house. Now you say it is mortgaged. Who will pay back the money? We still have money." Mortgage, but also to live."

"My parents' house has already been mortgaged, Xiaojing... Xiaojing's money must be paid back, otherwise what should I do?" Xi Lin sat decadently on the bedside, propping his forehead.

A splitting headache.

"That's your family's business, not mine. I married you, not your family. Why should I be responsible for your sister? It's more than one million yuan. You're ashamed to say that." Ran Shanshan snorted coldly, not at all. compromise.

Xi Lin looked up at her, she was standing by the bed, with her hands crossed around her chest, her eyes were full of firmness, without any emotion, which made him feel a little strange.

After staring at it for a long time, his voice was hoarse, and he said slowly, "I thought we could still discuss it. Do you think I want a mortgage? I want to be in debt?"

"What if I don't pay it back? The interest rate is so high, Xiao Jing will be ruined for the rest of her life."

Ever since the Xi family had an accident, Ran Shanshan hadn't appeared a few times, and the Ran family had only spoken out to protect their own interests, let alone tide over difficulties together.

"I brought a dowry of two million, not to live a life where not only the housing loan but also debts are required!" Ran Shanshan emphasized word by word, quite angry.

Xi Lin looked at her, not knowing how to refute for a while.

He thought he was the leading party in this marriage, but he was not. Although Ran Shanshan liked him, she was also like him, and needed to find someone who was "well-matched" to share the risks.

She just happened to like him.

"You should take care of the family affairs first. If you have to mortgage, then you can pay it back. Besides, I will pay more for the mortgage. Each spends his own money. You are responsible for other scattered expenses." Ran Shanshan After finishing speaking, he looked at him calmly and said, "You know, this is very unfair to me, and I have made the biggest concession."

Xi Lin thought he was heartless, marriage was just finding a partner, it was impossible to help the poor, and Ran Shanshan seemed not much better than him.

What Shanshan Shan said is quite right, she can pay half of the mortgage at most, and according to the Marriage Law, it will be returned to her after divorce.

It's true that it didn't add insult to injury, it's fair.

But why does this kind of fairness make people feel so cold

"I'll go first." Ran Shanshan walked out with her bag in her hand without looking back.

Xi Lin stood for a long time, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

Speaking of which, he is quite selfish. He hopes that when he needs help, Ran Shanshan can talk to him about his feelings and not be so ruthless.

It's cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

He looked around the room, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more ironic. Where is this home

The house was not mortgaged in the end, and Xi's mother was making long-term plans, unwilling to tear herself apart with Ran's family.

Xi's father and Xi's mother can only sell the apartment they live in, and sell it quickly. After all, the interest on the debt is high. If it continues, Xi Jing will have no hope for the rest of her life and will pay more money.

Even if Mother Xi wanted to beat her to death, she had to vomit blood and grit her teeth to pay back.

I couldn't tell the pain, and fainted once.

After the sale, the house still had a loan, and the loan was repaid, and the 500,000 mortgaged was also repaid, and the remaining money was not enough to pay Xi Jing more than 1.6 million.

Father Xi licked his old face and borrowed tens of thousands more.

Xi Lin definitely can't go to the wedding room, Xi Jing must have a place to live, right? Plus two old ones.

Where is the space

Besides, if we go, can the Ran family agree

Isn't this forcing Xi Lin to divorce

Can only rent.

The next step is to look for a house. The rent is bound to be expensive. Fortunately, the couple still have wages. The house can be a little worse, but it can’t be in the suburbs.

In just a few months, the family has seen all kinds of faces and experienced all kinds of changes. In order to save some agency fees, they went to the community to find housing, and wanted to call the landlord directly.

After all, the agency fee is one month's rent, at least five or six thousand yuan.

Xi's mother has limited mobility, and Xi's father, under the sun, went from one neighborhood to another and called to ask.


Found a house.

The old community, the old house, the apartment size is a bit small, it is a renovated two-bedroom, one living room, the advantage is that the location is good and the transportation is convenient.

Xi's father was very happy, but Xi's mother was picky, so Xi Lin had to bring Xi's mother to have a look.

"This place has been renovated and remodeled. It's a good place to live. There are two bedrooms and one living room. The landlord is also very nice." The young man introduced, "There are toilets, balconies, and kitchens here, all of which are very clean."

"I don't like the staircase room." Xi Mu looked displeased, "Is there no elevator room?"

"Xiaojing still needs to live, either in shared rent or in a village in the city. This is an urban area, and the elevator room with two bedrooms and one living room costs more than 13,000 yuan, plus living expenses..." Father Xi didn't say the rest go down.

Xi Jing still has a child to raise, and their salary may not be enough to live, let alone rent a flat for the family to live together.

"That's all, at least I have a private space, and I'll just buy a smaller set later." Xi Lin said in relief.

Mother Xi is unwilling, but what can I do

They also owe a whole lot of debt.

I'm not in good health, so I have to take medicine all the time.

Seeing her acquiescing, Xi's father hurriedly asked the young man, "How much is the whole rent?"

"It's like this, this apartment is not mine, and I'm also a tenant, but I'm going back to my hometown in a few days, and there's only one month left to expire. If you rent a whole set, you have to pay once every three months, seven thousand and three a month. Just give me 6,000 this month, and I've told the landlord about it, and when my contract expires, you can sign the contract with her."

"Their family is very nice and speaks well."

"Seven thousand three is too expensive." Xi's mother frowned, "How about seven thousand three for this house?"

Counting other expenses, the rent, water and electricity alone may cost 8,000 a month.

"Auntie, the rent has risen a lot this year. I can't bear it anymore, so when I go back to my hometown, this area has gone up now, and other places cost seven thousand and five thousand without renovation. This house was renovated by the landlord. It's a good deal." The young man sighed. Take a breath.

Xi Mu was silenced.

She has never rented a house, so she doesn't know the market.

Renting a house is so expensive, what will their family do in the future

"Young man, please give me the landlord's phone number. We will ask her to renew the contract when the contract expires." Xi's father said.

The young man took out his mobile phone, Father Xi wrote down the number, and just to be on the safe side, he even called on the spot.

The other party did not answer and hung up twice in a row.

"She may be at work, you can send a text message to ask." The young man reminded him.

Xi's father hadn't sent a text message yet, so he sent a text message over there, "Sorry, I'm in a meeting, I'll contact you later."

He quickly replied, "You go ahead, don't worry."

To be on the safe side, Xi Lin and the young man went to sign a contract.

At noon, a woman called Xi's father, and the two chatted for a while. After confirming, Xi's family felt relieved.

Xi Lin started to help them move things, and all the things in the sold house had to be moved out, scattered half trucks.

It was inconvenient for Mrs. Xi to get up and down the elevator after her stroke. She leaned against the dark wall and looked at the dim light, so she could only secretly wipe her tears.

Xi Jing cried, scolded and complained, looked at her elderly parents, and seemed to restrain herself a little, and lived with them in a rented house.

However, Xi's mother no longer helped her take care of the children.

And she herself is still a child and doesn't know much about anything. Xi's mother has not worked for decades, and all the burdens fall on Xi's father.

However, Xi's father can't cook, and eating takeaway has become a common occurrence.

The whole family is crowded in a small space, living a miserable life.

The Ran family got the result they wanted, and without Xi Lin coaxing her, Ran Shanshan had already returned, with her usual empathetic appearance, and she would even say a few words of love for him.

It's just that Xi Lin has lost all interest in her.

The marriage of the two is also on thin ice.

Another half month.

When Cao Jin came back from get off work, he looked at the father and daughter who were playing with building blocks in the living room, hanging their bags on the wall beside them.

It was already dark at this time, close to ten o'clock in the evening.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ji Yang turned his head to look at her, "Working overtime every day is so late, are you desperate for money?"

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" She walked over and asked him.

"Of course that's good news. There's fried rice in the kitchen, so hurry up and eat it." Ji Yang turned his head again, seeing the crooked "castle" built by Xiao Jinjin, he bent down and took a deep breath.

With a "bang", the "castle" built by Xiao Jinjin immediately collapsed.

"Hehehe." Not only was Xiao Jinjin not angry, but she also narrowed her eyes with a smile, took the building blocks into her arms, and continued building again.

After building two pieces, I asked my father to blow it down.

Cao Jin has been working overtime for more than half a month. At this time, he was so hungry that he came out with fried rice, "The good news is that I have been promoted, and my monthly salary has increased by 17,000."

At the end, she also emphasized, "The bid is passed."

Zhang's father or Zhang Hao's idea of being transferred to the headquarters may have been at the beginning. Even without them, she would only use it for two years at the latest.

This time, it was time for her to prove herself.

"Annual salary of 700,000?" Ji Yang finally took a look at her, his tone calm.

"Including performance, maybe one million. The main reason is that the plan I proposed was passed. My current position is the marketing director." Cao Jin ate several mouthfuls of fried rice.

so hungry.

Almost choked.

"Why did you get promoted all of a sudden? One million is fine, and it can support the two of us." Ji Yang half joked, reaching out to poke the building blocks that Xiao Jinjin had just built.

It collapsed again.

"No." Xiao Jinjin was unhappy this time, and reached out to pat him, "Dad, no."

The daddy was always more naughty than her, so he stretched out another finger, poked the bottom piece, and it completely collapsed.

Xiao Jinjin's face went down, she crawled over and pushed him, leaning her chubby body against him, pushing him aside.

Ji Yang laughed happily, but sat still.

I really don't miss any chance to bully my daughter.

"Sister Mei wants to keep her baby, so she resigned, and I picked up the leak." Cao Jin felt that her luck was indeed a little bit good, and thought that she would have to settle for another two years.

"Isn't that even harder?" Ji Yang asked, "You still pay attention to your body."

"Hard work is harder, I am willing." Cao Jin poured himself a glass of water, "Maybe I have been busy these two years."

She didn't care. It was harder than this when she just graduated before, and she hadn't gained anything yet, and it was all a little rubbing.

The way up is always tiring.

"What's the bad news?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hearing this, Cao Jin stopped eating, "Hasn't Zhang Hao been in touch with you for a long time?"

Ji Yang thought about it carefully, "...it's been more than ten days? It's true that nothing happened, and it's been very stable recently."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and said, "It seems that going back to the company to work has become busy, and life must be very fulfilling."

Cao Jin's eyes flickered slightly, and his tone was a little heavy, "I heard today... Mr. Zhang may have brain cancer."

Ji Yang's smile froze for a moment, and his expression was a little unclear.

"I'm not sure, but they all said that they were hospitalized some time ago, and were sent to the ICU a few days ago, which is very serious." Cao Jin said, and the fried rice in the bowl became stale.

She felt that the Zhang family was very kind to them, and Zhang's father was the pillar of the Zhang family, and Zhang Hao hadn't had time to grow up yet.

Ji Yang didn't say much, he seemed to sigh, and stretched out his hand to poke Xiao Jinjin's little house down again, but in the end he didn't do anything, he raised his hand up, and stroked her soft hair.

"Father..." Xiao Jinjin looked up at him, crawled into his arms, pouted, "Sleep."

"Okay, go to bed." He picked up his daughter and looked at Cao Jin, "Hurry up and go to bed after dinner, don't stay up late, your body is important."


the next day.

In the cancer inpatient department of the hospital, the upper floor is a VIP ward, as well as specialized nurses and nursing staff.

Ji Yang saw Zhang Hao, and he hadn't seen him for more than half a month. He had matured a lot, and he was no longer the foolish look he used to be. He dyed his black hair and cut it short, and he wore a suit and tie.

When he saw Ji Yang, there seemed to be a trace of emotion in his eyes, and then he squeezed out a smile, "Brother Ji, you are here, and you are here specially."

"Don't be so polite, I know there is nothing lacking here, just buy some oranges." Ji Yang handed over the bag.

The red bag contained four catties of oranges that he bought from the hospital gate for seven yuan a catty.

"Thank you." Zhang Hao took it, and his behavior became a lot more stable, "Come in, my dad is awake."

Ji Yang walked in.

Zhang's father was wearing an oxygen mask. He used to be a rich man, but now he is only skinny, his consciousness is sometimes clear and sometimes blurred, and he sleeps on the bed.

The cold machine was ringing, Zhang Hao put the orange on the bedside, and softly called him, "Dad, Brother Ji is here to see you."

In the past, he fought desperately with Zhang's father, jumping up and down like a monkey, but now he is doing his best to be gentle.

Father Zhang tried his best to open his eyes, looked at Ji Yang, and struggled to sit up.

"Lie down." Ji Yang walked over, pulled a chair and sat aside, "Just lie down."

Father Zhang fell asleep again, his chest rose and fell slightly, panting.

Looking at the list on the bedside, Zhang Hao got up, "Brother Ji, sit down first, I'll go to the doctor."


He walked out again in a hurry, Father Zhang looked at Ji Yang and spoke.

Ji Yang couldn't hear clearly, so he sat a little closer, "What did you say?"

"Look...look...has he grown up a bit?" Father Zhang half closed his eyes again as he spoke, opened them with all his strength, and smiled weakly.

In the complexion, I am very pleased.

Ji Yang looked at the door, and when he turned back, he nodded his head twice, and raised his voice slightly, "Yes, I should go to the doctor to discuss what medicine to give you, and see which medicine is the best."

Father Zhang exhaled, smiled, shook his head slightly, and dragged weakly, "It's useless."

Before Ji Yang could speak, he said again, "The doctors... all told me that there is no cure."

"You have to watch him grow up a bit more, he's still half-baked." Ji Yang looked at him and said slowly.

Father Zhang's eyes were a little red, "Take your time, it's okay..."

After he said a few words, he was already so tired that he closed his eyes, and moved his hands a few times, but he didn't have any more strength.

After a while, Ji Yang came out again and saw Zhang Hao squatting in the corridor alone. He was sitting on the ground with no image, smoking with his head down, and there was already a cigarette butt beside him.

Sensing Ji Yang coming out, he raised his head, pursed his lips, and took another breath, "My dad is asleep?"


Zhang Hao pressed his tongue against the back molars, then lowered his head again, and did not speak again.

"Your father is sick, and you have to take over the company if you don't. I think you're doing pretty well." Ji Yang looked him up, "It really looks like a human being."

Zhang Hao smiled, his eyes became moist with a smile, he didn't want to look at Ji Yang any more, so he turned his head to the side.

After a while, the shoulders began to tremble.

Ji Yang didn't speak, and sat down beside him.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Hao buried his head, and a choked voice began to come, "Brother Ji, I'm very scared."

Zhang's father can't wait for long, he will soon become a child without a father.

Once his parents are gone, there is no one in front of him, and that is when he starts to look directly at death.

Ji Yang put his hand on his shoulder, but he didn't know how to comfort him, so he patted him lightly, "Be with your dad well."

Zhang Hao looked at the door of the ward, and slammed the floor several times with clenched fists.

That powerlessness eroded him.

Father Zhang left three days later.

The illness was very dangerous and did not leave him any room. It took only a few months from the onset of illness to his death.

Zhang Hao cried like a child at the funeral, calling out "Dad".

Ji Yang looked at Zhang's father's portrait, and suddenly the phone call he received earlier rang, and then looked at Zhang Hao.

Let's grow up slowly, Zhang's father also paved the way for him.

"Hurry up, Jinjin, give the clothes to Dad, let Dad help you wear them, and Mom goes to dry the clothes."

"Wear this or this?" Cao Jincong took out two sets of clothes, and Xiao Jinjin pointed to the dark blue princess dress on the right.

She gave the clothes to her daughter, and shouted behind her again, "Husband, help her get dressed, it's about time."

"The clothes haven't dried yet."

After finishing the sentence, he ran out in a hurry, took out the clothes from the washing machine, and returned with several more clothes.

Ji Yang was still taking her time, but in a hurry, she quickly took Xiao Jinjin's schoolbag, helped her prepare milk and clothes, and put the necessary things into her own bag.

After doing everything, she turned around and saw that Ji Yang hadn't changed his clothes yet, "What are you doing? We agreed to sign the contract at ten o'clock, and it would be too late if we didn't go."

"What's the rush?" He was never tepid.

Cao Jin had no choice but to put the contract in her bag. She was busy with all the big and small things at home, so Ji Yang just muddled through.

An impatient is a bit obsessive, and a chronic is nothing.

Cao Jin urged her while looking at her watch, and waited another ten minutes before Ji Yang finished cleaning up. She had already trotted out and pressed the elevator.

There is no way, she has a strong sense of time, Ji Yang was dragged away by her the whole time, and got into the car, he was still in the mood to play games with Xiao Jinjin.

Cao Jin was driving, Ji Yang was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and Xiao Jinjin was sitting in the child's chair, and both father and daughter could sing along for a long time.

Every time at this time, Cao Jin's anxious mood would relax, and the corners of his mouth would rise when listening to the conversation between the two.

The car drove all the way, drove into the residential area where the house was rented before, and parked downstairs.

Ji Yang got out of the car, hugged Xiao Jinjin, and led her forward.

"I'm still waiting." Cao Jin glanced at his watch again, squatted down, picked her up and walked upstairs.

"You're wearing high heels, let me hug you." Ji Yang took it over, stretched out his hand and pinched Xiao Jinjin's face, "I'll go to the park with Dad for a race."

"I win." She looked at her father and said seriously.

"You lose, and if you lose, give your lollipop to Dad." Ji Yang said with a smile, "You are bound to lose."

"I win." Her immature voice was full of stubbornness, and she looked at Cao Jin, "Mom, I win."

"Okay, mom believes you can win." Cao Jin came to the door, knocked on the door, and took out the prepared contract from the bag.

A voice came from inside the door, which sounded familiar to her.

The door opened.

Cao Jin never dreamed that meeting the Xi family again would be in such a scene.

Xi's father was very embarrassed for a moment, not only he was embarrassed, Cao Jin was also stunned, subconsciously looked at the door number again.

"What are you doing here?" Mother Xi came over and saw her, her voice was sharp and harsh, and her tone was very hostile.

As soon as she said that, Xi Jing, Xi Lin and Ran Shanshan who were in the living room also came out.

Xi Lin and Ran Shanshan had just picked up Xi Jing and her child from the hospital, and came up to see Xi's father and mother.

Several people almost didn't recognize Cao Jin. She was wearing a black professional suit, her hair was coiled up, her face was full of makeup, her brows were lightly drawn, her lips were red and her teeth were white, and she carried a capable elite atmosphere.

Behind her, the tall and thin man was holding a cute child in his arms, one big and one small were whispering to each other and still laughing.

"Yes, what are you doing here?" Xi Jing's words were not much better than Xi's mother, and she looked at her with some hostility.

"I would like to ask, why are you here?" Cao Jin wanted to be laughed out of anger, and asked back.

"What's none of your business?" Xi's mother has been in poor health recently, and her temper has also followed.

She hates everyone in the Cao family, especially this Cao Jin.

"This is my house, so I can't come and see it?" Cao Jin also pulled his face, "The contract has expired, I will renew the contract, and by the way, see who the tenant is and whether it is suitable for living here!"

After that, she accentuated her voice.

Xi Mu's face suddenly changed, and then changed from blue to white, like a palette.

Cao Jin walked in with a cold face, looking around inside.

The inside has been remodeled, and another room is separated between the living room and the balcony. Originally, I wanted to rent a single room, but the back has been rented as a whole.

At the end of last year, she gave some bonuses, and Ji Yang also had some money. The original landlord immigrated abroad and wanted to sell the place, so they bought it and rented it out, and the rent just covered the mortgage.

The inside has been stuffed so full that there is no room left.

Ji Yang followed her in, Xiao Jinjin hooked her father's neck with one hand, frowned, "Dad, there are so many people."

"Mom will leave as soon as she does something good, be good." Ji Yang patted her on the back and said in a low voice.

The remaining living room was already very small, and it was difficult for the three of them to turn around when they came in again. Cao Jin looked at Xi's family, especially when they met Xi Lin's eyes, the other party hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

"Cao Jin, is this your house?" Xi's father held back his embarrassment, "Well, we don't know, that young man rented it out to us."

Xi's mother had a sullen face, and she couldn't put on a good look towards Cao Jin.

She still remembered that she said that a child from a family like Cao Jin would never even think about buying a house here for the rest of her life.

It's just that they are looking at their house and want to reach the sky in one step, and they don't want to see if they have the capital!

These words kept circling in her mind, reminding her of her self-esteem and stupidity at that time.

"He's due in one month, I know." Cao Jin nodded.

"Are you still renting here?" Xi Lin still stood up, looked at her and said, "My parents will live here temporarily, and they will buy a house to move out in the future. Now that everything has been moved here, it will be very troublesome to move out again. .”

Saying this made him extremely embarrassed, but at this moment, he no longer cared about any face.

All the things have been moved here, and a lot of things have been bought here, and I just got used to it.

Xi Jing's child is sick, Xi's mother is also sick, and Xi's father is still recuperating. He really has no energy or money to find a house and then move.

"I want to rent it, but I don't really want to set it up for you." Cao Jin said truthfully.

"It's not that we don't give you rent. Do you think we want to live here? The community is old, there is no elevator, there are all kinds of problems, and the rent is high..."

"How do you talk?" Ji Yang's face sank, "We beg you to live here? You don't even look at it, the whole area has risen to 7500, 7800, if you want to live in an elevator room, then rent an elevator Fang, you spend this little money and you want me to give you the experience of the elevator room? Are you kidding me?"

"You can't say it today, but tomorrow someone will come to rent it, do you believe it?"

Xi's mother is bullying and afraid of being tough, so Ji Yang snapped back, she blushed and felt ashamed, "It's a big deal, we won't..."

"We want to rent it. It's good to live here." Xi's father laughed with him, "Don't you want to sign a contract? Did you bring the contract?"

Ji Yang handed Xiao Jinjin to Cao Jin, and took the contract in her hand, "I rented it to that young man because he was in the same province as me, and it was only 7,300 yuan alone in a foreign country. Since you have money, see If not, I will rent it to you for seven thousand six."

"Live here if you think it suits you, and forget it if it doesn't suit you."

Cao Jin hugged her daughter by the side, and she was struggling to get down, so she coaxed, "Be good."

"Father..." Xiao Jinjin was about to struggle, so she could only put her down. She walked to Ji Yang's side, hugged her father's leg, and looked at the uncles and aunts around her.

The small round eyes are clear and innocent, and she acts like a baby and wants Ji Yang to hug her.

Ji Yang had no choice but to bend down and pick her up. She lay on her father's shoulder, inadvertently met her mother's gaze, shrank her neck, and hid in her father's arms.

When the Xi family heard it, they raised it by three hundred, which was a shame. Xi Jing jumped up, "Cao Jin, did you do it on purpose? Why?"

"Because this is my house, the rent is all around. For this newly renovated house, the rent is 7800 or 8000. Just like my husband said, live in it if it suits you, and forget it if it doesn't suit you." Cao Jin said in a calm tone. .

She hoped that she would not rent it, but looking at the things in this house, Xi's father still looked sick, so it is not good to take the initiative to drive people away. The way the Xi family behaves, I am afraid that they will catch her and affect their reputation.

In the end, they leave automatically.

"you… "

"Okay!" Xi's father was rarely angry, he scolded Xi Jing, and warned Xi's mother with his eyes, telling her to shut up, took a deep breath, calmed down and subdued, "We will continue to rent."

Ran Shanshan felt ashamed on the other side, and left with her bag while Ji Yang was filling out the contract.

Mother Xi was still angry, she limped to the bedroom, and closed the door forcefully with a "snap".

Ji Yang's writing pen paused, and he frowned in displeasure, "What's the matter? This house has just been renovated, and you will have to pay for any damage."

Xi's father swallowed, his behavior a little embarrassed.

Xi Lin stood on the side, his eyes were on Cao Jin all the time, standing beside Ji Yang, she was more beautiful and bright than the last time I saw her.

Being humiliated in front of her one after another, Xi Lin felt ashamed.

"Okay, one pays three, and the total is 30,500." Ji Yang wrote the contract and showed it to Father Xi.

Father Xi looked at Xi Lin.

Acquaintances are really hard to bargain. If it is someone else, the five hundred yuan can be deducted. For them now, that is a lot of money. Now they even have to scrape together the rent.

The house was not soundproof, and Xi Mu was listening inside, her eyes were scarlet, and her lips were about to be bitten.

"I'll transfer it to you." Xi Lin quietly asked his friend to transfer a sum of money for emergency, and said to Ji Yang.

"Just transfer it to my wife, and I'll issue a receipt for you." Ji Yang turned around, Cao Jin opened the bag, he took out the data, and put it on the table to write.

Xiao Jinjin stood beside her father, relying on him to hug him, looking at Xi Lin curiously.

Xi Jing looked at the face that resembled Cao Jin, then turned her gaze away to look at Cao Jin, but it was a pity that she hadn't taken the initiative to look at him since entering the door.

It seems that I have never known him. The most unacceptable thing is that it is not deliberately pretending, or it is very natural to ignore.

Cao Jin turned on the phone and put the payment code on the table.

Xi Lin scanned it, not knowing if his brain was twitching, so he deliberately turned around thirty-one thousand.

Cao Jin glanced at the phone, and then went to Ji Yang's side to look at the receipt. As if he knew she was confused, he said, "Thirty thousand and five hundred, bet one to pay three."

"You made a wrong turn, five hundred more." She had no expression on her face, and because she had Xi's father's contact information, she returned it directly to Xi's father.

Ji Yang gave Father Xi the receipt.

"Thank you." Father Xi took it over, not knowing what to say.

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, Cao Jin stayed without any preparation, "Let's go first, just call me if there is anything to do, the house still needs to be taken care of, if it is damaged, it will have to be compensated."

"That is." Father Xi nodded.

Just after finishing speaking, there seemed to be movement in the bedroom, and it seemed that there was a lot of anger inside.

Ji Yang's family of three ignored him and walked out.