I am a Good Man

Chapter 579: The little wolf dog of the female president (17)


Yi Yan returned home, still confused.

She has to slowly digest what Ji Yang said, which means, has her words hurt him all this time

But no one told her that it was wrong to do so.

She didn't treat him like a dog, and never thought of hurting him.

I don't even understand why Ji Yang suddenly got angry and acted so hurt that there was no room for redemption.

Looking at the empty house, Yi Yan never felt so lonely.

Once you get used to being with someone, you are not used to being alone.

the next day.

Yi Yan thought about it all night, she did speak too much that day, it was not her intention.

She decided to clarify with Ji Yang.

In order not to disturb his work, he waited until noon to call him, but the other end of the phone was prompted "The number you dialed has been shut down."

what happened

She charged the phone bill to Ji Yang's card and started calling again.

"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

Yi Yan had a bad premonition in her heart, and quickly went to WeChat to make a video call to him.

No answer.

Dial again.

Still no answer.

Only then did she realize the seriousness, Ji Yang didn't talk to her, what he meant was to completely cut off contact.

With panic in her eyes, she called Secretary Cheng.

When the other party answered, hearing her slightly trembling voice, those who didn't know thought something had happened.

In the end, Yi Yan wanted her to check Ji Yang's latest itinerary and also to give her Li Wei's phone number.

Secretary Cheng didn't dare to delay, so he hurried to investigate.

half an hour later.

Yi Yan's landline rang, and she picked it up immediately.

"Mr. Yi, Ji Yang is abroad. Director Chen's movie has already started shooting. He took off on a plane at 7 o'clock this morning. He should have not landed yet. Li Wei's phone number has been sent to you." Secretary Cheng's voice was on the other side. sounded.


Yi Yan's hanging heart slowly fell.

It's not that I don't answer.

He's still on the plane.

She waited.

She was absent-minded after a day's work, counting the time, and when she was about to leave work, she made another call.

It was already half past ten in the evening.

Still no connection.

WeChat did not reply.

She was 100% sure that Ji Yang cut off all contact with her cruelly.

Yi Yan is impatient, even though she knows she is wrong, she still wants to explain why Ji Yang is so cruel

One phone call reached Li Weina.

three minutes ago.

"I didn't say that. This barbecue is very different from domestic barbecue. It's spicy and sweet." Li Wei was eating a bunch of grilled squid and opening a beer.

"It's all frozen in China, tasteless, this is so delicious." Da Qiao sat beside him and praised.

Ji Yang also reached out to open a bottle of beer and took a sip.

Did not speak.

"Grilled fish, a fish I've never seen before." Li Wei picked up a bunch of sea fish and took a few glances, then picked up the chili beside it and sprinkled it on it.

Paprika is very fragrant.

"I've never seen this mushroom before. It's delicious." Da Qiao also looked curious, researching new things.

The country where several people are located at this time is about six hours away from China, and they are in a small town that is almost isolated from the world.

It is known as the most romantic town in the world.

Now they are at the barbecue stand on the beach, eating barbecue with the refreshing sea breeze, looking at the bright moon and twinkling stars not far away.

This is not felt in big cities.

While chatting happily, Li Wei's cell phone rang suddenly.

When he saw the unfamiliar number, he picked it up casually and wanted to meet Ji Yang with a drink.

"Hello." He said first.

"I'm Yi Yan, is Ji Yang there?"

"Cough, cough, cough." As soon as the other end finished speaking, Li Wei's pupils suddenly shrank, as if he was quite frightened.

When he finally realized it, he coughed heavily again. He gave Ji Yang a wink and smiled dryly, "Boss Yi."

Ji Yang stopped drinking.

His complexion is not very good either.

Li Wei raised his hand and pushed him again, looking anxious, he pointed to the phone.

what to do

Yi Yan is a big Buddha, how dare he offend

Ji Yang lowered his head and didn't say a word, as if he wasn't going to speak out.

Li Wei could only bite the bullet, "I'm sorry Mr. Yi, we just got off the plane, and Ji Yang was tired and went back to the hotel to sleep."

How sharp is Yi Yan

Listening to the wind on the other side, knowing that they are outside, Ji Yang must be by his side.

He is avoiding her.

Yi Yan was silent for a long time before she said slowly, "Excuse me, when he wakes up, ask him to call me back, I need to find him."

"Okay, I'll tell him for you." Li Wei agreed.


After hanging up the phone, cold sweat broke out on Li Wei's forehead, "Boss Yi is looking for you, it's good for you to hide and leave the mess to me."

"In the future, when she calls, you will say that I'm not here." Ji Yang lowered his head, took a bunch of roasted sweet potatoes, and lowered his eyes.

The mood is obviously not good.

Li Wei: "...what should I say? This is not..."

"You can say whatever you want, just say that I'm not here." Ji Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at him, his dark eyes were bottomless, and his tone was very calm, "I won't answer her calls again."

Li Wei was taken aback by that look, "...is it really such a big mess? Is it possible?"

Anyway, it's Yiyan.

The woman that many people want to marry has abilities, family and looks, so you should take good care of it.

Ji Yang answered in silence.

Moreover, he drank eight bottles of wine without saying a word.

Seeing this, Li Wei and Da Qiao didn't dare to persuade them anymore.

How bad is this dude? I'm afraid it's bleeding, right

Yi Yan didn't go to bed until twelve o'clock, and the first thing she did when she woke up was to look at her phone, and there was no call message.

She looks at the time.

Did Li Wei forget to tell him

After waiting for another day, she called Li Wei again, "Has Ji Yang started filming yet?"

"The filming will start tomorrow, and we are discussing the script today." Li Wei replied to her.

"Then... is he busy?" Yi Yan hesitated, she didn't want to believe the truth, why didn't she call her back when she was not busy

"...Well, it's quite busy. Director Chen and several assistant directors are here, and there are several leading actors." Li Wei's little heart is also under great pressure.

Secretly reached out to wipe the sweat.

He felt that he was too difficult.

Yi Yan paused for a moment, her tone lowered a few degrees, "Is it busy, or you don't want to call me?"

"..." How dare Li Wei say no? But he also had to hint, he hesitated and said, "I reminded him, maybe he was really busy, and then he forgot, how about I tell him again later?"

"It's troublesome." Yi Yan still had hope.

"No trouble, no trouble." Li Wei smiled awkwardly.

Hanging up the phone, he took a deep breath.

No matter how good the attitude of the other party is, if the aura is suppressed, it will make people breathless.

Yi Yan waited anxiously for two days.

Ji Yang still didn't call.

She called the original number and couldn't answer it.

The bottom of my heart was already sore and swollen, these were general pains, like being stabbed in the chest by a thin needle, one needle after another.

It hurt her badly.

Lying on the bed curled up, like a helpless cat, licking the wound alone.

The first time she felt abandoned by someone should have been when she was fifteen years old. After that, she felt that she was invincible, but was hit hard again.

Perhaps she was too confident in herself, or put too much trust in Ji Yang, she never thought that one day, he would leave.

And there is no nostalgia.

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow.

However, she couldn't blame him, because Ji Yang was also scarred by her stabbing, and he was disappointed enough to leave.

After that, she didn't hear from Ji Yang.

He is filming abroad, and he rarely publishes on Weibo, so he knows less and less news.

No matter how hard I searched, there was no latest news.

Yi Yan often suffers from insomnia, she has no choice but to put all her energy on work, she doesn't want to be free.

Denial can be painful.

Unbearably uncomfortable.

When she was at home, if the courier came to her door, she would run very fast, thinking that he was back, just like before.

But neither.

A week, a month, three months...

Really no news.

Yi Yan seemed to be ruthless, and kept cleaning up the "worms" in the group, and made Zhang Hua empty.

Solo power.

Now no one dares to provoke her, just like the King of Hades getting angry, whoever provokes her, the fire will burn on herself.

The most stubborn existence among the shareholders has subsided during this period of time, and they dare not speak more.

three months later.

"button button"

Secretary Cheng knocked on the door and walked in. Seeing Yi Yan's pale face, with one hand on her stomach, her brows were tightly furrowed, she hurried over, "Boss Yi?"

"Have you notified them?" Yi Yan sat up straight, looked at her and asked, her voice still a little weak.

"Yes." Secretary Cheng nodded.

"You get ready first, I'll be here in a while."

"Your body..." Secretary Cheng interrupted her before she finished speaking, "I'm fine, let's go."

Secretary Cheng looked worried, but there was nothing she could do. She couldn't stop her.

Yi Yan took the cup to get warm water.

I took several sips.

The pain in her stomach eased a bit, she took the materials, got up and walked out.


Secretary Cheng had a worried expression on her face. Apart from not talking much, Yi Yan was just like a normal person, but the meeting was going on faster than usual.

Yi Yan got off work earlier than usual today.

When getting off the elevator, Yi Changyuan stopped him, "Xiaoyan, why do you look so bad? Are you sick?"

"No." She denied it directly.

"You are stubborn, you must be suffering." Yi Changyuan took her hand, "Go to the hospital with Dad."

"I'm not going." Yi Yan shook off his hand.

"You child, you are becoming more and more disobedient." After all, Yi Changyuan is the father, and in a hurry, he spoke more seriously.

"I'm disobedient?" Yi Yan laughed sarcasticly, "Why should I listen to you?"

Looking at her like this, Yi Changyuan looked sad, "I know you hate Dad, the car accident..."

"The car accident was just caused by my mother discovering your nasty things. You killed her, so what right do you have to talk about her here?" Yi Yan sternly said, her tone cold.

Hearing this, Yi Changyuan's pupils widened and he froze, never expecting that she had discovered this matter.

"Damn you, why did you wake up? I hate you, I will never forgive you and never want to see you again!"

Yi Yan dropped these words, turned and left.

The grief-stricken Yi Changyuan was left in place, cold all over.

Yi Yan dragged her body to the underground garage, and drove home all the way, increasing her speed again and again.

My mind is full of pictures of my mother before she died.

She bit her lips tightly, but her breathing became more and more rapid, more and more rapid, and her hand holding the steering wheel was so hard that it turned white.

Shortness of breath exacerbated stomach pain.

When I got home, I was sweating profusely, and my chest was heaving violently. Before I could catch my breath, I saw someone in the house through the window.

She thought she was wrong.

Open the car and run to the door.

Almost didn't fall.

Quickly open the door.

The smile that hadn't risen from the corner of his mouth disappeared again, and the hope that was burning in his eyes flew away and dimmed suddenly.

"Miss Yi, you are back." The part-time worker was tidying up the living room, "Just wait a moment, it will be ready in a while."

Yi Yan didn't have the strength to go back to her, so she forced a smile and walked upstairs.

She didn't go back to the bedroom.

Instead, she went to the second bedroom, the room prepared for Ji Yang before, and she would drive him here if he was "accidentally".

When he left this time, he only took some necessities with him. All the clothes she bought for him were left here. I don't know if all the departures were so silent, without giving anyone a chance to react.

Yi Yan opened the closet, staring at the clothes inside in a daze.

She felt that what she said was really hurtful, otherwise why would Yi Ling's face turn livid from her anger

In the past, I felt happy in my heart, like watching a clown, and those who offend her will not end well, but now I feel that it is like a knife, stabbing others will also hurt myself.

"Miss Yi." The part-time worker appeared at the door and called her softly.

"What's the matter?" Yi Yan asked.

"I found this under the sofa. I don't know if it's still useful. I didn't dare to throw it away." She was holding a black USB flash drive.

Yi Yan stood up and walked over.

Ji Yang's USB flash drive.

"Give it to me." She reached out to take it, "Thank you."

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first." The hourly worker said with a smile.


When the other party left, Yi Yan looked at the USB flash drive in her hand, lost her mind, and suddenly remembered a picture in her mind.

"Yanyan, where is my USB drive? It's a black one, have you seen it?" Ji Yang was lying on the ground looking for it.

"I didn't." She was always indifferent.

"Where did you go? I remember plugging it into the computer." With a helpless expression on his face, he sat and scratched his head.

"Then you can ask for it from the computer." She turned and walked upstairs.

"Help me find it." He stopped her and softened his tone, "Yanyan, help me find it together, I'm in a hurry."

At that time, she didn't return to him and continued to walk upstairs.

She remembered that he searched for it for a long time but couldn't find it. At that time, he was still in a bad mood. What did she do at that time


He said that no matter how calm he was, he would not appear in front of her.

She was in a bad mood at the time, and when she went back to the old house and saw Li Xue and Yi Changyuan meeting, she didn't want to talk to anyone.

He must be hurt, right

Holding the USB flash drive, Yi Yan walked to the bedroom, opened the drawer to put it in, finally thought about it, turned on the computer and inserted the USB flash drive in.

The scan is complete.


There are categories: photos, videos, decoration...

When she clicked on the photo, she was stunned, it was full of photos of her, on the sofa, in the kitchen, at work...

There are more than one hundred and twenty sheets.

If it was in the past, she would be very angry if her private photos were saved, and she even thought that Ji Yang might have something up her sleeve.

But there isn't a single private photo inside.

She turned down one by one, her face was expressionless, in fact, her hands were already shaking, she thought she was already sad enough.

When she opened the next document, she couldn't move her hand anymore.

Inside are two special videos.

One section was at the shooting site, and the other section was at the hospital.

What kind of video is this

It was the video of him arguing with Yi Ling on the set last year, the video of Yi Ling making him kneel down and beg for mercy in the hospital, and a voiceover.

Save time... on the night of the argument.

In other words, he actually got the video a long time ago, or it should be said that this is a trick he set up.

The tip of Yi Yan's nose was already sore, didn't he "misunderstand" that she helped him? That's why he was so kind to her, why did he turn out to save himself

She was very suspicious, because of this incident, she readily accepted his fawning.

The villain in Yi Yan's heart has jumped out, shouting loudly:

you are so smart.

Why don't you understand this

He is obviously looking for an excuse to get close to you.

Her eye sockets were hot.

Hold on and click to open the next document.

Inside is a picture of the decoration effect.

She just remembered the villa he gave her, hurriedly went to find the key, opened the drawer, and found it at the bottom.

The contract and the keys are all together.

She just showed a smile, hugged it in her arms, and quickly got up and walked out.

Drive all the way south.

The words he said kept echoing in my ears:

"I bought a villa in Songjiang."

"Others can't be bought, but this one can be bought."

"But I want to buy it for you."

"I decorated it according to the style you like, and you will like it."

He also said, "How about we live there in the future?"

Yi Yan wanted to see him more than ever, but she could only go to Songjiang Community alone.

open the door.

She walked in.

It was already dark at this time, and the sensor light was on when she reached the door, and she walked in.

All the lights inside are also turned on. The Nordic style is dominated by the warm colors she likes, and the floor is covered with carpets. It doesn't look like it's uninhabited.

There are green plants everywhere.

She walked to the sofa, and there was a photo frame next to her, which was a profile photo of her.

Yi Yan couldn't see these pictures, and after hastily put them down, she went upstairs, where there were five rooms.

Bedroom, second bedroom, a children's room, plus study and gym.

All furnished.

It should be cleaned regularly, the quilt in the bedroom is new, and there is a picture of her on the bedside.

There is also a cloakroom.

It's her favorite design.

Yi Yan stood inside in a daze, watching all this, finally couldn't help it, covered her mouth as if trying to escape, tried her best, and fled desperately.

"Yanyan, I really like you."

"Yanyan, do you love me?"

"I like you."

No matter how stupid she is, thinking of all this, she also knows Ji Yang's feelings for her.

Thinking about it carefully, she didn't seem to have done anything for him except for hurting him.

Regret and self-blame can really kill half your life.

She didn't know what to do, so she could only call him again and again, hang up and call again, hang up and call again.

Can't get through.

She was about to cry, so she called Li Wei again.

The other party can't connect.

I changed another number and called his assistant.

Still can't get through.

The pain was so painful that she couldn't bear it, like a fish out of water, she was struggling desperately.

Oxygen-deprived, I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't breathe, my heart felt like being slowly sharpened by a blunt knife, and the pain went to the bone.

It will make people have no energy at all.

It's like pulling out the strength from the bones abruptly, and you will feel that the sky is dark in an instant.

The news that Secretary Cheng found was that they went to the mountain to shoot a few days ago, and there was no signal there, so they couldn't get through.

This situation will last for about two months.

Fail to contact.

By the time Yi Yan was able to contact her, the film had already been wrapped.

He is back home.

Li Wei received a call from Yi Yan, and said in an apologetic tone, "Ji Yang went home right after getting off the plane, and he is indeed not by my side."

"Thank you." Yi Yan hurriedly packed her things and rushed to his house.

After the previous address was exposed by the media, he moved, and she also found out the new address.

She waited an hour and rang the doorbell several times.


There is only one possibility, he went to Yan's house.

Yi Yan couldn't help but called Li Wei again, "Can you tell me his new number? I need to call him."

She couldn't find Ji Yang's new number.

Hearing her tone, Li Wei felt very embarrassed, "Boss Yi, it's not that I don't want to tell you, Ji Yang won't let me in, and calls from strangers won't come through."

He is also convinced by Ji Yang that he can make Yi Yan chase after her like this.

What is the charm that can't be quit

"...Thank you." Yi Yan hung up the phone in frustration.

Ji Yang is determined to disappear in her world.

She thought he was the person with the best temper and the best coaxer, but she didn't expect that one day, she would have nothing to do with him.

What if I can't get in touch

In the end, she could only call Yan Chen.

Ask him to ask Ji Yang out.

When Yan Chen heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said slowly, "Mr. Yi, I dare not do such a wicked thing. Isn't that cheating Jiyang? He will scold me to death."

The tone is obviously room for negotiation.

Yi Yan opened her mouth, "I know you ordered a Xunying, the one I ordered has just arrived, and I'll drive it for you."

She ordered it for Ji Yang, and it took a year to get it.

"How embarrassing is that?" Yan Chen sat up, pretending to evade, how could a cool sports car worth more than 10 million be important for "brotherhood"

"I will sponsor 10 million yuan for your Chinese New Year concert, free of charge." Yi Yan raised her stake.

"Ouch." Yan Chen's smile blossomed, and he couldn't help saying, "As for it? Ji Yang just came back today, why don't you let him rest for two days?"

"Cheng Guang recently invested in the script, and the actor will give it to you." She didn't reply, and continued to add.

This time, Yan Chen didn't talk nonsense, and simply snapped his fingers, "I will definitely make an appointment tomorrow, and I will send you the address then."

"They're all a family, why are you being polite?"