I am a Good Man

Chapter 582: The little wolf dog of the female president (20)


late at night.

The camera is still on.

There are two people sleeping in one room. There is no heating here. Few families will prepare electric blankets to cool down the temperature at night. For people who are used to heating, it is still a bit difficult to adapt.

After taking a bath, everyone huddled under the quilt, and Zhang Peng buried his head directly in the quilt, covering his face.

Yi Yan was also uncomfortable in various ways.

She is a little afraid of the cold, and she is not used to having someone beside her while sleeping.

There were two beds in the room, making it even narrower. Yang Jia was fast asleep and turned over from time to time.

Although she didn't sleep, she closed her eyes and remained motionless.

Time passed bit by bit.

Still not asleep.

I don't know how long it took, and when the silence outside fell, Yi Yan began to fall into a light sleep, and even couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality.

She shows up at home.

Ji Yang was also there, and she was a little happy, thinking that he was back, so she walked over.

However, he couldn't see "her", and an identical self came out of the room, stepped forward and held his hand, with an anxious face.

"You stay here with me today." She held his hand, "Can you?"

"Boss Yi, I have to rush to the set. I'm really busy." In his sight, Ji Yang had a helpless face, and politely refused, "Our relationship is over, so it's inappropriate."

After he finished speaking, he slowly broke away from her hand, turned and left.

At the moment when he turned around, Yi Yan saw the impatience and disgust in his eyes, and walked away completely.

No nostalgia at all.

And the self standing there put his hands on his lower abdomen, and slowly squatted down, his face full of disappointment.

Later, she saw a crisis in the company, "she" was so busy that she was dizzy, and after Ji Yang left, "she" was still pregnant.

Under the high-intensity work, "she" began to miscarry again.

When Yi Changfeng's family planned to drive her down, "she" began to bleed profusely and had to be bedridden.

The birth of this child caused her to suffer a lot. If it was in the past, Yi Yan would choose to get rid of it without any hesitation.

I even felt that it should be aborted when I found out that I was pregnant.

But looking at herself on the hospital bed, holding that little life weakly, with the relief in her eyes, she began to be speechless.

He twitched the corners of his mouth as if feeling empathy, and the fundus of his eyes softened.

That feeling should be that in this world, there is a life that has a blood connection with him.

I worry about it all the time, but I no longer feel lonely.

But Ji Yang never showed up.

The child grew up day by day, but he never appeared.

The screen turned again.

She and Ji Yang are both at home, she is very familiar with this scene, if something goes wrong, "she" will drive Ji Yang out.

"Bang!" The sound of closing the door.

"Bang!" The sound of smashing a glass.

"Bang!" The sound of throwing heavy objects.

Every time, Ji Yang was kicked out mercilessly, accompanied by "her" cynicism from time to time, her face was full of disdain.

That kind of disdain, even she herself felt a little disgusting.

But she remembered that she didn't mean it in the first place. She was just angry and expressing her emotions. After that, she forgot about it. She didn't have any opinions on him.

What about Ji Yang

At first, he would go to the door to coax "her", but slowly, after he came out, he turned around mercilessly and went to the second bedroom.

His face became more and more indifferent.

It even made her feel that Ji Yang hated "her", but had to endure "her", once he left, he would not look back.

It was "she" who pushed him away step by step.

as expected.

When the child was half a year old, Yi Changfeng's family set their eyes on the shares held by "her" and started to attack "her".

Having a child is a weakness, "she" went to look for Ji Yang again, hoping that he would come back, but the other party refused.

After that, "she" was framed, and when she was a child, she had a high fever, which was almost life-threatening, and made her physically and mentally haggard.

Later, when "she" couldn't stand it, Ji Yang was framed, and "she" made a decision that even Yi Yan couldn't believe.

He was so stupid as to sign a share transfer agreement to protect Ji Yang.

She went to jail and the child was handed over to Ji Yang.

This dream woke her up instantly, and she began to breathe heavily. On such a cold day, she was actually sweating thinly on her forehead.

She couldn't sleep at all.

My mind is very chaotic.

This dream was so real that she felt that this might be the end of her and Ji Yang. She lost his favor for her because of "abusing" him, and begged him to come back.

To be honest, it's a very stupid behavior.

However, a dream is a dream after all, if Ji Yang is framed, it is her turn to save it, and the Yan family will not let him go.

Most likely, she was just imprisoned and the child was left to him to raise.

Thinking of this, Yi Yan's expression changed.


They haven't been together for half a year, how can they have any children

I feel a little embarrassed thinking about it.

There was the sound of a cock crowing outside, and she simply got up.

There is no bathroom upstairs, so she needs to go outside to get water, brush her teeth and wash her face. Just as she went out, Ji Yang on the opposite side also opened the door.

He also had a towel over his shoulders and a water glass in his hand.

Seeing her was also taken aback.

"Morning." She took the initiative to speak.

"Morning." He went downstairs first and walked to the kitchen.

Now there is a bit of sunshine, but the temperature is also seven or eight degrees, and the water from the well is cold.

Take a bite, and your teeth will be numb with ice.

For Yi Yan who is afraid of the cold, brushing her teeth and washing her face is simply torture.

She put the water glass aside and was brushing her teeth.

After brushing, looking at the glass of ice water, I felt a little stupid. There is a kettle or a hot water bottle if there is no warm water, right

No matter how bad it was, the water heater started in the bathroom, although that thing seemed troublesome.

Just wait a while.

Now that I have brushed my teeth, I can’t go with a mouthful of foam, can I

Suddenly, a kettle was placed in front of her, and there was hot water in it, and Ji Yang poured out some of it, and was brushing his teeth and washing his face with warm water.

"Thank you." Yi Yan was not polite, picked up the kettle and started pouring hot water.

After that, Ji Yang went back to the kitchen.

He put a briquette into the coal stove, and the temperature of the room would rise a bit when it burned. Yi Yan took the pot that boiled water yesterday, took some water, and put it on.

Boil water while keeping warm.

Afterwards, Ji Yang took the basket to the vegetable garden, he picked half of the basket of vegetables, Yi Yan pulled a wooden stool and sat next to him to help him choose vegetables, Ji Yang stopped her movement, "I will do it myself."

"I will." Yi Yan said again.

"No need." Ji Yang quickened his movements, he only needed to remove the root of the vegetable, and then it was done.

However, the root of the vegetable is soiled, so it will get all over your hands.

He finished it in two or three strokes, and then began to wash his hands in cold water, and poured water into the basin to wash the vegetables.

Yi Yan didn't force her, she sat next to him, she hid her hands in her pockets in fear of the cold, and looked at him who was washing the vegetables, "Do you want to make breakfast?"

"Well, I will cook noodles later, but there are not many noodles, so I cooked some porridge." Ji Yang continued her words.

"The water is so cold." She looked at his hands and shrank her neck again.

"I'm not as afraid of the cold as you are." He poured water, then poured a small bucket into it, and continued to wash.

Hearing this, Yi Yan smiled slightly, shrank her body together, and continued to look at him.

"Go in and warm yourself when it's cold." He said without looking up.

"You go in and I'll go in again." Yi Yan answered casually.

When she woke up today, her mind was full of yesterday's scenes. Although Ji Yang was more indifferent to her than before, he still cared about her feelings as before.

Still don't believe it, she can't handle a man

However, the current situation is a bit different from the dream. In the dream, Ji Yang was alone, relying on her protection, more or less dared not resist. Now he is the favored grandson of the Yan family, and his career is booming.

He has no desire for money and power, as long as he doesn't starve to death, this achievement can save him from bowing his head to anyone.

If it is as messy as before, it will definitely not work.

She has to be "soft".

Never leave a child without a father.

Not long after she finished speaking, Ji Yang stood up, "I went in.

"Then I'll go in too." Yi Yan also stood up and followed behind him.

The live broadcast starts at eight o'clock.

However, the previous interaction between the two has been recorded, and the program team will edit it and play it 20 minutes before the eight o'clock broadcast.

Many viewers have been waiting early in the morning.

The weather is too cold, no one wants to get up, hiding under the covers and watching the live broadcast is the best, and I was still in a daze.

Seeing the interaction between the two, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"A wave of dog food comes early in the morning, so you don't have to eat breakfast."

"The style of painting is a bit wrong. I remember that I obviously came to see Ji Yang's handsome and cool face, but now I just watch him wash vegetables and cook? Why do you think he is more handsome?"

"Ji·Earth Boy·Yang is online, I think you tend to spoil Yiyan, please hurry up and control yourself."

After watching the clip, the live broadcast officially began.

At this time, Yi Yan was putting the pot of hot water aside, and then put the porridge casserole on it.

Ji Yang is cooking noodles.

When Xu Jie came down, Yi Yan was chopping green onions, which could be put into porridge and noodles later, and she also said, "The water is a bit cold, there is hot water here."

"That's great." Xu Jie walked over with a smile, smelling the fragrance, "I want to eat ready-made breakfast when I get up in the morning, Xiaoyang, it's not bad."

Zhang Yi also came down, and answered shamelessly, "Leave him the task of cooking in the future."

"You're too ruthless." Xu Jie laughed loudly, "I'll give him the cooking task this time."

"Then he might go on strike." Before Ji Yang could speak, Yi Yan was the first to speak and handed him the chopped green onions.

"Really?" Xu Jie asked.

Ji Yang added green onions to the cooked noodles, thought for a while, "It should be true."

He looked uncertain.

"I think it's true." Zhang Yi nodded.

The audience also felt that it was true, and they started swiping their screens one after another, "I feel that Yi Yan and Ji Yang are very down-to-earth, and it's a pity that they don't get together after knowing each other so well."

"I'm a foreign fan. I've already prevented the two from falling in love. Why do I want to show affection? I cried."

After the breakfast was cooked, the rest of the people also got up, and they gathered around to eat breakfast again, chatting by the way.

Then the "work" begins.

A lot of vegetables were sold in the yard yesterday, and the field is also a mess. Someone must dig the soil and plant it again

Only in this way can we ensure that there are vegetables to eat all year round.

There are seventeen chickens and ten ducks in the small house on the other side. Should these chickens and ducks also be fed

"Four people go to the vegetable garden, two people feed, the kitchen has crushed corn, the ducks use crushed corn and corn bran powder, the chickens need to lay eggs, and they are fed with rice and corn bran powder." Xu Jie made a distribution.

"I'm going to feed." Yang Jia was afraid of going to the vegetable garden, so she immediately chose the seemingly easy job of feeding, and added, "I can sweep the floor and clean up the house when I come back."

"Then you and Ya Lan go to feed, and the others go to the vegetable garden."


In the vegetable garden, we need to plow the ground, sow seeds, weed, and take out the ashes from the firewood in the house and put them under the remaining vegetables to use them as fertilizer.

Yi Yan took the bucket to the kitchen to fill it with ashes.

Sitting in front of the clay stove, she even bent down to look inside, reached in, and pushed out all the ashes.

Looking at the little lump, which was gray and white, she held a small shovel in her hand and gestured.

Shovel it up a bit, then pull the bucket over and dump it in.

The first few moves were a bit weird, but later she found a way to push the shovel forward directly against the stove, which was much more efficient.

There is no expression on her face, but it makes people feel that she is working very seriously and is more down-to-earth.

It's just that she can't shovel it clean, so she can't touch it with her hands, right

Push it back into the stove directly, so it can't be wasted.

When she carried her out of the door, Yang Jia's nauseated voice came, "Ugh..."

She glanced away, still retching, her eyes were red.

"Are you okay?" Tian Yalan quickly took off the mask in her hand, stood up and patted her on the back.

"It's so shitty, I'm going to spit it out for breakfast." She took a breath, looking at the things on the plate.

More than a dozen chickens need to be eaten, so the amount must not be small. Rice and corn bran powder are mixed together, and some water is added for stirring.

Stirring with gloves on, the smell is not very good.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie came over.

"I have a bad stomach, so I feel sick." Yang Jia made an excuse for himself, "It's okay."

"That's all right, I'll feed it." Xu Jie assumed the responsibility of being the head of the family, picked up the pot, and walked to the chicken coop.

Yang Jia was a little lazy, and felt that the chicken coop was a bit smelly, so she didn't want to go, so she just followed behind and pretended to be.

After Xu Jie finished feeding, he came out to help Tian Yalan feed it.

Yi Yan had already come to the vegetable garden with the fire ashes, Ji Yang looked at her and pointed to the other side, "You go there."

She took a look, it was clean over there, but they were still weeding over here.

"Okay." She nodded and went to the other end.

"Put some under the beans and tomatoes." Ji Yang said again.

Yi Yan nodded.

The people present did not speak, but Mr. Danmaku was more powerful.

"Let's review the scene just now. Ji Yang hastily went over there to weed the weeds just now. He pulled it clean. He pampered him with his strength. Let's get together quickly."

"Immediately, be with me, don't talk nonsense to me, I want you to be together!"

"Yang Jia is too hypocritical. She wants to grab an easy job, but now she is pretending. She is the laziest."

"I agree with the upstairs, Yiyan is the most down-to-earth, I agree with her to be my daughter-in-law."

Although the bean stand is very clean, Yi Yan's heart is still a little hairy.

The vegetables grown at home are not sprayed with pesticides. The weather has warmed up a bit recently, and there are many kinds of bugs.

Zhang Yizheng was hoeing the ground, and when he dug up an earthworm, he yelled, "Earthworm, Yang Jia, earthworm."

He also picked up the earthworms with a hoe.

Yi Yan froze when she set fire ashes, watching the brown earthworm on the hoe wriggling.

She still had nausea in her stomach.

"There is one more thing." Hearing Yang Jia's scream, Zhang Yi became more interested, and wanted to put

Earthworms are thrown aside.

Although they were far away, Yi Yan stepped back quietly.

She didn't speak, and she didn't show any fear, but her movements froze a little, and she kept staring at the two earthworms from the corner of her eye.

"What's so interesting about earthworms?" Ji Yang went over with a hoe, and dug up together with the earthworms and soil, "Can't we keep people alive?"

He carried it out and threw it into the field below.

Yi Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued the work of setting fire ash, the speed was obviously much faster, and she would seriously look at the soil on the ground from time to time.

I am afraid that an earthworm will emerge.

It seemed to scare her a lot.

When it was about noon, they began to pick vegetables and cook. Naturally, Ji Yang was in charge of the cook again, and Yi Yan helped them. The rest went to help the villagers pick radishes.

There is a large radish field here, which needs to be transported outside to sell, so they volunteered to help.

Afternoon is leisure time.

The sun was so hot that everyone moved out their chairs to enjoy the sun, and the chickens in the chicken coop were laying eggs and kept crowing.

Ji Yang was lying on the chair, originally reading a book, but after a while he put the book on his face and fell asleep.

Under the camera, Yi Yan sat on a chair with her feet together, looking at him all the time.

Zhang Yi leaned over to look at the title of the book, and read it out, "An actor's self-cultivation."

"Hahaha, it doesn't look good, I dozed off after watching it."

"Let me see what it's like to rest." Zhang Yi slowly picked up the book, but seeing Ji Yang staring at him with open eyes, he backed away in fright, staggered a few steps, and almost fell down.

Everyone laughed again.

Ji Yang sat down, holding the book and looking serious.

Tian Yalan took out a guitar from the room, "It's so boring to sit around, who wants to listen to some music?"

"I'll do it." Xu Jie asked her to bring the guitar, and played a classic song directly.

Zhang Peng and Zhang also couldn't play the guitar, and Yang Jia struggled to play the guitar.

Finally, the guitar was placed in Ji Yang's arms, and Xu Jie urged him, "Come on, everyone, listen to it, you can sing and play, don't be lazy!"

When the words fell, everyone booed.

This is true. Ji Yang sang the script and the theme song, mainly because the voice is nice.

He sat up, put his slender and straight hands on the guitar, and played a few times, "What do you want to hear?"

""Waiting for You"." Yang Jia was the first to export.

This is the theme song of the web drama "You Are My Lucky Star" he invested in.

Ji Yang lowered his head slightly, plucked the strings with his fingertips, and remembered with a deep and mellow voice, "Winter is leaving, spring is coming, I am waiting for you, in how far into the future..."

"Looking forward, looking forward to no longer waiting, I miss you, how long will it be tomorrow..."

He sang earnestly, with his thin lips slightly parted, making people addicted.

Maybe Yi Yan didn't notice, she kept staring at him, her eyes were all about him, and she smiled gently from time to time.

Time flies.

At five o'clock, this episode came to an end.

As special guests, Zhang Yi and Yi Yan are leaving.

Of course there will be a part of seeing them off, after which they will rest and welcome new guests tomorrow, and after staying together for two days, the first episode will end.

It was just an ordinary farewell, Yi Yan stood in front of the door, looked at Ji Yang, smiled and said slowly, "Will you give me a hug?"

Ji Yang hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward to hug her, "Be careful on the road."

"Then you take me back?" she said suddenly.

The audience is laughing.

These two people are feeding dog food through the screen.

However, they also swiped the screen one after another.

"Send it back, you've got each other in your eyes, what else do you want to make trouble with?"

"Is Yi Yan too proactive? Yangyang, why are you still hesitating?"

"Go back together, hurry up and go back together!"

"Someone will take you back." Ji Yang withdrew his hand and told her so.

"So am I doing okay?" she asked again.

"Yes." Ji Yang sighed and nodded heavily.

"That's good." The corner of Yi Yan's mouth raised an arc, and she followed Zhang Yi out.

Soon, the two disappeared from everyone's sight.

The remaining people returned to the room, and the camera began to record them.

"What do you mean by that sentence just now?" Xu Jie asked Ji Yang while drinking tea.

"Can the camera be turned off for a while? I'm also curious, give us a little time to gossip." Tian Yalan smiled and looked at the cameraman, joking.

"Also in the room, what were we talking about?" Zhang Peng couldn't help asking.

Ji Yang sat on the sofa, looked at the four pairs of eyes staring at him, and said perfunctorily, "It's nothing."

"When we are stupid?" Xu Jie continued, but he was not going to ask the bottom line, and was about to change the subject, but Ji Yang said it.

"Actually, we haven't been in touch for half a year. Although we are separated, some problems have not been resolved."

"Just get along with each other."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Jie smiled directly, "That's the running-in before the reunion. How can anyone get along and solve problems after breaking up?"

"Do you think so?"

"I think so." Tian Yalan replied with a smile.

This question was something that audience friends wanted to see, so they just asked it casually, looking for some hot spots, but Ji Yang actually answered it.

In their eyes, this child is stupid.

However, they have their own strength, and their girlfriend status is also leveraged. It really doesn't have to be like them. They have to hide their marriages for fear of talking about marriage.

Ji Yang was silent and did not refute.

"You get along very well, and being together is also very good." Xu Jie tried to persuade.

Hearing this, Ji Yang drank his tea and lowered his eyes, "That looks good now, and there are many things that are hard to say."

"Two people change it." Zhang Peng tilted his feet and listened to the game on his mobile phone.

That's Yi Yan.

His boss, he also wants such a girlfriend.

"I hope I can." Ji Yang looked at the director and said seriously, "Don't let her come next time."

Director: "..."

"If you come a few more times, I don't even want to record it properly. She beat me, and breaking up is also my ancestor." Ji Yang put down his teacup, and walked upstairs with a face full of helplessness.

Everyone burst into laughter.

Yi Yan was sitting on the way to the airport, watching the live broadcast on her mobile phone.

Feeling great.

She could feel his care, and suddenly felt that she had taken his care for granted before.

It really shouldn't.

There is never anything she can't get, especially this man Ji Yang!

When Yi Yan came back, "Two Days One Night" had another special guest.

This time, the ratings were not as high as the previous two days.

Many viewers clamored to invite Yi Yan back, they wanted to watch the two show their affection, and they didn't want to watch anything else.

It's boring.

After this came out, Yi Yan became inexplicably pissed off.

She felt bored afterwards and opened a Weibo account. Unexpectedly, she gained a million fans in just two days.

It's quite interesting, when I got excited, the first Weibo was to give away lipsticks, and 888 famous brand lipsticks were given away.

It was on the hot search that night.

You must know that the news about her and Ji Yang has been on the hot search a few days ago, and fans and netizens have tacitly agreed that they are together.

So generous, all the comments below wish her and Ji Yang to grow old together and have a fat son.

Yi Yan was happy from the bottom of her heart, and ten people were selected from the free hotel experience under Yin's to give away one night each.

Later, everyone knew how to make her happy.

The following messages are like this:

Ji Yang and Yiyan were together in place: "Good morning, did my daughter-in-law miss our family today?"

Time: "Ji Yang called you home for dinner."

Yi Yan is my daughter-in-law: "Today is also a day I hope you will be together."

When the number of fans exceeded 3 million, Yi Yan sent out a rain of red envelopes, one million red envelopes, and one hundred envelopes.

The first fan grabbed 32190, she suspected that she misread the decimal point.

Counted again.

Laughed like a pig butcher in the room, commented several comments below, and added a wish for incense in the future: I hope Ji Yang and Yi Yan are together.

Yi Yan successfully appeared on the trending searches again.

Celebrities are not as fast as her, and in less than half a month, she has gained five million followers.

Among them, most of them are Ji Yang's fans.

Everyone went from wanting Ji Yang and Mi Qing to be together, to becoming their CP fans, calling out to let them be together every day.

Not only on her weibo, but also on Ji Yang's weibo.

However, the two just got in touch.

During the show, Yi Yan asked for Ji Yang's phone number in the room and added his new WeChat account.

Occasionally make phone calls, and she will take a picture of him for lunch, and occasionally chat for a few words.

It can only be said to be a very normal chat, just like a friend, after a few days of chatting, Ji Yang will also send her his own meals.

No further action.

From time to time, she would take the opportunity to find an excuse to call him and make video calls, especially at night, after eating and taking a bath, Ji Yang would not take the initiative to hang up the phone.

Chatting and chatting will chat for more than two hours.

As long as he doesn't dislike her, he can talk to her easily. For example, after talking for two hours now, Ji Yang covered his mouth and yawned, obviously sleepy.

Yi Yan leaned against the head of the bed and looked at him, "Are you sleepy?"

"I got up at six o'clock today." He pursed his lips, "But I'm not sleepy, it's okay, are you going to sleep?"

"My stomach hurts a little, and I may not be able to sleep." Yi Yan frowned as she said.

Hearing this, Ji Yang asked, "Aren't you eating well again?"

"I didn't have lunch today, and I didn't have dinner until six in the afternoon, so it hurts, it hurts." She used to bear it and wouldn't say it, and she wouldn't say it when Ji Yang came. Too lazy to deal with him and get angry at him, tell him to roll to the next door.

"What about stomach medicine?" he said.

"I checked it just now, and it's gone." Yi Yan added, "I was going to have the pharmacy deliver it, but I checked, and the nearby pharmacy didn't have this medicine, so I won't send it if it's far away."

"I'll go buy it for you." Ji Yang said and got up, "Drink some warm water first, I'll go now."

In fact, it is enough to find a replacement, but Yi Yan doesn't want to be brave now, so she agrees, "Then I will trouble you, thank you."

You're welcome.

"It's okay." Ji Yang put on his down jacket and went out.

"Let's just keep the video on. I'm in so much pain that I can't sleep. It hurts even more when no one talks to me." She lowered her voice, sounding a little weak.

"Well, go drink some warm water." Ji Yang got into the car, put his phone on the bracket in the car, and could see others.

"I do not want… "

"Yanyan, don't be lazy, go boil water and take medicine later." Ji Yang interrupted as if he knew her temper.

Yi Yan "strengthened" her body and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Received water and started to boil.

A few minutes later, she poured water and sat on the dining table. The hot water was still smoking. Looking at him in the video, she said, "I'm in more pain, how long do you have?"

"Drink more to warm your stomach." Ji Yang lowered his voice as he turned the steering wheel, "I'll be looking for a pharmacy in a while."

Yi Yan frowned again, frowning in pain.

"I found it. There is a pharmacy. Just go there when it's sold out. Wait for me." Ji Yang stopped the car, left his phone in the car, got out of the car and ran to the pharmacy.

Seeing no one there, Yi Yan's wrinkled face returned to normal, but her stomach really hurts a bit.

She can bear it.

If she knew that pretending to be weak was so effective, she felt that she had been in vain before.

"I got it." Ji Yang came back, put the medicine aside, and then drove to her.

I chatted with her about topics along the way, and told her where I went.

Seeing her ugly face, he would say a few words of relief.

"It hurts more than before." Yi Yan's lips turned pale, and her voice became softer, "How much longer do you have?"

"Immediately." Ji Yang replied, "I'll be there soon, entering the community."

"That's good." Yi Yan's face was expressionless, but her heartbeat had already accelerated, how could she not let him go after a while

If you catch someone, you won't be Yi Yan if you don't eat her.

It would be a pity not to arrest her for being so kind to her.

Soon, there was the sound of a car outside the door, followed by the sound of running, and then, the door of her house was opened.

Ji Yang opened the medicine while walking in, poured the medicine in her hand when he came to her, and urged, "Take it quickly."

Yi Yan put the medicine in her mouth and drank a big mouthful of water.

After finishing the water in the glass, she swallowed again.

"Stuck?" Ji Yang was helpless, took the cup and quickly poured water, it was still a little hot, he only poured a little, blew it a few times, then shook it to let her drink some quickly.

Yi Yan drank a few more sips, swallowed it, and pressed her stomach with her left hand, with a haggard look on her face.

"Didn't you say to eat on time? I don't know about my own body?" Ji Yang helped her up, "It will be fine when you wake up."

As soon as she stood up, Yi Yan was a little emboldened, her whole body was "weak" and leaned towards him.

Ji Yang supported her with his strong shoulders, wrapped one hand around her waist, and finally found it difficult to walk, so he hugged her directly by the waist.

Put her on the bed and cover her with a quilt.

Yi Yan shrunk her body under the quilt, buried her head in the quilt, but she didn't make a sound, and her previous temper made people feel that she was holding back.

Ji Yang's eyes also showed worry, and he walked over and put his hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever.

When he withdrew his hand, Yi Yan gasped, "Go and get the medicine again, the pain can't be suppressed."

She still bit her lower lip and "endured it".

"I have eaten six pills, and if I eat any more, something will happen." Ji Yang refused, and put her quilt up a little, "Don't talk, go to sleep."

"I'll take another six pills, it will hurt even more after you leave." Yi Yan said seriously, pressing her stomach hard.

In fact, it really hurts, but it used to hurt like this. I don't know if he is by my side. The pain is six points, but now it is ten.

Anyway, I can't stand it anymore.

"I'm not leaving, you go to sleep." Ji Yang sat down, then looked at her, then lifted the quilt and went back to sleep.

Yi Yan didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and almost revealed her secrets, but Ji Yang was a little far away from her, and said, "Don't mind, I'll just watch you, for fear that something will happen to you."

She fell asleep, unable to fall asleep due to the pain, looking at Ji Yang who was leaning on the bed, staring at his face all the time.

Ji Yang also knew that she was watching, so he looked in front of him, and finally closed his eyes.

She looked at his hand hanging on the side, the fingers were beautiful, she didn't know where the courage came from, and quietly stretched out her hand.

took his hand.

Almost at the same time, Ji Yang opened his eyes and looked at her sideways, with complicated emotions in his deep eyes.

"Lie down." She pulled him and forced a smile, "I can't sleep like this, it's scary."

He didn't say anything and lay down.

Yi Yan still didn't let go of her hand, and said, "I thought you didn't care about my life."

"No." He replied.

"You used to avoid me all the time, am I so scary?" Yi Yan said and moved a little closer to him.

She didn't dare to talk about this matter on the phone, and he blocked her again after a while, and it took a lot of effort.

"No hiding." He denied.

"You've learned to lie." Yi Yan hugged his arm, her voice raised slightly, she unconsciously regained her aura, her head held high, not as overbearing and assertive as before, she felt a little wronged.

Ji Yang was silent.

By default.

"I also have a headache." She didn't continue, but changed the subject.

"Rub some essential oils on you, so you can sleep better." Ji Yang got up and went downstairs to get the medicine box, and wiped it for her when he came up.

Rubbing a little on her temples and forehead, Yi Yan couldn't open her eyes.

When people are sick, they don't think too much. Ji Yang put his hands on her temples and gently massaged her.

The headache eased a little, Yi Yan closed her eyes, and suddenly said softly, "Aren't you going to start over with me?"

"Sleep well." Ji Yang didn't answer her directly.

For some reason, Yi Yan recalled the scene in her dream that day, "I had a dream."

Ji Yang: "What dream?"

"I dreamed that you refused to come back, our child has no father." She stretched out her hand as she spoke, just in time to hug him.


He is silent.

Xu felt absurd.

Yi Yan didn't think too much, the effect of the medicine came up, her pain was relieved better, and she had already entered the fragrance of dreams in a daze.

In her sleep, she seemed to dream that Ji Yang was hugging her, and the two were cuddling and sleeping together.

But when she woke up the next day, she was alone by the bed, she was very disappointed, and her stomach still hurt a little when she got up.

She opened the door, but smelled a scent.

The fundus of the eyes gradually became colored.

He is still there.

As before, cook porridge for her.

After washing, she went downstairs. Ji Yang served her a bowl of millet porridge and put it in front of her, "Does it still hurt?"

"A little bit." She also emphasized, "It hurts when I get up, and it will be fine after taking some medicine."

It's an old problem, she knows it.

"Go to the hospital in time if you haven't recovered." Ji Yang sat opposite her, also drinking porridge.

Yi Yan's hand holding the spoon paused, "It will be fine."

After breakfast, she took another six stomach medicines and was so weak that she went upstairs to lie down again. Ji Yang didn't go out and watched her.

In the afternoon, she woke up in pain.

The imprint was bitten on the lower lip, and cold sweat broke out on the forehead.

This time it really hurts.

She couldn't bear the pain, and grabbed Ji Yang's hand, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He was frightened and rushed her to the hospital.

Examination result: acute gastroenteritis.

The situation is still relatively serious. I will be hospitalized for one day first, and I will be discharged tomorrow if there is nothing wrong.

Yi Yan didn't want to be brave anymore, she was lying on the bed, wearing a hospital gown, receiving a needle, her face was pale.

Ji Yang sat down on one side, and softened his tone, "Does it still hurt now?"

She shook her head.

"You will endure the pain." He understood her temper, and knew that it must be serious, so he didn't dare to leave, and asked the doctor about the situation.

Yi Yan watched him circling around anxiously, but actually felt a little guilty.

She really didn't hold back much this time, for fear that he would leave.

"What's for dinner?" he asked.

Yi Yan stretched out her hand, held his hand, and said softly, "I want to drink your porridge, is that okay?"


"Will you go to my place? It's closer. I still have some work to do. You can get me the computer when you go back."

"Okay, I'll get another suit, what else?" he asked.


When he came in the evening, Yi Yan couldn't hold back the pain from the injections, she lay powerless on the bed, and didn't even want to eat porridge.

The right hand is still receiving injections, so it is inconvenient to hold a spoon.

"Eat before going to bed." Ji Yang opened the lid and fed her with a spoon.

Yi Yan is willing to eat this time, she looks very "reluctantly".

During this period, Ji Yang's cell phone kept ringing, and Li Wei turned on the phone, but he didn't answer it, and the other party finally came to the door.

As soon as he entered the door, seeing Ji Yang feeding Yi Yan, he quickly covered his eyes.

These two people, every day.

"What's wrong with Mr. Yi? You guys are hiding, and the reporters are hanging around outside." Li Wei felt that his heart was broken.

"Reporter?" Ji Yang raised his eyebrows, and fed Yi Yan another spoonful.

"You're a star, you don't even wear a mask, oh my god, you've been photographed a long time ago." Li Wei raised his forehead, "Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise there would be a casual acquaintance in the hospital who would have rushed to the room if he found out the room number. Come in."

"No." Yi Yan said in a low voice, but said it firmly.

Li Wei: "..."

Well, he was overthinking.

Ji Yang's wife is awesome, it's all his fault for worrying!

He gave a symbolic greeting to Yi Yan, and hurriedly left again, after all, what people need is not him, just stay as a light bulb.

It's better to go back and help Ji Yang deal with things and let him take a few more days off.

When Ji Yang went to wash the dishes, Yi Yan opened Weibo and looked at the trending searches, and found that there were a few more photos.

He came to the hospital with a lunch box and her computer.

Because someone took a photo of the two in the afternoon, the comments are all about the two of them.

There were no discordant voices, and Yi Yan didn't criticize either.

At night, when Ji Yang was about to sleep on the sofa, her head "sore" again, and it would only get better if he pressed it, otherwise she would not be able to sleep.

For this reason, he also went to the doctor to get Fengyoujing.

It must be pressed on a bed. Yi Yan simply lay on his lap and hugged him, intentionally or unintentionally, "The wall between the living room and the kitchen of the villa on the Songhe River, I think it's too empty, you can Hang a picture or something."

"That will have to wait until you recover." Ji Yang poured some essential oil again, "Often headaches are not a good thing."

"It doesn't hurt very often, it's only a little bit when I miss you." She half-closed her eyes and saw that his face was a little unnatural.

The first time she said such words, she was also a little embarrassed, so she simply closed her eyes again.

The air was quiet for a long time before Ji Yang's voice came to my ears, "It's quite unexpected. I used to think that if you change your temper, even if you don't hurt others so much, the pressure in my heart will be less."

"But I think forcing you to change, I don't know if it's good or not."

"There is no coercion. I know what I want." Yi Yan opened her eyes and spoke seriously.

"What do you want?" He lowered his head and looked at her with black eyes.

"You." A word came out of her mouth, and she continued, "From the beginning to the end, all I want is you, regardless of identity or other things, just two people together."

"With you by my side, nothing else matters."