I am a Good Man

Chapter 61: A married lady (4)


Before nightfall, after Xiao Wen sent Mrs. Xiao away, she began to look outside the door from time to time. She didn't know what else she was looking forward to in her heart.

The moment I saw Ji Yang coming, my mood eased and calmed down again.

"There is a chestnut seller downstairs. I bought some for you. Do you want to eat?" Ji Yang sat on the bedside, and slowly passed the paper box in his hand, "It's still hot."

Xiao Wen's eyes fell on it, she shook her head, "I have no appetite."

She liked it before, and she likes it now, but she just doesn't want to eat it.

"Then wait until you have an appetite? You can eat later." Ji Yang put it aside with unconcealable disappointment in his voice.


Listening to Ji Yang, he felt uncomfortable all over, his chest was really stuffy, and he frowned because of the discomfort. The original owner had a strong feeling for Xiao Wen.

It can be said that the only person who can touch him all the time is Xiao Wen, otherwise he would not have done those desperate things, but unfortunately he found out too late in his previous life.

"Custody rights..." Xiao Wen looked at him and spoke softly. She didn't finish her sentence, but both parties understood.

Ji Yang took a deep breath, looked at the paper in his hand, felt that it weighed a thousand catties, and slowly handed it over, "Here it is."

Xiao Wen took it, and after confirming that it was correct, she nodded, and her heart was relieved.

Ji's family is weak, she has to be afraid.

"How was the examination today?" Ji Yang took the initiative to provoke the topic, and then said, "I just went to ask the doctor again, and he said that the condition is very good."

"Not bad." Xiao Wen answered.

The two of them were chatting one after another, probably because Ji Yang was trying to stir up the topic, and Xiao Wen ended the topic with a few words. During the period, she played music for the child again, holding a storybook in her hand, but did not read it.

"When I got home, I saw a book..."The Storybook of Father-to-be", do you want to bring it to you tomorrow?" When Ji Yang said it, he was guilty and embarrassed.

"No need." Xiao Wen shook her head, "I bought it by the way last time. I heard that the fetus can also recognize sounds. If you read it to it, the relationship will be closer after birth."

But he didn't care, and now he didn't need to.

"I... I'm sorry." Apart from this sentence, Ji Yang couldn't find anything else to say.

What he owes the most is Xiao Wen, and what he loves the most is also her.

"It's okay." She replied lightly, without emotion in her words.

Ji Yang's heart thumped suddenly, and it hurt for a moment, and then the numbness spread all over his body, accompanied by a sense of powerlessness.

The atmosphere of the chat between the two was quite heavy and depressing. Ji Yang felt uncomfortable staying here, but it was even more uncomfortable not staying here, so it is better to choose pain and happiness.

He got up to wash his hands, and wanted to peel chestnuts for Xiao Wen. He was very embarrassed when he asked, with a trace of probing and flattering.

Xiao Wen is a woman who is not very good at embarrassing others, so she acquiesces.

The Xiao family and the Ji family have broken up, and they probably won't have any intersections in the future, and Ji Yang's attitude is not bad, so she can't say no.

Peeling chestnuts is the first time, and it is also a technical job.

Ji Yang, the young master whose ten fingers don't touch Yang Chunshui, peeled five of them before he managed to take out one. The tip of his ear was red, and he was embarrassed to hand it to her.

Xiao Wen inexplicably felt a little want to laugh, but suddenly felt very astringent.

Even if he treats her a little better, even if he was a little better before, it won't make her feel so cold now, thinking that all his flattery is for her own comfort.


Ji Yang's cell phone rang. He was trying to get serious with Chestnut. He didn't have a hand to answer it. After it rang for a long time, he wanted to hang up. He looked at the notes.

Lu Hehe.

Xiao Wen also looked over, obviously seeing it too.

Ji Yang's scalp became numb in an instant, and his expression was tinged with panic. He watched Xiao Wen's eyes turn cold little by little, and regained his calmness as water.

This is a sending proposition.


Still not answering

I don't know what the other party will say when I answer it, and I feel guilty if I don't answer it, maybe I did something scumbag behind her back.

Gritting his teeth, Ji Yang still took it.

As soon as the connection was made, the voice on the other end was crying, "A Yang, where are you? I am at the door, why can't the door be opened? Come back soon, my aunt said that she will see me tomorrow, I am afraid, A Yang, where are you?" ?”

Lu Hehe's helpless and pitiful voice echoed in the ward, Ji Yang closed his eyes, his temper was about to rise, and his efforts in front of Xiao Wen for the past two days were in vain.

"What are you afraid of if you haven't done anything wrong?" Ji Yang's voice was cold and deep, "If you don't want to go, don't go. It's my house. It's normal if you can't get in."

As if being poured with cold water, Lu Hehe stopped crying suddenly, and said softly, "Ayang, I'm just scared, I have no other intentions, I don't know what to do, so I came to you."

"If it's my mother's problem, I will find out and solve it." Ji Yang finished speaking and hung up the phone.

"Ah..." Lu Hehe looked at the hung up phone, she naturally listened to the impatience in the other party's words, looked at the door, and stomped her foot hard.

She tried so hard to hide for so long, how did Dai Wenjun find her? Originally, he wanted to expose his identity to get close to Ji Yang, but it was useless!

Right now only Ji Yang can help her, otherwise she can't beat Dai Wenjun at all!

Ji Yang hung up the phone, holding the mobile phone in his hand, with mixed emotions in his heart, looking at Xiao Wen, with his brows tightly wrinkled and his jaw stretched, feeling depressed and heavy.

The goodwill gained by ceding land and indemnity is gone again.


Once Xiao Wen showed alienation, the original owner's mood was very unstable and extremely furious. He just gritted his teeth before resisting the urge to scold Lu Hehe.

After all, what kept popping up in my mind just now is: green tea whore white lotus, bad old man, good thing, old man really killed you!

Why did the original owner have such a strong dislike for Lu Hehe

Because the truth about the fire was investigated back then, Lu Hehe lied to the original owner, but she was a woman who chose fame and fortune in the end.

The two didn't have a deep relationship in the first place, and they were entangled for several years, but it was Dai Wenjun's intervention that made the original owner think of going against him, and Lu Hehe would please him, be obedient and obedient, and he could be coaxed with a small gift.

He himself has a stubborn personality, and he has a temperament of the sun every day. So far, except for Xiao Wen, he has never paid attention to other women. The other party played tricks in front of him time and time again, which made people really disgusted and had no patience.

"I gave her the password to the apartment, and she asked for it with an excuse. I was drunk and lost my mind, so I gave it." Ji Yang admitted his mistake with his hands in his hair, and his tone was irritable and restless, "She has been here twice, The first time I came to talk to me about what happened back then, and the second time recently, I was offered breakfast, but I didn’t want it, and the password was changed.”

"I thought she felt guilty and uneasy because of my death, and my mother also got involved, which made me feel rebellious. The relationship between my family and me has not been very good these years, and it has also implicated you."

"If you don't talk about feelings for her now, the past is over. I will handle this matter well, between her and me, between her and my mother..."

"En." Xiao Wen interrupted him, "It's good to be able to handle it well, and you can also let go of your knots."

The other party didn't let him finish his sentence, obviously he had been isolated from the world, and he didn't want to hear the grievances and grievances between the few people.

To put it bluntly, people are not curious now and don't want to know.

Ji Yang's mood was wrong again, and his expression was tangled, "Xiaowen, don't be like this, I know I was wrong, but I never thought about what happened to her, and I won't. When you ran into her, she said she had something to say to me. Say, I'll just..."

"I know." Xiao Wen nodded.

Ji Yang: "..."

My heart is aggrieved, my breath is almost short of breath.

It was so painful and uncomfortable.

If you want to stay overnight this night, how can you succeed

After the last three steps, he turned his head and rolled out in a desperate state.

Sitting on a chair in the hospital, with the cold wind blowing, Ji Yang looked at the twelfth floor, shook his head and sighed, "Come on, it's one step away from completing the task."

go back to bed

Oh, he couldn't go back, he put his hands on his chest, this brother's emotion was so strong that it suffocated him, his heart was sore, swollen and bitter, all kinds of feelings came again.

No wonder he kept dangling in front of Xiao Wen in his previous life, no matter what he wanted to do, being close to Xiao Wen would make him feel comfortable, and being scolded would also make him feel comfortable.

Love, there is no solution.


A restaurant in the city center.

Lu Hehe came here at the appointment, and saw Dai Wenjun sitting there at a glance. The other party was still the same as a few years ago, elegant and noble, holding the tea in front of him, and taking a sip, "Miss Lu doesn't have a strong sense of time, she was late by eleven half."

"There is a traffic jam on the road." Lu Hehe made an excuse, lacking confidence.

She was actually in contact with Ji Yang, but after she couldn't get in touch, she went to his house to look for him, but she still didn't see anyone.

Facing Dai Wenjun, she was actually a little scared, but she still mustered up courage in her heart, what was she afraid of? She must not be afraid!

Dai Wenjun nodded, his eyes fell on her face, and he scanned her around, "Miss Lu's face is even more beautiful than before."

Hearing this, Lu Hehe's face was pale, the fire was always the biggest hurdle in her heart, like a wound being torn open.

Dai Wenjun observed her behavior, and said slowly, "I thought Ms. Lu was a sensible person. I said before that Ms. Lu and my son are not worthy. Today I will tell you as before, Ms. Lu, you are not suitable to be the daughter-in-law of the Ji family. .”

"I know you're looking at Xiao Wen, and you don't like me." Lu Hehe smiled wryly, "Then they're still divorced, because Ji Yang doesn't like her, but only me! It's you who forcibly broke us up, or you wouldn't It will look like this!"

She firmly believes that Ji Yang's marriage will not lead to happiness, but will only lead to pain, otherwise such a thing would not have happened.

It was Dai Wenjun's fault that they were able to do well!

Facing her slightly out-of-control emotions, Dai Wenjun looked normal, "I don't know what role Ms. Lu played in Xiaowen's accident this time, and I also hope that Ms. Lu will abide by the agreement between us. There will be serious consequences.”

"Are you threatening me?" Lu Hehe's eyes dodged and he tried his best to remain calm.

"You made a choice a few years ago to use the resources I provided you to ascend, and now you want to come back to seize greater opportunities. You can't be so greedy." Dai Wenjun looked at her, her voice became colder, "Don't Play me for a fool, what I can give you, I can take back twice as much!"

"I hope that Ms. Lu will keep her duty and not get involved in my son's life. You have already chosen to quit. Don't waste the last bit of my kindness to you."

Dai Wenjun picked up the bag and quickly disappeared from her sight.

Lu Hehe sat down on the chair, gasping for breath, fear rose in his heart, but was quickly suppressed, picked up his mobile phone and started calling Ji Yang.