I Am A Legendary BOSS

Chapter 40: A transaction full of justice and kindness


the next day.

William was woken up by three cubs licking him...

So he threw his hands three times in a row, multikill!

"Bang bang bang..."

He skillfully threw the three little bears back into their dens. Unfortunately, little bears are very dependent on them. The three little guys sulked for a while, and then crawled onto his chest again with a cooing sound.

"Come here, feed these three little ones." William rolled his eyes and got up. The sun had just emerged, and he was about to break the seal of the quilt. The discomfort was almost maddening.

When he got dressed and opened the door, three maids were already waiting at the door.

"Sir, the little bear grows very fast and will be ready to eat meat in half a month." The leading maid among them said.

"You can tell me if you have any expenses. Let's feed them first." William nodded and walked out of the room.

He looked at the workers who got up early and were already busy building houses, with a vampire's sunny smile on his lips, and he was in a good mood.


"Good morning, Lord!"

"May the glory of the gods bathe in the lord forever!" William met many newcomers who greeted him respectfully along the way, all of whom were citizens of the Steel Principality and the Black Rock Principality.

They came here to work and wanted to live here for a long time. When they met William, they naturally wanted to please him. Instead of letting the lord remember their appearance, they could just say a word.

William nodded slightly to show his friendliness.

But just by his nodding, many people were moved. The nobles in human countries raised their heads proudly with hatred, and regarded civilians and slaves as ants. How could they respond

They also heard that the lord of the town was an elf and was very friendly and kind, so they dared to say hello. Unknowingly, these outsiders thought that the edge town was much better than the two principalities.

The expansion mission continues.

William doesn't need to take action, and he didn't take any troops to do territorial tasks today.

As time passed, and when the sun was shining, William, standing on the edge of the cliff, finally saw a large number of troops on the plain.

"So many people?" Lautner was a little confused. He had promised that there would only be 3,000 ordinary slaves and 500-life professional slaves, but now the number was no less than five or six thousand. In particular, he also discovered that in this huge team, there were actually There are also 500 soldiers to protect him!

In other words, to prevent slaves from escaping...

"This guy Curry has some skills." William raised his eyebrows. Slave trading is legal in many human countries!

But for the country, only the domestic slave trade is legal, and the outflow of people is illegal.

But no one dislikes gold coins. Although the country does not like the exodus of slaves, it cannot tolerate the policy from above and the countermeasures from below.

Domestic nobles often have various trading channels.

Now William is convinced that Curry is not a supplier, but just a middleman. These slaves should be provided by a certain noble noble.

The mountain road is not easy to climb, but there is only one road, and a group of people can only climb up the steep cliff with a sad face.

William has no plans to build a road for the time being. Instead, he believes that the more difficult the road is, the better it will be for the safety of the territory.

After Curry led a large number of troops to the outskirts of the town, he proactively waved the five hundred soldiers back off the cliff. The soldiers in the town naturally went to receive these slaves.

Curry looked at William who was a little confused and did not explain in advance. Instead, he laughed heartily: "Dear Lord, I brought you the person you want. Can you see how the quality is?"

"Very good, they are all strong men and women, but are there too many?" William was not too happy, but frowned. Is Curry still planning to buy and sell by force

But with the five hundred soldiers he brought, he was too confident, right

Curry seemed to see William's incomprehension. After all, there were some small gifts when doing business. It was not surprising, but this was too much.

So he invited William to a remote location and said bluntly: "Sir, the extra 2,000 ordinary slaves and 200 professional slaves are all gifts to you!"

William smiled happily and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother!"

"If you have anything to say, just say it. As a brother, I will try my best to help you solve it!!"

Curry twitched his mouth, is it so real

And are you really older than me

However, although Curry was of high rank, he did not dare to really call William a brother. He glanced around and said cautiously: "Sir, I really want to trouble you with something!"

William nodded noncommittally and motioned for him to continue.

"I am a viscount of the Black Rock Principality, my father's count, but I am my father's second son...

My father fought for decades in his early years. After getting old, he suffered from all kinds of injuries. Now he is dying, but I want to get his inheritance as earl! "

Curry is very direct with his words.

After all, he could see that Lord William in front of him was a more direct elf.

Although this is a bit inconsistent with the elves in his memory, it is easier to communicate with elves like this.

"You want me to kill your brother?" William raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, my brother will come to the Black Leaf Forest for hunting in three days. This is my only chance and the last chance.

If I can't grasp it, after my father passes away, you will never see me again..." Curry knew many nobles because of the caravan.

But the intrigues and vampire-like greed among the nobles were even more unspeakable, and he did not dare to ask other nobles for help.

Even if a big noble really helps him, he will only become a puppet in the end.

"Isn't this good..." William didn't agree directly. He felt that it could be done, but after all, he had an elf character, and he couldn't break it yet, and he couldn't act too greedy.

Curry felt cruel and said immediately: "5,000 ordinary slaves and 600 professional slaves. This is the gift I will definitely deliver to you after I succeed the earl."

"Hey, it's not good..." William took a breath, he always felt that it was too easy to get cheap.

"6,000 ordinary slaves and 700 professional slaves. This is the maximum limit I can allow now. You don't have to be afraid that accepting these slaves will cause the Black Rock Principality to target you. I will adjust it myself.

The most important thing is that even if I inherit the earl, the caravan will still exist, and I will give you the lowest discount on all transactions at that time. "It has to be said that Curry would rather believe in the elves than go to the assassins.

After all, honest and trustworthy elves have been circulating on the mainland for too long.

William looked serious. He touched his chin and asked doubtfully: "What if I kill him but you don't give me these slaves?"

"Sir, you are joking. I am willing to make a contract with the gods!" Curry smiled sincerely, but also with a hint of ruthlessness.

"Which god?" William suddenly asked.

"..." Curry's smile gradually disappeared, and he twitched his mouth and said, "The God of Light."

William suddenly smiled: "Haha, don't worry, I will leave the rest to you.

Brother Curry, you only need to tell me the time and place of your brother's hunting, and everything will be no problem.

After all, as a just and kind-hearted elf, I really don't like the fact that the brothers who are about to inherit the title are such ruthless and unjust people. "

"Then everything depends on the adults." Curry felt a little distressed, but still nodded. After all, in his eyes, slaves are much cheaper than gold coins.

The benefits of the slave trade are simply unimaginable.

The origin of slaves is simply unbelievable...