I Am A Legendary BOSS

Chapter 66: Remarks


I must and am sure that I am learning from the writing method of Super God Mechanic.

Because "Super Mechanic" created a system for cutting leeks, which is like an infinite flow.

And being reborn as a game BOSS is nothing more than two things to watch: confronting the player, or cutting the player's leeks.

In the past, few people wrote about how to cut leeks.

Leather armor made this model popular.

As for the positive players, this mode is obvious. The highlights will become less and less interesting, the protagonist will become stronger and stronger, and in the end it will become less and less interesting.

Therefore, I am a master of learning, and I will try my best to be innovative when choosing how to cut leeks, so I chose the mainstream of fantasy themes.

In this case, all players will definitely not join Dawn City, and many players will choose other forces.

After all, it's a camp.

It's like the Alliance and the Horde, like the Haoqi Alliance and the Valley of the Evil. Players don't have to join a camp. The theme is to fight against each other. Just like in a certain area I played in Jian Wang 3, the Valley of the Evil has always been suppressed and beaten. , but few people rebel against the camp, just for the sake of a breath of fresh air in their hearts.

Therefore, cutting leeks in this book is only part of it. The protagonist is still the BOSS in the eyes of other players, and even in the eyes of many players.

And I am a fan of Super God. When I wrote this book, I specially added Leather Armor as a friend. I told him that the book I wrote borrowed the method of cutting leeks, and I didn’t know if it was okay.

Pipijia said it didn't matter, he agreed, and then I shamelessly asked for a chapter recommendation.

That's the thing, because anyone who has read Zhang Tui should know that the introduction of Zhang Tui is very similar to Super God.

As for this chapter, I didn’t say anything about plagiarism or imitation. After all, there is nothing wrong with what everyone said. I am borrowing the writing method of the forum and cutting leeks, so there will inevitably be similarities.

If some readers feel that what I write is boring and keeps imitating, you can choose not to read it.

You can also vote for it if you like it.

All I can say is that I will try my best to be innovative in the plot.

By the way, thanks to Pipijia for the recommendation.

The game category has very little traffic, few readers, and few authors. Without his chapter recommendations, my collection would still not exceed 10,000.

I am a grateful person, and Lepijia has helped me, so I will not speak ill of the readers he brought. I just hope that if someone doesn't like it, this book can be deleted.

That’s all.

Thank you.


Urgent for updates, but it is impossible for me to add updates to the group: 701990409φ(>ω