I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao

Chapter 21


With the current popularity of Li Yutao and Zhao Xinran, it is still not enough to be the number one in the trending search. However, if these two people were put together, plus the scandal, it would definitely be enough. As the saying goes, good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. Regarding the scandal, the heat of the spread is quite fast.

"It's just ruining the three views! Li Yutao can do such a thing, these two people have only been together for more than a month, right? It really hurt Zhao Xinran. [curse]"

"I really doubt whether Zhao Xinran knew about this matter. If he didn't know, it would be very pitiful. If he knew... it would be very scary. [Thinking carefully and terrified]"

"Xinran took our family away, Li Yutao scumbag didn't explain [Goodbye] #李羽涛混男#"

"What did I say at the beginning, the love in the entertainment industry has always been that Xiu Enai dies quickly. It's just that it's the first time I've met 23333333"

Ever since Li Yutao and Wan Shanshan's cell phones were charged, they hadn't stopped for a moment.

With the increasing popularity, Zhao Xinran's agency also came out to refute the rumors. Such a thing, even if Zhao Xinran's team and Li Yutao's team jointly hyped it up at the beginning, definitely cannot admit it at this time. The most sensible thing to do is to protect yourself wisely.

Although doing so is not very good for her image, it is better than the same fate as Li Yutao.

"Please don't scold our family anymore, she is very emotionally broken now. We didn't expect it to be like this. Please give her some time and let her recover well. [Sad] [Bless]"

As soon as such an official explanation came out, everyone naturally started to focus on Li Yutao's side again.

On the third day, Zhao Xinran's eyes were red and swollen, his face was slightly pale, and he appeared in front of the public with an extremely haggard appearance. Before the reporters could speak, she couldn't hold back the tears, she kept shaking her head and refused to interview.

Such a performance naturally won another wave of sympathy.

Li Yutao was not so lucky, he didn't get any sympathy from netizens. On the contrary, he was scolded miserably by netizens. Not only the netizens scolded him, but even the brokerage company planned to hide him. The matter of Xue Zang is the cruelest thing for a popular artist.

Some celebs with bad records refuse to admit life and death after making mistakes. And it has been appearing on the big screen, and the company has also bought various announcements. In this case, everyone will gradually forget the mistakes this star once made.

And if it is hidden... In a place like the entertainment industry that changes so quickly, it will be very difficult to turn around.

Not to mention that he was hidden by the snow, Wan Shanshan was also fired by the company. The reason is that not only Li Yutao's rumors broke out on the Internet, but many people also leaked Wan Shanshan's scandals. As an agent, bully the stars under him, or let the stars attend some receptions they don't want to go.

In short, she has become the image of a procuress in everyone's mind, and she is about to be hacked into Xiangxiang on the Internet. Not only ordinary passers-by scolded him, Li Yutao's fans even hated her to death. If the celebrity they like is with Zhao Xinran, a celebrity who has grown up from childhood to adulthood, they can still accept it with joy and smile to bless.

However, if they were with a woman like Wan Shanshan, they couldn't accept it. Moreover, some people even said on the Internet that the reason why Li Yutao is in such a miserable situation is because of Wan Shanshan's obstruction. Maybe Wan Shanshan forced him to do all of this.

Li Yutao may be able to make his debut with his looks and voice in the future, but Wan Shanshan will not. As an agent, he married a male star under him suddenly. For such an emotional agent, no well-known economic company would dare to take her.

Meijia Entertainment looked at the trends on the Internet, grasped everyone's point of view, and posted Weibo in a timely manner.

"We are deeply saddened by the situation of our company's artists and managers. As an artist, you should set an example for the society. As a manager, you should also distinguish between personal feelings and work. Finally, I can tell you in charge that this agent has been fired by our company, and this artist has been hidden by us. We are a responsible company, so you can rest assured to continue to like our artists .”

This kind of seemingly indifferent Weibo content makes people wonder what to say.

In short, after the incident, it is absolutely impossible for Li Yutao and Wan Shanshan to appear in front of everyone in the short term.

Shen Chuchu is quite satisfied with this result, she knows that she can only do this at most. What Wan Shanshan did to her did not leave a trace, even if she wanted to sue her, it would be very difficult to sue her. Moreover, if you are not careful, you may be splashed with dirty water. It is very unacceptable to hit a stone with a pebble. Seeing her miserable state now, she is already very happy.

But what she was most dissatisfied with was actually another matter. The experience points were deducted again, this time 20 points were deducted all at once. The reason is that because of her, Wan Shanshan and Li Yutao's marriage index dropped one star, and now it has become two stars. According to Shen Chuchu's experience, if there are two stars, it means that the divorce is not too far away.

That's why she was deducted 20 points.

Although Shen Chuchu was not satisfied with being deducted 20 points for taking revenge on the person she wanted to take revenge on, she would definitely make the same decision if she did it again!

However, this wave of things was not over yet, and soon, it was vaguely said on the Internet that some managers of Meijia Entertainment would pimp their artists and force them to do such unspoken transactions. Meijia Entertainment saw it and quickly came out to refute the rumors. He told netizens very righteously that the one who did this was Wan Shanshan who was just fired by them, and it has nothing to do with others. They are a very serious company.

Seeing such rumors, Shen Chuchu's termination of the contract was imminent.

Unexpectedly, before she said anything, Secretary Wang would contact her first.

"Miss Shen, I wonder if you still intend to terminate the contract? According to our observation, the most recent time is the best time to terminate the contract. I wonder when you have time, can you come to our company to discuss it?"

Shen Chuchu thought, obviously she was the one who wanted something from someone, but the attitude of the other party was as if they wanted to beg her. Thinking of this, Shen Chuchu said: "Yes, thank you, Secretary Wang. I have time recently. I wonder when you are free?"

Secretary Wang said: "It's all right, as long as Miss Shen wants to come, she can come anytime."

Shen Chuchu felt that it was better to hit the sun than to choose the day, and planned to go to the Han Group to solve this matter today, so as not to have long nights and dreams, what if the Han Group regretted it.

After arriving at the Han Group, relevant lawyers and staff discussed with her with her contract.

Han Xingyan stood at the door, looked at Shen Chuchu's frowning, and said, "You can follow them to Meijia Entertainment in the afternoon."

Secretary Wang was slightly surprised in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He just said respectfully, "Okay, boss."

After arriving at Meijia Entertainment, I didn't expect the process of terminating the contract to be extremely smooth. Everyone was amiable, and immediately agreed to terminate the contract when they said it was terminated. Seeing the final one million to be paid, Shen Chuchu felt a little pain.

Just when she was about to agree, Secretary Wang took the contract and said, "One million? I just don't know how you plan to compensate Miss Shen Chuchu for the loss of her reputation?"

The staff of Meijia Entertainment frowned, and said: "What reputation loss, it has nothing to do with our company." Although they have been greeted long ago, Shen Chuchu has a backstage, and the backstage is the Han Group, let them let them go quickly , just go through the motions. However, this does not mean that they have to compromise on everything.

Secretary Wang pushed his glasses, took the document handed over by the person around him, pushed it to the other party, and said: "According to our investigation, some managers in your company forced artists to do some transactions during their tenure. Because Ms. Shen Chuchu I am also in this company, so I have suffered some damage to my reputation. In addition, Ms. Shen's manager once forced Ms. Shen to do many things that she did not want to do. These problems seriously violated the labor law contract. Therefore, you should compensate Miss Shen. However, Miss Shen is kind-hearted and doesn't want to pursue it, so you don't need to pay compensation. However, we won't pay the 1 million liquidated damages either. "

Hearing such an explanation, not only the staff of Meijia Entertainment, but even Shen Chuchu were a little dumbfounded. She felt that the best result would be a smooth termination of the contract, but she didn't expect to make such a request

Secretary Wang gave Shen Chuchu a calm look.

Next, a special lawyer argued with the people from Meijia Entertainment. The lawyer's eloquence was very good, and what he said was clear and logical. It's as if, you owe us so much money, we don't let you pay it, and you still want to blackmail us? Do you still have a conscience!

Shen Chuchu thought that the two sides would gradually reach a consensus, and then she would be able to pay less.

Unexpectedly, under Secretary Wang's hint and threat later, a high-level executive from Meijia Entertainment came to sign a contract termination agreement with Shen Chuchu very happily.

Until she got home, Shen Chuchu couldn't believe that this really happened! Not to mention that I successfully understood the contract, I didn't even pay a penny of liquidated damages. She quickly found Han Xingyan's business card, stared at it for a while, and swallowed.

I thought, it's nice to have money and power.

Thinking that today's success was due to the person on the business card, Shen Chuchu sent a thank you text message.