I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao

Chapter 64


Seeing the contents inside, Shen Chuchu instantly forgot the exhaustion of her body, and read each word seriously. This blogger's Chinese skills are really good, and he tells stories clearly and clearly. The whole text is talking about Chen Meng's deeds. From when Chen Meng was in school, to when she first entered the circle, to when she became popular. Although the struggle path of each stage is different, the same thing is that the role she plays in it is a third party in the relationship.

When I was in middle school, I relied on my beauty to be someone else's third party. Later, I wanted to intervene in the relationship between Guo Xin and Sun Hui, and then I fell in love with a rich man.

Shen Chuchu felt that the weight of this wave of melon was too big, and it took her a long time to digest it. After watching it, with her sensitivity to the entertainment industry, she understood one thing: Chen Meng is about to end!

Everyone is in the same circle, and everyone knows who has a backer or who doesn't. Chen Meng is a first-line female star in China. She needs acting skills and good looks. However, he is also a person who has a backer and cannot be messed with. Everyone in the circle knows this. Otherwise, why didn't other stars with the same acting skills become the first-line, but she became the first-line

Except for some stars whose fates are too good, others are popular because of external factors. Although it was said that Chen Meng became popular by herself, everyone inside knew that she relied on the man behind her.

And the reason why Shen Chuchu felt that Chen Meng was going to end this time was because the revelations mentioned the backer behind Chen Meng. That person was none other than Dong Ziyuan's father and one of the investors of "Warm Spring" that Shen Chuchu was filming.

Dare to bring out the big shots in the circle so blatantly, there must be someone behind this to fuel the flames, and the big shots must have agreed to this matter. Otherwise, no one wants to know such news.

Who could it be, who hates Chen Meng so much, and dares to challenge the boss. Thinking about it, Shen Chuchu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a figure appeared in his mind. Thinking of what he said when he called his father that day, Shen Chuchu felt that she had come to the truth.

It is estimated that Dong Ziyuan did this.

Thinking of Dong Ziyuan's feelings, Shen Chuchu felt cold all over, and angered such a man, Chen Meng could only ask for blessings.

When Shen Chuchu was watching the marriage on Weibo at night, she also received a private message from Hongmao.

No. 1 Entertainment Ji-Hongmao: Old fairy, please answer, is the matter about Chen Meng true

Shen Chuchu replied: I don't know about this, this god only cares about marriage, and doesn't care about other things.

No. 1 Entertainment Ji-Hongmao: Thank you old fairy for answering, I will ask old fairy again when there is a big marriage event.

By the next morning, the incidents about Chen Meng on Weibo intensified. Many media who had been watching before now also had four words in their minds: the general trend is over. Well, of course this word is used to describe Chen Meng.

After a night of fermentation, the story has deviated from the original track. Guo Xin and Sun Hui also appeared on the hot searches again and again. Even Guo Xin and Sun Hui were hacked on Weibo some time ago, and everyone found the culprit. Needless to say, it was naturally Chen Meng. And this matter was originally done by Chen Meng, so as soon as it was brought up, someone followed the clues and found a clue.

Chen Meng looked at the news on the Internet, and made a phone call with trembling hands: "Old Dong, you can't leave me alone."

The other party was silent for a while, and said: "Xiaomeng, I think I have treated you well these years, but you have exceeded the norm."

As soon as Chen Meng heard the shit bowl was on her head, she quickly explained: "It wasn't me, Old Dong, I really didn't do that thing, it was..."

The other party didn't listen to her explanation, but said, "Although you didn't do it, you knew it beforehand, right?"

After hearing this sentence, Chen Meng's lips twitched a few times, but he didn't say a word. As the other party said, she did know about it in advance, and she was looking forward to the development of the matter.

"I hate unruly people the most. You should be very clear about this. Besides, you still think about your old lover?"

"I didn't. Didn't I still think about Sun Hui? I did it to get revenge on Guo Xin. Old Dong, you have to trust me."

"I won't talk about other things. Since you have been with me for so long, the villa in the western suburbs belongs to your name. You can do it yourself in the future."

"Old Dong, you can't..." Chen Meng became really scared when he heard the other party's decisive words. Unfortunately, the other party didn't listen to her explanation, and had already hung up the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone, Chen Meng sat on the ground dejectedly.

This time, Chen Meng was overwhelmed by everyone. In just one day, her black material was already flying all over the Internet. If someone doesn't know Chen Meng, after reading the reports on the Internet, he probably thinks that this person is a heinous sinner.

Destroying other people's families, trying to kill the eldest wife, buying troupes to slander other people's reputations, stepping on female stars who are more talented than her, and robbing other people's resources... Her crimes are too numerous to write down. The majority of netizens also began to crusade against her on the Internet.

"I feel disgusting like I ate a fly. I didn't expect Chen Meng to be such a person. For so many years, I always thought she was a typical example of inspiration in the entertainment industry. I didn't expect it, hehe. [Smiling]"

"No wonder Zhang Hui, who was so popular back then, suddenly disappeared in the circle. It turned out that Chen Meng did it. How could there be such a bad person! [curse]"

"People who destroy other people's families really can't bear it, they will be black all their lives. I beg the General Administration to ban such vile artists! [angry]"

"It turns out that what happened to Guo Xin was done by you, how shameless!"

The crew is also discussing this matter in a low voice. After all, Chen Meng has a pivotal position in the circle, and one of the leading actors in the matter is their investor. It's just that everyone is discussing it in private, and it hasn't been said on the stage.

When the director saw Shen Chuchu's state today, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, it seems that you didn't exercise less yesterday, and today's state is not bad."

Shen Chuchu was finally relieved when she heard this sentence.

During the play, Shen Chuchu sat aside to rest, listening to the staff's discussion with Chen Meng, she listened with great interest. Suddenly, she found a pair of familiar figures in the distance. In the blink of an eye, the two of them sneaked out of sight.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yan came to the resting place. His face was flushed.

Shen Chuchu looked at Jiang Yan's appearance, and took a closer look. This state looks like she is in love.

Jiang Yan looked at Shen Chuchu's ambiguous eyes, coughed lightly, restrained his expression, and said, "Chuchu, what's your expression? Is there something dirty on my face?"

Shen Chuchu smiled and said: "No, there are no dirty things, sweet things are almost the same."

Jiang Yan understood what Shen Chuchu meant in an instant, blushed, and seeing no one around, said in a low voice: "You still talk about me, I think you are similar. Are you in love, I see you this time After I came back, I looked at my phone more frequently.”

Shen Chuchu didn't expect that the topic would turn to her head, she shifted her eyes to the left and right, and explained uncomfortably: "Why, am I watching entertainment news, such a big thing happened in the circle, I don't care about that."

Jiang Yan glanced down at Shen Chuchu's mobile phone, and said, "Oh~ yeah, I think everyone reads the news on Weibo, but you read it on WeChat. It's really ingenious. Moreover, entertainment news also has an automatic reply And the chat function, it's amazing."

As she said that, Shen Chuchu's mobile phone rang a WeChat notification.

Looking down at the contents of WeChat, Shen Chuchu blushed, looked at Jiang Yan's eyes as expected, and said with some embarrassment: "Official account push, haha."

"Yeah, official account, an official account that can talk about love."

After Jiang Yan left, Shen Chuchu picked up her phone and glanced at the message from Han Xingyan.

Han Xingyan: I ordered a private kitchen for you, so don't eat the crew's box lunch at noon.

The corner of Shen Chuchu's mouth turned up unconsciously, but thinking of the director's words, she still replied: Don't hurt me! ! !

When Han Xingyan saw this message, he immediately replied:

Shen Chuchu: Don't order food for me anymore, I'm losing weight recently.

Han Xingyan thought that something happened, and he was relieved after seeing Shen Chuchu's reply: You don't need to lose weight, you are not fat at all, you should eat more.

Seeing the message sent by Han Xingyan, Shen Chuchu felt bubbling in her heart, but she still said: But the director said I was too fat, don't lie to me.

Han Xingyan looked at the phone and frowned, thinking to himself, Shen Chuchu was already so thin, if he didn't eat more, he might fall down when the wind blows. How can there be such a director who is so harsh on actors. He felt that, as a family member, he had to communicate well with the director.

Han Xingyan: Who is your director

Sensing the "killing" spirit in Han Xingyan's words, Shen Chuchu hurriedly said: This is actually not the director's business, it really doesn't look good on camera after getting fat. Alright, I'm going to film, let's talk when I have time.

Han Xingyan stared at the phone for a while, called Secretary Wang in, and said, "Go and find out who is the director of the movie Miss Shen is filming."

Secretary Wang pushed his glasses and said respectfully, "It's Director Tian." Ever since the boss was very interested in Shen Chuchu, he had started to pay attention to Shen Chuchu, so that the boss would ask questions from time to time. As the saying goes, a secretary who does not share the worries of the boss is not a good secretary.

Han Xingyan glanced at Secretary Wang appreciatively and nodded.

Director Tian, who was far away in Hengdian, was at a loss when he received the news from above. By the way, when did he become too harsh on actresses? This is nothing. After thinking about the heroine in this play carefully, it seems that there are not too harsh ones. However, if you want to think about which female star he has offended from another angle, Qin Yingran is the only one. After all, he strongly opposed her playing the role of Xiaodie. Could it be that she played a role in it

Thinking of this, Director Tian couldn't wait to see Qin Yingran even more. Although Qin Yingran's scenes have been filmed, the editing hasn't been cut yet, no one will say anything if there are a few scenes missing.

As for the backer behind her... none of his business! If he would have scruples about these things, he would have made Qin Yingran the heroine a long time ago!