I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 102: arrival


Ah Da's attack represented Hall's official counterattack. Upon seeing this, Stone and Wood rushed forward without saying a word.

Nocia immediately cast the group attack magic of the wind system, and suddenly there were bursts of painful screams from the crowd where the robbers were.

This is a small tornado, which mainly uses wind blades to rotate at high speed to attack the enemy.

Fortunately, her level is not good, and the power and range of magic are not too large. If it is replaced by a fourth-class magician, it is estimated that the hundred people will be reimbursed in this way.

Seeing the robbers within the magic range, Hall was still very envious.

"When I have time, I must go to the Academy of Magic to study. Since I have come to this magical world, I am really sorry for my chance to travel if I don't release a few magic spells!"

Seeing this, a person brought by Zeromus couldn't help but asked Zeromus softly what to do.

Seeing that the script had strayed from the theme, Zeromus wanted to control the situation, but when he saw Hall's howling moon wolf showing great power and the robbers were defeated, he felt that It seemed that these bandits were overestimated, and Hall's strength was also muttered.

Glancing at Lisa Bubu at the side, Zeromus gritted his teeth and said.

"Come on, kill these robbers for me!"

After receiving the order, these people immediately made preparations. After several magicians chanted their spells, they showed their power first. Several types of magic with different attributes quickly rushed towards the robbers. With the sound of screams, the soldiers They immediately seized this opportunity and killed them directly.

Bandits are bandits, and when they encounter strong enemies and regular troops, they quickly fall apart.

The leader at the head didn't expect his subordinates to be so ungrateful, and a panic expression appeared on his face.

He saw Zeromus not far away, and was just about to say a truce, but a black shadow flew over quickly.

Before he could react, the black shadow pierced his throat directly. The bandit leader, with a trace of unwillingness, widened his eyes and covered his throat with both hands.

Blood kept flowing from the gap between his hands, and with a trace of unwillingness, the bandit leader fell down heavily.

"No, the leader is dead!"

The robbers, who were originally in a mess, suddenly dispersed after hearing this, and had no intention of avenging the leader at all.

quick! Some are fast!

From the beginning to the present, it ended with the death of the bandit leader in less than ten minutes.

In fact, the big reason for this is because of Ah Da!

In front of the robbers who don't have a third-class fighter here, the third-class monster Ada can be said to be very terrifying here.

Basically, with one claw, those robbers will either die or be injured...

After the battle, Zeroms and his men looked at Hall and his summoned beast Ada with apprehension on their faces.

After all, the most powerful fighter here is also a third-class fighter. Although they can defeat Ah Da, they know very well in their hearts that it will cost a lot!

"Arnold, you are actually a summoner? If I'm not mistaken, your summoned beast is the Moon Howling Demon Wolf, right? My God, how old are you, and you actually have the Moon Howling Demon Wolf as a summoned beast?" Wood held a Talking about the bloody ax to Hall, his eyes looked at Ah Da who was almost as tall as him from time to time.

Hall hadn't spoken yet, and Nocia secretly thought that if he knew that Hall still had many monsters, he wondered if he would be frightened.

After the battle, Zeroms came over with an embarrassed face and smiled at Hall.

"It turns out that Mr. Arnold is a great summoner. I know some more. Romus, the son of the financial officer of Damei Port, has met Mr.!"

Regarding Zeromus' sudden change of face, Hall didn't want to point out that this matter must have something to do with him, but since the bandit leader had been killed, Hall didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Hello! I think I'll leave it to you to deal with it. There should be no problem, right?"

After all, so many people died, if they were left here, what would happen? Since they are official people, Hall left this matter to them.

Looking at the caravan going away, Zeroms' smile disappeared immediately.

"Go back and investigate him, this man is so young, he must not be an ordinary person! Damn it!"

Zeroms originally wanted to come to a hero to save the beauty, but he didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the development of the situation was too fast, and he could no longer control it.

Thinking of this, he decided to go back and talk to his father about it, and wanted to hear his father's opinion.

After packing up, Zeroms immediately returned to Damei Port with his people.

After the two parties left, the valley immediately became quiet, as if nothing had happened.

But the black and red land on the ground seems to tell others what happened here...

A man in black suddenly appeared here, glanced at Zeromus who was leaving, then turned around and walked quickly towards the direction Hall and the others left.

After the battle that day, everyone in the caravan felt a sense of awe towards Hall.

After all, given Hall's age and strength, a third-class summoner under the age of twenty is not something ordinary people can do.

Some young caravan members regarded Hall as their idol, and they all envied Hall for being so young and powerful! It's a pity that none of them can become fighters and magicians, but this does not mean that they cannot worship Hall.

No, Hall took the kettle from a young man with some headaches, and then watched him retreat respectfully.

"Hehehe! Arnold, you are so amazing, they all regard you as an idol!"

Huoer smiled wryly when he heard the words, Mu Mu had said a lot of such things in his ear before, and now Lisa Bubu also came to have fun, Huoer was really made one head and two big!

"Okay, don't talk about it, I finally got rid of the wood, you are here to start again!"

Seeing Hall's deflated appearance, both Lisa Bubu and Nocia couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I will arrive in Howth Town tomorrow, and our mission will be completed by then!"

Hall couldn't help but feel happy when he heard the news.

"Finally freed!"

Had it not been for Nocia and the others, Hall would have had a headache when he thought about the past two days, and now he heard that he would be relieved tomorrow, so he was naturally happy.

With this happy mood, Hall rested very comfortably that night.

In the afternoon of the second day, Hall and the others finally arrived at their destination, Howth Town.

"Thank you, Mr. Arnold, for your help. Let's settle the settlement now. This is my wish. Please accept it, sir!"