I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 109: look for a job


I rushed out a chapter early in the morning on the first day of the new year, I wish you all a happy new year!

After resting all night, Hall woke up early the next morning.

When he came out of the door, he found that Mo Qi was already outside.

"Morning, master!"

Seeing Moqi bowing and calling him master, Hall felt a headache!

"Didn't I tell you not to call him that!" Hall scratched his head, feeling very disgusted with this title. Although there was a fox girl Lina before, she always called her Young Master.

"Forget it, just call me young master from now on!" Seeing Mo Qi's stubborn expression, Hall knew that what he said yesterday was in vain.

It took a lot of effort for several people to eat together yesterday, and finally asked as the host, and the brother and sister had to sit down.

It's just that their behavior on the table really made Hall unable to stand it, not to mention the rules, they looked very rigid!

"I hate nobles!"

This is not only how Hall felt yesterday, he has already had this kind of thought since he traveled to this different world.

If others knew about it, they would probably regard him as a different kind!

"Okay, master!"

Mochi's words and deeds made Hall feel a bit like the butler of the British nobles in the earth age, which made Hall want to know Mochi's previous identity.

However, Hall seemed unwilling to talk about Mo Qi's situation, so naturally he would not take the initiative to bring it up. After all, everyone has secrets, right

And Hall's secret is bigger than anyone else, and it is very painful to carry an unspeakable secret.

This is like the feeling that after being rich, you can only travel at night in rich clothes, but you can't return home in rich clothes.

Hall himself called this feeling aggrieved, but others would definitely call it boring!

"Okay, you boy, you acted like a child yesterday, why are you acting like an old man today! How is Mia?"

Hearing Hall mentioned Mia, Mo Qi had a joyful expression on his face.

"My lord... my lord, little sister Mia is doing very well. At first I thought she couldn't make it through, but I didn't expect that she would be able to move about on her own today after a night of rest!"

"That's right, it's just like a child!"


Hearing Hall's words, the laughter of Nosy and Lisa Bubu suddenly came from the side.

Hall looked back, well, everyone including the thin Mia is gathered.

"How is it? Are you resting well? Mia, are you okay?"

Mia's face was still as pale as snow, but it was much better than yesterday, at least her spirit had recovered.

"This fountain of life is really powerful. If you can absorb all the water from the Moonwell of the Dark Elf into the space, what will happen?"

If Nocia knew that Hall was spying on the baby of the elf race at this time, she would tell Hall angrily that he was the host asking for his own death!


No matter how you say it, the elves are a big race. The elves in the dark forest alone have several masters with ninth-level combat power. So what if there are hundreds of moon howling wolves or raging demon bears on Hall

In the face of high-level combat power, they are nothing but cannon fodder!

"Thank you master for saving your life, Mia will be your servant from now on!"

Tut tut tut!

here we go again!

Hall patted his head with a headache, "Okay, you can call me young master like Mo Qi, and don't say master or something next time!"

Mia's eyes shone slightly when she heard this, but they disappeared before everyone noticed.

"Okay, master! When Mia recovers, I will take care of the master's daily life!"

"Don't! Just take a good rest!" Hall is not a lolicon, and Mia looks like she is nine years old. Although she is cute, he is not the one who opens his mouth when he eats and reaches out for his clothes.

Seeing what Mia wanted to say, Nocia lovingly touched her head and smiled.

"Okay, Mia, you are like this, your young master doesn't know how much hair you are going to lose!"

Everyone heard the words and saw that, sure enough, Hall was scratching his head again.

Everyone couldn't help smiling.

"Okay, let's have breakfast. Let's see when the flight to Vipdus, the capital of the Duchy of Stedam, is!"

Mo Qi, who originally wanted to take the lead to ask the waiter to prepare breakfast, suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at Hall curiously and asked.

"Master is going to Vipdus?"

"Well, yes, why do you know where it is, Moqi?" Hall and others also expressed some curiosity about Moqi's sudden question about Vipdus.

"Uh, this, because I often greet guests at the airship platform during this period, so I still know a little about this!"

Hall smiled when he heard the words, "Oh, so you know? That's great, it saves us from asking everywhere."

"Master, the air ticket to Vipdas is once a week. The airship of Vipdas only left yesterday. If you want to take it, you have to wait until next week!"

"That's it..." Hall said with some disappointment. He wanted to get to Vipdas sooner, and then go to see how his sister was doing. He didn't expect to have to wait for a week.

However, Hall's disappointment dissipated quickly, and he had already traveled for several months, and this week was not far behind.

Seeing the eyes of everyone looking over, Hall smiled and said, "Okay, everyone is watching what I do, one week at a time, we just have a good rest, let's buy tickets after dinner!"

Here, apart from Nocia who knows about Hall's situation, others don't understand what happened to Hall at this time, but since Hall has no problem now, everyone will not take the initiative to bring it up.

The breakfast was very rich, and it was specially ordered by Hall for the two little guys, so that Mia could absorb and digest it easily.

Of course, this fee is naturally very expensive. It costs almost one gold coin for a breakfast. For ordinary people, it is too extravagant!

Both Mia and Mo Qi saw this matter in their eyes. After they looked at each other, they nodded in tacit understanding and did not speak.

For the small actions of the two little guys, Hall and the others were all aware of them. Like Mo Qi, they didn't point out and just ate breakfast.

Fortunately, with Lisa Bubu, the pistachio, the atmosphere at the dinner table was not so gloomy.

After the meal, Hall was ready to buy a plane ticket. Since Mia’s health hadn’t recovered so quickly, Hall was just Mo Qi and the two went out, and then let Lisa Bubu and Nocia stay in the hotel to take care of Mia. .

On this point, everyone has no opinion.

Not long after Hall and the others left, a group of people, led by a young man, walked aggressively towards Hall's hotel.

"Hmph, you dare to sabotage my good business, see how I deal with you! Mo Qi! And that arrogant guy from outside!"