I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 130: love to


I wish all lovers in the world get married! Happy Valentine's Day! The uncle is still typing, so do you want to be more considerate? Let's count the tickets! By the way, WeChat can also read books? That WeChat classmate, hurry up and join the group! And make it clear that you are the WeChat reward!

Nocia was always smiling and chatting with Lisasha all the way, Mia followed behind, and behind her was the kid Moqi.

Hall glanced unhappily at the black-robed dark ones behind him. Originally, he just wanted to find an excuse to come out and talk to Mia about the heraldry box, but he didn't expect all of them to come out.

Forget it, let's treat it as a bodyguard. It's a bit like the boss of the earth going out with a bodyguard in black!

Look like

The outer city of Mars City is very large, Hall and his party walk on the road like a grain of sand thrown into the desert, they are not conspicuous at all.

However, it also depends on the specific situation. Under the special attention of interested people, Hall was discovered immediately.

"Go back and tell your lord that that person is heading towards the No. 3 enrollment site!"

Mars City Magic Academy Outer Court No. 3 Admissions Site

Although it is almost the deadline, it is still so lively. There is a long queue of people waiting in line...

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man pulled a sixteen-year-old boy and said, "Son, you have to work hard. Once you pass the test later, you will be a master magician in the future! Think about it, once you If you become a magician, where can your childhood sweetheart girlfriend go? As for your uncle's piss, he probably blocks our door every day, for fear that you will be robbed by others!"

The boy was still hesitant at first, but when he heard this, he raised his head and said to his father, "Don't worry, father, I will definitely become a magician!"

"Brother, you have to work hard! I heard that the magician is so handsome!" A little girl encouraged her brother in the arms of a mother, but her reasons were a bit unreliable. Think about it, children can know what

Encouragement like this is everywhere. When Hall and the others were queuing up, they heard no less than a hundred reasons!

The one just now was pretty reliable, it was the approval of my childhood sweetheart girlfriend's family through my hard work.

There are all kinds of other reasons, which made Hall suddenly think of a situation in ancient Earth, which seems to be very similar to this situation.

Learning is valuable than anything else!

Isn't this magician equal to the ancient scholars of the earth

And this act of recruiting and selecting magician talents is equivalent to the ancient imperial examinations on the earth

Thinking of this, Hall couldn't help but smile.

"Arnold, what are you laughing at? Are you too nervous? It doesn't matter, it's actually very simple! Besides, with your summoned beasts, this selection is just a cutscene for you!" Lisasha suddenly interrupted Huo Er's thinking.

Seeing Lisasha's concerned expression, Hall felt a little warm in his heart.

"Hehe, it seems Lisa, you are very experienced!"

"Of course!" Lisasha raised her head proudly, her whole body was as dazzling as a beautiful phoenix!

Nocia and Mia pursed their lips and snickered. Since Lisasha showed her true nature yesterday, they liked talking to her more and more.

"This... this friend, are you also here to participate in the selection?" Just as Hall was talking to Lisasha and the others, a weak and shy voice suddenly came from the side.

Everyone turned around and saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old man standing beside him blushing. Although he was asking Hall, his eyes looked at Lisasha from time to time.

"Uh, this guy..." Hall understood at a glance, this guy is here to date, but the person he is dating is Lisasha, and the greeting to himself is just to spark a topic!

After seeing Hall's half-smile expression, the face of the visitor became even more rosy.

"That...that~ I'm sorry, I was abrupt, I'm leaving now..."

Ha ha!

Hall couldn't help laughing inwardly. This guy is really interesting, but Hall doesn't dislike his behavior. He probably is an introverted person. Being able to make such a move shows that he has made a lot of determination.

"Hehe, hello! I'm here to participate in the selection, and they are all my friends!"

Seeing Hall answering himself, the face of the visitor suddenly showed a surprised expression, and even his voice became excited.

"You, hello... My name is Aiduo, a nobleman from the Duchy of Stedam!"

kindness! Duchy of Stedam!

When everyone heard the words, they glanced in surprise at the guy who claimed to be Ai Tuo.

"The Principality of Stedan, Arnold, isn't that..." Lisasha was really straightforward, but fortunately, Nocia reacted quickly and pulled Lisasha directly so that she didn't let her speak out.

"Hello, Aiduo! You can call me Anuo, this is Lisasha, Nocia..." Hall introduced the people around him one by one for Aiduo. As for the dark ones, Hall chose to ignore them.

After Aida learned Lisasha's name, he quickly greeted them with a noble salute.

Although Lisasha has a straightforward personality, she is also a polite person, and immediately returned a salute.

Hall is still very interested in this person from the Principality of Stedam. After all, he will go to the Principality of Stedam soon. He wants to learn about his sister's situation from Ai Tuo.

"Aiduo, are you from the Principality of Stedam?"

After getting acquainted for a while, Hall asked casually.

Aiduo's shyness is relative. When he faced Lisasha, his words were always knotted with excitement, but when it came to Hall, he could still answer normally.

"Well, yes, if you want to go there, Mr. Arnold, I can treat you well...you!" After speaking, she took a special look at Lisasha, but Lisasha didn't pay attention to him, but talked to Nuo Sia said something.

This guy…

Hall secretly complained to him, and continued to ask, "Then I don't know, Aiduo, do you know a man named Baron Rachel?"

Baron Rachel, the name is very common, the reason why Hall asked this person is because he is Hall's cheap brother-in-law!

It's a pity that Aituo didn't know, and after thinking for a long time, he shook his head and said apologetically.

"Mr. Arnold, I'm sorry, there are too many barons in the Duchy of Stedam, I can't remember so many, is he important? If you need it, I can ask someone to check it immediately!"

Uh, it seems that Ai Tuo's identity is not simple!

Hall rejected Ai Tuo's kindness. After all, he just wanted to learn about the current situation of his sister Avril. If Ai Tuo, who is not a simple person, is really allowed to send someone to investigate, it may lead to some emergencies.

Fortunately, at this time, the sound of starting the test came from the front, which attracted everyone's attention.