I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 132: Troubled nobles!


Is it okay to take a break in today's chapter... I finally left an update... By the way, today's popularity is too bad... Tickets? Join the group! Say the important thing again! Thank you for that stinky lion, he is always talking about other people's books, and he is still so popular after being scolded by so many people! Then I couldn't help posting this chapter!

"I said boss, look at human beings, they are so good at creating atmosphere, it's no wonder human magicians are respected so much, it turns out there is a reason for that!"

Dark Three was forced by Dark One to stand beside him and not speak, otherwise he would have chatted with Hall long ago.

No, now that he saw such a lively situation in front of him, he still couldn't help but speak.

"En!" Although An Yi is rather straightforward and doesn't like to talk too much, he agrees with An San's topic just now.

Among the elves, the queen is the most prestigious, followed by the high priests, and then the druids. As for the remaining warriors and magicians, it is not clear who is more precious than who.

As for humans, magicians are more noble than warriors for various reasons.

"Hehe, they look down on fighters. It has to be said that humans have a problem with their vision. At the beginning, as long as the fighters get close, the magician is just a dish. When it comes to the advanced level, the same is true. There is no guarantee of distance, and the magician can only go first. Choose to escape!"

After a pause, the dark three suddenly sighed, "It's a pity that the human god of war..."

"Shut up!" An Yi glared at An San, how could he make rash comments on this topic

An San shrank his head abruptly when he saw this, and then reluctantly stood aside and glanced at An San.

There are fewer and fewer selected teams, and more and more people are selected. Among them, a man with a monstrous talent and mutated lightning system appeared. This situation directly alarmed the senior management of the outer courtyard of the Mars City Magic Academy. People greeted the leaving man like stars holding the moon, and all the people present were envious.

"My God, it turned out to be the Thunder Element! This is a mutation talent! It's amazing! In the future, this person will definitely be able to enter the inner courtyard of the Mars City Academy of Magic!"

Hearing Aiduo's words, Hall suddenly thought of a question, Lisa is from the Principality of Akkad, and she has already entered the Akkad Academy of Magic, so Aiduo is from the Principality of Stedam, why didn't he go directly to Sri Lanka? The Tedan Academy of Magic came here instead

Hall thought for a while and still raised this question. Aiduo's face changed slightly when he heard this, as if there was something hard to say.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm just curious, so if it's inconvenient to say it, I don't need to say it!"

Aida rarely showed a determined expression on his face, "It's nothing, I just want to enter the Mars City Academy of Magic by myself, and then let everyone know that I can succeed!"

All right! An inspiring story!

Since Ai Tuo didn't want to talk about it, Hall didn't gossip about other people's privacy.

Soon it was Aituo's turn, and he smiled and said to Hall, "Mr. Arnold, I'm going to test first, maybe I'll be waiting for you in the success area later!"

Hall has no excuse yet, a man next to him sarcastically said in a strange tone.

"Still waiting in the success area, I said hurry up if you want to go, maybe you will be eliminated directly! Really, who is so arrogant!"

Hall and Ai Tuo couldn't help frowning when they heard the words, and turned their heads to look at the guy who was speaking. They saw that he was about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a height of 1.78 meters, a smooth and fair face, and a sharp-edged and cold handsome face. The bushy eyebrows are slightly raised rebelliously, and under the long and slightly curled eyelashes, the dark and deep ice eyes appear wild, unrestrained, arrogant and prejudiced.

Seeing Hall and the others looking over, the visitor snorted coldly, "What are you looking at? You're talking about you! You take yourself too seriously, a bumpkin should have the consciousness of a bumpkin!"


Hall couldn't help but look at his magic robe when he heard this, and then at the man's magic robe, as if there was no difference.

Ai Tuo beside him said that his face was also very ugly, but he had better eyes than Hall.

"Mr. Arnold, the magic robe on that man was made by a goblin master. It is estimated to be of a high level, and it is inlaid with many inscriptions, and the badge on his chest seems to be the Lord of the Martian Empire!"


Hall was also a little surprised when he heard this. He was somewhat clear about this title, after all, he was also born in a noble family.

The titles in this world are similar to the western titles in the earth era. From top to bottom, they are divided into duke, prince, marquess, viscount, baron, and lord!

Among them, dukes and princes are divided into superior and inferior levels, while marquises are divided into local marquises and border marquises! The others are divided into three levels, among which the first level is the highest, and the third level is the lowest!

And the worst thing was wearing the badge of a lord in front of him, and his cheap father was an earl!

As if seeing Hall's disdainful expression, Aituo continued to add, "This man is probably the son of a powerful man in Mars City, otherwise it would be impossible for a young man like him who has no military exploits to obtain even the lowest rank of title!"

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and waste my time! Are you really a bunch of bumpkins?"

Hall didn't want to cause trouble at first, but the reality is that there are always second-hand goods coming up, which makes him very helpless!

"You are a nobleman, aren't you?"

Hearing Hall's sudden opening, both the visitor and Ai Tuo were stunned, but the visitor showed an even more haughty expression when he heard it clearly.

"Did you see that? My lord! This is the lord of the Fire Wind Empire, and it's not the garbage that you randomly throw out in the countryside!"

Finally, Hall was pissed off by this guy who opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut.

He stared at him coldly and said, "Oh! Is that so? Since he is a nobleman, he is very curious. How could he teach a trash full of foul language and no manners?"

"What? You... you dare to scold me, do you know who I am?" Not only was the visitor shocked, but even Ai Tuo was startled by Hall's words.

You must know that Ai Tuo is a nobleman who was born in the Duchy of Stedam. He came here to prove his ability, but before he came, his teacher made it clear that he should not provoke the nobles of the Fire Wind Empire, because they will be at the critical moment. Get you into trouble you didn't expect!

But now Hall, a friend who just met, couldn't stand the guy's words and started cursing directly. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

"Who are you, how do you ask me? You should ask your father who you are!"


Hall's words made both of them a little confused. Although it was true, what did it mean

Seeing their reactions, Hall realized that this is not the earth. The word about the earth has long been spoiled by netizens, and it is only natural for them not to know.

After a pause, Hall continued.

"Since you are an aristocrat, you should know the spirit of nobility, right?"