I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 15: Princess Sylph



A scream came from a mercenary, and then his whole body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"The eighth! Hehe... let you know how powerful our Dark Iron Dwarves are..."

Steel swung the bloody battle axe, and looked up at the mercenaries with fearful eyes in front of them!

"You...you must kill them all? Our regiment leader is a second-class soldier! Wait for him to come back..."

"Idiot!" Hall glanced at the mercenary who spoke. Since returning to the castle, Hall and the others have successfully killed many drunken mercenaries.

However, there are still a few that are more difficult to deal with. They are all first-class fighters with relatively strong physical fitness!

Although they all had some effects after drinking, but in the face of life and death, they still stimulated the potential of their bodies and barely supported them.

"Steel, how many can you pack?" Hall glanced at Steele, who was full of fighting spirit, and said lightly.

"Well, with their current situation, I can resist two!"

Hall glanced at the five pale-faced mercenaries on the opposite side, and after thinking for a while, he said, "That's fine! Leave the remaining three to me!"

"Hall, I can too..." Nocia was about to speak, but was interrupted by Hall.

"Fighting has always been a man's business! Please help me greet Lina!"

Lina looked at her Master Hall with glowing eyes, and she felt that he was becoming more and more manly!

And Nocia gave Hall a blank look. Because there are more women in the elves, they are no worse than male elves in terms of combat effectiveness. If Lina is not on the side, she really wants to have a theory with Hall. fan...

Although the strength of the few mercenaries was somewhat limited, but now hearing that a dwarf and a child didn't take their attractiveness seriously, two mercenaries immediately came out with flushed faces.

Waving the giant sword in his hand, he shouted loudly, "Boy, don't think that you can do whatever you want like us! I want you to know that speaking big words will kill you!"

The other three mercenaries looked at each other and also stood up. For a while, the five mercenaries confronted Hall and the dwarf steel, and the battle was about to start!

"Aren't you talking big? You'll know in a while!"

As soon as Hall's words fell, a Gale Wolf immediately appeared in front of him and looked at the five mercenaries with a fierce expression on his face!

"Let me do this! I'll block it, you go kill that kid! Once he dies, Galewind Wolf will lose control, and you just..."

"Who said I only have one? Come out! Gale Wolf!" Hall glanced at the mercenary with an idiot's eyes.


Not only the mercenaries of the devil mercenary group, but also Steel and Nocia looked at Hall incredulously. To be precise, it was the strange figures that appeared in front of Hall.






Including the original one, there are six in total!

How can it be? How could there be six Galewind wolves

Before they could react, Hall had already ordered the Storm Wolves to attack, and the two Storm Wolves aimed at one target, screaming in agony.

In less than two seconds, three panicked mercenaries fell in a pool of blood!

"No! Don't! You're a devil!"

Seeing this, the remaining two mercenaries roared and were about to run away, but Steel woke up and swung out the battle ax fiercely. One mercenary was caught off guard and was hit directly in the chest. After the scream, blood flowed down his body. His chest dripped from the tomahawk.

The other was stunned for a moment and immediately quickened his running pace. Suddenly, his calf hurt and he fell to the ground.

When he turned over with difficulty, a figure rushed up quickly, and the two figures rolled on the ground. After the screams, the mercenary stopped struggling.


For Nosia, the only thought in her heart is shock!

Although the five first-class fighters were affected by drinking alcohol, they were all killed in such a short period of time. This is really beyond her knowledge!

Is this really a summoner? And why are these blast wolves so powerful

Regarding the strength of the Gale Wolf, Hall really didn't think there was anything wrong with it, he thought it was pretty good!

He thinks it's good, but Nocia and Steel don't think so. They have seen Gale Wolf, and there are quite a few. As a first-class monster, this is just a low-level monster that can only breathe wind blades, like them. A first-class fighter and a first-class magician, which one has not been killed

But now they were shocked by the strength of these Gale Wolves, and a first-class fighter was easily handled by the Gale Wolf! Is this still the Wind Wolf

"Clean up, let's go!"

Hall looked at Steel and Nocia who were in a daze, and hurriedly spoke to them.


Everyone knew that now was not the time to ask questions. Lina hurriedly followed after Hall took back the Gale Wolf and walked out. Nosia and Iron and Steel looked at each other, and they both saw the shock application left in the other's eyes.

"Let's go! It seems that the Hall we know is not ordinary..."

No, an ordinary summoner can only summon one summoned beast, but Hall summoned six in a row, and showed a relaxed appearance...

When they came out, they saw Hall worrying about the things on the ground. Nocia took a closer look and found a pile of gold coins and treasures, which seemed to be the spoils of the mercenary group.

"There are some things here that I can't finish, you can take some! I found three crystal nuclei, and I won't give them to you if they are useful to me!"

Nocia reached out to help the broken hair beside Fujian's ear, shook his head and said softly, "You saved me, so these are all yours!"

Nocia is an elf of the dark forest. Although there are several cities in the forest, they don't really need money!

As for what Iron and Steel originally wanted, when he heard Nocia say this, he was embarrassed to ask for it again, patted his chest and said, "Brother Hall, you saved us, these are yours of course!"

Hall glanced at the treasures on the ground and touched his head with a headache, "But I can't finish it!"


Nocia and Steel rolled their eyes involuntarily! He is so easy to talk about because he can't finish his feelings!

Nocia glanced at the space bag on Hall's waist, and then angrily removed a chain from his neck. When everyone looked at it, they found that there was a ring there.

"Elf ring?" Iron Steel said with some surprise, he is not such a noob as Xiang Hall, the elf ring is not an ordinary space ring, it also represents an identity, that is the princess of the elf!

Hall looked at Nosia curiously, not understanding why Steel was so surprised when he regretted taking the ring.

"Dear princess! If I guess correctly, you must be Nocia, the youngest daughter of Queen Sylph of the Dark Forest. Sylph! The Dark Iron Dwarves send their greetings to you!"