I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 1561: give it to me


As soon as Ital said these words, a powerful sacred light emanated from the bodies of several generals, and then the entire space was filled with sacred power.

The first to be affected were the undead soldiers summoned by Wall and the others!

Those undead soldiers had just walked out of the black mist, and they were immediately purified by this powerful holy power.

Not only that, but the black mist behind them was also dispelled a lot.

The faces of Wall and the two elders of the undead tribe behind him suddenly changed. They did not hesitate to burst out with powerful black energy. When the holy power was about to disperse all the black mist, they added a large amount of black mist , and finally stopped not far from them.


Wall couldn't help cursing secretly, and the one who cursed like him was Leah, the patriarch of the Medusa clan!

Obviously, they are also very upset about the Light Force. Fortunately, Ital and the others did not specifically target them, and their strength is still relatively strong, so they are just a little uncomfortable, and their strength has not suffered much damage.

After a sudden burst of powerful holy energy, Ital saw that a large number of undead soldiers were purified before they came out, and immediately said to Leah and the others beside them.

"What are you waiting for! Hurry up!"

"Do it!" Leah, the patriarch of the Medusa clan, said to the patriarchs behind him without hesitation.

At this moment, whether it is the Dark Clan or the Light Protoss, they have abandoned all contradictions in their hearts, because they all know that the human named Hall in front of them is their worst enemy!

Once Hall grows up, both the dark race and the light god race will receive a devastating blow.

So after hearing Liya's words, they didn't hesitate. Except for a few who rushed towards Ah Da and the others, the rest of them all killed Hall.

"Hmph! Since this is the case, let's start!"

As Hall waved his hand, a dozen or so figures suddenly appeared beside him. Ita and the others shouted loudly when they saw it.

"According to the original plan! Intercept these monsters! Remember! You don't need to work hard, just stop them!"

After hearing Ital's words, it was okay for the Bright God Race to say that they immediately faced the summoned beasts that suddenly appeared on the ground or in the air according to their own strength.

On the side of the Dark Clan, several patriarchs muttered a few words in their hearts, and then each rushed over to find their own targets.

Those elders should go too. Just as Jasmine wanted to rush over, she was stopped by the tauren patriarch Farokas.

"Your opponent is me!"

"Falokas! You are looking for your own death! I will give you one last chance, if you make a wrong choice! You..." Jasmine said angrily after seeing Farokas.

He didn't understand why this Pharokas didn't stop anyone, but blocked himself!

But the one who responded to Jasmine was the giant ax of Pharokas!

After a loud "bang", Jasmine was shaken back several steps, but Farokas stood firmly on the spot,

"Hmph! You don't need to waste your time talking! Do you know why I look down on you so much? Even your own clan can be left behind, and you, the patriarch, are not doing very well!"

After being told by Farokas about the pain, Jasmin's face turned red immediately. At this moment, he happened to see the contemptuous eyes of the two demon clan elders behind Farokas walking past.

"Bastard! Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After saying this, a powerful aura erupted from Jasmine's body. Seeing this, Pharokas squinted his eyes, and then roared angrily, rushing towards Jasmine.

"Tap Tat Tat!"

Dozens of death knights rushed over, but Itar didn't even look at it. He waved his hand, and a ray of light flashed by. Dozens of death knights were directly reduced to ashes.

In fact, Ital is not so powerful. The reason for this is that he happened to restrain the undead.

Wall also wanted those undead soldiers to intercept Ital, but was stopped by Hall.

"Okay, ignore him, transfer the soldiers to help others!"

"Yes! Master Hall!" Wall, who was sitting on the Lightning Golden Eagle with Hall, immediately responded when he heard the words.

The scene at this time was very chaotic, and basically everyone was fighting. Although the number of eighth-level holy-level summoned beasts on Hall's side was one or two more, the Lightning Golden Eagle under Hall did not participate in the battle. The three of them are undead summoners, but their soldiers are restrained by the light gods, so the role of the three of them is the smallest.

Seeing Ital and Leah rushing towards them, Hall said while directing the Lightning Golden Eagle to attack.

"If you surrender now, I can walk around you without dying! Otherwise, you will all be turned into undead soldiers!"

"Hmph! Don't be ashamed! Our Guangming Protoss will never surrender! Die!"

After Itar escaped the lightning golden eagle's attack, he immediately fought back, but the lightning golden eagle's speed was very fast, and Ital's attack did not hit Hall.

"Huh! Look at me!" Leah rushed over and said immediately when she saw this, and then saw the snake heads on her scalp, all staring at Hall, and suddenly a ray of light rushed towards Hall.


An undead flying monster suddenly rushed in front of the lightning golden eagle to block the light, and immediately the undead flying monster turned into a stone and fell straight down.

"Master Hall, be careful! Leah's petrification ability is very special, and it can't be undone for a short time after being hit! As long as you stay away from her, she has nothing to do, and her number of attacks is limited!"

"Wal, you are so stubborn!" I heard Wall tell Hall about his abilities and details. Leah gritted her teeth angrily.

You must know that Yitar and other light protoss gods on the side are her future enemies!

Glancing at Ital, I saw Ital coughed in embarrassment, and then continued.

"Let's not waste time, they won't last long, let's make a quick decision!"

Liya turned her head when she heard the words, and saw that on the battlefield at this time, people had already started to be injured, especially their dark clan, who were crushed and beaten by those summoned beasts, but the light god clan was fine. They just remembered that they cooperated with Mian It can barely block the attack of those summoned beasts, but it seems a bit difficult for them to support the Dark Clan.

"Okay! Hold that monster for a while, and I'll kill that Hall!"

Ital knew that the patriarch of the dark clan like Leah had many special abilities. When he heard that Leah was willing to make a move, he was overjoyed and immediately said loudly.

"Don't worry! Leave it to me!"