I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 1567: Who understands who?


Due to the threat of bugs, a large number of troops were hoarded near the south line.

However, due to supply or safety considerations, the army did not stay close to the coastline, and the residents of the homeless land near the coastline were not restricted to live here, and were told not to leave casually, otherwise they would be ruthlessly arrested if they were caught. of killing.

But fortunately, in order to prevent these people from judging the papers for the people in the land of the homeless, they will still distribute some basic organizations.

At least until the bugs are blocked, they don't have to worry about starvation,

It is estimated that this is also a restriction made by the higher-ups in order to prevent these people from rebelling or making trouble.

Thinking about it, without any material support, the natives of the land of the homeless who were transported here couldn't make any big waves at all!

Because most of the natives in the Land of the Wanderers have surrendered to the Dark Clan or the Light Protoss, these people have no rebellious heart at all.

In addition, the leaders elected by each island are people who are pro-dark or light protoss. They are always thinking about getting an opportunity to honor the interior of the mainland, so they allocate On the contrary, the tasks that come down are more attentive than those of the Dark Clan and the Light Protoss Clan.

Their behavior is very despised, but because of the Zerg invasion, while many people despise it, they are more envious and jealous!

However, among these people, the resettled people in one area were not like this.

These people are none other than Georgia, the owner of Edge Island, Grutar, the owner of Hope Island, and others!

"Damn it! It seems that those guys from the Dark Clan and the Light God Clan want us to resist the attacks of bugs. They are clearly treating us as consumables! To put it bluntly, they are cannon fodder!" Gruta Er said angrily.

"Okay! They've known about this since they were willing to pick us up!" Georgia patted him on the shoulder, and then sighed.

"Who would have thought that the worms we suppressed and beat before would evolve so quickly in such a short period of time! They would have evolved into powerful worms capable of naval and air combat!!"

"That's not right! Both the leader of the Siren Clan and the leader of the Barracuda Clan were defeated. Fortunately, the Sea Clan can flee to other places to hide, but we will be miserable!"

"No! You misunderstood them! They are not wrong! This situation is a huge problem for both them and us! If they hadn't lured a group of bugs to the deep sea, how could we have reached the Honor Continent safely? ?” Georgia disagreed with Grutar’s words.

"Yes! I think the Lord Georgia Islander is right! The patriarchs of the Siren Clan and the Barracuda Clan have indeed helped us a lot by doing this! Also, as he said, if the sea monsters and barracudas are aroused. The attention of the beast, once it attacks these Zerg, it is very likely to kill these bugs directly!" Mark on the side suddenly said.

"Mythical beast! Hey, I hope so!"

It stands to reason that Georgia and Grutal should be the highest-ranking people here. Ordinary people, if their status is not equal to them, it is impossible to speak here.

But because of Hall, not only Mark, but also Rustan and Pierce are here.

"I don't know how Hall's situation is. If he was here, I think our situation would be better." It was Pierce who spoke. Hearing his words, everyone nodded in agreement.

And at this time, a notification sound came from outside, and after hearing the content, everyone's expressions changed suddenly,

"Damn it! Those guys want us to be on the front line again? If they want to join the Dark Clan and the Light Protoss, they can just go. Why do they pull us in every time!" Grutar suddenly slapped the table and shouted .

"What should I do, Lord Georgia Islander?" Rustan was also unwilling, but in the current situation, if they refuse, then they will probably be the least allocated resources at that time!

You know, the people they came this time, no matter in terms of strength or number, are unmatched by other islands!

But after all, they only have two islands, and although the other islands are weaker in strength, they are superior in their number!

If they didn't have to worry about this problem in Georgia before, after all, they didn't take refuge in one side at the same time, but the dark race and the light god race accounted for half of each!

But now after encountering a powerful enemy, they actually joined forces, and in order to please the leaders of both sides, they shamelessly put Georgia at the forefront again and again, so this made Georgia and the others very annoyed.

"Hey! Let them in!!"

Soon, under the leadership of the guards, a group of well-dressed and bloated people walked in step by step.

With his appearance, people who didn't know it thought it was some superior leader who came to check.

"Hehe, the Georgia island owner and the Grutal island owner are here! Well, that's good!" The leader man said while looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Huh!" Grutal snorted angrily when he heard the words, and although Georgia didn't want to see him, she still nodded and said hello.

"It turns out that the Lord Morantai is here!"

Seeing Georgia greet him, the man named Morante quickly smiled again on his ugly face after hearing Grutal's cold snort.

"Ah, Georgia Island Master, I'm here to disturb you again!"

After speaking, he ignored Grutar's embarrassing expression, and sat down directly.

"Oh, don't stand up, let's sit down and talk."

Seeing that the bastard Morante turned his back on the guest, Grutar was about to yell at him, but Georgia pulled him away first, and then spoke to him.

"I don't know what the Morante Island Lord is doing here this time? Did the higher up allocate a lot of materials, and you came here to bring them to us this time?!"


Hearing Georgia's words, Morante was almost swallowed by his own saliva. They didn't have enough material of their own, so how could they allocate it to Georgia and them!

"Hey!" Morante is very good at acting, he didn't answer Georgia's words, but changed the subject.

"I believe you have also seen the current situation, Georgia Island Master, because the Zerg is too powerful, we were forced to move here from the Land of the Wanderers, the Dark Clan and the Light God Clan have paid a lot, so I think we should be considerate of them , have to do something for them! Do you think?"