I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 1571: Here come the bugs


The team, which had become a little panicked due to the arrival of the bugs, saw a rare boost in morale after seeing the undead soldiers who suddenly appeared.

"Great! Some reinforcements are here, this time we shouldn't be so strenuous!"

"That's right! Those bugs are really terrifying. It takes a few hits to kill them! The main reason is that their vitality is too tenacious!"

"That's not true! Last time a guy chopped the bug into two pieces. The bug, who thought it was dead, got up again and pierced that person. Although he also killed the bug in the end, but this..."

Speaking of this, the soldier couldn't help but sighed. To be honest, death is not terrible, but facing those bugs who only know how to kill, even soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles will be terrified of being killed.

"Look! They're moving!" Suddenly a soldier pointed at the undead soldiers and shouted.

Everyone looked up, no, the undead soldiers who had just been summoned were marching towards the bugs densely.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

There were bursts of piercing sounds, and everyone looked up quickly, only to see a group of dark figures flying in the sky suddenly. After seeing these, the soldiers who were still a little worried were relieved.

It turned out that those veterans were only slightly relieved after seeing the undead soldiers, and the stone in their hearts did not let go, because the bugs had a large group of flying bugs!

Although those flying insects are more vulnerable to bites than those on the ground, they are the most powerful killers.

Because every time they slide down to attack, those soldiers who are not careful will be sliced into two pieces together with their armor!

It can be seen how powerful these bugs are, and another point is that they are very fast, and it is difficult for ordinary bows and arrows to attack them, unless it is an overwhelming attack, but right now, there is a lack of material in the Land of the Wanderers, even if there are a lot of enchanters , It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!


The fight begins as a giant fireball explodes in the flying bug.

The first is the battle between the flying bugs and the undead flying monsters. These two races only know how to execute orders but not fear, and sparks burst out at the moment of contact.

Seeing this scene, Hall couldn't help but frown, because he found that most of the fallen were undead flying monsters.

Immediately afterwards, the troops on the ground also began to fight. Hall clearly saw that the attack of the undead soldier only made the worm scream, and then the worm directly cut off the head of the undead soldier.

The death ratio of worms and undead soldiers is one to three, which means that killing one worm will cost three undead soldiers.

Seeing that Hall frowned a little dissatisfied, Walton said with such an ugly face.

"Summon death knights! Let them charge!"

The two elders of the undead tribe nodded immediately when they heard the words, and then the three of them shot at the same time. Soon, thousands of death knights appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the shocking death knights, Georgia nodded slightly. It seems that he was not optimistic about those ordinary undead soldiers before.

Sure enough, after the death knight launched an impact, the worms immediately pulled out a batch of worms and pressed them up. Immediately afterwards, the two sides collided on the side of the army.

Under the impact of the death knight, those ordinary bugs were drowned before they could resist.

Seeing this, the morale of the human side suddenly increased!

"Great! Kill those bugs!"

A man who looked like a captain snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Squeeze! Stick to my post! If anyone dares to run away, don't blame me for beheading him first!"

The soldier who spoke quickly shrank his neck when he heard the words, and the soldier on the side smiled and said.

"Let your kid talk too much! Hehe, don't look at the captain, he is so cold, but he is very excited inside! Don't believe it? Look at his hands!"

The soldier turned his head when he heard the words, and sure enough, he soon found out that this was indeed the case, his captain's hands were shaking.

"Not good, look!"

The soldier who was about to snicker suddenly was taken aback when he heard this, and turned his head to see the scene in front of him, showing a look of horror.

It turned out that at some point, the worms killed a large group of huge worms. These worms had four legs, but they were tall and had huge fangs on their heads. They looked similar to elephants.

"What kind of insect is this?!"

No one explained to this soldier because they didn't know either!

I saw that the sudden worms blocked the death knight's impact abruptly. Not only that, these worms also used their huge fangs to pick up the death knight and fly around!

"Damn it!" Wall couldn't help cursing secretly after seeing this scene.

"Jump up for me!"

The horses of death knights are also undead. They have a special ability, that is, they can run in a state of weightlessness.

Soon, everyone found that the death knights jumped onto the backs of those huge bugs one by one, attacking them.

This trick suppressed those huge bugs for a while, but before everyone was excited, suddenly the ground began to loosen, and then the death knights fell one by one, and then the death knights were knocked out one by one, but It looked like it had received a huge impact, and it turned into broken bones one by one!

Um? !

There are strange things in the underground!

No need to be reminded of this, everyone stared wide-eyed and looked ahead, only to see thorns suddenly appearing on the ground, these thorns directly hit the horses of the death knight, and pinned them, the death knight who lost his horse It was quickly overwhelmed by the bugs that rushed up.

This scene happened to be seen by a group of people from the Dark Clan and the Light Protoss who rushed over from the rear. After seeing this scene, several Generals of the Light Protoss floating in the air couldn't help showing a look of shock on their faces.

"When did the bugs have more new creatures? Also, who are those undead summoners? Why do they help the natives resist?"

Speaking of this, the general of the Guangming Protoss suddenly pointed forward and said.

"That place is the defense line of that island?"

After hearing this, a member of the Guangming Protoss quickly said respectfully.

"If you go back to Lord Longte, there are the natives brought back from Hope Island in the Land of the Wanderers. They seem to have joined the Dark Clan."

Hearing this, the person called Long Te frowned.

"Oh, they are the natives of Hope Island! They joined the Dark Clan? No wonder!"