I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 1584: prince?


"I broke the contract? Hehe, I didn't know who broke the contract first. If it wasn't for you, I would have found him a long time ago. Why wait until now?"

"Hmph! These are all justified by you, have you seen them?" Apollo said coldly, obviously he was not going to admit it, unless Onyxia found evidence, or witnessed the The presence.

"Oh! You mean, as long as I prove that what I said is correct, you will admit it?" Onyxia suddenly thought of something, and quickly grasped the reason for Apollo's words.

"I never said that! Don't force me like this every time, can you?"

Seeing the god king and the devil scolding each other like shrews, the people below all showed astonished expressions. Obviously, none of them thought that such a scene would happen between the two high-ranking kings!

Hall was still a little confused about Onyxia's sudden abandonment of attacking himself and then changing hands to attack Apollo, but after hearing their conversation, and what happened in the Allen Continent before the combination, he suddenly realized that they Just looking for something, no! The exact Shun should be Xiao Hei!

The momentum released by Onyxia just now is somewhat similar to Xiao Hei, so Hall is very suspicious now that the Demon King is a dragon!

So now a new question arises, not only the demon king Onyxia is looking for Xiao Hei, but also the God King Apollo, what is the purpose of their competition for Xiao Hei

There would be internal strife because of Xiao Hei, tearing up the covenant that was finally united, and disregarding the biggest threat that is coming, the Zerg!

What exactly is going on

Just when Hall was puzzled, Onyxia's voice came again.

"Didn't you say it? Then what do you mean now, please express your opinion!"

God King Apollo frowned when he heard this, and after glancing at Onyxia coldly, he said lightly.

"I don't think this is the time to say this. The threat of the Zerg is right in front of us. If we continue to fight like this, so what if we find it?"

Seeing that the situation has stabilized, Ysera said suddenly.

"I think Apollo's words are more pertinent. Onyxia, now is not the time for internal strife. Once the Zerg kills us, given our current situation, it is impossible to resist the attack of the bugs."

"Hmph!" Onyxia snorted coldly when she heard the words. She also knew that the current situation was not suitable to continue like this. After glancing at Apollo and Ysera, Onyxia turned to Hall. come.

"Hall, right? Now I can tell you that as long as you answer one of my questions, everything you have done to the Dark Clan can be written off! Not only that, you will become the highest-ranking person in the Dark Clan besides me in the future! "


Wall and the others were shocked when they heard the words. Judging from their expressions, it seemed that they didn't believe what they heard.

Onyxia's words are full of gold! It can be said that if things are really done, then Hall will have a backer. It can be said that he has completely established his foothold in the Honor Continent!

"Oh? What do you want to ask?" Hall actually guessed what Onyxia wanted to ask in his heart, but he still asked his own question, so he wanted to hear Onyxia say it himself.

"Hmph!" Onyxia glared at Hall, only to see her take a deep breath before speaking.

"I believe you already know what my body is, and now I will show it to you!"

As soon as Onyxia said these words, a cloud of black mist suddenly emerged from her body and wrapped her tightly.


There was a roar that resounded through the sky, and then Hall felt a familiar momentum coming towards him. He didn't think much of it, but the others, except for Apollo and Ysera, were all suppressed Kneeled on the ground.

A huge figure suddenly came out of the black mist. After seeing the limbs covered with black scales, Hall was sure that this was the most powerful dragon creature he had ever seen! And it's still a black dragon!

"Could she be Xiao Hei's mother?!" When Hall saw the black dragon transformed from Onyxia in front of him, such a thought suddenly popped into his mind.

"Hmph!" Apollo snorted coldly when he saw this, and looked at Onyxia with a cold look in his eyes.

"Human! Seeing me like this, I don't think you will doubt it? And...you didn't realize that you also ignored my dragon power! So, you must have come into contact with the black dragon! Right?!"

"Yeah!" Hall didn't hesitate this time, and directly nodded to admit it.

"Very good!" Hearing Hall's confession, Onyxia nodded excitedly, and after a burst of light, she turned into the original woman again.

"Very good! This way we can continue to communicate!"

Onyxia looked at Hall seriously with both eyes, and said eagerly.

"So... where is my nephew now?!"


Hall couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words. At first he thought Onyxia was Xiao Hei's mother, but he didn't expect it to be her nephew? !

etc? Why is she sure it's a nephew and not a niece! !

"What? Something happened to him? Wait? You are a summoner, did you turn him into a summoned beast? You signed a contract with him?!"

"Roar!" A roar full of anger came suddenly, and then Onyxia looked at Hall with red eyes, and said word by word.

"You should be lucky... I'm here now, if it was his father... hehe..."

Onyxia didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning of the words was understood by everyone present, especially Wall and others. At this time, their foreheads were constantly sweating, for fear that the demon king Onyxia would get angry and die them.

"Don't let him out yet? Do you want to challenge the patience of our black dragon clan?"

Although this Onyxia's words were very arrogant, Hall was not angry this time, he was looking at Xiao Hei's face.

So after he glanced at Onyxia, he waved his hand, and suddenly a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Well, boss, why are you... Huh? This is it?" As soon as Xiao Hei came out, he looked at Hall excitedly. He was about to ask Hall why he was so kind to let him out, but when he smelled a special After taking a breath, he quickly turned his head to look at Onyxia at the side.

"Prince! You...how did you become like this?" After seeing Xiao Hei and feeling the breath from Xiao Hei, Onyxia couldn't help exclaiming

"Damn! You human! What did you do to the prince!"